Nissan develops paint that keeps cars cool in summer heat (
from to on 28 Aug 2024 06:33

Nissan Motor Co. said it has developed a new type of paint that significantly reduces the temperature inside vehicles parked in direct sunlight.

The surface of a car coated with the innovative material remains up to 12 degrees cooler than that of a vehicle with standard paint, tests showed.

The company said the coating material can help rein in the temperature rise not only on the car’s body but also in the vehicle when exposed to direct sunlight.


threaded - newest on 28 Aug 2024 06:37 next collapse

Nissan also detects you having sex in the car and phones the info home. on 28 Aug 2024 06:39 next collapse

What ahaha. on 28 Aug 2024 06:57 collapse

Their privacy policy includes a provision that they can use the cameras and GPS to infer things such as sexual orientation, so yeah. on 28 Aug 2024 07:05 next collapse

While this fucked up, documenting sexual orientation is not exactly recording sex. Someone could simply use GPS and see that the only place in the area that’s open is the gay bar and infer from that, or even lip reading.

[deleted] on 28 Aug 2024 08:14 next collapse

. on 28 Aug 2024 10:34 next collapse on 28 Aug 2024 11:10 next collapse

You know, we can use vision ai services to do that now, dang yo time flies

[deleted] on 28 Aug 2024 11:43 collapse

. on 28 Aug 2024 11:49 collapse

no. on 28 Aug 2024 12:39 collapse

Not a hot dog bird on 28 Aug 2024 09:13 collapse

“Sexual activity”, too. Source: ……/its-official-cars-are-the-worst-pr… on 28 Aug 2024 08:23 collapse

Which cameras? on 28 Aug 2024 08:34 collapse

I don’t think they have interior cameras (although other manufacturers do), but the front and backup camera feeds provide plenty of information as well.

Then there’s also this, if you need any more reason to be concerned. on 28 Aug 2024 08:37 collapse

I don’t think they have interior cameras

Can just stop there. Unless people are banging on the bonnet, not sure what the point is. on 28 Aug 2024 09:36 collapse

If you read the linked article you will find that exterior cameras feeds are plenty invasive enough. on 28 Aug 2024 10:05 collapse

I don’t disagree, but this is what was said:

Nissan also detects you having sex in the car

Unless there are cameras in the car then no. on 28 Aug 2024 10:24 collapse

There are enough sensors in cars to detect a rythmic motion. It doesn’t need cameras for that. on 28 Aug 2024 10:02 next collapse

I’m curious where that’s from? News, or you made up from privacy policy? on 28 Aug 2024 10:18 collapse

Mozilla’s analysis if the policies, see my other comment in the thread. on 28 Aug 2024 10:33 collapse

Okay, I found one.


But I guess it’s to clarify what kind of data could possibly be collected and not that they actively collect and use them. I guess Ford can do that too, although they don’t specify in their privacy policy.

They’re not interested in your sexual orientation. on 28 Aug 2024 12:14 next collapse

So fucking glad I got my car before they added all this shit.

It’s going to prevent me from getting any EVs that come out that I can afford too. I’m not signing a fucking privacy policy for a car. on 28 Aug 2024 12:17 next collapse

Yeah, EVs are the worst kind of the privacy-invasive cars I agree on 29 Aug 21:16 collapse

My car has an antenna for a network that no longer exists and I’m so happy about it on 28 Aug 2024 17:03 collapse

But, like, why is that listed then? Why would Kia and Nissan say they collect information on your “sex life” and “sexual activity” respectively of they’re not? What’s to gain from keeping the window open if you’re using it? on 28 Aug 2024 12:37 collapse

My wife’s going to be pissed when she gets that call… on 28 Aug 2024 06:42 next collapse

can i paint my house with that? on 28 Aug 2024 08:33 next collapse

There’s already a 98% paint, not that cheap last I checked though. on 28 Aug 2024 13:05 next collapse

I have a similar coating on my deck in the back yard. I can stand on it barefoot comfortably in the summer which is not possible without the coating. on 28 Aug 2024 14:57 collapse

Nanoparticle roof shingles are a thing and they really work well on 28 Aug 2024 06:47 next collapse

Is this revolutionary invention called white paint? on 28 Aug 2024 07:13 next collapse

It’s staggering to me the number of black cars being sold in hot countries like Australia. Not to mention just how hard they are to see against the background of a bitumen road. on 28 Aug 2024 09:15 collapse

In some countries, you get a penalty on insurance depending on the car color, with maximum penalty reserved for black cars. on 28 Aug 2024 09:22 next collapse

Okay that’s racist on 28 Aug 2024 09:25 collapse

Lol. Wouldn’t want to see that applied to people although I can imagine the rhetoric. on 28 Aug 2024 11:04 next collapse

How is it with silver and grey? Do you get a heavy penalty for them too? If it rains, snow and/or are foggy can it be very tricky to see silver and grey cars. on 28 Aug 2024 13:03 next collapse

I’m not really sure. I think white and red are the cheapest. on 28 Aug 2024 13:33 next collapse

Red is the cheapest? It’s also a rather nice color, no?

White is fine too. on 28 Aug 2024 16:17 collapse

Growing up I remember hearing that red cars were the most expensive for insurance, as owners of red cars had the highest incidence of speeding and dangerous driving. on 28 Aug 2024 14:08 collapse

Heavy rain or snow all that matters is if the lights work!

Source: we get both around here on 28 Aug 2024 18:16 collapse

Everyone wants to be Mr Black. on 28 Aug 2024 07:43 next collapse

This is because the substance artificially reproduces a process known as radiative cooling on the painted surface. A typical example of radiative cooling is a phenomenon where the ground releases heat to cool off.

Nissan worked with the Chinese enterprise Radi-Cool as it specializes in the creation of radiative cooling technologies and materials.


However, one obstacle remains: the paint is six times thicker than the usual coating on the car body surface. The substance is also more expensive, which would add to the total cost of a new vehicle.

That, in turn, makes it difficult for the coating material to be utilized for mass-produced passenger automobiles.

For this reason, Nissan is looking to commercialize the paint on ambulances and other specialized vehicles as the first step. on 28 Aug 2024 10:28 next collapse

However, one obstacle remains: the paint is six times thicker than the usual coating on the car body surface. The substance is also more expensive, which would add to the total cost of a new vehicle.

That, in turn, makes it difficult for the coating material to be utilized for mass-produced passenger automobiles.

With 6 times thicker paint there’s a chance it also wouldn’t rust like a proper Nissan and we can’t have that, now can we on 28 Aug 2024 14:07 collapse

Thicker paint so more chipping resistance? Where do I sign up? 😮 on 28 Aug 2024 21:07 collapse

At the… Ugh idk. They all have super thin paint nowadays. Especially the more expensive brands. on 28 Aug 2024 18:34 collapse

…the paint is six times thicker than the usual coating on the car body surface… looking to commercialize the paint on ambulances and other specialized vehicles as the first step.

This is the best part of the article.

After driving ambulance during Australian summers, in the Great Victorian Desert, this would assist so much with operating temperatures. A literal life-saver, if the AC ever broke, also. on 28 Aug 2024 16:40 next collapse

Veeerry reflective white paint. Probably not street legal on 28 Aug 2024 18:17 next collapse

That paint’s name…?

A mirror, the car is now mirrorball. on 28 Aug 2024 19:05 collapse

Vantawhite on 28 Aug 2024 07:02 next collapse

diy cooling paint on 28 Aug 2024 10:18 collapse

That typo reverses the meaning by being one letter off.
(It had said “diy cooking paint”) on 28 Aug 2024 10:31 collapse

Lol on 28 Aug 2024 07:30 next collapse

<img alt="" src="">

Yeah, I know it’s an NSX. Deal with it. on 28 Aug 2024 07:49 collapse

What is the relevance here?

[deleted] on 28 Aug 2024 08:18 collapse

. on 28 Aug 2024 09:02 next collapse

JDM internet tough guy shit 🤣 on 28 Aug 2024 09:08 next collapse

Again, what does a somewhat overrated 90s Honda have to do with Nissan’s paint options? And what’s with the tacky body kit? on 28 Aug 2024 10:17 collapse

Especially since it was largely a failure in the racing series it competed which at the time was dominated for years by Nissan. on 28 Aug 2024 09:23 next collapse

cringe on 28 Aug 2024 09:44 collapse

Weird on 28 Aug 2024 07:40 next collapse

Also great for city climate since heated up cars are acting like a heat battery making it significantly slower for a city to cool down once the sun goes away

Ideally there would be no openly parked cars but I guess this is the next best thing on 28 Aug 2024 07:48 next collapse

How big is the difference between black and silver, metallic and non-metallic paint? on 28 Aug 2024 07:56 collapse

It’s surprisingly low. A German institute conducted a few experiments and the most extreme discrepancy was 1.5 degrees Celsius or something. on 28 Aug 2024 09:00 next collapse

I’m sure those 28% loans will just tack on another 6k in paint. NBD. on 28 Aug 2024 09:16 next collapse

Why don’t they just make the whole plane planet out of the black box paint. on 28 Aug 2024 09:21 next collapse

I seriously doubt that, tests have been performed comparing black and white painted cars, and the difference was insignificant. The heat buildup in a car is due to the the sunlight entering through the windows. on 28 Aug 2024 09:44 next collapse

trick is to paint the windows on 28 Aug 2024 10:30 collapse

Also this is problematic:

12 degrees cooler

But by what scale? If it’s Flaffenfeit, it’s just half an ounce!!! on 28 Aug 2024 11:36 collapse

And an ounce is nowhere close to a decimeter! on 28 Aug 2024 11:44 collapse

I bet Kelvin couldn’t agree more. But to be fair, he started a bit on the negative side. And called everything above that plus. on 28 Aug 2024 12:36 collapse

A bushel of paint should be enough to cover 12 roods. on 28 Aug 2024 12:44 next collapse

Our European friends are going to need you to convert that to kilometers. on 28 Aug 2024 19:03 collapse

Dammit, I needed 5.5 qt paint to cover one parking spot on 28 Aug 2024 10:52 next collapse

They should install automated blinds like some high end luxury cars have except make them out of that silvery windscreen sunshade stuff.

[deleted] on 28 Aug 2024 10:52 next collapse

. on 28 Aug 2024 11:15 next collapse

To add to your comment, ceramic window tint is a night and day difference. My steering wheel, shifter, and all couldn’t be touched after work. I wore driving gloves to get home. With the tint there slightly warm and the AC doesn’t take half the drive to catch up, the car is cool by the first stop light.

Maybe they should sell cars with that by default instead? on 28 Aug 2024 13:05 collapse

Is ceramic tint different from ordinary tint? on 28 Aug 2024 14:44 collapse

Yes. It contains ceramic nano particles that reflect UV without interfering with visibility.

edit: I meant IR. But it reflects both. on 28 Aug 2024 12:23 collapse

Could you link one of these? All the ones that I can find say there’s quite a bit of a difference on 28 Aug 2024 14:27 next collapse

Sorry can’t find it, all I can find in english are some where the data isn’t clear.
If a white car has brighter interior it will stay slightly cooler, I cannot find a test where everything is the same except the color of the car.
What I can say however, is that the test I saw was performed in Denmark. It’s possible countries with hotter climates may observe some difference?

Obviously the main source of heat is what enters through the windows, and how much is reflected out again does have an influence.,

If a white car has white seats and interior, they will obviously not heat as much as black seats and interior.

The white color on the exterior will also reflect more light into the car, except maybe at noon.

Edit PS:
I linked the danish test in a new response. on 28 Aug 2024 16:57 collapse

Obviously the main source of heat is what enters through the windows, and how much is reflected out again does have an influence.,

A lot of things seem obvious but turn out not to be, or not as much as I’ve first thought. Hence the usefulness of data and studies rather than mere reasoning. on 28 Aug 2024 18:15 collapse

If you saw my other post, this is absolutely confirmed by data. on 28 Aug 2024 14:42 next collapse

OK I’ll link the danish test, this test is done with 2 cars that are identical, except for the color of the paint:


Konklusionen er altså, at den sorte bil ikke varmes mærkbart mere op end den hvide.

The conclusion is that the black car does not heat up noticeably more in the sun than the white.

So it does a little bit that you can measure, but not enough to really make a difference.

Det skyldes ifølge Christian Bahl, seniorforsker hos DTU Energi, at bilerne opvarmes gennem ruderne.

According to Christian Bahl senior researcher at DTU energy, that is because the cars are heated through the windows.
(DTU is a well recognized institution for scientific research in Denmark.) on 28 Aug 2024 15:40 collapse

Maybe the fact that the experiment was done when outside were only 20-22 degrees made the difference less noticeable? Otherwise I can’t explain why all the other tests I’ve found said the difference was 5-10+ degrees. on 28 Aug 2024 18:12 collapse

This is the t-shirt one I remember.

<img alt="" src="">

From…/014000c on 28 Aug 2024 11:53 next collapse

And that’s 12 degrees Celsius (21.6 degrees Fahrenheit)! What kind of garbage article doesn’t include the units!? on 28 Aug 2024 12:03 next collapse

Or 53.6 degrees Fahrenheit if you believe whoever wrote the page for Nissan lmao. I guess they just typed it into a converter with no context, and the converter spat out an answer amounting to "if your thermometer says it's 12 degrees C, that would be 53.6 degrees F"... but without that context. on 28 Aug 2024 13:45 next collapse

How would you know it’s wrong if you don’t know fahrenheit on 28 Aug 2024 13:52 next collapse

Fair point, but I guess I would hope that the person being paid to write the copy would check it, since getting that right seems like it's part of their job description ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on 28 Aug 2024 18:59 collapse

That’s why it’s a better choice to just clearly identify the units and not attempt to be clever about converting for a particular audience on 28 Aug 2024 16:11 collapse

There probably wasn’t even anyone who actually wrote it. Fed it into some LLM to generate the page and no one actually edited it to make sure everything made sense on 28 Aug 2024 12:15 next collapse

I agree clarification never hurts, but the entire world except for ~4% of highly entitled population will read that right. on 28 Aug 2024 12:31 next collapse

There’s no need for that attitude though. on 28 Aug 2024 13:04 next collapse

Fair, my bad! Sorry if it was offensive.

I just got a little sick of all the Fahrenheit (and also Imperial) domination around here. This, in turn, is often left without clarification, despite the system being way less popular.

Lemmy as a platform is extremely America-centric, despite having tons of folks from everywhere else, which is aggravating in the long run. World really, really doesn’t all revolve around land of the free. on 28 Aug 2024 13:25 next collapse

Being from Russia, I’m fine with people using the units they are more confident with or used to.

(Not specifying units may be a bit confusing, but then people here don’t say\write “it’s 20 degrees Celsius” either.) on 28 Aug 2024 14:14 collapse

Russian-languaged media is not commonly consumed by someone living under imperial/Fahrenheit system, so it’s only natural.

For English, it might make sense to at least always add Celsius in parentheses, unless it’s highly regional news.

Also, привет российским леммиводам :D on 28 Aug 2024 15:12 collapse

Превед. on 28 Aug 2024 17:03 collapse

😂 on 28 Aug 2024 16:33 collapse

Metric ton of folks or colonial? Please clarify.

I agree though, that’s why I like posting conversions from time to time on other posts that are US defaults. on 28 Aug 2024 13:07 collapse

The attitude comes from Americans expecting the world circling around them. on 28 Aug 2024 15:15 collapse

The comment asked to list out the units which is a common thing to do. You don’t list out a scientific value without its units. They didn’t say list it out for Americans. Maybe the study was done in the US and they listed it in F. How would you know? So who came in here with an attitude? on 28 Aug 2024 15:24 collapse

No, they converted it to Fahrenheit because that's what they use & expect to be clarified upon. on 28 Aug 2024 17:52 collapse

No, they first listed the units which is Celsius and then converted it themselves and didn’t excepted it to be converted. No one is complaining that it’s not in F but rather that the units are missing. on 28 Aug 2024 13:08 collapse

Given that a lot of English language media are either located in the US or target the US market, I’d expect the value to be expressed in Fahrenheit unless stated otherwise. on 28 Aug 2024 14:16 collapse

Original article is about Asia, and Lemmy is an international platform, so neither applies here

I don’t mind some actually regional things presented in whatever system they use in there - although I’d much prefer if we’d all go metric already. C’mon! on 28 Aug 2024 14:42 collapse

The original article is not about Asia, it’s about a technical innovation. Regardless, although we’re on an international platform, it’s easy to see that many topics are US-centered, and many sources too - regardless of the subject. on 28 Aug 2024 14:50 collapse

“Asia&Japan Watch” is right under their name.

This topic is not centered in the US by any metric. It’s just an example of a Lemmy bias. on 28 Aug 2024 14:56 collapse

a lot of English language media are either located in the US or target the US market

or target the US market

So regardless of the website’s name or origin, it could be an English language outlet targeted at the US audience. Which is quite common. Which is why I explicitly added this remark to the comment you initially replied.

So why are we back here? What exactly are you trying to prove? All I said that I’d expect a value to be expressed in Fahrenheit unless stated otherwise. I didn’t say that you should do that, or that’s somewhat objective. I was simply arguing that despite only ~4% of population using Fahrenheit, it has much more influence due to the listed factors. on 28 Aug 2024 13:07 next collapse

What kind of garbage article doesn’t include the units!?

What for? Almost no country uses Fahrenheit. on 28 Aug 2024 13:49 collapse

If that’s how scientists did science, we’d have mountains of confusion. “Eh, most people will get it. Good enough.”

Information like this is global. It’s a single “C” for clarity. That’s not an unreasonable ask. on 28 Aug 2024 14:34 next collapse

You need the ° or else you’re just making errybody mad. Or maybe that’s just me. on 28 Aug 2024 15:23 collapse

Maybe it’s a mental reading thing. I always “hear” the word “degrees” in my head when I see °, so I like the extra effort to include that, but I also know that colloquially, people are a lot lazier. on 28 Aug 2024 14:42 collapse

This is a news article, not a study, which would've more likely used Kelvin, which would be still 12 degrees. It's for everyday people, which almost all of which use Celsius to measure temperature. People outside of the few countries who use Fahrenheit don't get confused about it because it's literally the only measurement they use in their life. If you travel outside the US you will find that no one adds Fahrenheit conversations anywhere and that pretty much all temperatures are listed in Celsius. on 28 Aug 2024 15:18 collapse

You’re arguing that it’s not worth the effort to be clear over a single letter, from a place of what appears to be some American-oriented xenophobia. Not a good look.

But to your point about travel, that isn’t analogous. This isn’t an American tourist going to another country, where the temperature context is Celsius. This is an article disseminated globally; by its very nature, the context should be agnostic of locale, and so it would behoove the authors to be clear (again, with a single letter) so that there is no confusion. on 28 Aug 2024 15:30 collapse

Calling out US entitlement isn't xenophobia. That self applied victim complex is just proving my point.

This is an article disseminated globally

Anything on the internet is inherently accessible globally, unless there's a geo-block in place. That does not mean that the things on the internet have to inherently be tailored to US standards or with US viewers in mind. The clearly not US sounding website "The Asahi Shimbun" even specifically has the subtitle "Asia & Japan Watch", which should make it more than obvious that this is not a US focused media. The only confusion coming up here is when you have to assume US units being used everywhere else, which simply is not the case. on 28 Aug 2024 16:11 next collapse

Again, you’re quibbling about the letter C for the sake of clarity and calling that US entitlement. You’re welcome to die on that hill, but it seems like a silly one to die upon because you have some beef with Americans. on 28 Aug 2024 16:31 collapse

Again, you're quibbling about the letter C for the sake of clarity

No, that's what you are doing. lol
I'm telling you that the letter is irrelevant for the majority of people in the world because we all already assuming the correct units of temperature and you seem to take an issue with that fact. on 28 Aug 2024 17:12 collapse

Me: “We should be clear and add a C, so we know for sure what units we’re dealing with and don’t make assumptions.”

You: “No, that’s American-centrism! We don’t need to include them! Most of the world already knows what they mean!” on 28 Aug 2024 17:52 collapse

Thanks for proving my point. lol on 28 Aug 2024 18:15 collapse

TIL “inclusion” is ethnocentrism. 🤡 on 28 Aug 2024 18:35 collapse

Yeah, that's totally what's been said. At least you already wear your clown badge proudly. on 28 Aug 2024 18:57 collapse

I’ve definitely seen some non-US news sources convert to US common units based on my locale. I’d much prefer they just clearly state what they’re using, especially like here where it’s just a matter of adding one character - similar to time where it’s adding three characters for the time zone.

It’s not even necessarily a US centric view asking for it - taking the high road here: anyone in the US interested in science is used to seeing both common and metric units. it’s really no big deal to switch back and forth. Just be aware there are multiple possibilities and indicate which you’re using. on 28 Aug 2024 16:34 next collapse

You’re right. Everything should be in degrees kelvin by default. Problem solved. on 28 Aug 2024 16:37 next collapse

I totally agree on 28 Aug 2024 18:47 next collapse

I will not stand for this! Rankine will be the standard! It will confuse and infuriate everyone equally. Truly the fairest of outcomes. on 28 Aug 2024 23:06 collapse

Reamur FTW! on 29 Aug 2024 05:22 collapse

Kelvin and Celsius are the same scale with a different zero point anyway. on 28 Aug 2024 20:51 collapse

Why would it be anything else?

It’s clearly too low a number to be °K. And since the only two valid units of measurement for temperature are Kelvin and Celsius, it must be °C. on 28 Aug 2024 21:05 collapse

A differential temperature of 12C is equal to a differential temperature of 12K…… You don’t take the offset into account for differential temperatures. on 28 Aug 2024 11:55 next collapse

Windshield screens are the low-tech but far more effective method of keeping a car’s interior cooler, typically by at least 20F when it’s really hot out. Slightly inconvenient but unlike this paint, a windshield screen will actually make a difference. on 28 Aug 2024 12:09 next collapse

Mythbusters did an experiment with a black car and a white car hitting in the sun. The black car was 12 degrees Celsius hotter. Claiming that the paint makes no difference is such a weird take. I thought this was common knowledge as well as many people I’ve met avoid darker colours in summer and such. on 28 Aug 2024 12:25 next collapse

Speaking of huge and inconvenient, if you’re a cheapskate, just get a car cover. Always helped my motorcycle. on 28 Aug 2024 14:37 collapse

I bet the interior of your motorcycle was WAY cooler after that. on 28 Aug 2024 15:19 collapse

It was! Also, the exterior wasn’t too bad, either on 28 Aug 2024 12:27 next collapse

Summer was hard on me in my teenage goth years.

Can’t really get many light shades of black. on 28 Aug 2024 14:37 collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 05 Sep 16:47 collapse

I think i’m in love. on 05 Sep 17:05 collapse

Careful, I don’t think that mask is n95 or anything. on 28 Aug 2024 15:17 collapse

What’s the cost (financial and environmental) of repainting a car vs using a windshield visor that’s at least twice as effective at reducing heat? Painting a car with this stuff would cost thousands of dollars compare to $20 for a visor. on 28 Aug 2024 16:47 collapse

I’m not talking about repainting anything, why are you moving the goalposts? Just buy a white car AND use a visor, what’s wrong with that? And in the future, if this stuff is actually good, maybe all cars can come already painted with it? on 28 Aug 2024 22:36 collapse

Just buy a white car AND use a visor, what’s wrong with that?

Nothing’s wrong with that-- why would I assume you’re talking about regular paint when this whole article is specifically about a single type of new paint developed to keep cars cool in heat? on 28 Aug 2024 13:03 next collapse

I don't care about your cage's interior temperature. Until we can ban cars from cities I'd welcome such paint, because all those shit heaps of cages standing on public space still end up heating up the places around them, further inconveniencing everyone else even more. on 28 Aug 2024 14:38 next collapse

Do they? I mean yes, because the ICE engines just constantly dump a ton of heat out, but does a parked car? Is there data on that? on 28 Aug 2024 14:53 collapse

Yes, just like "rock / gravel gardens" or whatever you call them in English, which are now banned in a lot of places for one reason being that exact same phenomenon of contributing to the urban heat island effect. They soak up the heat from the sun like a battery and then slowly release it into their environment, keeping it warm. It's super obvious as a pedestrian. on 28 Aug 2024 15:15 next collapse

You realize the emissions saved from reduced AC usage would also reduce the heat island effect, right? Sun visors like this are good for public spaces.

Also, it’s more environmentally friendly to have people use visors than repaint their whole car. on 28 Aug 2024 15:23 collapse

That still does not make me care about your cars interior temperature. on 28 Aug 2024 16:09 collapse

That’s okay, you seem pretty simpleminded so I don’t exactly expect you to understand the issue. I understand the anti-car sentiment but you’ve clearly gone off the deep end yet you still seem to think it matters to other people whether you care about issues like this. on 28 Aug 2024 16:29 collapse

That's okay, you seem pretty simpleminded so I don't exactly expect you to understand the issue.

Projecting much? Love the insults btw. Really drives your point forward.

I understand the anti-car sentiment but you've clearly gone off the deep end yet you still seem to think it matters to other people whether you care about issues like this.

You seem to care a lot. It's also again projection and highly ironic since you were the one who apparently thought people care about your car's interior temperature. on 28 Aug 2024 22:33 collapse

You seem to care a lot.

I think you’re confusing my care for the issue as me caring for you. It’s too bad you can’t even be bothered to make some of your comment relevant to the discussion. on 29 Aug 2024 11:00 collapse

My reply to your comment was more relevant than your comment about windshield screens. Whatever. I have better things to do than talk to people who do constant mental gymnastics to win stupid internet arguments. Have a nice day. on 29 Aug 2024 01:17 collapse

Grow up on 28 Aug 2024 19:31 collapse

Wanna know how you’re right? Look at the FLIR photo above and note where the heat is at its highest on 28 Aug 2024 14:40 next collapse

Neat. Now paint the inside. on 28 Aug 2024 15:46 collapse

so it radiates heat into the vehicle? on 28 Aug 2024 18:55 collapse

How else are you going to entice passengers to take off all their clothes? on 29 Aug 2024 01:18 collapse

Brown chicken brown cow. on 28 Aug 2024 14:58 next collapse

There’s no paint on the planet that will make most of their cars cool. on 28 Aug 2024 16:54 collapse

Yeah, the Leaf doesn’t need any help being cool*, they’re as neat as they come

*just don’t mention gen 1 air-cooled battery pack degradation on 28 Aug 2024 15:23 next collapse

Got in my car after work yesterday and it was 102F inside. It was awful on 28 Aug 2024 15:47 collapse

Lucky! I’ve seen 150 here in Louisiana.

And even higher when I lived in the Mojave desert. Like, if you didn’t leave a window cracked there’s a real chance your windshield cracks. on 28 Aug 2024 15:49 next collapse

I live in Pa, so our weather isn’t crazy hot like the south. I can’t imagine the weather where you’ve lived. 85F is my upper limit. Anything over makes me feel like I’m going to die. on 28 Aug 2024 16:03 next collapse

I was working outside in 96F and nearly 50% humidity within the past week.

If we continue trying to work outside during the middle of the summer day, as our summers get hotter every year, people are going to start to die.

I wonder how many it will take for America to adjust. I assume a lot more than I’m comfortable with. on 28 Aug 2024 16:08 collapse

I was outside in 96F yesterday herding my ducks for 10 mins and my whole night was ruined because I got so sick from the heat.

Idk how people who work outside constantly do it on 28 Aug 2024 17:44 next collapse

Box fans and Popsicles, mostly. You get used to it. Doesn’t make it any more pleasant though. I did give myself some pretty bad heat exhaustion at one point earlier this year, that hasn’t happened before. on 29 Aug 2024 02:24 collapse

Short bursts, finding shade, and lots of water and wind (box fans, as the other fella mentioned). A good hat helps immensely. If you can duck inside someone’s AC, you take the fresh air like it’s the last soup you’ll ever have and you suck it in. on 31 Aug 16:00 collapse

I can remember a few summers in the desert where it would reach 130’s. And as a kid back in the early 90’s, we had the hole in the ozone too. No joke we had ozone warnings, and no outside recess cuz of it.

Plenty of summer nights were the temp never dropped below ~100f

Strangely, we often got winter temps below freezing. on 28 Aug 2024 15:50 collapse

Must have had you wishing for a nuclear winter. on 31 Aug 16:05 collapse

It’s not so much the thermometer temp here in Louisiana. It’s the 80-99% humidity. At these levels your body’s main heat defense: Sweat - no longer works as it can’t evaporate fast enough or at all. Then it becomes an insulator and a feedback loop of hell. Like being wrapped up in a wet electric blanket. on 28 Aug 2024 15:46 next collapse

wouldn’t this also work on buildings? pavement? on 28 Aug 2024 15:49 next collapse

No, only Nissans. It says right there. on 28 Aug 2024 16:08 next collapse

Is metal paint and concrete paint the same thing? I’m not a painter on 28 Aug 2024 16:51 next collapse

Ultimately, they can be, but there’s lots of differences between them once they reach the bucket you buy. They have different adhesion qualities, but that could be addressed with an appropriate primer. They have different final finish surface requirements, which could be an issue for how the paint works. I remember seeing dragonfly-wing-style paint that was white when viewed perfectly straight buy blue when viewed at any off angle due to a microscopic vertical grid of blue walls. There may also be a required clearcoat component that may not be compatible between the two surfaces. Metal paint is also designed to handle the flex of metal where as concrete paint would barely be concerned about that but possible address crumbling instead.

Edit: and after reading the article, it’s a radiative-cooling paint rather than a reflecting coating. Concrete has a much lower thermal conductivity so this may not be effective in transferring heat out of the concrete. on 29 Aug 2024 05:22 collapse

Metal paint is concrete paint. Microsoft paint is abstract paint. This comment is metaphorical paint. on 29 Aug 2024 14:11 collapse

You mean metaphorical pain. Jk on 28 Aug 2024 18:36 next collapse

Probably yes, but it may not actually be doable. Not just because of how much there is to paint, but because the energy doesn’t just evaporate. It’s got to go somewhere. In this case I’m assuming it’s reflected, even if diffused. If everything does this, things that don’t (people, cars, pets, etc) will get all that extra energy.

Wouldn’t want to end up in a situation like this:… on 28 Aug 2024 18:49 next collapse

The amount of folks who have melted their shitty low quality thermoplastic patio furniture with their sliding glass windows will always amuse me, but overall I don’t consider IR radiation to be a big problem. Using a bunch of VOCs to paint everything and pollute a city would be though. on 28 Aug 2024 19:04 collapse

You ever seen that curved building that focused the sunlight into a spot in front of it and melted cars? Lol on 29 Aug 2024 04:49 collapse

You mean the one in the comment that the comment you replied to mentioned and linked to? on 29 Aug 2024 07:38 collapse

Lol oops didn’t click that link. But yes on 28 Aug 2024 20:01 next collapse

It can reflect it out to space. It is possible to make paint the keeps things below ambient. Obviously you’re correct, but only for things not facing upward. Upward facing things will bounce the energy back away from Earth. on 29 Aug 2024 05:19 collapse

Oh great so now the rest of the universe has to deal with it. Really just kicking the can aren’t we on 28 Aug 2024 20:29 collapse

Ok, so don’t paint it on any concave surfaces. Most buildings have flat or convex surfaces. on 29 Aug 2024 05:20 collapse

Dude your mom only has convex surfaces on 28 Aug 2024 20:01 collapse on 28 Aug 2024 22:17 collapse

great video. Its wild that it is functioning as an IR emitter and just beaming things into space. on 28 Aug 2024 15:47 next collapse

Can they develop a paint that reduces the amount of cars? That would be more helpful. on 28 Aug 2024 16:27 next collapse

This might match your criteria:
<img alt="An image of a car painted in army camouflage" src="">

(Jokes aside, I do agree with your sentiment) on 28 Aug 2024 18:43 next collapse

I don’t understand, why did you post a random picture of some pavement ? on 28 Aug 2024 18:44 collapse

Why did you post a picture of an empty street? on 29 Aug 2024 05:21 collapse

🙄 on 28 Aug 2024 17:22 next collapse

12 degree °C or °F??? on 28 Aug 2024 18:15 next collapse

Considering it’s no an American brand I’d say Celsius on 29 Aug 2024 05:18 collapse

Didn’t know Nissan was Scottish on 28 Aug 2024 18:15 next collapse

°C, which is not bad. Official press release (I think): ……/nissan-trialing-cool-paint-tech… on 28 Aug 2024 18:27 collapse


[deleted] on 28 Aug 2024 19:40 collapse

. on 28 Aug 2024 17:39 next collapse

Might be the most interesting thing Nissan has developed in two decades. on 28 Aug 2024 17:57 collapse

They found a very interesting way of selling their hybrid cars as full on EVs where I live. Their e-power stuff are small ICEs working as generators for electric motors that then drive the wheels. Apparently the fact that the wheels get all their power from an electric motor makes it definitely not a hybrid no sir, despite the fact the cars have tiny ass batteries and the single source of power for the whole system is the ICE. Also they somehow have worse fuel efficiency than many contemporary ICEs that cost quite a bit less. I don’t understand Nissan. on 28 Aug 2024 18:46 next collapse

Where is this? on 29 Aug 2024 03:52 collapse

A few car companies seem to be doing that. Toyota(?) here are advertising their hybrid vehicles as “self-charging electric vehicles” instead of a hybrid, even though there’s no way to plug them in and not have them self charge. on 28 Aug 2024 17:41 next collapse

They’re currently working hard for a way to make it subscription. on 28 Aug 2024 17:55 next collapse

up to 12 degrees cooler

okay but why? What tangible difference is that going to make?

Also is this on the interior or exterior? on 28 Aug 2024 18:14 collapse

12 degrees on roof, 5 on car seat. It’s in the article on 28 Aug 2024 18:16 collapse

Never heard of and not about to click on it. But thanks for getting that information. on 28 Aug 2024 20:44 next collapse

Hello and welcome. The purpose of this forum is for people to share articles, and then discuss the contents of the article they just read. If that’s not what you’re here to do, please spend your time elsewhere. on 28 Aug 2024 21:12 collapse

LOL I’ve been here for years, I don’t need a welcome, but I appreciate the sentiment.

I will spend my time when and how I choose, thanks so much, have a nice day! on 28 Aug 2024 23:32 collapse

Asahi is perfectly legitimate and one of Japan's largest news organizations.

Just because you haven't heard of something doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it. on 28 Aug 2024 23:47 collapse

I didn’t say it wasn’t. on 29 Aug 2024 04:59 collapse

You said you're "not about to click on it", which is implying that you think it is not a good news source. on 29 Aug 15:31 collapse

No it doesn’t, it just means its an unfamiliar one. on 28 Aug 2024 18:19 next collapse

Unlocked via subscription on 28 Aug 2024 19:23 next collapse

Nissan invents white paint on 28 Aug 2024 19:58 next collapse

If it’s like this stuff then it’s more than just white paint. on 28 Aug 2024 20:01 next collapse

If it’s like that stuff then they didn’t invent it. on 28 Aug 2024 20:19 collapse

Well, they would have invented the specific formulation they’re using. I’m sure it’s not exactly like this but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same concept with microbeads.

No one invents anything totally new. It’s all adding on to what others have made in the past. Nothing has ever been created from scratch. on 29 Aug 2024 01:20 collapse

I was hoping I’d see nighthawkinlight in the wild here. on 29 Aug 2024 13:05 collapse

Only reason I’m here lol on 01 Sep 10:47 collapse

Nasa have developed a paint for spacecraft that can be any color including black and still have the properties of white paint. It’s only colored in the visible part of the spectrum but allows IR to pass right through.

Although you do need to paint the vehicle white initially as an undercoat. on 28 Aug 2024 20:47 next collapse

12 degrees? I guess that’s cool but still well within egg frying temperature around here.

[deleted] on 28 Aug 2024 20:48 next collapse

. on 28 Aug 2024 21:01 next collapse

I just love how humans will do anything other than actually focus on fixing the problem. Love it. on 28 Aug 2024 22:04 next collapse

So… You want to turn off the sun? This has nothing to do with climate change, the sun hasn’t changed intensity in a few 100 years, so sun makes things warm on 29 Aug 2024 00:27 collapse

Lol on 28 Aug 2024 23:25 next collapse

Like reducing the number of cars.

Ohh too much traffic! 🤔 Let’s expand the freeways until you need a freeway to cross other freeways. on 29 Aug 2024 13:12 collapse

Just one more lane will fix traffic bro on 28 Aug 2024 23:56 next collapse

I would argue that the new paint could help alleviate the issue, since it would incentivise people to decrease use of the AC. My concern then would be how polluting is the production of the new paint compared to the current version. on 29 Aug 2024 00:17 collapse

My immediate thought was to wonder if this would help give kids who get left in a car by mistake have more of a fighting chance on 29 Aug 2024 05:10 next collapse

Uhh, what? The problem of things getting hot in the sun? on 29 Aug 2024 05:17 next collapse

Heat is the real issue. So much wasted energy on 29 Aug 2024 06:41 next collapse

Blow up the sun. Easy. on 29 Aug 2024 08:49 collapse

I like blowing things up. on 29 Aug 2024 14:04 collapse

Lol on 29 Aug 2024 05:16 next collapse

Ah yes. Why reduce the temperature of your car by 12 degrees when you can just alter the entire planet instead. on 29 Aug 2024 14:04 collapse

Lol on 29 Aug 2024 12:35 collapse

You’re right, running AC more off of internal combustion engines is a better path to the solution. on 29 Aug 2024 14:04 collapse

Lol on 28 Aug 2024 22:19 next collapse

Forget Nissan but I’ll take the paint. on 29 Aug 2024 00:51 next collapse

Yeah but 350Z tho on 29 Aug 2024 00:58 next collapse

Yeah but fuck Nissan on 29 Aug 18:21 collapse

Agreed, but mostly fuck modern Nissan. 90s and 2000s Nissan were cool. on 29 Aug 2024 02:00 next collapse

I mean, if you’re a middle age bro with a retail supervisor job compensating to show off to teen girls, I guess. on 29 Aug 18:23 collapse

I see, thanks for pointing out that I’m a stereotype. FML

TBF, the 350Z was the sports car to have when I was a teenager. Not my fault that I can only afford one just now in my mid-30s, haha. I blame Ronald Regan for screwing over working-class citizens. If I had the money my parents had, I’d be driving an EV by now.

(edit: and FWIW I’m in a happy relationship with an adult woman similar to my age) on 29 Aug 2024 05:09 next collapse

There’s a very long list of two door sports cars I’d buy instead of one of those bloated excuses. on 29 Aug 17:13 collapse

I’d like to see that list, cause I’m I’m considering selling the car in a year or two. Requirements: 2 doors, convertable, 300+ BHP, manual transmission, stability control (cause I’m a bad driver lol), under $15K. on 29 Aug 20:58 collapse

Miata, BRZ, GT86, possibly a WRX if you want something more practical. on 29 Aug 21:05 collapse

Already considered all of those before buying the Z. None of them meet my horsepower requirements. And the last time I checked, they don’t make a convertible WRX and BRZ/FRS/86. on 29 Aug 18:38 collapse

I had a 370Z. Basically the same chassis with a bigger engine.

Feels like sitting in a bathtub. It’s got a heavy ass flywheel that makes the V6 feel as smooth as a V8, but with predictable effects on responsiveness. You can cut the fly weight in half and it’s still perfectly good to run on the street without issues.

I traded it in for an Miata NC and never looked back. Sure, the Z has more power, but it doesn’t make good use of it the way a Miata does. on 29 Aug 18:44 collapse

Funny you mention that; I had the opportunity to buy an ND Miata for $5K more. Went with the 350Z instead. Now your comment is making me second guess myself, even though I love how the 350 handles.

It glides through corners so damn well, I can’t possibly imagine it getting any better than this, but you “Miata is always the answer” people always come of the woodwork and make me second guess my decision. The low horsepower figures always got to me. But now I’m thinking that maybe I should have just taken the damn test drive before falling in love with the Z. on 29 Aug 2024 03:09 collapse

It’s a cool, cool summer. on 28 Aug 2024 22:34 next collapse

Anything to not add a cooling system to the ev batteries. on 29 Aug 2024 03:19 next collapse

As someone living in Wisconsin with salty road winters, I’ll say that Nissan’s reputation is mostly trash here based specifically on their paint on 29 Aug 2024 05:26 collapse

As someone who used to live there, I’ll say that Wisconsin’s reputation is mostly trash based specifically on their winters on 29 Aug 2024 12:34 collapse

Also being the Alabama of the North. on 29 Aug 2024 05:13 next collapse

Twelve degrees what? A degree Celsius is more than twice a degree in Fahrenheit.

State your units, FFS. on 29 Aug 2024 05:31 next collapse

1kg is more than twice 1lb (2.2lbs) but 1C is only 1.8F on 30 Aug 03:40 collapse

And 1m is only 12 crayons. on 29 Aug 2024 09:05 next collapse

I will assume celsius since the IR image shows around 45 and 35 degrees in direct sunlight. on 01 Sep 10:45 collapse

The scientific consensus is that unless otherwise stated it’s Celsius.

In scientific papers you just write 14° you don’t need to specify the unit.

So I’m just going to use that rule and assume Celsius. on 29 Aug 2024 05:15 collapse

Is it white paint?