Sonos updates its privacy policy and seemingly hints they'll begin selling user data
from to on 17 Jun 2024 02:10…/sonos-updates-its-privacy-policy-…


threaded - newest on 17 Jun 2024 02:57 next collapse

It’s unknown why only the American policy was changed. A comment we saw online argues that it could be because consumer protection laws in other countries may be more strict than those in the US.

I mean…kind of. That’s a simplified version for sure.

Back in 2018 (I think) the FCC, then headed by ajit pai, voted to remove legal protections for net neutrality.

Now, that by itself is unrelated to this story. However, the fact that it happened riled people up enough to distract them from a 2019 law change.

This new law change made it was no longer illegal to sell peoples personal information without consent. People overlooked this at the time, as they argued over net neutrality. Which is also important, and was also recently legally restored. However, that 2019 law change still remains in effect. And now look how many companies are selling your personal data. Or how many hackers are trying to leak that info, so they can sell it themselves.

Undo that law change, and I bet you it’s no longer profitable to hack these companies en masse like they are. on 17 Jun 2024 03:06 next collapse

What is the name of the law?

[deleted] on 17 Jun 2024 06:22 collapse

. on 17 Jun 2024 07:13 collapse

Can you please link that law? on 17 Jun 2024 05:07 collapse

Folks, give me all your money! Trust me, I am a bank, so I will keep a good eye on it.

Oops, now I have changed my mind. I am going to give away that money now… on 17 Jun 2024 06:20 collapse