YouTube Wants to Stop Sending Kids Down the Rabbit Hole of Eating Disorder Videos. (
from to on 04 Nov 2023 22:00

YouTube Wants to Stop Sending Kids Down the Rabbit Hole of Eating Disorder Videos.::YouTube announced a new effort to curb its own recommendation algorithms to protect teenagers from the rabbit hole of videos that could inspire eating disorders, body image problems, violence, and other problems. The new initiative comes amidst a growing threat of legislation to address kids’ safety on the internet and may be an effort to stave off new regulations.


threaded - newest on 04 Nov 2023 22:19 next collapse

Could just demonitize those type of videos, which would have an impact on submissions. That goes for lot of platforms that have a monetizing incentive to get views. And so many don’t bother deactivating the accounts either when videos cross the line as if they want to encourage emulation among the population. on 05 Nov 2023 10:09 collapse

But think of the shareholders! on 04 Nov 2023 22:40 next collapse

Sure they do. Out of the goodness of their corporate overlord hearts. on 04 Nov 2023 23:01 next collapse

They say the want to. They can, they should, but they haven’t. Yet, they say they want to. Hmmm on 05 Nov 2023 01:36 next collapse

Oh right… because of future regulations… not because they wanted to. on 05 Nov 2023 01:57 collapse

Do the bare minimum now to avoid try and tougher regulations later. on 05 Nov 2023 04:04 next collapse

“If we do 75% now, maybe they won’t regulate as hard!” on 05 Nov 2023 09:32 collapse

As if they care… on 05 Nov 2023 13:01 collapse

They care (in a dollar amount) precisely as much as the settlements and government-imposed fines they’ll likely have to pay if they were to not curb this idiocy.