Hackers Are Selling Hacked Police Emails to Try to Grab Personal Data From TikTok, Facebook (www.404media.co)
from Raisin8659@monyet.cc to technology@lemmy.world on 01 Sep 2023 02:18

If you are a high-profile target, or is worth the trouble of your adversaries, here’s another way your personal data can leak.


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Excrubulent@slrpnk.net on 01 Sep 2023 07:45 collapse

Wait are you telling me that having an internal standing army with broad powers to dominate the rest of us is a situation that can be abused? And here all this time I thought they made us safer.

linearchaos@lemmy.world on 01 Sep 2023 09:45 collapse

That depends entirely on your definition of “us”.

Police are almost entirely advantageous to people with privilege.

Excrubulent@slrpnk.net on 02 Sep 2023 04:58 collapse

I would argue literally everyone would be better off in a liberated world, even those that are wealthy and privileged under our current system. As it is they have poverty and the violence of the state as a warning of what will happen if they ever stop upholding the status quo.

linearchaos@lemmy.world on 02 Sep 2023 11:46 collapse

Nah, too many assholes. There are too many people ready to take advantage and just as many people waiting to beat the fuck out of anybody they can for the hell of it. When you get rid of the police they don’t go away, they just become unregulated.

Excrubulent@slrpnk.net on 02 Sep 2023 12:33 collapse

When I talk about a “liberated world” what makes you think I’m talking about an entirely defenceless populace? I’m talking about organised horizontalist methods of community self defence where nobody is in an institutional position of privilege, not this bizarro world setup where we pay a bunch of money to fund a gang of thugs who can beat us up whenever they feel like it.