How a North Korean Fake IT Worker Tried to Infiltrate Security Awareness Firm KnowBe4 (
from to on 24 Jul 2024 06:45

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KnowBe4 needed a software engineer for our internal IT AI team. “We posted the job, received resumes, conducted interviews, performed background checks, verified references, and hired the person,” the firm writes on its blog.

“We sent them their Mac workstation, and the moment it was received, it immediately started to load malware.”

[Special points to KnowBe4 for publishing this on its blog. If this can happen to a security awareness firm, it can happen to everyone.]


threaded - newest on 24 Jul 2024 06:57 next collapse

How do you get out of North Korea unnoticed? on 24 Jul 2024 07:01 collapse

Go through China. Although this seemed like a remote position. on 24 Jul 2024 07:38 next collapse

Hiring somebody without ever physically seeing them is a curious reality

I’m surprised , if the intention has stated, is to work well paid job and place a resource, why load malware at all?

If they’re just trying to remote into the device, why are they remoting indirectly to the laptop? Why not use a remote KVM that hooks up to the output and USB ports? on 24 Jul 2024 08:27 collapse

Interesting point about the KVM. To make it transparent the KVM would need to report the model of a real monitor in the display EDID data. Also if you’re monitoring the device, which is almost certainly a laptop, it would be suspicious if it was plugged in to a monitor 100% of the time. on 24 Jul 2024 09:58 collapse

Having a laptop permanently in a dock is pretty normal for tech workers. on 24 Jul 2024 12:34 next collapse

Mine is either connected to a USBC dock at home or the office. I have only used it without when at a hotel. on 24 Jul 2024 17:42 collapse

Sure, I use a ThunderBolt dock at home, but being docked 100% of the time is probably not normal. on 24 Jul 2024 18:20 collapse

Mine has been docked for months at a time. I recently started shifting it to be near the kids when they’re home; but not undocking it wouldn’t strike me as strange at all. on 25 Jul 2024 06:19 collapse

That’s fair! on 24 Jul 2024 09:27 next collapse

That guy or is it only a stock photo? on 24 Jul 2024 09:52 collapse

The article says it’s a stock photo that has been edited with AI. on 24 Jul 2024 09:54 next collapse

Didn’t see that. Thanks! on 24 Jul 2024 15:14 collapse

Prompt “make this guy look like a North Korean hacker or something idk” on 24 Jul 2024 12:27 next collapse

That company’s training materials are hilariously terrible. on 24 Jul 2024 14:34 collapse

They treat you like a child with no self respect. They are awful. on 24 Jul 2024 14:36 next collapse

Yep. The videos feel like they were designed by people who have never spoken to another human before. And yeah, seems like they are catering to old people who were new to email in 2003. on 24 Jul 2024 15:09 collapse

That’s because they are. Those are the people who are most likely to fall for phishing. on 24 Jul 2024 15:48 collapse

All I know is I have to waste an hour or so on this crap every year and it’s annoying. on 24 Jul 2024 17:32 collapse

It’s because the training materials aren’t aimed at the typical Lemmy user who knows how to dual-boot Linux and built their own hackintosh for fun. It’s aimed at Jim in accounts receivable, who is 2 years away from retirement and hasn’t learned any new tech literacy skills in the entire 23 years he’s been with the company. It’s aimed at Pam in HR, who panics and says the internet is broken because she deleted her Chrome desktop shortcut for the fifth time this week. It’s aimed at Jill in accounts payable, who called IT to say her computer wasn’t working, (the power was out in the entire building, because a trash truck hit the power lines across the street.)

IT deals with a lot of BS, from users who don’t know anything about how computers or modern scams/hacks work. KnowBe4 is aimed that those users, because an organization’s security is only as impenetrable as its dumbest “oh hey I found a USB drive outside the front doors. I’m gonna plug it in to see what’s on it” users. on 25 Jul 2024 06:30 collapse

Someone wanted to see the new season of The Inside Man early