The Messy Reality Behind a Silicon Valley Unicorn (
from to on 13 Mar 2024 12:33

From the article:

AllDone’s managers increasingly turned to the company’s digital assembly line in the Philippines, where contractors performed computational work that stood in for or supported software algorithms.

AllDone had hired its first work-from-home Filipino contractor a few months after the company’s launch. Within a year, the team had grown to 125, and during my research it expanded to 200. Most contractors were college educated and between the ages of 20 and 40; about 70 percent were women. Executives often called these workers AllDone’s “human machine.”


threaded - newest on 13 Mar 2024 14:49 next collapse

The techbro definition of Disruption is:

  • Underpaying workers.
  • Undercutting existing companies for the same service but with a new tech buzzword.
  • Overpromising on future results to create an overvalued stock.
  • Duping investors to give more money than the risk advises.
  • Cashing in on lavish C-suite bonuses.
  • Lying through your teeth about the whole thing.

Remember the point of calling something a Unicorn is that it doesn’t exist and it cannot exist. on 13 Mar 2024 18:00 collapse

We’ve come full circle. TechBros reinvent a “technology” that was rendered obsolete almost a century ago by improving technology.