Bluesky sees record signups day after Musk says X will go paid-only (
from to on 22 Sep 2023 01:15

Just around 24 hours after Musk made his comments, more than 42,000 new users joined Bluesky, making it the biggest signup day yet for the currently invite-only platform that launched earlier this year.

Bluesky saw a total of 53,585 new signups by the end of Tuesday, September 19. The new users gained in that single day make up 5 percent of the platform's entire user base of 1,125,499 total accounts.

The new user signups are tracked via the third-party website "Bluesky Stats." Looking over Bluesky signup numbers on the tracker for the past month, it appears that the platform usually sees from 10,000 to 20,000 new signups per day. Bluesky has doubled its usual daily new user numbers already, with many more hours left in the day still to go.

It's impossible to know whether Musk's comments about charging users to post on X really played a role in this, but it almost certainly had some effect.


threaded - newest on 22 Sep 2023 01:27 next collapse

isn’t bluesky invite only? on 22 Sep 2023 01:32 next collapse

Each current member usually get at least one invite to share biweekly. That’s how they have been growing it. on 22 Sep 2023 01:41 next collapse

Google+ did the same thing when it rolled out, then they tried to force people to use it before they cancelled the project. on 22 Sep 2023 01:48 next collapse

In fairness, Gmail had a similar invite system when it launched and that’s been way more successful than G+ on 22 Sep 2023 01:57 next collapse

Gmail was also both "federated" and an insanely good product compared to its contemporaries. G+ had a couple of interesting innovations, but it wasn't all that special and invite-only on a closed ecosystem is very iffy. on 22 Sep 2023 02:41 next collapse

Gmail was literally the best. 1GB space at launch when you’d get a dozen MB in Hotmail and others, slick fast UI in a browser. on 22 Sep 2023 02:46 next collapse

And you got more space the longer you had the account! Then everyone got the same no matter what. I was sad to loose all that free space. on 22 Sep 2023 11:04 next collapse

“Never delete an email”. Pepperidge Farm remembers. on 22 Sep 2023 14:01 collapse

IIRC, that was rolled out as a surprise after a few years. People were just like, "WTF, my capacity is getting bigger?". For a while there, Goggle could do no wrong from a marketing standpoint. That, uhh, changed. on 22 Sep 2023 19:17 collapse

Hotmail was 2mb. on 22 Sep 2023 08:30 collapse

It was ad free which was amazing for a social media site at that time. No banners, no pop ups, just content. on 22 Sep 2023 02:06 collapse

Gmail was invite only at first probably because Google didn’t want it to grow faster than they could buy hard drives. It gave you a gigabyte of email storage which at the time was huge. I’m certain they did that for technical reasons. on 22 Sep 2023 02:08 next collapse

Might Bluesky be doing the same? on 22 Sep 2023 02:42 next collapse

Slow roll until the infrastructure can handle it and a little bit of that “exclusive” feel to it since not everyone can just join immediately. on 22 Sep 2023 03:52 collapse

So more Gmail than G+ on 22 Sep 2023 06:46 collapse

Yeah they’re working hard on scaling, they’ve had recurring performance issues but have managed to get it stable again even with higher load now on 22 Sep 2023 02:55 next collapse

“i am the choosen one!” As if…

Boy, our servers are ducktaped! on 22 Sep 2023 03:03 next collapse

It's also easier to find and fix bugs with smaller numbers of people, especially performance bugs which can be amplified at scale. So it gives them a lot of time to work through issues over the beta. It also gives them time to build teams around the expanding infrastructure and build processes for monitoring and handling issues as a larger team.

Plus, these invite only periods start with more tech savy early adopters who more willing to put up with issues, and willing to provide decent bug reports to fix them. on 22 Sep 2023 03:04 collapse

It gave you a gigabyte of email storage which at the time was huge.

You’re right, but for those who may not know the details or the impact at the time, Google was offering 500x more storage - at the free tier - than some of the competition - hotmail - who were charging people for just 10 MB of storage. This forced hotmail to increase its free tier to 250 MB and 2 GB for customers paying $20 USD/year.

Source:…/hotmail-to-offer-250mb-of-free-… on 22 Sep 2023 14:15 collapse

It's hard to explain what an absolute paradigm shift Gmail was. It was about as drastic a difference as you could have with personal email without altering the core service. Orders of magnitude more storage, completely free to the end user, a responsive and usable web interface, a single unobtrusive 1-line text ad when we were used to at least half a dozen that were often full-size banners or even popups, and a good search tool.

My wife (then fiancee) got us invites, and it was like Christmas. And all from the company that was way less creepy than Microsoft! I'm sure that part would never change. on 22 Sep 2023 04:06 collapse

I’m still salty about that. Google+ was fantastic on release. Simple, clean, elegant, and fast. Then they steadily, systematically fucked it up. By the time it was cancelled, it had become unusable. on 22 Sep 2023 06:16 collapse

G+'s downfall was they kept it invite-only too long. Demand was there, people wanted in but Google was like, “Nah…”

By the time it was open-access, everyone had moved on or back to their old social media platforms. It could’ve been great, but Google, in typical Google fashion, got distracted by something shiny and killed it. on 22 Sep 2023 13:59 collapse

The sad thing is, if they'd thought even a tiny bit laterally and leveraged the fact that Google Reader was getting a lot of traction and a core of people were beginning to use its social functions, they could have backdoored themselves into being Digg/Reddit/Etc. and had the social media userbase to take on Facebook organically.

Instead, they fought the last war (Gmail vs Hotmail), intentionally eroded and then killed Reader, and with G+ they completely fucked up what was a cleaner interface (if not all that special) and a better technological experience, all while they were a brand that was at that time more trusted than their competitors. on 22 Sep 2023 21:31 collapse

Yep. Once they screwed up G+, I committed to never becoming dependent on any Google service beyond Drive and Gmail, and only those two because they’re completely untouchable - Google couldn’t break those without having a mass rebellion on its hands. on 22 Sep 2023 03:39 next collapse

So, in the shape of a pyramid? Sounds like a good business model. I wonder if anyone has ever done that before? (yes, it’s a joke) on 22 Sep 2023 06:44 collapse

Yup. I have a bunch of invites (for sane people only) on 22 Sep 2023 06:47 next collapse

Uhh… I can’t prove I’m sane, but a DM would be nice…! on 22 Sep 2023 07:50 collapse

This guy is crazy! Don’t listen to him! on 22 Sep 2023 14:08 collapse

Welp. Was worth a shot… on 22 Sep 2023 07:50 next collapse

I requested an invite a couple of months ago when I downloaded the app. Wish someone would invite me! on 22 Sep 2023 08:48 next collapse

If I could have one, I’m waiting for months now. :( on 22 Sep 2023 08:49 next collapse

I would love one if you have a spare. on 22 Sep 2023 11:05 next collapse

I would love an invite if you have any left on 13 Oct 2023 18:28 collapse

I’d love an invite if it’s still available (: on 22 Sep 2023 01:33 next collapse

Yes but I’m sure many recorded invites and didn’t bother. Musk musking TSFKAT ( the-site-formerly-known-as-twitter) was the needed motivation to accept it. on 22 Sep 2023 01:36 next collapse

I didn’t bother and was gonna give it a walk around. Downloaded but can’t access without an invite.

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 01:52 collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 02:08 next collapse

I would prefer not to use the letter in any form.

Fuck Ruskie Muskie on 22 Sep 2023 06:50 collapse

Xitter (pronounced shitter) on 22 Sep 2023 01:38 next collapse

Yes, that's part of what's surprising about the number. on 22 Sep 2023 01:38 next collapse

It says that in the first sentence on 22 Sep 2023 01:41 collapse

lol they didn’t even bother reading the lemmy description. 😂 on 22 Sep 2023 10:08 next collapse

I’ve been trying to get an invite since June.

Apparently if you ask, you’re not good enough or some shit. on 23 Sep 2023 01:30 collapse

You’re not missing anything. I eventually got an invite, found that 40% of the content was furry and I deleted my account. on 22 Sep 2023 12:35 collapse

Invite only is a fascinating choice for a social network that requires network effect to succeed.

Gmail is the most famous/successful example but interesting to note that email is a federated network that can interoperate with every other email address too.

What about this bluesky network? on 22 Sep 2023 01:40 next collapse

Record sign-ups my ass. I just joined today. Sites dead. Dorsey doesn't even have an account there anymore. Jimmy Wales social media site is doing much better albeit way less people. on 22 Sep 2023 01:55 next collapse

Weird I signed up to be notified whenever it went active and have never received an invite. on 22 Sep 2023 01:58 collapse

I signed up ages ago too, but I don't think they ever sent them out like that. I got an invite from someone else. on 22 Sep 2023 02:00 next collapse

Oh well sounds like I’m not missing much. on 22 Sep 2023 02:03 collapse

Depends on your interests, my feed is too active. It's a lot of shitposting, some academics, journalists, and some just very online people.

A lot of very prolific folks from Twitter moved there. on 22 Sep 2023 02:05 collapse

Have any extra invites? on 22 Sep 2023 02:16 collapse

Sadly, I'm out at the moment. on 22 Sep 2023 04:21 next collapse

They did early on. I got one that way when it was mostly developers and the app was basically a super early beta.

It seems like that slowed down when they realized the invite tree is a really good moderation tool. Like if they catch a spammer or CSAM pervert or whatever, they can see who invited them and nip that shit in the bud.

Also, they recently passed 1 million users and the developers said they’ll have to make some backend changes to handle 10 million users. So, they apparently really do need to manage growth and can’t just open it up. on 22 Sep 2023 07:05 collapse

They do send out invites to the waiting list but it definitely don’t represent the majority of invites being sent out on 22 Sep 2023 01:57 next collapse

Incorrect. My bluesky feeds are lively af, it doesn’t work the same way twitter works. Spend more time looking around on there, maybe find some reading material on how to make bluesky engaging for you? It did take me a few days to figure the app out. on 22 Sep 2023 02:00 next collapse

Same. Mine's too lively, but it is fairly heavily skewed towards some specific interests.

I check maybe once a day, but I can't keep up with all that's going on there. on 22 Sep 2023 02:58 next collapse

I haven’t been on long but it’s definitely active. on 22 Sep 2023 02:59 next collapse

Care to share an invite? on 22 Sep 2023 10:19 collapse

I guess I gotta find more people. I'll keep posting and see if anything changes. on 22 Sep 2023 10:48 collapse

Check out the feeds section, do some searches for your interests and add those feeds. I also lucked out by finding bluesky’s version of “black twitter” fairly quickly. on 22 Sep 2023 04:11 collapse

Jack Dorsey had an account but he got run off for being an anti-vaccine crypto dork. People just mocked him so he left and went to Nostr where his crowd hangs out. (He’s a significant investor in all of the for-profit ones, including Twitter. He doesn’t run any of them day-to-day, though, so there’s not really any reason for him to be on BlueSky socially.) on 22 Sep 2023 10:21 collapse

Lmao I thought it was cause he got bullied by the 196-crowd but that's equally funny. I always figured him to be the Bluesky main guy so it's kinda weird he isnt active on his own site. on 22 Sep 2023 01:40 next collapse

And Threads? on 22 Sep 2023 01:42 next collapse

Or Mastodon? on 22 Sep 2023 02:10 next collapse

Yes, I also want to know how it is affecting the Mastodon user base. on 22 Sep 2023 02:20 next collapse

You can check on fediverse growth anytime on fediDB, though not with daily granularity. on 22 Sep 2023 02:24 next collapse

You can see a spike in the last couple days. We went from about 30k/week to a 50k+ in this past week. on 22 Sep 2023 02:50 collapse

I found this which has registrations and posts for mastodon / fediverse over hour / day / week / month but it breaks it out by instances so can be a bit difficult to tell overall. Here's mastodon in the last 7 days for example. on 22 Sep 2023 02:20 next collapse

I'd bet mastodon saw an increase, but i haven't seen the numbers.

It's also hard to get a good count since it's not centralized. So whatever numbers we do see, could be wildly underreported. on 22 Sep 2023 02:22 collapse

Although it looks like this is 3 days behind. on 22 Sep 2023 11:44 collapse I discovered this after searching abit on 22 Sep 2023 08:15 collapse

I refuse to touch anything related to Facebook. I’m shocked that people would use Threads or Instagram for that matter. on 22 Sep 2023 01:58 next collapse

I’ve been on the waitlist for awhile now. I don’t know anyone on it so I can’t get a code, unfortunately. Wish I was

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 02:13 next collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 02:54 next collapse

I got an invite from the only person I actually know on it and it’s not bad. I’m interested, but still messing around with it to get the most out of it. on 22 Sep 2023 05:00 next collapse

I have some left, message me if you still need one. on 22 Sep 2023 05:32 collapse

Ooo me please :) on 22 Sep 2023 10:34 next collapse

Waitlist? Are you in USSR? on 22 Sep 2023 22:54 collapse

Bluesky's really highkey. You need an invite or gotta sit on the waitlist for months to get an account. Real elite stuff.

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 20:13 collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 02:07 next collapse

I do wonder how many are bots. Most of Twitter is bots anyway on 22 Sep 2023 02:11 next collapse

Always good to see more people looking into platforms besides Twitter, plenty of great places out there on 22 Sep 2023 06:20 collapse

Until they sell that platform too and you have to grow your follower base somewhere else yet again. on 22 Sep 2023 06:43 collapse

Bluesky has federation in testing in a sandbox open to external developers, already interoperating with 3rd party implementations

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 09:25 next collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 10:15 next collapse

It's not even Fediverse either. It's their own protocol. Can't even really federate much either.

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 10:24 next collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 13:33 collapse

They have federation on in their sandbox network with 3rd party clients already working, but it’s not going to talk activitypub on 22 Sep 2023 18:59 collapse

Non-activitypub federated protocols? Who is even the 3rd party in this instance? Nostr? on 22 Sep 2023 19:59 collapse

Nostr is a wildly different protocol from atprotocol and activitypub.

Activitypub is very much like email (SMTP) over http, pushing messages between servers. Atprotocol is instead using a model of a repository with profile and posts per user on federated servers along with aggregation servers (CDN-ish) and a pull model for retrieval. Nostr is a P2P protocol with “gossip nodes” on 22 Sep 2023 22:49 collapse

Yeah, I more I learn about this stuff I can't see the purpose of this new protocol versus the existing ones (not to even mention all the activitypub/fediverse spinoffs too). on 23 Sep 2023 01:34 collapse

Account portability for one thing, with accounts being defined by the DID and repository and not server name + path you can easily switch servers on 22 Sep 2023 10:40 next collapse

Everyone should defederate from bluesky

They don’t use AP, so there is no federation to begin with.

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 10:44 collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 11:26 collapse

They don’t intend do use open protocol. And it’s more centralized than you expect. on 22 Sep 2023 13:33 collapse

They do have an open protocol (atprotocol) but it’s not compatible with anything existing on 22 Sep 2023 13:32 collapse

Yeah and also Gmail should defederate Skype.

… Wait what’s that it’s different protocols? Oh well on 22 Sep 2023 10:39 collapse

has federation

Hahaha, no. It’s like MTProto in Telegram, but without being honest that it’s centralized. on 22 Sep 2023 13:36 collapse

Every single component have 3rd party implementations or an alternative which doesn’t depend on them (standard account DID lookups go through their servers but web DID is fully independent). The options he says nobody will create ALREADY EXISTS

The protocol literally doesn’t allow them to be gatekeepers. on 22 Sep 2023 13:57 collapse

The protocol literally doesn’t allow them to be gatekeepers.

Authentication is heavily tied to their servers on 22 Sep 2023 16:41 collapse

You can initialize your account with your own DID key using web DID instead of the current (technically placeholder DID) and you won’t be dependent on their servers for authentication. Especially in the federation sandbox that’s available for 3rd parties on 22 Sep 2023 16:54 collapse

From what you say I can approximate how it will go. First perpetual in-dev federation, then once they get enough people, they will say “not enough interest in federation” and stop development or pull the plug completely. on 22 Sep 2023 18:36 collapse

Except federation is already functional with 3rd party implementations. Sure it’s possible they would choose to diverge in the official implementation in a closed branch, but that would not stop the rest of the clients from working. It’s like if the biggest Mastodon instance went proprietary and shut down federation, the people who care would leave.

The main things they’re working on are moderation tools suitable for federation as well as scaling on 22 Sep 2023 02:28 next collapse

Strange to measure it against an invite only site, I would love to sign up but I haven’t been able to find invites. I think between Mastodon, Bluesky & Threads via ActivityPub (eventually) will get most of my communities back.

I love Mastodon & prefer it in many ways but there just aren’t enough people there. The tech & dev community is lively, everything else is essentially non-existent. on 22 Sep 2023 02:30 next collapse

It's a convenience article. They're just reporting some number they have access to. on 22 Sep 2023 10:27 next collapse

And why Threads instead of Mastodon if you belive it will use ActivityPub.

The tech & dev community is lively, everything else is essentially non-existent.

Broners are pretty active there. Biggest instance is, some people use or run smaller instances, some use GP instances. on 22 Sep 2023 15:14 collapse

Threads has momentum and easy signups, it’s simple for people. I wouldn’t use it myself directly but I’m sure it would help expand the communities that are available via a Mastodon client. on 22 Sep 2023 11:49 collapse

Do you want one? I have a spare. on 22 Sep 2023 11:53 collapse

Sure, that would be amazing. Thank you! on 22 Sep 2023 13:23 collapse

I just realized I have no idea how to pm someone on here on 22 Sep 2023 13:26 collapse

Not sure via the mobile apps, and there are so many. From the regular Lemmy web interface, you just tap their name anywhere which takes you to their profile and then tap “Send Message” in the top right corner. on 22 Sep 2023 14:05 collapse

Found it! on 22 Sep 2023 04:45 next collapse

Great another social media platform from the same fart huffing dumb asses that sold Twitter… it’s like people don’t learn lessons.

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 05:50 next collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 06:42 next collapse

FYI jack isn’t in control of the site and in fact even deleted his account after the userbase mocked him hard enough, he’s all in on nostr now

Also it has federation in testing in a sandbox environment open to external developers, it will work similarly to Mastodon in that regard on 22 Sep 2023 10:10 next collapse

“Mr Dorsey, ypur new platform is picking up, people are starting to use it”

“… I’m bored”

“Excuse me?”

“I don’t want to have a social platform. I just want to make them” *Starts to leave*

“Mr. dorsey? Where are you going? Jack!?” on 22 Sep 2023 10:24 next collapse

“Federation”, yeah…

it will work similarly to Mastodon in that regard

Nope, it works more similar to MTProto for Telegram. on 22 Sep 2023 13:34 collapse

Uhm no not at all, 3rd party servers already exists and people can talk across them, telegram has no relevance here on 23 Sep 2023 01:58 collapse

I love that I mentioned fart huffing and you automatically assumed I meant Jack. on 22 Sep 2023 08:25 next collapse

I learned today that you’d have to be confined in a small room with approximately a year’s worth of farts before you risk asphyxiation. on 22 Sep 2023 12:54 next collapse

Not my farts, that’d only take about a month on 22 Sep 2023 21:39 collapse

TIL on 22 Sep 2023 09:18 collapse

Americans be like “I like fascism I just don’t like THIS fascism” on 22 Sep 2023 06:33 next collapse

I firmly believe Elon is trying to run Twitter out of relevancy, or business entirely. on 22 Sep 2023 07:02 next collapse

As Twitter is a big PR tool for Ukraine he’s again doing Putin a favour. on 22 Sep 2023 07:07 next collapse

I agree but I don’t understand why. What motivated him to sink 1/4th of his net worth into Twitter then kill it? on 22 Sep 2023 08:14 next collapse

Knowing this nutter he’s probably doing it so people can’t talk about the crappy Tesla QC. on 22 Sep 2023 17:51 collapse

Or that the cybertruck is a pathetic failure amd all his engineers hate it on 22 Sep 2023 09:15 next collapse

  1. The jet tracker

  2. Twitter is a huge place where leftists organize

  3. Probably wants to pull a reddit and push Trump on 22 Sep 2023 10:22 collapse

  1. I wouldn’t say that. It was filled with far-right and some people who like others to suffer and bring to suicide indie game developers. on 22 Sep 2023 15:38 collapse

It’s also used by fascists but there have been a lot of genuine leftist organizing going down deep in the cracks of that hellsite. on 22 Sep 2023 19:45 collapse

The lawsuit he was destined to lose. Why do people here so often act like this was his masterplan all along? He fucked around and tried to back out, then Twitter sued him into buying the company. From what I can tell this is just Musk being Musk, reportedly he has surrounded himself with yes-men. on 22 Sep 2023 08:35 next collapse

If that were true, the investors who paid him billions for the take over will want his head on a spike. on 22 Sep 2023 09:21 next collapse

If you’d know who these investors are, you’d know running twitter to ground is their goal at this point as well on 22 Sep 2023 09:25 next collapse

Ok, but why though? How do you make money when the stock value is falling? on 22 Sep 2023 09:35 collapse

The theory is they’re not trying to make money, but is trying to make it harder to use Twitter for organizing protests or share ideas that threaten their status quo. on 22 Sep 2023 09:44 collapse

Interesting. So are you saying there’s government money behind this? on 22 Sep 2023 11:49 next collapse

Biggest investor is Saudi Arabia. on 22 Sep 2023 12:23 collapse

Ok, so this is just a way to prevent another Arab spring from happening. Seems like a smart move until you realize that people have lots of alternative platforms too. It’s a bit more fragmented, so organizing a demonstration on mastodon probably won’t get that big that fast. on 22 Sep 2023 17:50 collapse

Musk is government money

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 09:26 next collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 09:33 collapse

Plausible deniability, combined with opportunism. If they brought it, and shut it down, it would be painfully obvious. This could cause significant problems or pushback on them. Musk being an idiot provided an opportunity to them. They back musk, and he makes it non viable, however he wants. All the public outrage gets focused onto musk (who likes the attention).

I still can’t decide between the 2 options. Either musk is just THAT big of an idiot, or if it’s the result of some backroom deal. Both seem feasible. on 22 Sep 2023 17:29 collapse

I suspect that might have been their intent but they didn’t tell Musk. They knew him doing his best would be enough to tank it. on 22 Sep 2023 18:11 collapse

Yeah, his ego won’t allow him to fail with grace. on 22 Sep 2023 09:59 next collapse

His investors are the Saudis. on 22 Sep 2023 18:10 collapse

The biggest funders are the Saudis, who hate Twitter for the way it allowed communication during The Arab Spring. 42 billion is nothing to them. They want Twitter to die, or be run the way the want it. on 22 Sep 2023 08:53 next collapse

Lose $42 billion speed run challenge on 22 Sep 2023 10:00 next collapse

Brewster’s Billions …except Brewster is a c*** this time around on 22 Sep 2023 10:11 collapse

I didn’t know a coffee shop owner was so rich. on 22 Sep 2023 10:15 collapse

Who holds WR in EU%? You know, where endgame is getting wrecked by anti-monopoly agency. on 22 Sep 2023 18:08 collapse

I think his Saudi funders are pleased. on 22 Sep 2023 07:06 next collapse

If anyone has a Bluesky invite lying around, I wouldn’t mind a PM.

Pretty pleeease. 😁 on 22 Sep 2023 07:23 collapse

Downvoted. Oops. Am I not allowed to ask that?

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 09:28 collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 09:30 collapse

I see it like this. Ignoring it won’t do me any good. It won’t go away. So better to see what it’s all about. Like so I can have an informed conversation.

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 09:43 collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 07:10 next collapse

Not sure if I’m getting suckered into conspiracy theories with regards to Elon, the Saudis, Russia and Twitter but this article has an interesting (albeit extreme) take on the matter.

“No, Elon and Jack are not “competitors.” They’re collaborating.”

…… on 22 Sep 2023 09:18 next collapse

Medium is a bad source but there’s truth that Bluesky’s CEO is a musk toesucker. on 22 Sep 2023 13:47 next collapse

Underrated link on 23 Sep 2023 14:13 collapse

100% - Allied partners. on 22 Sep 2023 08:53 next collapse

How do you sign up? I’m on the wait list for about a half year. on 22 Sep 2023 09:10 next collapse

Mastodon or bust! on 22 Sep 2023 09:55 next collapse

Hard to convince people. The twittersphere has fractured into about 4 different places, and masto is fractured even further with different servers arguing in places (a bit like here tbh) over federation. on 22 Sep 2023 10:11 next collapse

masto is fractured even further with different servers arguing in places (a bit like here tbh) over federation.

And? Servers are inter-operable. on 22 Sep 2023 10:57 collapse

Until your home instance defederates from another instance. Sure, you can always make another account, but your average user wants a lower friction experience.

I’m reasonably active in the fediverse, but I recognize that the more explaining it takes to the average user the less likely they’re going to want to join in.

The old old top gear cool wall tried to hit on this concept. You could have a very technically excellent car classified as uncool because if you had to explain why it was cool to a normie you had already lost them.

It will be hard for the fediverse to get over this hump, which is probably why you see so many Linux users here and so few say woodworkers or other (somewhat) more niche communities. on 22 Sep 2023 11:57 next collapse

Most average people would never notice defederation unless you told them. It’s pretty frictionless and drama free.

The niche communities are always the last to come. It’s why they’re niche. That techie people are the first is nothing damming. It’s always been that way for every service. on 22 Sep 2023 12:45 next collapse

That’s a good point. Branding is done for a reason. When I buy a car, I don’t need to know which companies made each and every component, it’s enough for me to know that “Audi” made it.

I guess if someone made an easy entry-point for users to sign up, that became the defacto way to start with Lemmy, then it would have a lower barrier to entry. Maybe it asks them some likes/dislikes, and then it would route them to the most appropriate instance to sign up. on 22 Sep 2023 17:46 collapse

That the normie can’t just sign up and figure it out by using it is the problem. We have too many stupid and lazy people on 22 Sep 2023 19:33 collapse

Honestly I think Mastodon needs a third party app that makes it feel more like Twitter, similar to how reddit apps are switching to lemmy. Unfortunately, I don’t know if there were any third party Twitter apps that had the name recognition of the reddit ones. on 22 Sep 2023 19:59 collapse

THere were a few but they got bought (eg. tweetdeck).

There are also 3rd party apps for mastodon that a lot of people like, and they try. But for many people, mimicking the parts of Twitter they value is difficult to do without proper backend support for supporting algorithms, and even then the way activitypub works it still makes it difficult to support for most developers.

Two of the key features are discovering new or related content, which is hard to do in mastodon as it needs to calculate similarity across all of the profiles and their content in order to make recommendations -- or collect data like your cell contacts to help you connect with people you already know. Most people don't want contact sharing, and indexing all of the recommended profiles, especially across federated servers is challenging.

The second is engagement based recommendations. Many social media users aren't incredibly active. They want to open the app in specific moments to quickly catch up with everything since they last opened the app. To do this well, you need to know what they've engaged with and look back at content since they last logged on and rank it based on that. People may follow 1000 people, but really care about maybe 30-40 accounts the most. Friends, family, specific journalists or famous people. Mastodon just gives you like a sample of the last 50 or so items. If you follow anyone super active, you may just get a lot of noise in those updates.

Obviously, there are times when everyone wants a linear timeline, but it depends upon their daily use. on 22 Sep 2023 11:43 next collapse

Cheer up, mastodon also gained 30000+ new users in the last two days

Edit: Source: on 23 Sep 2023 01:29 next collapse

Literally. The android app is superb. It has come a long way with Material You theming, smoothness, and stuff. Compare that to the crap you would call twitter, X or whatever. on 23 Sep 2023 11:03 collapse

Mastodon is for mentally ill people :/ bsky ftw on 22 Sep 2023 09:13 next collapse

Glad cracker musk is losing money over this, I just wish people wouldn’t just jump into the next boiling pot because the current one got too hot. on 22 Sep 2023 09:36 next collapse

How the hell do you even sign up on 22 Sep 2023 09:58 collapse

I think you have to be invited to join BS (fnar!). on 22 Sep 2023 16:22 collapse

Yeah that’s why I’m wondering how the heck are they signing up on 22 Sep 2023 17:20 collapse

Users who already have accounts on Bluesky get access codes they can give out to others over time. You don’t even need to open the app to earn access codes. You just need an account.

Basically, as the devs let more and more people in, the platform will experience exponential growth. If the devs let in one person, that one person can let in 5 more in just 2 months time, and those 5 can let in 5 more each, and so on. on 22 Sep 2023 18:01 collapse

Why the hell Bluesky is still invite only is beyond me. They killed their hype during the most important time, during multiple Twitter exoduses. People wanted to swap to it but couldn’t. They were so desperate that Threads got 100m users really quick, just because people so badly wanted a Twitter alternative. Invite only doesn’t even provide any benefit. on 22 Sep 2023 20:56 next collapse

Bluesky doesn’t apparently have all the user safety tools that it needs before opening the flood gates. on 22 Sep 2023 21:21 collapse

Wow we have a lot in common, neither does Lemmy lol on 22 Sep 2023 23:16 collapse

Artificial scarcity. on 23 Sep 2023 03:14 collapse

That’s the only real reasons anybody goes the invite-only route, (that and extremely lazy moderation) it’s mainly to create FOMO for popularity. That’s also why they aren’t publicly visible and require you to login to view posts. on 22 Sep 2023 09:45 next collapse

But Twitter has been dead ever since threads took over… on 22 Sep 2023 09:57 collapse

Twitter has been dead for over a year. Well before threads. It started with the shadowbans and the tweaking of the algorithms to push media down our throats when all we wanted was cat photos and to talk about music. on 22 Sep 2023 10:10 collapse

Twitter was dead long before another billionaire bought it, you just didn’t listen to gamers. on 22 Sep 2023 10:35 next collapse

Twitter died when they decided to tweak your timeline so it wasn’t chronological. I deleted my account back in 2013 because of that shit. on 22 Sep 2023 11:56 collapse

Why would anyone listen to gamers ? on 22 Sep 2023 18:07 collapse

I ignore the opinion of anyone who has an anime chick as their avatar. on 22 Sep 2023 23:11 collapse

It’s because a lot of them use anime PFPs to dog whistle their pedophilia, kind of like how neo-nazis use squidward PFPs. on 22 Sep 2023 23:32 collapse

The Squidward thing is new to me, whats the deal? on 23 Sep 2023 01:19 collapse

It’s a reference to an old nazi meme which I will not go into detail, but it involves squidward edited to have dark skin. on 22 Sep 2023 09:59 next collapse

This is a problem. Bluesky is privately-owned and will do same shit.

Here are some explainations. And more. on 22 Sep 2023 11:23 collapse

It’s also controlled by another crypto shill, so it has that in common with Twitter too. on 22 Sep 2023 10:14 next collapse

Vbe. T. Cv. C n vbubvcui… Vnx, a, a t. a. Chào. X x ih. X, nhưng, it’s x u. But v v b on 22 Sep 2023 11:46 next collapse

Anything in form of competition is good imho. on 22 Sep 2023 12:02 next collapse

Not too surprising. on 22 Sep 2023 12:51 next collapse

People are so desperate for anything RESEMBLING twitter, that they’ll sign up for a trash service like BS.

Mastodon undoubtedly has more brand recognition at this point. on 22 Sep 2023 14:35 next collapse

Honestly, before reading this comment I never noticed that BlueSky shortens to BS, lol on 22 Sep 2023 17:16 collapse

Apparently not. Outside of you Lemmy assholes jerking each other off nobody even knows what the fuck Mastedon, Lemmy, or any of this is. Everyone still uses Reddit you cunts. on 22 Sep 2023 17:42 collapse

Go home, Spez, you’re drunk on 22 Sep 2023 18:02 collapse

Go home overused memer, you’re a cunt. on 22 Sep 2023 18:54 collapse

Lol on 22 Sep 2023 13:30 next collapse

I was interested in it but at the end of the day Dorsey got Twitter into its initially mediocre state, and he’s endorsed RFK Jr. as well as Musk’s purchase of Twitter. So should I really expect it to be any better? I’ll keep an eye on it but my expectations aren’t terribly high. on 22 Sep 2023 14:13 next collapse

I signed up just to see the hype, and it’s the same boring Twitter, with less commitment. People just grabbing namespace. on 22 Sep 2023 14:19 next collapse

and he’s endorsed RFK Jr.

Gross. Yeah Dorsey sucks generally.

as well as Musk’s purchase of Twitter.

But I don’t hold this part against him. If some moron came along and offered to drastically overpay for my house, for example, I’d endorse the fuck out of that even if he’s a shitheel. on 22 Sep 2023 22:59 collapse

“I have never met Elon, and by all accounts he is terrible. However, I have seen the yacht that he paid for, and it is terrific.” on 23 Sep 2023 02:02 collapse

Did you not read the text messages between them? Jack was being a real fan boy on 22 Sep 2023 21:25 collapse

Of course he’s endorsed Musk purchasing Twitter, he made billions off it on 22 Sep 2023 13:33 next collapse

I’m so glad people are calling Bluesky out for the trash service it is. I just mastodon outlasts this crap and we get more people on there than bluesky on 22 Sep 2023 17:33 collapse

What’s wrong with Blue sky? on 22 Sep 2023 17:41 next collapse

It’s still a centralized. Single owner platform. Srop making assholes into millionaires on 22 Sep 2023 17:42 next collapse

Oh, but mastodon doesn’t have a good algorithm like Twitter it is hard to switch on 22 Sep 2023 18:02 collapse

The whole point of Mastodon not having an algorithm to show you things is to put the user in control of what kind of content they want to see.

Why do you need an algorithm to tell you what you are interested in? You go on Mastodon and subscribe to what you want to. on 22 Sep 2023 19:06 next collapse

Because it’s hard to find things, the normal person is used to an algorithm on 22 Sep 2023 20:13 collapse

I remeber Facebook before algorithms took over.

You friended and followed things, and then you’d see content from those things only in either chronological order or by recent activity. People loved it and as “the algorithm” took over people complained that they were no longer being served the content they wanted and expected and were also seeing content they did not want to see from stuff they had never followed or shared interest in.

Fuck the magical algorithm that’s tailored to serve me divisive content because that is what drives the most engagement. Or serves me content to sway my political and moral opinions to the benefit of some wannabe oligarch or government entity (looking at you TikTok/CCP). on 22 Sep 2023 21:52 collapse

Mastodon has algorythms. Otherwise it couldn’t display the posts in the right orders, by example. on 22 Sep 2023 22:27 collapse

You’re right. That word has always been kind of dumbly used as a replacement for something like, “feed manipulation controlled by corporate interests”. Every computer application uses algorithms in some way. on 22 Sep 2023 19:48 collapse

Yeah, but they work until someone decides to fuck it up. Federation isn’t the holy grail you think it is.

Admins (often a very very small group if not a single person managing an instance) still make unilateral decisions about federation and content or the very existence of that instance, and if your home instance suddenly defederates or goes poof, too bad, time to start over on a different instance with a new account with the exact same risks or maintain multiple accounts.

If this sounds familiar, it’s awfully similar to what reddit did with their API by cutting off access points to content which is why most of us are here. Same shit, different shade of brown. on 22 Sep 2023 20:58 next collapse

Still not the same on 22 Sep 2023 21:12 collapse

Having been active on and watching it get shuttered because the admin didn’t have teeth in the game shows how dangerously fragile the fediverse can be. My engagement with Mastodon as a whole has been less since shut down. You can move accounts but you can’t move posts and 301s only work until the instance is gone. on 23 Sep 2023 01:06 collapse

I have to agree. Federation only goes a little way on the path to a proper decentralized social media system. Ideally, defederation should not be possible, and rather, community subscription should be the norm without concern over what instance it exists on.

I’m not saying it should become Usenet, but it should be more similar to Usenet than it is now. on 22 Sep 2023 23:07 collapse

CEO is a musk toesucker. on 23 Sep 2023 08:00 collapse

And of cource i misread that as “CEO is Mr. mark toesucker” on 23 Sep 2023 09:53 collapse

If you run “Mark Zuckerberg” through google translate a few dozen times I’m sure it’ll spit that out at some point on 22 Sep 2023 13:34 next collapse

I want to like it but they refuse to open up the platform still after Twitter keeps handing them opportunity after opportunity and I’m afraid their chances to succeed are going to wane. on 22 Sep 2023 13:39 collapse

They’re focusing on scaling and moderation tools that can handle federation better (especially spam management), they don’t think that’s ready yet. But you can federation it in their sandbox environment on 22 Sep 2023 15:40 next collapse

I wonder why people aren’t going for mastodon. on 22 Sep 2023 15:54 next collapse

They are as well! on 22 Sep 2023 16:02 collapse

Was a open source platform run on donations entirely ever be a competition for something huge like Twitter? This is a first afaik. on 22 Sep 2023 16:45 collapse

I’d say Bitcoin is a bigger example. on 22 Sep 2023 17:06 collapse

yeah but like yesn’t. bitcoin isn’t a good example imo on 23 Sep 2023 00:42 collapse

How so? A decentralized open source platform with no owner which has a 500B market cap and 220 millions users.

I feel like that’s exactly what we are talking about. I understand the negative sentiment over crypto, but this is a fact.

Or maybe the difference is that it hasn’t stifled some competitor platform yet. I can agree with that because it’s not a parallel in that it’s competing with nothing. on 23 Sep 2023 07:10 collapse

Do people either make money or think they’ll make money simply by using the Fediverse? One can certainly advertise via guerrilla marketing on a Fediverse platform but it’s far more lucrative to advertise on mainstream social media. on 23 Sep 2023 11:15 collapse

Are you saying brands don’t want to come to the fediverse to market their products? I mean if that’s true that seems like a good thing, and even if it wasn’t I’m sure they would once Lemmy/Mastadon are big enough on 23 Sep 2023 20:10 collapse

No I’m pointing out why the comparison to Bitcoin is inaccurate. It’s like saying that your open-source software project will work because the Linux kernel worked. The sole point of similarity has little relevance.

The Fediverse isn’t asset speculation, Bitcoin is. on 22 Sep 2023 18:09 next collapse

I’m on there, but I use Twitter and mastodon as a follower, I don’t post. So until most of the 40ish people I follow move I’m stuck with Twitter if I want to see their posts. And I do. on 23 Sep 2023 00:09 collapse

depending on how popular the user is on Twitter, you may be able to follow them on Mastodon via I use it to follow things like larger content creators, NHL teams, stuff like that. on 23 Sep 2023 05:12 collapse

Oh interesting. I was unaware. on 22 Sep 2023 19:40 next collapse

The same reason people aren’t going for Lemmy.

Aside from the fact that the Fediverse is an incredibly confusing concept to the average user, those same users are entrenched and connected to everyone they already want to be connected to on the same platform. Until they are essentially forced to move, they’ll stay on Twitter. The people on Lemmy and Mastodon right now are a tiny but vocal minority compared to the massive userbases of the platforms they abandoned. on 22 Sep 2023 22:57 next collapse

Yeah there really needs to be a rethink of how the Fediverse works.

I don’t want to have to subscribe to 8 different “Games” subs each with under 3000 users.

It really should be like “topics” more than “sublemmys” (or whatever) where every post on the Fediverse tagged “games” will appear on your feed when you subscribe to the topic.

The topics still get moderated by the local instance topic moderators and instances can defederate from troubled instances, but discoverability would improve exponentially. on 23 Sep 2023 11:10 collapse

Maybe how it could work is sublemmies could agree to link up and share posts so for example the posts from one games sub would appear in the other games sub and vice versa.

It seems the limitation with the topics idea is who would decide what the topics are? Would there just be a list of like 20 topics baked into Lemmy and people that create sublemmies would tag their sub with a topic? I think the only limitation with that is there would be so many niche subs that don’t fit cleanly into one topic, or will be drowned out by the big subs in there maybe. Maybe it could work though if anybody could create new topics, then there could be a Fallout for example with the Fallout subs being in that rather than having to be in the games topic and being drowned out on 23 Sep 2023 14:54 collapse

Yeah it sorta needs to be back to hashtags to tag content so that it can all be in a community despite being in different instances and subs. It’s really disjointed and currently the fediverse feels like we went back to AOL chat rooms where it’s a lot of people waiting in their own room for someone to come in and talk to them.

It doesn’t work and it doesn’t really inspire conversation anymore. on 23 Sep 2023 16:08 collapse

Yeah it is like that unfortunately. I mean the larger subs are fine but the niche ones just aren’t working on Lemmy atm and some way of addressing the sub splintering would help a lot. And yeah hashtags would probably be a solid way of addressing it. on 23 Sep 2023 11:46 collapse

Aside from the fact that the Fediverse is an incredibly confusing concept to the average user

How did the average user ever figure out email? on 22 Sep 2023 20:34 next collapse

Mastadon (and the Fediverse in general, to some extent) has problems with discoverability and the average user finds federation confusing. People tend to either use microblogging to see what’s going on with people they’re interested in or to broadcast their activities to a large group of people, and Mastadon currently doesn’t fit that niche very well. on 23 Sep 2023 02:13 collapse

Pretty much this. It’s why I love it for my use case (microblogging journal that only I can see), but it’s definitely not for everyone else.

It’s why if your average influencer or news consumer wants a Twitter alternative, it’s likely Threads or perhaps BlueSky, not Mastodon.

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 21:08 next collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 21:10 next collapse

different features and scalability

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 21:20 collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 21:23 next collapse on 22 Sep 2023 21:27 next collapse on 22 Sep 2023 21:27 next collapse

Have you at all attempted to look? It’s open source.

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 21:35 collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 21:42 collapse

What is why it is not being “downloaded”? It seems you don’t actually understand how it works. You realize we are talking on a federated network right now, yeah? You must be trolling.

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 21:42 next collapse


[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 21:45 next collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 22:43 collapse

Point it out and share it with everyone. That’s what FOSS is all about. I bet you won’t.

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 22:52 next collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 23:01 next collapse

I’m not going to entertain your buffoonery. on 22 Sep 2023 23:18 next collapse

but it is under the: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 Permissions of this strongest copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. When a modified version is used to provide a service over a network, the complete source code of the modified version must be made available.

So he cant revoke anyone of using the software he contributes on 23 Sep 2023 02:10 collapse

It seems like you’re deliberately misrepresenting, but I’ll explain anyway because I know that some people might be confused.

The Mastodon app is a client on your phone which accesses servers in the network.

The network consists of multiple servers that are interconnected to each other. Content from one server is automatically cross-hosted to other servers when it is discovered on those other servers. That’s how Federation works. I know it’s probably an oversimplification of how activitypub works, but it’s generally good enough for most people, and the important part is really that content is present and visible on other servers.

When you sign up to a server your account is stored on that server, the posts that you make are stored on that server, as well as automatically cross hosted to other servers which have people following you.

If the owner of a server pulls the plug for whatever reason the content on that server will no longer be directly accessible, if your account is there you will lose your account. The copies on other servers will remain as they have been copied. The rest of the network will continue operating without that server and the accounts that were hosted on it.

About asking whether or not an instance owner can sue instances they don’t like, that sounds like absolute nonsense and I’m not even going to bother trying to understand whatever point you’re trying to make with this. on 23 Sep 2023 13:12 collapse

Of course they won’t. They’re shilling their own product which is a competitor to Mastodon.

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 22:00 collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 21:32 next collapse

Not only is it open, but you can check it out yourself and install right from source if you really want to get under the hood.

I’ve seen folks out there running a 1-person masto instance, just so they can partake in the fedi from their own fully sovereign platform. Bit extreme for me, but cool that it’s an option. Definitely not just another FB in other words

EDIT: Oh dang there’s a one-click app on DO even. on 22 Sep 2023 21:53 collapse

Congratulations of joining mastodon today. 😆

[deleted] on 22 Sep 2023 22:02 collapse

. on 22 Sep 2023 17:29 next collapse

I wouldn’t hold my breath, 42k out of 528M is nothing on 22 Sep 2023 19:19 next collapse

Who is the target audience for BlueSky? BlueSky’s tech isn’t as open or developed as the alternatives though, is it?

Not sure why I asked that first question, answer’s obvious, so it was more out of frustration I think. Sort of in a similar way towards people moving to Threads or any other corporate social media again after getting screwed before. on 22 Sep 2023 22:59 collapse

it’s invite only, which first makes you think, “oh cool - no spammers!”

but then you realize you just need one spammer to get in and now they only invite spammers, and control their invites… as a form of spam! Flooding the net with “cheap” invite codes (only $10!) and multiplying. on 22 Sep 2023 23:23 next collapse

Invite only makes people think no spammers? Have they never been in any space with minimal obstacles to entry like that? Any place people are, there’s going to be someone or some activity you don’t care for.

Makes me think of folks thinking there will be fewer annoying people in online games with sub fees. 😂 on 23 Sep 2023 01:14 collapse

Seems pretty easy to control though.

Once spammer is detected, you just ban them and the account that invited, all the way up a down that invite tree. on 23 Sep 2023 01:54 collapse

And in the process nuke every legitimate user who may have used their codes, great way to build trust in a new platform. You can’t even vet users to see if they are spammers or not because you need an account to view the service. on 23 Sep 2023 07:33 collapse

Wellp, Nintendo intentionally breaks their own games if you pirate their stuff. Not allowing bribes is a simmlar looking situation. “This product is defective the last person who had their hands on it mustve screwed it up somehow.” on 23 Sep 2023 13:21 collapse

Nintendo intentionally breaks their own games if you pirate their stuff.

I’m not aware of them doing this all that often. In fact, it’s more something that game developers do from time to time, rather than Nintendo specifically. The classic one being when they introduce a bug that only affects the pirated release, then every time they get a report on that bug they know the user pirated their copy. on 24 Sep 2023 06:11 collapse

Yeah I’m not sure what exactly they’re referring to. if they’re referring to the N64 games that was the developer Rare who did it, not Nintendo, Nintendo is just the publisher. If it’s related to Switch games then it’s possible they’re referring to Online only games or the many many Piracy-related myths as well as disinformation that plagues the Switch Modding scene to this day. on 24 Sep 2023 10:48 collapse

or the many many Piracy-related myths as well as disinformation that plagues the Switch Modding scene to this day.

I mean I’ve been running a cracked Switch for years, and while my finger isn’t on the pulse entirely I’m not aware of any of this either. They definitely ban people (I’ve had one banned) but even then you can still use the device, just not online or in their store (as if you were in there much anyway).

The bigger issue in the Switch modding scene is that half the developers are divas. on 24 Sep 2023 12:45 collapse

Some examples of the misinformation include:

  • banning preventing people from using Installed Software (one person actually referred to it as bricked)

  • Bans preventing use of Wifi hardware (FTP or Local play)

  • Banned Cartridges will get other Switches banned, or that cartridges are still getting banned

Things like that are the most egregious ones.

Lately though it’s mostly been what is ban worthy and what isn’t. For that there are two camps, there are the conspiracy minded, and there are the more reasonable people.

For conspiracy theorists it’s as simple as plugging in RCM (or Booting from the Modchip if they have that instead) and booting into Stock, that’s enough for them to consider ban worthy. Some of them draw the line later at the actual firmware but the thing that these claims usually share is that they lack data backing them. It’s usually influencers who make these types of claims (hence why it’s become a cultural phenomenon, Yay 😒).

The more reasonable ones group the actions that are and aren’t ban worthy through testing and historical evidence which is mainly:

Guaranteed Ban:

  • Piracy
  • Custom NSPs
  • Cheating In Online games (includes save editing and some LayeredFS patches)
  • Log Tampering (Using an EmuMMC can cause mismatches if used online)
  • Account Tampering (custom PFP)
  • Hacking the servers (CDN abuse, bans both console and account)

<img alt="" src="">

Things that don’t cause bans:

  • Booting Package3 (bootloader)
  • Booting into Atmosphere
  • Overclocking (is dangerous, but not ban worthy)
  • Homebrew games + Emulation using package Override (holding R when launching a title)

<img alt="" src="">

Things still up for debate:

  • Use of themes
  • Use of NTP time changer
  • Cheating in Offline games

<img alt="" src="">

(They also give methods for preventing bans, unlike the first kind of people like Using emuMMC to separate Identities, blocking Nintendo domains in the hosts file, and even using Incognito to erase the Identifier data.)

Unfortunately Popular Culture tends to prefer the first type of person’s opinion so I’ve found that when discussing Homebrew with people outside of the community it can lead to some pretty nutty arguments, even going back to ones from before, such as banning cartridges.

The bigger issue in the Switch modding scene is that half the developers are divas.

That is very true, many of them are assholes, I visited GBAtemp’s politics section and was astonished to find out how many of them are Bigots, at least judging by the crap they spouted about “pronouns being forced” and “not wanting to call a man Ma’am” really disgusting shit that no respectable person should ever say. Nor should any forum ever put up with (basically GBAtemp is a Nazi bar). on 24 Sep 2023 12:57 collapse

Some examples of the misinformation include:

  • banning preventing people from using Installed Software (one person actually referred to it as bricked)
  • Bans preventing use of Wifi hardware (FTP or Local play)
  • Banned Cartridges will get other Switches banned, or that cartridges are still getting banned

Those all just seem like misunderstandings from users who aren’t tech savvy, coupled with a little bit of urban legend gossip.

  • It’s possible to brick your Switch in a handful of ways, but that doesn’t mean Nintendo did it.
  • Officially the wifi is only used to connect to Nintendo services, so a user might think that the wifi doesn’t work when Nintendo doesn’t work (because they’re banned).
  • Stories about dodgy cartridges have always been a thing.

Unfortunately Popular Culture tends to prefer the first type of person’s opinion so I’ve found that when discussing Homebrew with people outside of the community

Hah, yeah homebrew stuff isn’t generally meant for proper conversation. You’re either interested and ok with it, or you see it as just about piracy. on 25 Sep 2023 04:36 collapse

Yeah I think many of them serious misunderstandings by the people who posted the videos and articles, though also some of them seem to have been to cause fear since many of them tried to make it seem like they knew what they were talking about.

I don’t think the ones who talked about systems being bricked actually knew what bricked means since they also said in the same breath “it can only play cartridges”, which isn’t what happens when bricked, in fact as I know from recovering a Switch with Prodinfo_gen that’s one of the things a previously bricked system likely can’t do if you had to generate a new prodinfo from scratch without a donor.

I could normally forgive the wifi misconception normally, however in the case of the person who was talking about Wifi not working when banned they explicitly stated that Local play between Switches won’t work anymore, even when offline, which obviously isn’t correct.

In the case of cartridge banning which was a thing it was always the cartridges themselves that were banned, but many news outlets both tried to frame it as if it was the user who would get their account banned, they also tried to make it seem like it’s an Ongoing issue and that it’s the end of used game sales.

I agree that homebrew stuff isn’t really the best thing to talk about with most people who don’t understand it well enough, usually does come up though in discussions whenever I open my Home Screen since I do have custom Themes with Wildly different layouts that obviously aren’t stock (this is the one I’m using at the moment, but I have a few others I cycle through to keep things fresh). on 23 Sep 2023 07:28 collapse

Invite only is a technique that becomes a hinderance and gimmic after about 100k members. on 22 Sep 2023 21:08 next collapse

Huh I wonder why on 22 Sep 2023 23:51 next collapse

rain is wet. hope they like starting new instances here. feel the fediverse creaking already on 23 Sep 2023 07:25 next collapse

How is it on shakey ground, We may for a while just stay niche but active and high quality. on 23 Sep 2023 07:27 collapse

Can’t say I’ve felt any such issues. Probably comes down to you being on the biggest instance. on 22 Sep 2023 23:57 next collapse

Excuse me, signups on an INVITE ONLY platform? on 23 Sep 2023 07:23 next collapse

Ot makes no sense, on 23 Sep 2023 12:50 collapse

I have few invites if anyone needs on 23 Sep 2023 14:03 next collapse

I’d like one if still available, please. on 23 Sep 2023 18:33 collapse

bsky-social-6yprh-qgtd3 on 23 Sep 2023 14:43 next collapse

Would appreciate one :) on 23 Sep 2023 18:34 collapse

bsky-social-ylgua-e7m7l on 24 Sep 2023 17:43 collapse

I think other miscreants have already swiped it :( on 24 Sep 2023 18:34 collapse

Did you check all 5 on 24 Sep 2023 20:38 collapse

Yes on 26 Sep 2023 04:41 collapse

Bad luck then

[deleted] on 26 Sep 2023 10:47 collapse

. on 23 Sep 2023 16:25 next collapse

I d like one if you can spare one on 23 Sep 2023 18:34 collapse

bsky-social-k4wtu-albgr on 23 Sep 2023 17:11 next collapse

If you still have any, I’d appreciate one. on 23 Sep 2023 18:34 collapse

bsky-social-f36an-iw7gb on 23 Sep 2023 18:59 collapse

Thank you 🙏 on 23 Sep 2023 19:52 collapse


[deleted] on 23 Sep 2023 17:30 next collapse

. on 23 Sep 2023 17:42 next collapse

I could make use of one of those invites. Thank you. on 23 Sep 2023 18:34 collapse

bsky-social-ahf2c-hwzzy on 24 Sep 2023 10:30 collapse

Appreciate it, but you should have sent them by DM. It’s used by someone else now. on 24 Sep 2023 17:44 collapse

Same here :( on 13 Oct 2023 18:29 next collapse

Any chance you have any more? I’d love one on 15 Oct 2023 07:21 collapse

bsky-social-exmoh-54452 on 15 Oct 2023 16:17 collapse

Thank you!!

[deleted] on 18 Oct 2023 10:10 collapse

. on 21 Oct 2023 06:14 collapse

Dm me on 23 Sep 2023 01:40 next collapse

what the fuck is Bluesky on 23 Sep 2023 09:17 collapse

It’s Jack Dorsey’s “Twitter but federated this time”, except there is only 1 instance, run by Jack…. But don’t worry, “Trust me bro” it will totally be federated/open.

Maybe it will be but until it is it’s just as bad as Twitter. on 23 Sep 2023 10:50 collapse

So is it going to be part of the fediverse at one point or will it be a separate federation? on 23 Sep 2023 12:13 next collapse

separate federation, they use their own home-grown protocol called ATProto on 23 Sep 2023 16:04 collapse

Ahh as an alternative to Activity Pub or whatever it’s called? That’s a shame on 23 Sep 2023 16:46 collapse

Ahh as an alternative to Activity Pub or whatever it’s called?

Seems like it on 23 Sep 2023 13:16 next collapse

That hasn’t been specified, which suggests they’re aiming for the latter. on 23 Sep 2023 17:30 collapse

God… I’ve been on the “fediverse” for months and

A: have no clue what it is


B: am not even entirely sure I’m on it anymore

Love Lemmy but lol this is getting confusing, is Mastodon on Lemmy or… just federated or… sheesh I need to search this on 23 Sep 2023 17:33 next collapse

It doesn't really matter. If you find value in using it, just keep using it. on 23 Sep 2023 17:51 collapse

The fediverse is basically anything that uses some means of connecting to other sites. A lot of them now use ActivityPub, a standard for this kind of thing.

Mastodon isn’t “on” Lemmy, but they can communicate with each other on 23 Sep 2023 07:30 next collapse

Why would anyone think Bluesky is any better than Twitter? There are no fundamental differences. on 23 Sep 2023 12:50 next collapse

I mean, if Twitter X keeps changing like it is, there will be a whole bunch of differences on 23 Sep 2023 13:21 next collapse

It’s not owned by Musk, which is what the average casual internet user is currently upset about with Twitter. on 23 Sep 2023 17:51 next collapse

You are right. In principle, the AT protocol is designed for federation. But at the moment, there is only one Bluesky instance that everyone is signing up on. This makes it effectively centralized like Twitter. It is mind-boggling that people are ignoring Mastodon for this. on 23 Sep 2023 18:02 next collapse

From a feature-functional perspective, sure, but it's not entirely true. The biggest differentiators for social media are rarely the core features, but the content and friends. There's a few specific groups that have slowly been migrating from Twitter and Mastodon there.

There's a couple of very famous people that have moved over and because the audience is smaller, they tend to engage with people more often. on 23 Sep 2023 21:30 collapse

Less fascists for one on 23 Sep 2023 07:42 next collapse

God I hope he gets gaslit into actually making Twitter a subscription. It would be so funny on 23 Sep 2023 17:28 collapse

I’m starting to suspect he only wanted Twitter to kill it… on 23 Sep 2023 19:20 collapse

It is weird how he’s just completely running it into the ground… I don’t really buy that though because he never actuslly wanted the company and only bought it because a court forced him to. Also I honestly don’t think he’d want to wash 44 big ones down the drain just to own the libs.

All I can think of is that he’s just… maybe kind of an idiot and has just gotten lucky so far lol? It’s the only thing that fits as far as I can see. on 23 Sep 2023 19:50 collapse

Some have suggested that the purchase was partly to prevent a second Arab spring. Saudi funding and increased cooperation make it a possibility but I’m not sold on any particular idea besides “avoid everything Elon touches.” Why anyone stayed on ragebait bot network: the website is beyond my understanding. on 23 Sep 2023 08:07 next collapse

I saw a claim that Elon never said that but actually said: we will ad a lower cost tier. on 23 Sep 2023 13:15 next collapse

Bluesky, the “decentralized” X-alternative social media platform

“The” alternative platform?? Shots fired. on 23 Sep 2023 13:55 collapse

Serious question, why would you consider Bluesky? I would argue that mastodon is “the” decentralized social media platform, I mean it’s not owned by some billionaire; and if you mostly care about audience size, nothing beats twitter. I’ve never felt any inclination to try bluesky for these reasons. on 23 Sep 2023 13:36 next collapse

I like Firefish way better. It has great design and is very positive. on 23 Sep 2023 13:44 next collapse

Maybe they just don’t have the infra (and if they still don’t, I don’t believe they ever will). Turn off invites and make it open-season or shut the whole thing down. It’s not a competitor like this. on 23 Sep 2023 17:45 collapse

Scaling is hard. You need time for hard things on 23 Sep 2023 13:57 next collapse

Nostr is the easiest to use decentralized Twitter alternative I’ve came across. on 23 Sep 2023 14:30 next collapse

Really liking Bluesky so far, hope it picks up some steam soon. It really is something special and way less confusing (at least for me) than Mastodon.

E: But to add, let’s face it, no decentralized platform will ever replace a centralized one unless something major happens. I just don’t see the mainstream adopting Bluesky/Mastodon/Nostr unless something incredibly drastic happens. As much as I’d love for Bluesky to get some more steam, it won’t at this rate. People want to get on it, but can’t. on 23 Sep 2023 19:29 collapse

What’s confusing about Mastodon? Just join a random server and you can find everyone else on any other server. (Or are these called ‘instances’? I don’t know or care, fact is it works without problems.) on 23 Sep 2023 14:48 next collapse

Switch to Mastodon. It’s a great alternative. on 23 Sep 2023 18:57 collapse

Yeah, I suspected this would be a real point of no return. Mastodon will also benefit, but naturally the fediverse isn’t the first thing people think of. Fortunately, Mastodon has been working on this.