Chrome not proceeding with Web Integrity API deemed by many to be DRM (
from to on 04 Nov 2023 08:50



threaded - newest on 04 Nov 2023 09:48 next collapse

*Google proceeding with authoritarian DRM API on Android. Will attempt to resurrect in Chromium core within the next few years. on 04 Nov 2023 09:56 collapse

Yeah they made people “used” to the idea. I’m sure the next proposal will be met with less backlash than this one.

Or maybe a third attempt will be required? Anyways the writing is on the wall. on 04 Nov 2023 16:22 collapse

I’ve been saying it for months now: note the language on the YouTube ad-blocker messages.

It’s not “Please turn off ad blockers”, it’s “Ad-blockers are not allowed”.

They’re not asking, they’re not being polite, they’re not trying to coax you, or imply the site won’t work if you leave the ad-blockers on.

They’re drawing a line. They’re telling you, from this point forward, they are the authority and they are declaring ad-blockers as verboten.

That language is extremely telling, and it signals a very troubling future for the web, because the rest of the internet is going to follow their lead on this. As soon as Google provides them the means to enforce this authority, they will. on 04 Nov 2023 13:16 next collapse

Correct me if I’m wrong, since I’m a bit tired for parsing through the deliberately opaque wall of legalese and buzzword bullshit, but is this android api basically their way of killing YouTube frontends such as NewPipe, SmartTube and LibreTube to force their dystopian adscape on all of us again?

[deleted] on 04 Nov 2023 14:13 next collapse

. on 04 Nov 2023 16:24 collapse

It’s mostly just a way to sell businesses and websites on the idea. on 04 Nov 2023 20:30 collapse

On what idea? on 04 Nov 2023 16:53 next collapse

If only their devs weren't lazy dumbasses, they wouldn't need that shit to inject their ads into videos in the first place. Pathetic. on 04 Nov 2023 17:46 collapse

Gonna wait for the outcry to settle before pushing it anyway. on 04 Nov 2023 19:56 collapse

As is tradition