Twitter Ranked Dead Last on Climate Misinformation Scorecard (
from to on 20 Sep 2023 21:17

Climate scientists and activists have since fled the platform now known as X since the Elon Musk takeover last year.

A report released on Wednesday by Climate Action Against Disinformation (CAAD), a coalition of more than 50 environmental groups, scored several social media platforms. The company with the most points ranked the highest in fighting climate misinformation.

The platforms could receive up to 21 points from a combination of categories including transparency, advertising, policy content, and enforcing their rules on climate misinformation. X only received a single point for “lacking clear policies that address climate misinformation, having no substantive public transparency mechanisms, and offering no evidence of effective policy enforcement,” the report said.

All other platforms ranked higher. YouTube came in second to last with 6 points. Meta and Instagram tied at 8 points, TikTok received 9 points. Pinterest came out on top with 12 points.

“Pinterest has been pretty proactive with working with our coalition in regards to having a content moderation policy that addresses climate change misinformation,” Erika Seiber, a spokesperson for Friends of the Earth and Climate Action Against Disinformation Coalition, told Earther.

Though social media users can always log off, researchers reasoned that it is important to hold these platforms accountable for their lack of climate misinformation policies, or for the lack of regular enforcement. Americans are increasingly getting their information about breaking news and social issues from social media apps. A 2021 report from the Pew Research Center outlined that almost half of U.S. adults regularly received their news from social media.

“[Platforms] have a substantive impact on the way that we talk about climate change, climate solutions, renewable energy, and climate policy as a whole,” Seiber explained. “All the extreme weather events that have happened over the summer, whether it be the heat waves or the wildfires in Hawaii, misinformation has created a lot of confusion around the cause of the fires.”

Before Elon Musk purchased the platform last year, the app had once banned advertisements that contradicted climate science. But now it’s not clear how new leadership has addressed this, if at all. “Elon Musk’s acquisition of the company has created uncertainty about which policies are still standing and which are not,” the report said.

The Climate Action Against Disinformation Coalition reached out to X and the other platforms mentioned in the report while compiling the information but did not receive a response from X. Seiber explained that before Musk purchased the website, environmental justice organizations like Friends of the Earth had a reliable contact with X when it was still Twitter. But Musk stripped down the company’s content moderation team which led to less insight into how the company handles misinformation.

The Musk takeover of X, formerly Twitter, has had other consequences. Environmentalists and experts who once used the site for education and community building began to see a shift in their online interactions. This sparked an exodus of climate voices.

“There’s been a massive change. I get so much abuse and rude comments now,” Mark Maslin, a climate scientist professor at University College London, told The Guardian this year.


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<img alt="" src=""> on 20 Sep 2023 22:43 next collapse

The irony. And now the dumpsterfire Musk was trying to coax back onto the platform is screaming idiotic bloody dumbshittery about electric cars on top of it.

Time for an official ouster, Tesla board members! on 20 Sep 2023 22:59 next collapse

Teitter ? on 20 Sep 2023 23:04 next collapse

Twitter has gone to shit since Elon bought it, so I’m not surprised. Scientists are getting harassed off the platform and the moderation team was gutted, so of course misinformation is starting to run rampant. on 21 Sep 2023 12:51 collapse

There have been no policy changes on climate misinformation since Musk bought twitter. I get everyone here loves to hate him but this is a dumb article designed to get clicks by an organization that wants people to be banned from internet platforms for “climate misinformation” on 21 Sep 2023 13:11 next collapse

Policy’s one thing, how/whether it’s applied is another. on 21 Sep 2023 15:32 collapse…/twitter-bans-ads-deny-climate-c…

Twitter chose Earth Day to announce it will ban advertisements that deny the scientific consensus on climate crisis.

Note: ads, not user tweets.

Same year :…/elon-musk-twitter-climate-misinfor…

There have been more tweets and retweets “using climate-sceptic terminology” in 2022 than in any other year since Twitter’s founding in 2006,

So yeah, there has been “no change”…in other words, climate denialism is free to proliferate on TwittX, and proliferate it has.

Not sure why you place climate misinformation in quotes, it is indeed a thing, but personally I prefer “denier lies”. on 21 Sep 2023 18:55 collapse

When has the appropriate response to people being stupid to ban being stupid? People have the right to converse how they wish. We can’t ban people being wrong, and trying to suppress information only makes people more curious about it. There are people like me who want a public platform where you can be critical of nearly anything. I think it’s good for a healthy society to be able to discuss controversial topics, even if people are wrong about it. You can’t force people to believe what you believe, even if you think it’s backed with factual information. on 21 Sep 2023 18:59 collapse


You’re conflating stupidity with harm.

IDGAF if you want to be stupid as long as you’re just hurting yourself. However, if you’re feeding people lies and telling them it’s the truth, that’s not stupidity, that’s lying with intent. on 21 Sep 2023 19:27 collapse

It’s not with intent if they truly believe it. on 21 Sep 2023 20:27 collapse

That’s bullshit. on 21 Sep 2023 20:34 collapse

You don’t think these people truly believe it? You are wrong on that. on 21 Sep 2023 00:41 next collapse

Hang on. Doesn’t the title imply that they’re trustworthy? Shouldn’t it either be “placed first on misinformation” or “placed dead last on information” on 21 Sep 2023 01:56 next collapse

Twitter Ranked Dead Last on Climate Misinformation Scorecard

The wording of the headline makes it sound like Twitter has the least amount of misinformation and not the most. on 21 Sep 2023 03:21 next collapse

The US should shut it down. on 21 Sep 2023 04:10 collapse

That would just make ToothSocial money and build their user numbers. Mastodon I doubt would get their users. on 21 Sep 2023 03:42 next collapse

You know what this is actually saying?

Even though Musk gained a lot of fame from climate change “solutions” (ie occupy Mars, electric cars) he really is just another selfish, short sighted and corrupt billionaire capitalist who just so happened to have the foresight to notice there is a market there, and had perfect timing for ironing out kinks before the market catches up and eco is mainstream. He is NOT different, special, or better from all the other billionaires. I’d rather worship gates. on 21 Sep 2023 08:09 next collapse

Elon Musk is actively lobbying against adressing climate change with projects like hyperloop that have no economic or technological viability. His new Tesla plant in Germany is in a water stressed region, that now cannot build schools or houses because they granted their last water to Tesla.

He is the epitome of rich people buying themselves a good conscience while destroying earth.

[deleted] on 21 Sep 2023 20:31 collapse

. on 21 Sep 2023 12:50 next collapse

This organization wants climate misinformation banned from internet platforms all together. That’s really the extent of this article. on 21 Sep 2023 20:53 collapse


You do realize billionaires aren’t gods, yes? on 22 Sep 2023 03:55 collapse

Yeah I wasn’t being literal about gates. Just poking fun at the elon diehards. on 21 Sep 2023 08:26 next collapse

Off topic, but how fucking dumb does the X sign on their headquarters look. It’s like some shitty off off off off Broadway sign trying to look stylish or a really tacky but upmarket looking strip club. on 21 Sep 2023 11:36 collapse

Wasn’t it taken down? on 21 Sep 2023 12:41 next collapse

I dunno, but I keep seeing it I’m all the thumbnails. on 21 Sep 2023 21:14 collapse

Yeah, after 2 days or so as it was bathing loads of homes in light 24/7, bi permit was given or even requested, etc etc etc… on 21 Sep 2023 13:19 next collapse


Is this

News or

a surprise to anyone. on 21 Sep 2023 20:58 next collapse

Oh. Anyway… on 21 Sep 2023 21:14 next collapse

Do where did climate scientists flee to? Indeed from Reddit to Lemmy, but where did the smart people go? on 22 Sep 2023 02:18 next collapse

I think just “Twitter ranked dead last” sums up anything Twitter related. on 22 Sep 2023 15:40 collapse

Swamp full of malaria carrying 🦟 s.