Amazon customers report false email confirmations for gift cards they did not buy (
from to on 02 Oct 2023 08:00

Amazon customers report false email confirmations for gift cards they did not buy::Amazon customer service representatives have been receiving a host of inquiries from worried and confused customers.


threaded - newest on 02 Oct 2023 08:06 next collapse

Something like this is called: Your account got compromised ;D or amazon just wants more moneeyyyy on 02 Oct 2023 08:37 collapse

More like a bug with Amazon’s server side software. on 02 Oct 2023 11:07 collapse

This happened to my wife. We spent like a half hour checking all of our credit cards and she changed a bunch of passwords. After we didn’t see a charge anywhere we decided it was nothing and moved on. on 02 Oct 2023 12:36 collapse

Exactly the same. That email letting us know it was a mistake was waaaaaaay late.