The Green-Energy Revolution Shows What Real Innovation Looks Like (
from to on 30 May 2024 18:14


threaded - newest on 30 May 2024 18:37 next collapse

Fer sure and thanks for that list. It can make things seem much more hopeful

I think the issue is we all have a short attention span. Software or an inline service can scale in almost no time so we’re used to the idea of huge changes being everywhere all at once.

Arguably a lot of the innovation forthe real world changes in the article have already happened. Yes, it’s amazing how much increase there is in EV sales but we’ve been speculating Tesla stock and technology for years, arguing the political nonsense around them for years, arguing for investment in the shakeout hit years. Has that innovation already hapoened or is it innovation when scaled up to the real world? on 30 May 2024 19:38 collapse

That’s true. In a sense, few of Silicon Valley’s software “innovations” from the 1990s and 2000s provided anything that was of actual value. Much of it simply enabled an even greater degree of mindless consumption of entertainment content.