Tesla reportedly asked highway safety officials to redact information about whether driver-assistance software was in use during crashes (www.businessinsider.com)
from L4s@lemmy.world to technology@lemmy.world on 22 Aug 2023 14:00

Tesla reportedly asked highway safety officials to redact information about whether driver-assistance software was in use during crashes::Elon Musk’s Tesla has faced investigations into Autopilot, including an ongoing NHTSA probe of more than 800,000 Teslas after several crashes.


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autotldr@lemmings.world on 22 Aug 2023 14:05 next collapse

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Tesla directed the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to redact information about whether driver-assistance software was being used by vehicles involved in crashes, The New Yorker reported as part of investigation into Elon Musk’s relationship to the US government.

"The Vehicle Safety Act explicitly restricts NHTSA’s ability to release what the companies label as confidential information.

Autopilot, which is meant to help on highways, is the driver-assist software built into all Teslas, while Full Self-Driving is a beta add-on that costs $15,000 a year.

Full Self-Driving is more advanced, and allows cars to change lanes, recognize stop signs and lights, and park, Tesla says.

Two months later, the agency announced another investigation into the feature after identifying 11 crashes since 2018 in which Teslas hit vehicles at first-responder sites.

A Department of Justice criminal investigation has also been underway, with Tesla confirming in February that the DOJ requested documents about the Autopilot and Full Self-Driving features.

The original article contains 446 words, the summary contains 155 words. Saved 65%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

jeffw@lemmy.world on 22 Aug 2023 14:42 next collapse

The original New Yorker article is an incredible read. I recommend it

lobut@lemmy.ca on 22 Aug 2023 16:38 collapse

Was it this one?


jeffw@lemmy.world on 22 Aug 2023 21:17 collapse

Yes. Ronan Farrow is an excellent journalist

silvercove@lemdro.id on 22 Aug 2023 15:23 next collapse

Tesla’s business model is pushing half-baked sloppy software into production and putting lives in danger.

Gargantu8@lemmy.world on 23 Aug 2023 04:18 collapse

Don’t you agree to be aware and under control while using teslas though? I don’t mean to provide excuses but isn’t that why they are able to deploy this software?

silvercove@lemdro.id on 23 Aug 2023 06:16 collapse

Tesla advertises their cars as “our cars drive themselves”.

Gargantu8@lemmy.world on 23 Aug 2023 15:00 collapse

Fair point!

betterdeadthanreddit@lemmy.world on 22 Aug 2023 14:27 next collapse

Since everybody knows that problems just magically disappear when their consequences are hidden.

foggy@lemmy.world on 22 Aug 2023 14:35 collapse

Especially really smart businessmen!

Eideen@lemmy.world on 22 Aug 2023 17:32 collapse

I don’t see the problem for Tesla. Regardless of whether the autopilot is active or not, the driver is responsible.

qaz@lemmy.world on 22 Aug 2023 21:45 collapse

Legally yes, but in my opinion when you market your car as self-driving you do share a certain level of responsibility if it self-drives into an accident.