Raspberry Pi 5: available now! (www.raspberrypi.com)
from simple@lemm.ee to technology@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 13:10


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HeyJoe@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 13:29 next collapse

Sold out… remarks saying pre-order for next batches to ship in Dec or later. Yay…

Rai@lemmy.dbzer0.com on 23 Oct 2023 14:17 collapse

Preordered an 8GB… I’ll have it sometime next year wooooooo

AA5B@lemmy.world on 24 Oct 2023 14:36 collapse

Yeah, my credit card was charged for pre-order almost a month ago - no updates

My local store is expecting initial stock in two weeks and are NOT doing any sort of pre-sales

dohpaz42@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 13:43 next collapse

Does anybody know if they addressed the issues with WiFi and Bluetooth interfering with each other?

Kbobabob@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 22:18 collapse

I believe they are separate chips now

Drinvictus@discuss.tchncs.de on 23 Oct 2023 13:46 next collapse

Available for now? More like available for 5 minutes

mesamunefire@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 19:26 collapse

For the bots lol.

Buffalox@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 14:11 next collapse

To bad that Raspberry Pi lost its cool, when they began to “cooperate” with Microsoft, and grant Microsoft access to your device.

As answered to another user about the issues of the Microsft repo:

The raspberry pi came preinstalled with a Microsoft developer tool, which resided in a Microsoft controlled repo.
Now Microsoft has root access to your system, whenever you make any kind of upgrade, and can change dependencies for that tool to anything in their repo. Basically granting a third party control over your raspberry pi.
The worst is that it’s very difficult to prevent, you may look up guides to prevent Microsoft repo, and even these solutions have shortcomings.
On top of that, this enabled telemetry which is borderline illegal in EU.
It also means you ping Microsoft with every use of your package manager, granting Microsoft very useful information on a competing OS, plus giving them information you may not wish to give them.
You may consider all these issues as non issues, but I do not.


It did not come preinstalled.

LazaroFilm@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 14:17 next collapse

Can you support your claim? Raspberry py offers a Linux based computer and you can install whatever the hell you want on it.

SmashingSquid@notyour.rodeo on 23 Oct 2023 14:54 next collapse

Yeah I’d like a source too because what they said makes no sense. The immature way they responded to criticism of someone they hired is a good reason to be turned off of the pi, no need to actually make up something ridiculous.

Adanisi@lemmy.zip on 23 Oct 2023 14:59 next collapse

I think they’re referring to that one time they installed a Microsoft repo on Raspbian without permission.

SmashingSquid@notyour.rodeo on 23 Oct 2023 15:07 next collapse

Thanks, that makes more sense. According to an article on ars it doesn’t actually install anything so I don’t see their problem. All they have to do is comment out the line or just use a different distribution.

Evilcoleslaw@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 15:17 next collapse

It was removed a month later anyway. Now VSCode can be installed through the main Raspbian repo.

[deleted] on 23 Oct 2023 16:32 next collapse


Buffalox@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 19:14 collapse

OK they apparently did, but apparently they did it silently, at least I never noticed, maybe because I switched to Debian?
I actually thought it was still there!


But you are right they did it after about a month. If only they had owned up to it. Or at least announced it more clearly.

Adanisi@lemmy.zip on 23 Oct 2023 16:27 next collapse

I think the main problem is just screwing with the system like that without permission. I mean, I know I was pretty pissed off when I found a Microsoft repo in my sources one day. It’s not like it was a standard update or anything.

BearOfaTime@lemm.ee on 23 Oct 2023 19:00 collapse

For the overwhelmingly paranoid, there is one further possibility: if Microsoft were to make packages available in its repo with the same names as packages in the standard raspbian.raspberripi.org repository specified in /etc/apt/sources.list, it could override the “real” system packages with others of its own making.

I love the “overly paranoid” label, when you’re talking about a repo than can alter “real system packages”.

In what world is this OK?

SmashingSquid@notyour.rodeo on 23 Oct 2023 21:38 collapse

That’s not the same as their claim that Microsoft software was pre installed and has access to your system which is what I’m arguing was incorrect.

[deleted] on 23 Oct 2023 16:28 collapse


Buffalox@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 16:31 collapse



SmashingSquid@notyour.rodeo on 23 Oct 2023 16:36 collapse

Explain how adding a Microsoft repo that doesn’t actually install anything is the same as giving Microsoft access to your device?

Buffalox@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 18:05 collapse

OK if i must…

The raspberry pi came preinstalled with a Microsoft developer tool, which resided in a Microsoft controlled repo.

Now Microsoft has root access to your system, whenever you make any kind of upgrade, and can change dependencies for that tool to anything in their repo. Basically granting a third party control over your raspberry pi.

The worst is that it’s very difficult to prevent, you may look up guides to prevent Microsoft repo, and even these solutions have shortcomings.


On top of that, this enabled telemetry which is borderline illegal in EU.

It also means you ping Microsoft with every use of your package manager, granting Microsoft very useful information on a competing OS, plus giving them information you may not wish to give them.

You may consider all these issues as non issues, but I do not.


It did not come preinstalled.

SmashingSquid@notyour.rodeo on 23 Oct 2023 21:35 collapse

Finally, performing apt policy code confirms that Visual Studio Code was not actually installed on my system—it’s just easier to install (and update!) now, since its parent repository is part of my sources list, along with the GPG code verifying the contents of that repository.

It didn’t come pre installed with the tool. It only had the repo. Did you even read your own link?

Buffalox@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 21:38 collapse


[deleted] on 23 Oct 2023 15:16 next collapse


ikidd@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 15:02 next collapse

Lots of things to criticize rPi foundation for, but this is just goofy BS.

ricdeh@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 18:10 next collapse

Not the foundation. They’re not the ones who’ve funked up the product, it was and is the stupid profit-driven sister corporation to which they’ve outsourced design and manufacturing. The foundation exists only for educarional stuff now.

Buffalox@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 18:28 collapse

My wife still uses the hardware, but with only Debian on it.
Personally they lost me, fucking up like that, I don’t trust them.

Buffalox@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 18:25 collapse


bilb@lem.monster on 23 Oct 2023 18:48 collapse

You keep posting this article but it explains clearly why it’s not a big deal.

Buffalox@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 19:07 collapse

I just found the article to prove that it happened.

You then have to ask why it wasn’t announced, and why they changed the practice?

There are several problems about it, which I stated elsewhere in this thread. You may think they are not an issue, and that’s OK.
But I DO think it’s a serious issue, in part for the reasons stated previously.

Now I think I’m out of here, this is not something that actually has my interest anymore, since we use Debian on our old Pi’s , and will not buy any more.

BearOfaTime@lemm.ee on 23 Oct 2023 18:55 next collapse

Just read the article. That’s bad.

I don’t care that I can remove the repo, I’d still have to block MS to prevent an RPi update from re-adding a repo that can replace core files.

What kind of BS is that author peddling? The bottom line is “if it can be done, it’s a bad thing”, that goodwill argument is a bunch of whitewashing.

Plus, I don’t WANT VS on my Pi. The “help learning students” argument is also BS. VS is difficult to install because it’s not native, and this is a reality for tech users. Better approach would be clear documentation on how to install VS, explaining the how’s and why’s along the way. If it’s “too hard” to write such documentation or for students to follow it, then that person is clearly not qualified to write it.

I’ve written TONS of docs just like this for enterprise app deployment. It’s SOP there. If a test unit fails to successfully rebuild a system using my docs, it’s not the tester’s fault, it’s a fault of my docs not being complete or clear enough.

Every enterprise has teams that document everying to the extreme for disaster recovery - the idea being that anyone technical can walk in and rebuild an entire system from your docs.

Thanks for the link.

frezik@midwest.social on 23 Oct 2023 19:35 collapse

I don’t get it. From what I can tell, they added /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vscode.list with a third-party MS repository . . . and that’s it. You can now do sudo apt install code and get VS Code installed. If you don’t want VS Code, then don’t install it. At worst, Microsoft gets a log entry of you downloading the package list every time you do sudo apt update.

I don’t really like VS Code, myself, but it’s becoming something of an industry standard. Even in environments that are otherwise Linux-based. Lots of my coworkers use it even though we deploy on Linux. Making it easier for students to install is understandable.

macattack@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 22:42 collapse

I’m also confused, and I say this as someone who uses Debian as their main driver.

arc@lemm.ee on 24 Oct 2023 13:10 next collapse

There was also a Windows 10 IOT build for Raspberry Pi. Basically a stripped down Windows without a desktop for embedded uses. Nobody was forced to use it and probably very few people ever did.

As for this repo it looks like a build of VS Code which is just a popular text / programming editor.

CmdrShepard@lemmy.one on 24 Oct 2023 14:53 collapse

Based on that URL, this only applies to RaspberryPi OS but you’re in no way required to even use it.

LazaroFilm@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 14:17 next collapse

Oh! Oh. Nevermind. Welp. Back to Orange Pi. At least they’re available.

[deleted] on 23 Oct 2023 15:43 collapse


LazaroFilm@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 17:13 next collapse

It’s an Armbian distro. Down side is you can’t install Pi images for specific things, you need to build them manually, but other than that no real issues. Also you can run Android (that was trickier to setup as it needs a windows only tool to flash it to the SD card.

mint_tamas@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 18:45 collapse

What windows-only tool are you referring to?

LazaroFilm@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 20:05 collapse

Phoenix card from their official tools. It’s apparently the only flasher that can properly flash android to TF card.

mesamunefire@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 19:24 next collapse

They work pretty well. The upside is they are always available. The downside is less support for software like the pi foundation has invested into. But they do a great job as a Linux board and if you use a well supported distro, you should be fine.

At one point, we had to do a project with 40ish of these things. Worked out well and we couldn’t get a pi, because since 2019 they are basically impossible to order in number.

nossaquesapao@lemmy.eco.br on 24 Oct 2023 15:06 collapse

At the beginning, they were really behind raspberry pis, but the newer models are so nice, that I wouldn’t be surprised if they soon start leading on the innovation in the niche.

Software support has been improving too. You can install armbian just fine, and they have been working on their own official distro. Community support is still minimal, but slowly growing.

henfredemars@infosec.pub on 23 Oct 2023 14:34 next collapse


DumbAceDragon@sh.itjust.works on 23 Oct 2023 14:41 next collapse

Already sold out? Have they learned nothing? At this point they have to be doing it intentionally.

GreenMario@lemm.ee on 23 Oct 2023 16:34 next collapse

Scalp their own product and sell it for a markup just like how Nintendo does it with amibos and mini consoles.

mesamunefire@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 19:25 next collapse

My pi 4 is worth much much more than I bought it for. It’s insane.

Rolive@discuss.tchncs.de on 24 Oct 2023 15:11 collapse

Same but it’s too valuable for me to get rid of it.

mesamunefire@lemmy.world on 24 Oct 2023 17:49 collapse

Its currently running a satellite tracker. Its a fun little project. Citizen science and all that.

stewsters@lemmy.world on 24 Oct 2023 18:15 collapse

If it’s going to get scalped anyways, I would prefer we did it in the open auction style the first half year, with the RPI foundation getting the proceeds.

These scalper bots are adding nothing of value. Fuck em.

frezik@midwest.social on 23 Oct 2023 19:27 next collapse

What do you think they should do? Manufacturing more won’t help; bots will buy all available initial stock regardless. You can try using exclusive channels, but then you exclude a whole lot of people who will naturally get upset. Increasing the initial price will piss people off, too.

CmdrShepard@lemmy.one on 24 Oct 2023 14:50 collapse

They’re only valuable for scalpers because they’re so hard to get. If they wouldn’t constantly put business orders above consumer orders, the demand for scalping would evaporate just like it has for every other consumer electronic device. People aren’t selling PS5s for $1000 anymore because you can just go buy one from the store.

frezik@midwest.social on 24 Oct 2023 15:06 collapse

How these bot networks work is they setup scripts to grab every available product they can. They don’t care what it is; could be shoes, designer bag, GPU, whatever. They just pick something that has worked in the past.

RPis have worked in the past. Now, what they might see is that the new version doesn’t move on eBay like the old ones did. The $500 RPi5 will sit untouched. If so, then the RPi5 will likely be the last time we see this kind of release behavior. But it won’t happen this time, and there’s little the RPi Foundation can do about it.

This is basically what happened in the GPU market this past generation. Scalpers bought up the first few weeks of stock for big flagship releases, but they sat there. Then they moved on, and the launch day availability was much better.

hiddengoat@kbin.social on 23 Oct 2023 19:55 collapse

They are absolutely doing it intentionally. Industry gets first crack, then some educators so they can get some good press, then the rest of us get scraps.

TrejoPhD@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 20:01 collapse

As an educator, still pretty hard for us to get them, too.

But it’s not them, it’s silicon in general. It’s why car prices have gone up, too.

just_another_person@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 14:45 next collapse


Kualk@lemm.ee on 23 Oct 2023 14:56 next collapse

Hi, can someone point me to a good resource where I can ask for DIY solution of home speaker.

I need home speakers that can play music and messages from home machine.

Target music is something like jellyfin, messaging is not decided.

Goal is to have a speaker per room like Apple speaker, but controllable from Linux.

Imma_lazyboy@sh.itjust.works on 23 Oct 2023 15:11 collapse

Try ropieee.org. I use it for use with roon. But it also makes it work with Spotify and airplay. Just add some powered speakers or get fancy and a nice amp/combo. Hopefully that works for you.

Kualk@lemm.ee on 23 Oct 2023 15:34 collapse

The bridge is free, but underlying software is paid service subscription.

Imma_lazyboy@sh.itjust.works on 23 Oct 2023 15:46 collapse

ropieee.org/xl/ It works without roon. Hope it helps get you going.

Evilcoleslaw@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 15:23 next collapse

We are continuing to increase our production rate, with the aim of fulfilling all backorders, and getting Raspberry Pi in stock at all our Approved Resellers, by the end of the year

I feel like I’ve heard that last part a few years in a row.

mosiacmango@lemm.ee on 23 Oct 2023 16:38 next collapse

They changed the board design to be much faster to produce by Sony, who manufactures them.

frezik@midwest.social on 23 Oct 2023 19:23 next collapse

As far as Pi4’s go, you can pretty much get them now without fucking around (albeit only in 2GB and above). I imagine Pi5’s will be difficult for a while. New releases always are.

phx@lemmy.ca on 23 Oct 2023 20:04 next collapse

Pi4 regular boards yeah. The CM4 (Compute module 4) boards are a bit of a bitch to find though.

I wonder if we’ll see a CM5 and whether it’ll be compatible with the CM4 interface boards

Evilcoleslaw@lemmy.world on 23 Oct 2023 20:14 collapse

Ah cool. Last time I was looking for one was early in the year and I just gave up and got a different SBC.

ripcord@kbin.social on 24 Oct 2023 06:17 collapse

You have, and they have been steadily (but slowly) making progresss across the board.

HurlingDurling@lemm.ee on 23 Oct 2023 15:52 next collapse


For bots to get the whole stock for corporate needs

jelloeater85@lemmy.world on 24 Oct 2023 01:18 collapse

Yeah, what’s the point. Just get one of the 30 some odd other ones.

CmdrShepard@lemmy.one on 24 Oct 2023 14:46 collapse

None of those are available either because this non-profit is all about serving corporations above everyone else.

jelloeater85@lemmy.world on 24 Oct 2023 15:27 collapse

You’re not wrong 😢

iturnedintoanewt@lemm.ee on 24 Oct 2023 12:03 next collapse

“out of stock”, “leading time” 17 weeks. Yeah…“Available”. Sure.

Rolive@discuss.tchncs.de on 24 Oct 2023 15:10 next collapse

Ah shit, here we go again.

Lucidlethargy@sh.itjust.works on 26 Oct 2023 07:54 collapse

I pre-ordered one a few weeks ago, and it’s at least a month out. So yeah… This headline frustrates me.

It’s not out now.

Cyberjin@lemmy.world on 24 Oct 2023 12:45 collapse

<img alt="" src="https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/81518982-b194-48ed-9492-d8b35f2584b9.webm">

Lucidlethargy@sh.itjust.works on 26 Oct 2023 07:55 collapse

It was gone over a month ago.