Trump announces $500B Stargate AI project: 'Country will be prospering like never before' (
from to on 22 Jan 04:33


threaded - newest on 22 Jan 04:40 next collapse

You are now picturing Trump’s face inside the stargate from Stargate SG-1.

You are welcome. on 22 Jan 06:04 next collapse

If only, the event horizon would be lethal.

Hmm a stargate is a great sci-fi guillotine come to think of it. on 22 Jan 06:21 collapse

Just send him offworld and close the iris. on 22 Jan 08:03 collapse

I would love to turn it off just as he sticks his head through the threshold on 22 Jan 04:40 next collapse

Ohhh so thats why all the Big Tech people gave him so much money! on 22 Jan 11:32 collapse

And as more progressive-leaning people showed their distaste for GenAI, Meta started to moderate hate speech even less on its platforms, pushed the right even more, etc. on 22 Jan 04:50 next collapse

Are eggs gonna get cheaper now?

Also: what the actual fuck. on 22 Jan 05:40 collapse

You won’t need eggs when the Goa’uld will give you all the sustenance your body desires. on 22 Jan 07:20 collapse

baak baak? on 22 Jan 04:58 next collapse

And so it has started. The endless series of headlines that all begin with the same boring name.

I’m going to downvote every single one. on 22 Jan 06:45 collapse

You do you can block posts with the name Trump in then? on 22 Jan 05:29 next collapse

I thought it was the onion on 22 Jan 05:40 next collapse

No just the USA for the next 4 years. on 22 Jan 06:41 collapse

You will live in fear because you’ll never be sure until you read the article. on 22 Jan 10:24 collapse

First Trump term? Better get used to it or prepare to not browse the internet for a while. It will get much dumber from here. on 22 Jan 05:42 next collapse

AI project… Manufacturing jobs… I see what you did there. 😉 on 22 Jan 11:37 collapse

The bots will do all the fun stuff, so humans can work 12-16 hour ultra-hardcore shifts in factories owned by the American oligarchs. on 22 Jan 06:23 next collapse

This sounds like a really bad idea:

The “most charismatic” application of AI, said Ellison, would pertain to electronic health records, which would let doctors monitor best practices in far flung places. For instance, a doctor in Indian River reservation would be able to see how a doctor at Memorial Sloan Kettering would a treat a patient, he said.

Do we really want to give a black box unfettered access to everyone's medical records? It's a privacy and security nightmare waiting to happen. on 22 Jan 08:03 collapse

As someone who works in a HIPAA oriented field in biotech: yeah. There are many excellent reasons why we are Absolutely Not Allowed to point an LLM at any PHI/PII database. But fuck the rules I guess, because that’s the era we’re entering. All gas no brakes. What could go wrong. on 22 Jan 08:51 next collapse

Keep in mind that the people advocating for AI in all kinds of fields without good reason now are the very same people who never liked the privacy rules in the first place. on 22 Jan 12:37 collapse

It’s not AI. It’s a large language model.

Sorry - pet peeve of mine. I’ll call it AI when it’s actually achieved GAI capabilities. on 22 Jan 11:55 collapse

IRL Cyberpunk, let’s gooo.

Guess, some people did not get, that this is a dystopian world. on 22 Jan 12:48 next collapse

Hold on choom, gotta call my ripperdoc real quick, brb on 22 Jan 12:51 collapse

Dystopian for the little shitters but an absolute dream world for the rich. Guess who’s driving this ship? on 22 Jan 06:28 next collapse


The grift continues. on 22 Jan 06:46 next collapse

So we’re gonna stop in flation by checks notes spending half a trillion dollars of money we don’t have. Smh on 22 Jan 06:51 next collapse

At the very least he needs congressional approval. on 22 Jan 12:46 collapse

I have bad news for you. on 22 Jan 06:52 next collapse

Take your AI and flush it down the toilet where it belongs. on 22 Jan 07:27 next collapse

Nvidia is gonna get the lion share of that $500bn, you know… Don’t be stupid. on 22 Jan 08:20 next collapse

We be prosperin.

Flation be gone on 22 Jan 08:26 next collapse

What’s the question? No idea, but the answer is AI on 22 Jan 09:03 collapse

The question is absolutely clear: How can we get rid of paying people for work?

It’s a two-step approach: There are the low-skill jobs that could get replaced by machines, with desperate people flooding the markets, putting downward pressure on peoples’ incomes, and there are the high-skill jobs where currently not enough staff is available - at least when one does not want to pay suitable rates. on 22 Jan 09:00 next collapse

FTFY: ‘Country Tech Billionaires will be prospering like never before’ on 22 Jan 09:54 next collapse

Why did you cross out a word and then write a synonym right afterwards? I'd put an /s here, but well...

When politicians talk about "the country", whatever country they happen to be in charge of, they almost always mean the parts of the country that they think are important to the total exclusion of everything else. Or what they've been bribed to think of as important. Either way, that usually means "the rich, the important, and their agendas".

Likewise "the economy" is "the rich people's yacht fund".

(This latter one I stole from a viral tweet.) on 22 Jan 11:10 collapse

You can say “cronies.” on 22 Jan 09:03 next collapse

Focusing on health…

<img alt="" src=""> on 22 Jan 17:10 collapse on 22 Jan 09:09 next collapse

“Defense network computers. New.… powerful… hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the other side. Decided our fate in a microsecond: extermination.” on 22 Jan 10:12 collapse

Don’t worry, I’m sure Elon will make sure all it does is be racist and make shitty memes. That guy’s not smart enough to program an alarm clock. on 22 Jan 10:30 collapse

DogeNet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes a racist douche bag at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug. on 22 Jan 11:24 collapse

Don’t let your memes be dreams, they said on 22 Jan 11:08 next collapse

In other words, a massive handout of taxpayer money to the tech bros for nothing worthwhile. on 22 Jan 11:41 next collapse

Skynet? on 22 Jan 12:25 collapse

More like “bye-net” on 22 Jan 12:28 next collapse

I guess in this timeline it was Donald Trump who spurred the creation of the Replicators. on 22 Jan 12:59 next collapse

Less than a week in and I want to scream. Not sure how I’ll make it. on 22 Jan 13:35 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 22 Jan 13:54 next collapse

Sinking $500 billion into a bubble that’s about to burst is wild. on 22 Jan 16:25 collapse

Perhaps less so if in a couple months it turns out that the contract went to one of Musk’s companies. Having a large amount of money to spend on something intangible can also be very useful. on 22 Jan 13:58 next collapse

Remember this when tell you that there is nothing they can do about US health care system.

Taxpayers love doing charity, the parasites need more anyway🤡 on 22 Jan 14:22 next collapse

Can I not pay my taxes asking for a friend on 22 Jan 16:10 next collapse

If the models are trained from twitter. We are more fucked than we already are. Only thing it would prosper at is racism and bigotry. on 22 Jan 16:45 next collapse

Fucked up health system? just ask an ai on 22 Jan 17:11 next collapse

What an unexpectedly deep bit of research this threw me into.

In 2005 a company called Fortress Credit loaned the Trump Organization $130 million dollars for the construction of trump tower that it later ‘forgave.’ Fortress Credit is owned by Fortress Investment Group, which is owned by SoftBank. Additionally, SoftBank tried to engage with Trump in 2017 under a similar scheme, where they offered to invest in the U.S.’ IT infrastructure as part of some deal they were cooking up with Trump.
Incidentally, in 2019, New Fortress Energy, also part of the constellation of companies, was granted a peculiar permit to transport LNG over rail lines within populated areas - something that is generally not done due to the danger involved.
So that’s just, you know, the corruption cherry on top of this shit cake.

So now, we have SoftBank, OpenAI, and Oracle - companies whose CEO’s ‘bent the knee’ announcing a half a trillion dollar investment into an all knowing AI medical black box that the government (and its corporate sponsors) intend to use to track all your medical information.
Yes. Centralized government tracking of your periods, ladies. If this system ever works, the government will know if you’ve ever told a medical professional that you use illicit drugs, even drugs that may be legal at the state level, but illegal federally. The government will know if you’re on antidepressants - something that JFK Jr. wants to send people to re-education/labor camps for being on. They will know if you’ve ever told a doctor that you’re not CIS or straight.

And we know that SoftBank can’t afford to invest that much. They took out a $4 billion loan 2 years ago, and then asked for another 1.1 billion shortly after. Even Elon Musk is saying they don’t have the money.
So they’re going to invest some money in something, get very overpriced government contracts for the operation of it, and use a fraction of the overages from that to ‘invest’ further until their obligation is fulfilled or forgiven – in much the same way that telcos fleeced the government to build out broadband and never did.

It’s a bad deal for all of us, and the very best outcome for anyone is that it will never work.
Because if it does work, we will lose our medical privacy, and we lose control of any data we’ve ever shared with medical professionals - one of the few areas in U.S. citizen’s lives where there are privacy laws to keep them safe. on 22 Jan 17:41 collapse

Oh, and as evidenced by the government losing control of the backdoors they implanted into telco companies, this data will be hacked. And having all of it in one place will make it a big target.

So it’s not just the U.S. government that will know about your business, but so will the U.S.’s foreign rivals.
Great fucking strategy. Let’s make sure all our health data is accessible, not improve the health system, and just hope that none of the people whose information you can freely and easily buy online due to lax privacy laws have expensive medical bills and a sensitive job.

Way improve national security. Dumbasses. on 22 Jan 17:27 collapse

Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives on 22 Jan 20:37 collapse

Yeah, well you guys need to aim better.