Apple Is Holding the Final Nail for X’s Coffin (
from to on 13 Dec 2023 22:29


threaded - newest on 13 Dec 2023 22:37 next collapse

Come on Tim Apple. Do it. You know it’s the right thing to do

Actually, with Google recently losing in court where Apple had previously won because Google was exempting some developers from its App Store rules; Apple might be actually inclined to actually enforce its rules in X’s case lest they suffer the same fate on 13 Dec 2023 22:48 next collapse

While you may be right, it’s more likely to be the optics of being associated to this… person that will be the deciding factor. on 13 Dec 2023 22:58 next collapse

Tim Apple is like the only positive thing that came out of Trump’s mouth/presidency, except for

very legal, very cool

perfect phone calls

gushing about chocolate cake while bombing Iraq Syria

big, red button for Diet Coke room service in White House on 13 Dec 2023 23:03 next collapse

Former President Drink Bleach was a source of many quips or words, good words for those reading along at a 4th grade level… on 13 Dec 2023 23:05 next collapse

Look, he’s got a couple pithy keepers, I’m secure enough in my political orientation to admit that. I always joke about perfect phone calls now lol

Edit: also, thuh BEST/most POWERFUL wordz on 14 Dec 2023 02:41 next collapse

He did restore faith that George W Bush decision to finish reading a children’s book when the planes were crashing into the trade centre was the best choice. on 14 Dec 2023 06:22 collapse

Former President Drink Inject Bleach

FTFY on 13 Dec 2023 23:31 next collapse

Idk man.

Trump was easily the most comedically entertaining president. Like, not in a good way. Like, cofveve or whatever wtf?

I’ll present you with Shane Gillis doing a bit on 13 Dec 2023 23:31 next collapse

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):


Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub. on 13 Dec 2023 23:33 next collapse

K I still need someone to sit down with me and explain the whole “Covfefe” thing

Edit: in homeopathic sized doses, he is objectively hilarious and tolerable. But his word salads make me wanna needa self-cannabinalize on 13 Dec 2023 23:37 collapse

It was a tweet. He tweeted this absolute nonsense and everyone was like “wtf is he on drugs?”

That’s it. on 13 Dec 2023 23:38 collapse

But like has anyone tried to explain or postulate what was meant specifically by covfefe, like what was the context?


covfefe = coverage on 13 Dec 2023 23:40 next collapse

I mean it was midnight. So, I think he was trying to say something about despite a day of bad press coverage, coffee? Has allowed him to…

Fall asleep face first on his keyboard?

Idk. on 13 Dec 2023 23:42 collapse

Sometimes when you’re getting up of the john you get that Vagus nerve thing where you 1/2-passout when getting up. Maybe that was it on 14 Dec 2023 00:31 collapse on 13 Dec 2023 23:47 next collapse

He probably just fat-fingered his phone with a half-written tweet open. If he’d just followed that up with “…coverage I’m actually the awesomest president ever blah blah blah” nobody would’ve noticed.

But instead it turned into this whole thing about how the tweet was meaningful and people were just too dumb to get it. Which just made him look ridiculous as usual. on 13 Dec 2023 23:48 collapse

I’m so glad I have male-ballerina fingers 😊 on 14 Dec 2023 00:47 next collapse

Yes. Many people have tried to explain it. Parts of the qult are claiming that it's a cure for the covid vaccine, (Co)Cobalt, (V)Vanadium, and two (Fe) iron. on 14 Dec 2023 00:48 collapse

Nah, its simple and I literally just explained it (as evinced by [the context of] his tweet) on 14 Dec 2023 00:51 collapse

That's what actually happened, yes. That doesn't mean that many people who worship him have not tried to find an explanation that means it was completely intentional, and I think it's worth knowing about how far people will go in his defence, even when it requires them to twist themselves into pretzels to defend something that would have been completely fine if he had just laughed it off. on 14 Dec 2023 00:53 collapse

I will never understand. Like how does anyone seriously politicize something that random and banal on 14 Dec 2023 00:58 collapse

Trump is a narcissist, he is incapable of admitting any flaw or fault, be it in an accidentally sent typo tweet, or letting the experts address a public health issue rather than pushing himself to the forefront and suggesting putting sterilizing lights into the body. on 14 Dec 2023 00:59 collapse

He actually did in his ShoppingChannel commercial today, the one with the Trump trading cards or whatever.

He referred to all the muscles the “artists” gave him that he definitely doesn’t have IRL.

I was like “Holy Shit, did he just like self-deprecate for the first time in his life?!”. I almost fell off my dinosaur! on 14 Dec 2023 01:03 collapse

Yeah, I caught that in a video from a content creator I watch. Not sure what to make of it, still thinking about it. Actual personal growth would be pretty surprising from the guy who kneecapped the pandemic response because he was worried he'd smear his makeup. on 14 Dec 2023 21:14 collapse

He was on episodes of WWE wrestling, im pretty sure he just spelled “kayfabe” wrong on 14 Dec 2023 03:52 next collapse

Bush Jr’s asinine ramblings were funnier IMO. “Now watch this drive” lives in my head rent free. on 14 Dec 2023 06:16 collapse

Fool me twice … can’t get fooled again on 14 Dec 2023 21:13 collapse

I’m pretty sure he was referring to “kayfabe” and didn’t quite get it right on 14 Dec 2023 00:41 next collapse

Meatball Ron is pretty funny. Normally his nicknames for people are fucking stupid. on 14 Dec 2023 00:42 collapse

Please…Im gunna need a list of his greatest “hits”

Edit: Ron DeathSentence, I’m officially deceased 🤣 on 14 Dec 2023 03:05 next collapse

Covfefe has been a pretty fun word, as well as referring to “Mooch” as a unit of time. on 14 Dec 2023 03:53 next collapse

Very stable brain on 14 Dec 2023 04:10 collapse

the stable-est

Like where voluminous bullshit and horseshit are generated on the daily. I’d say even when he’s constipated he always REGULAR lol😎 on 14 Dec 2023 19:39 collapse

Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV. on 14 Dec 2023 19:44 collapse

U got me, but thats nitpicky lol

Edit: i like how its set up so he can easily chunk it together

Person = woman or man Camera = tv on 14 Dec 2023 06:21 next collapse

Google was exempting some developers from its App Store rules

Apple doesn’t give exemptions, it’s just a carte blanche ban

[deleted] on 14 Dec 2023 06:44 next collapse

. on 15 Dec 2023 22:04 collapse

LOL Apple doesn’t give a single shit about “the right thing to do”, all they care about is money, and Apple is happy to not whack that hornet’s nest that’s actively stuffing their pockets, meanwhile they can continue to (rightfully) blame Twitter for what happens on Twitter. on 13 Dec 2023 22:51 next collapse

Cue Phony Stark making his own X Phone. on 13 Dec 2023 23:03 next collapse

Doubtful. I don’t think he wanted Twitter any more than Trump actually wanted to be president the first time around.

I think he wanted to fuck with them to tank their stock for the lolz and he got himself harnessed to them like a dumb ass, and now he’s killing it as artlessly as he acquired it. on 13 Dec 2023 23:48 collapse

He made the claim back in 2022

Granted, still doesn’t mean anything exactly.

Although, it would make the most sense for him if Xitter got banned. He could have all of his shitcoin financial doings on there, and have Grok as its AI assistant. Truth Social built right in, Alex Jones built in, Cucker Tarlson content built in; all that. Instead of having everything China has all in one app, just put it all on the X phone.

The Far Right would buy them in droves and droves. on 14 Dec 2023 02:27 collapse

That’s after he was already saddled with it, so it’s all part of the larp. Making an X phone only makes sense if you want to extract value out of X, but he doesn’t want to extract value out of X, he wants to destroy Twitter beyond all recognition, and for now that means talking grandly about all of the ways that he will fight to make X work, all of which are doomed and designed to fail.

That’s my theory at least. on 13 Dec 2023 23:20 next collapse

He’ll just buy some Chinese OEM phone and slap the dumb logo on it. And his audience of moronic fans erupts… on 14 Dec 2023 04:22 collapse

It would be very similar to the Wayne Industries mobile phones from The Dark Night, listening to everything and building a database. on 13 Dec 2023 22:53 next collapse

I’d love this. Musk doesn’t have the money to buy Apple and do to it what he did with Twitter. on 13 Dec 2023 23:00 next collapse

Just kill it please, People will be much better off on the Fediverse both mentally and to get away from bigots like Musk. on 13 Dec 2023 23:17 next collapse

can still be containment zone on 13 Dec 2023 23:25 next collapse

Yeah but rather it not become a breading ground for people like that with Elon's plans on adding dating into the mix. on 13 Dec 2023 23:25 next collapse

Probably joking, but I like this idea, let them have their own little shitty cesspool so we can have nice things elsewhere

[deleted] on 13 Dec 2023 23:32 next collapse

. on 13 Dec 2023 23:36 next collapse

Yea….ok, it was a nice idea for five minutes, but you aren’t wrong there on 14 Dec 2023 00:59 collapse

I think there is some balancing that can be done to prevent bad faith twitter users from claiming space in the larger instances. The day twitter goes down, maybe capping the number of new accounts created daily could be used to prevent ban avoidances and agitate them off the fediverse or into smaller instances.

Also, I think the current model of a fediverse will definitely have cesspools regardless of where the users came from. We do have loli and pedo instances unfortunately. on 14 Dec 2023 05:06 collapse

Twitter’s and Reddit’s model was lately (in the last 5 years at least) not fighting, but encouraging motivated large-scale bad faith and bot actions. I don’t know if they (the platforms) got paid for that. But I’m certain, they literally were policing against those trying to fight that, but not against such attacks.

Well, Reddit was and is worse in this regard than Twitter. And Twitter is just a medium I’ve never used for long, so. on 13 Dec 2023 23:37 next collapse

I just wish the pool pissers could have their own nice contained pool, and the rest of us could swim piss free on 14 Dec 2023 00:54 collapse

In every walk of life the best way to diffuse is separate into the mass. Dilution is key. on 14 Dec 2023 03:07 next collapse

I mean, realistically if the fediverse became mainstream they’d still have that, they’d just make their own Mastodon or Lemmy or whatever else instances and most everyone else would defederate with those. If anything I’m kind of surprised they haven’t gone to such platforms already, since while you can certainly be banned from individual instances and instances can be defederated from other instances, you cant be banned from the fediverse as a whole and they could always find a group of like minded jerks and make a little collection of instances for themselves on 14 Dec 2023 03:09 collapse

A cesspool where every 3 letter agency is quietly watching from the sidelines and taking notes. on 14 Dec 2023 03:08 next collapse

can still be containment zone

I thought that’s what “truth” social was on 14 Dec 2023 04:05 collapse

Did you mean “echo chamber”?

The problem with restricting the nutbags to one platform with no one calling out their bullshit, Is that they start to believe their own lies. on 14 Dec 2023 05:00 collapse

They probably won’t until they have their own alternative. It’s Apple, remember?

Though I haven’t heard of them making one, so maybe they are waiting for something to jump in with. Threads if it starts sucking less, BlueSky if it becomes popular. But not Fediverse. on 13 Dec 2023 23:01 next collapse

Speaking as a former reddit mod still atoning for my sins, I can say with confidence that the answer to the question: “what would happen if a reddit mod had actual power that mattered?”

Is simply this: Elon Musk would happen. on 13 Dec 2023 23:10 next collapse

“Stoning for my sins” see now this is how you get people excited about a religion. on 14 Dec 2023 02:28 collapse

It was a strange autocorrect at the time of writing, but I am properly stoned now so perhaps it was prophetic. on 14 Dec 2023 02:55 collapse

Were you a super mod? Why would you want to be a mod? Is it because your lacked enough control over your life so moderating gave you a sense of power you didn’t maintain in your own life? on 14 Dec 2023 03:06 next collapse

If we’re doing a bit, it’s because all forms of pornography have lost their appeal for me after years of slapping myself silly in my landlady’s basement (who is yes my mom technically), and eventually I could only achieve an erection, much less climax, by acting as a capricious and temperamental God among the mere mortals cursed to find themselves under my power. But eventually even that wasn’t enough and I’ve since moved on to direct marketing in the crypto space.

If we’re being humans, it’s because a small community I was a part of, and for which I had some emotional skin in the game, needed help and I decided to give it a shot. I only ever did the one subreddit, and we never grew larger than… I don’t know 250k, and then I burned out and moved on. on 14 Dec 2023 03:55 collapse

Most people just use pills for that. Though some buy twitter. on 14 Dec 2023 04:08 collapse

Most people mod because they love a community and don’t want it to die. If it weren’t for mods the forums you are currently using would devolve into spam and hate speech immediately. Sure some mods are bad, some are terrible, but the majority are good. on 14 Dec 2023 04:32 collapse

Oh shut up brown nosing. on 14 Dec 2023 05:45 collapse

Stop using the internet if you think all mods are bad. Moderators are on every site you use. on 13 Dec 2023 23:18 next collapse

Someone should make an app that post Alex Jones tweets. Nothing else either, no fancy U.I either, just text messages matching tweets from twitter. If Apple banned the app or never released it, the developer could in theory sue Apple because they aren’t doing anything to prevent it on twitter. on 13 Dec 2023 23:44 collapse

Such an app would violate the App Store rules:

4.2 Minimum Functionality: Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store. on 13 Dec 2023 23:53 next collapse

Probably a pretty big grey area, considering how many mobile websites are for all intents and purposes an app. I'm sure you'd be able to do it with some minimal added "functionality" to satisfy the requirements. on 14 Dec 2023 05:09 collapse

All their rules can be interpreted as they see fit. It’s Apple. It’s on purpose. They want to have freedom to easily ban stuff, but not seem too arbitrary at the same time. on 14 Dec 2023 03:07 collapse

Ok fine, adds public tracking of all Alex Jones court cases and money laundering. on 13 Dec 2023 23:30 next collapse

Apple did remove Parler from the App Store in the past due to lack of moderation. It did not end well for Parler. I don’t know how badly it has gotten over there on Twitter though. Is Twitter reaching the Parler level of toxicity yet? on 13 Dec 2023 23:50 collapse

Musk just hsoted a space with Ramaswamy, Andrew Tate, Matt Gaetz, and Alex Jones

How do you think that went down? My prejudice tells me it was probably racist and xenophobic AF and probably included some dog whistles on 14 Dec 2023 00:09 next collapse

Thought Tate was in prison? And WTF would he do that for? on 14 Dec 2023 00:23 next collapse

He was under house arrest for a few months for investigation and now he is confined to Romania while the trial is pending. Romanian laws. on 14 Dec 2023 00:55 collapse

Why do you think? He’s a right wing fascist asshole on 14 Dec 2023 00:28 next collapse

Yikes. That’s a four horsemen of deplorables. What a horrible echo chamber of depravity. on 14 Dec 2023 05:52 collapse

Was that the one where Ramaswamy didn’t cut the mic to take a leak and some assistant had to beg him to turn it off himself because it couldn’t be muted by anyone else?

If so, I have to think the noise of someone pissing was probably the most consistently honest part of the entire event. on 13 Dec 2023 23:36 next collapse

Hold it in place, Tim, and I'll get my hammer. on 14 Dec 2023 00:22 next collapse

I’ve never even thought of Twitter’s reliance on App Stores. It’s hilarious how many hands Elon is biting. It’s impossible to keep track of. on 14 Dec 2023 02:20 next collapse

If i’m seeing this article on Bloomberg, someone peeped off the record. Xitter is in for a world of pain. on 14 Dec 2023 03:42 next collapse

Not really seeing anonymous sources cited here. This looks like good old fashioned speculation. on 14 Dec 2023 06:09 collapse

It’s an opinion piece, not a news article on 14 Dec 2023 02:31 next collapse

Here’s a link to the archived article. on 14 Dec 2023 02:46 next collapse

X marked the spot on 14 Dec 2023 03:40 next collapse

I’m not holding my breath here. People seem far too willing to put up with stuff they wouldn’t otherwise because it’s Twitter. Far too many news orgs still point people to Twitter accounts. on 14 Dec 2023 04:01 collapse

Even my favorite email newsletters and blog sites still point to twitter.

It’s kinda frustrating to click a link then immediately, a giant “log in to see more”. on 14 Dec 2023 03:56 next collapse

Can we just fucking hold these people accountable already? Stop being afraid of taking them to task…especially when you’re one of the very few entities on the planet who have the resources to do so. on 14 Dec 2023 10:16 next collapse

Generally the reason why it is like this is because you know others have resources to do the same to you and you don't want to start a trend of doing that thing. Also, it's their leverage against the people it could be used against. You're asking an amoral group of individuals to act morally - that flies against everything they stand for. on 14 Dec 2023 15:49 collapse

That makes sense, sadly. on 14 Dec 2023 12:28 collapse

Are you seriously arguing for Elon Musk to be sensible?
The guy who believes Pizza gate is a real thing.
The guy who claimed he bought Twitter to save the earth, because it was controlled by a death cult.
The guy who believes Jews have a goal of exterminating white people.
The guy who believes advertisers are trying to extort him with money, and told them to go F themselves.
The guy who believes he shouldn’t be responsible when he manipulates Tesla stock.
That guy?
Maybe you mean Apple, but why would it be a maker of phones job to hold Musk responsible?
Why not call on lawmakers, and work to improve democracy in USA. on 14 Dec 2023 15:48 collapse

I meant Apple, specifically their control over the App Store. We can hold more than one thing accountable, but this article was specifically referencing Apple and their App Store. on 14 Dec 2023 05:04 next collapse

Doubtful. on 14 Dec 2023 19:20 next collapse

I could see either of these things happening:

  • Musk pouts and (laughably) threatens to build a better Apple.
  • Musk says he’ll buy Apple. Fails hilariously. on 14 Dec 2023 19:47 collapse

You do realize Elon and Steve Jobs share more traits than don’t? If he owned Apple it would actually work pretty well I’d think. Ignoring the fact it’s way too expensive for him. on 14 Dec 2023 20:01 next collapse

The only reason we think so highly of Jobs is he died before social media on 14 Dec 2023 20:40 next collapse

To think he would’ve lived if he didn’t act like a total nutcase and rely on alternative medicine… on 14 Dec 2023 21:08 collapse

Honestly crazy to me. Access to the best doctors and medicine in the world with no worries about money. Easy curable disease and yet you are so fucking high on yourself and your ways you die from it. on 14 Dec 2023 21:15 next collapse

I guess money won’t fix arrogance mixed with stupidity. Such a shame… on 14 Dec 2023 21:22 collapse

Isn’t pancreatic cancer one of the lowest survival rate cancers?

Edit: thank you for teaching me Lemmy! on 14 Dec 2023 21:29 next collapse

He survived 8 years with it though, whilst refusing normal medical attention. Given that, had he dealt with it in the first or even second year he’d have probably had a good shot at surviving. on 14 Dec 2023 21:31 next collapse

He was diagnosed with insulinoma, which unlike other pancreatic cancers, is curable and can be treated with surgery. Doctors recommended an early operation but Mr Jobs could not be persuaded to stop his pursuit of alternative remedies.

Mr Jobs went public about his cancer in 2004 after finally agreeing to surgery that year, by which time the cancer had spread.

He realised the delay had been a mistake and told his biographer Walter Isaacson: “I should have gotten it earlier.” on 14 Dec 2023 22:06 collapse

Yes, but Jobs had a very rare type of cancer, neuroendocrine. One that was, apparently, much easier to treat because it grows very slowly. He was diagnosed, could have gotten a surgery and dealt with what the doctors called a “shadow” on his pancreas. He decided, instead, that he would opt for more holistic treatments. 9 months later, he opts for modern treatments. At this point it was too late.

Pancreatic cancer survival rate is so low because it’s usually caught when things are too late, as there are usually no symptoms when it’s treatable. Job’s not only had the easier version of pancreatic cancer to deal with, he also caught it at the literal perfect time. The only reason he died was because he decided that he knew better. on 15 Dec 2023 06:15 collapse

I heard someone explain once that the ultra rich get both the best and the worst medical care.

The best because there’s literally no treatment they can’t afford.

The worst because on one hand it’s totally medicine à la carte, they get to pick whatever they want. And on the other hand they have to constantly ward off snake oil being sold to them. on 14 Dec 2023 21:52 collapse

I mean, he died in 2011 and pretty much all of his worst behaviors are well documented and I think he’s well regarded in spite of those things, but importantly also because he seemed to learn and grow through his life. The worst things Jobs seem to be responsible for are barely a Tuesday for Elon these days, and the level of talent are also so disparate that putting them in the same sentence is a little absurd. on 14 Dec 2023 22:08 next collapse

Haha I have no love for Apple but musk would immediately tank it. His first decree on day one as ceo would be that all apps in the apple store would have to make fart noises when you open them on 14 Dec 2023 22:29 collapse

Honestly they would likely manage the same.

Both are obsessed about micromanaging every aspect of the device.

Both work their staff to death and expect the impossible.

Both create a company that is a brand. That is, there are better products out there, but people will pay a premium just to say they own an Apple device/Tesla.

It’s actually extremely logical/a great fit. on 15 Dec 2023 23:23 collapse

lmfao on 16 Dec 2023 11:01 collapse

If you read their biographies instead of just idol worshipping Jobs I think you’d understand a bit better.

Seems like people just want to think Jobs wasn’t a piece of shit when he definitely was. on 14 Dec 2023 20:07 next collapse

With the reinstatement of Alex Jones on X this week, Elon Musk is playing with fire. Precedent suggests X is teetering on the brink of a ban for violating Malus Inc.’s App Store rules, which would be the final nail in the coffin for the platform formerly known as Twitter. Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook will be watching closely and hoping desperately it doesn’t come to that.

Jones reappeared on X over the weekend, brought back by Musk after polling his followers. His return comes five years after Jones’ mix of chaotic and toxic misinformation and hatred was deemed too much for Twitter and several other tech platforms. In the time since, Jones has mostly faded from the mainstream, only making the news when a judge ordered him to pay $1.5 billion to the families of children murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. Jones had claimed the massacre was a staged plot using actors.

Is this seriously the entire article? Wow…

Why would Tim Cook be concerned about banning Twitter? on 14 Dec 2023 20:32 collapse

Because of the potential fallout that would happen if they did. Apple doesn’t want to ban one of their key apps, it would be like banning Facebook. The app ecosystem is a key part of any mobile OS’ appeal, it’s exactly why the Windows Phone failed. Apple doesn’t want to lose users to Android which will have twitter even if it’s banned through side loading. It’s just too popular of an app, even if it’s a complete shit hole. on 14 Dec 2023 21:44 collapse

It’s like ripping a bandaid. on 14 Dec 2023 21:19 next collapse

I just reported the X app in the store for hateful content. on 14 Dec 2023 23:34 collapse

What do you mean by “hateful content” there’s alot of “hateful content” on lemmy and various other social medias. “hateful content” is one of the most vague definitions I’ve ever seen in my life

Way im interpreting and seeing it Is that its just a case of that as soon as you see someone you don’t agree with politically then they say something you don’t like that you will misinterpret there words as “hateful content” is this correct?

I personally would make a case for there being alot of misinformation on twitter but same applies for most other social medias as well… you can find bountiful amounts of misinformation on lemmy mastodon reddit Facebook Instagram essentially if it has a userbase there’s a good chance some misinformation has been spread on there it’s the internet people like to lie on the internet all the time whenever to prove a point gain internet points or get better exposure on 15 Dec 2023 04:29 next collapse

I’m not a fan of absolute relativism, to put it mildly. There are objective standards for hateful content. Alex Jones has been convicted of malicious defamation, for one example. on 15 Dec 2023 21:11 collapse

Lemmy is moderated, however. It goes against the community code of conduct to post hateful things, and in contrast to Twitter, Lemmy is not a platform that gives a high degree of visibility to individual submissions that outright violate such a code. on 14 Dec 2023 21:27 collapse

A bit ironic that under any other circumstances people would be crying out about how Apple has too much power to censor and control apps among a large chunk of the population. on 14 Dec 2023 21:46 collapse

that’s a totally fair claim. This time it’s “okay” because the far right is being banned. But we shouldn’t let that distract us from the fact that two private mega corporations can censor any social media or journal they want.

(they would only be banning the app and not the actual website, but so many tech illiterate people can’t tell the difference)