Mozilla CEO Mitchelle Baker stepping down to Executive Chairwoman (
from to on 08 Feb 2024 15:42

Mitchelle Baker, CEO of Mozilla since 2020, will transition back to executive chairwoman role. Baker had been executive chairwoman for several decades. Board member Laura Chambers is taking over as interim CEO. Second source; The Verge


threaded - newest on 08 Feb 2024 15:55 next collapse

I guess an annual salary of one hundred trillion dollars, or however ridiculously much it was, wasn’t enough for her. on 08 Feb 2024 15:57 next collapse

doubt she’ll get any more from stepping down… but yeah it’s ridiculous how much some of these CEOs think they need. Especially in a company that is supposed to be better on 08 Feb 2024 16:01 next collapse

I know, my comment didn’t make a lot of sense; her salary just triggered me tremendously the first time I heard what it was. This seemed like as good a place as any to express my disgust. on 08 Feb 2024 16:23 collapse

Believe that most people here on this platform would agree with you on that, consider your rant redeemed :) on 09 Feb 2024 07:34 collapse

Especially when you compare to Japanese CEO on 08 Feb 2024 16:30 next collapse

CEO pay is so ridiculous, there’s obviously no way they’re going to self regulate so we need to either tie it to worker pay/well-being or put it under the control of their employees on 08 Feb 2024 17:21 collapse

Well, technically, CEOs don’t pick their own salaries, they are decided by the board, and so, indirectly by the shareholders. Then again, she is also a board member, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on 08 Feb 2024 19:33 collapse

Salaries of officers of non-profits are public information. See page 8.

She was taking $5.6M from “related organizations” (not quite sure what that would be), but not much from the Mozilla Foundation itself. The rest of the board is taking $115k-$340k directly from the Foundation. on 08 Feb 2024 20:22 next collapse

I assume that on the IRS returns form for Mozilla Foundation, the “related organization” that the CEO of Mozilla Corporation gets 5+ million from is probably Mozilla Corporation. But I don’t know. on 09 Feb 2024 01:51 collapse

Those are insane amounts to me, in a non-profit. Non-profit sounds meaningless when considering certain people within the organization are making $340k off of donated money. It’s a mockery of the term in my opinion.

$5.6M is just on a whole separate level though. Speechless. on 09 Feb 2024 06:04 collapse

If you want services and products to compete with private offerings you need talented and competent people who could otherwise work in a for profit business and get a typical salary for that position.

Unfortunately 340k is basically upper middle class household in coastal cities. Mozilla HQ is in Mountain View, the heart of Silicon Valley.

Try buying even a fixer upper is the South Bay and raising two kids on less 300k in Silicon Valley. I’m making close to 200k in the Bay Area and feel like I have no money for extras like home improvements, no kids, 20 year old car, travel on a tight budget once a year for a week or so, and still behind on my retirement goals.

Rent is like 5k for a studio. Mortgage is like 8-9k for after taxes and interest for a fixer upper. Feels like having a semi nice house and a couple kids in decent school is for people making 600k+ per household. on 09 Feb 2024 15:36 next collapse

That is insane. What a waste of money, driving up local inflation like that. on 10 Feb 2024 15:22 collapse

Mozilla HQ is in Mountain View, the heart of Silicon Valley.

They could move. Bringing jobs to a more deprived area is the sort of thing a charity is supposed to do. on 08 Feb 2024 15:56 next collapse

Rooting for a Firefox focused 2024! 🦊 on 09 Feb 2024 07:33 collapse

I read few weeks ago that firefox wasn’t the priority anymore, but the services. on 08 Feb 2024 16:34 next collapse

Thank the gods. on 08 Feb 2024 23:35 collapse

Why on 10 Feb 2024 15:18 collapse

She presided over a massively shrinking market share of Firefox, adding proprietary bloat like pocket, wasted huge amounts of effort on weird shit like Mozilla’s own half baked metaverse, while quadrupling her own salary. The kind of stuff you expect from a lawyer.

The entire board needs to be replaced with people that actually know how to program. on 11 Feb 2024 13:28 collapse

thank you. I asked a few people and no one had any answers. on 08 Feb 2024 18:36 next collapse

First good news from Mozilla since at least a couple of years. on 08 Feb 2024 18:40 collapse

the thunderbird rewrite, the acquisition of k-9, the integration of outlook, the launch of, and saving thunderbird settings on the cloud (formerly firefox account, now mozilla account) are all things happening in the last year.

i think mozilla has been kickin ass. on 08 Feb 2024 18:59 next collapse

Isn’t Thunderbird developed externally and not a Mozilla product? It appears so, from Wikipedia. Same thus for K9. OTOH, I blocked and obviously didn’t want anything to do with Mozilla, so I also deleted my Mozilla accoubt in 2021. As far I am concerned, they could disappear tomorrow and my life would change exactly 0. I’m only happy that the incompetent CEO is gone. She was able to destroy Firefox. on 08 Feb 2024 19:01 next collapse

Thunderbird is part of MZLA Technologies Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Mozilla Foundation. Portions of this content are ©1998–2023 by individual contributors. Content available under a Creative Commons license. on 08 Feb 2024 19:18 collapse

“Thunderbird is an independent, community-driven project that is managed and overseen by the Thunderbird Council, which is elected by the Thunderbird Community.” on 08 Feb 2024 19:02 collapse

i quite like mozilla. can you explain why you dont? on 08 Feb 2024 19:21 collapse

No, sorry, I won’t. A lot of Mozilla’s fans would reply trying to convince me I’m wrong or just insulting me (it already happened). I’m not interested in engaging on this topic. on 08 Feb 2024 20:54 next collapse

It would have been better to simply not reply, rather than this woe-is-me persecution complex thing. on 08 Feb 2024 22:01 collapse

If you aren’t interested in engaging on this topic then why not delete your comments on this topic and stop replying on this topic. Your comment’s logic is ridiculous. on 08 Feb 2024 19:03 next collapse

Commitment to Manifest V2

Opening up the Android app to support all desktop extensions

Working on local ‘AI’ integration that doesn’t send data to Mozilla

Sure, some people are against that last one, but I’m of the opinion that if AI does exist in a browser (and the market seems to be deciding that it should be) then this is how it should be done. on 08 Feb 2024 19:04 next collapse

wanna be friends? on 08 Feb 2024 19:53 collapse

Mozilla isn’t committing to manifest V2, they’re just making changes to V3 that are different than what’s specified for the sake of compatibility with what people want. They still intend on migration.

Also, microsoft edge is getting extensions as well real soon

Finally, while this is a more personal opinion, the AI integrations that Mozilla has been working on (including some of the work on large language models) is isn’t particularly contributive to the Mozilla manifesto and doesn’t have much to do with the web itself. It’s simply seeking something out because of hype on 08 Feb 2024 20:24 collapse

Also, microsoft edge is getting extensions as well real soon

What’s your point? on 08 Feb 2024 19:30 next collapse

You’re talking about Thunderbird, a project they basically abandoned to the community. Thunderbird survives in spite of Mozilla, not because of it. Meanwhile their main product Firefox is still bleeding users down into the single digit percentages while receiving half a billion a year from Google. It takes a lot of skill to run such a company so deep into the ground. on 08 Feb 2024 21:24 collapse


the podcast and blog indicate you are mistaken. on 08 Feb 2024 21:30 collapse

Mozilla has a podcast?

Edit: Yes they have!

Assuming you meant that they talked about this topic in one of their podcasts? Would you mind sharing which episode they did that in? on 08 Feb 2024 22:24 collapse

there is a thunderbird specific one, too on 08 Feb 2024 23:01 collapse

They also bought Fakespot. on 08 Feb 2024 23:19 collapse

i just dont understand people who only have criticisms of them. no one is perfect but its not as though they only do bad things. on 08 Feb 2024 23:03 next collapse

Back to the chairman role. She hasn’t lost an ounce of power. on 09 Feb 2024 01:11 next collapse

This feels like shuffling deck chairs on the titanic.

A board member and the CEO swap roles… The core leadership group remains intact on 09 Feb 2024 14:54 collapse

I don’t know how Mitchelle Baker was so I won’t comment on her performance, but I hope this change of direction will lead Mozilla to a brighter future, and a more privacy-focused web for all of us.