Dodge Chargers Now Have Pop-Up Ads at Every Stoplight (
from to on 12 Mar 22:27

Nothing quite says “high-performance muscle car” like a popup ad for a Mopar Extended Warranty covering your whole center console. That’s right, Dodge Charger owners are now experiencing an exciting new feature: pop-up ads that appear every time the vehicle stops at a light. This absolute garbage feature was spotted in the wild, take a look here.

#advertising #automotive #charger #dodge #marketing #stellantis #technology

threaded - newest on 12 Mar 22:37 next collapse

Oh, look…!!

Yet another good reason I’ll not buy a new car. 🙄

Perfectly happy with my current 03 model thank you… on 12 Mar 23:03 next collapse

Seriously! My 2003 has a CD player and a tape deck on 12 Mar 23:16 next collapse

Is that an 8-track tape deck? 😉 on 12 Mar 23:17 next collapse

😂 🤣

Yeah, mine did too…

I updated the “entertainment deck” to a unit with aux, usb, sd card, and Android Auto (which is what I really wanted).

All good!! on 13 Mar 00:51 collapse

My ‘15 car is amazing except for the fact that it only has slow-ass laggy Bluetooth and NO AUX JACK on 13 Mar 11:53 collapse

The removal of 3.5mm jacks with no simple, universal, physical way to connect an audio device has been such a thorn in my side. on 12 Mar 23:41 next collapse

Narrator: And that’s when he hit a speed bump, and the whole engine just fell out. on 13 Mar 11:52 collapse

I said that about my older reliable car. Until I was rear ended at a stop light and it was totaled. During a time that used cars were more expensive than new. (I did find an 8 year old Corolla with high miles and lots of body damage for $18k though!)

I went without a car for nearly a year. Had to buy one when my partner was forced back to work in the office.

Peeking at the used market, it’s still not great where I am. Better than 2022-23 at least. on 13 Mar 17:22 next collapse

A wreck like that is my one fear…

Doesn’t take much of a hit to “total” an older vehicle like that. 🤷‍♂️ on 13 Mar 17:31 collapse

It really doesn’t. I also dislike the fact it can be more difficult to find some parts for older cars too, so even if you wanted to salvage, it may not be viable. on 13 Mar 17:53 collapse

Haven’t run into the “finding parts” problem…

That may be a regional feature though. Driven older vehicles my whole life and never had too much trouble finding parts… even from junk yards if necessary.

I have many junk yards within 50 miles, most within 20. 🤷‍♂️

And I’m familiar with local/online companies that provide NOS as well as new fab for older vehicles. on 14 Mar 00:51 collapse

That happened to me, too. During covid pricing, I had a 1992 Ford Taurus that I absolutely loved (and hated, but that’s a different story), and got rear-ended on the freeway at the tail end of 2021. Wasn’t severe and the car was drivable, but insurance still totaled it. The kicker is that even though I only paid $1000 for the car, insurance gave me a whopping $4700.

I managed to snag my current 2008 Toyota Sienna for $4500 when most were going for $6-8k. It needed some work at first, but it’s a solid car and serves as our family hauler and handles multiple roadtrips a year like a boss (split custody, yay 🙄). on 12 Mar 22:37 next collapse

Damn, I would be pissed if my car started showing ads. I hope this enshitification doesn’t spread. on 12 Mar 22:52 next collapse

Dodge dropped 29% in sales in the USA last year, and something tells me, this isn't going to have folks lining up to buy Chargers in 2025. Watch the free market* take care of this one.

*Unless you're Tesla, in which case the market costs $277 million to purchase. on 13 Mar 00:08 next collapse

I think that has more to do with ending production on the LX Platform Challenger / Charger tbh. They haven’t quite managed to gather the same hype among domestic car nerds with their replacements as those old boats had. on 14 Mar 00:21 collapse

Despite their reputation, the LX platform was serious value, offering stupid power for cheap. It had the “classic American muscle car” vibes, and responds nicely to modifications. on 13 Mar 02:47 next collapse

Hornet, Journey, Charger. That’s it. Hornet is a piece of cheap, charger has ads. Journey…? on 14 Mar 00:22 collapse

Journey exists for rental fleets. on 13 Mar 04:09 next collapse

Their new $85k Charger will surely save them… on 13 Mar 11:14 collapse

Free market doesn’t work if all car brands are owned by like 5 companies and all of them agreeing to add ads.
That is why we need to regulate cooperations as well as enforce them properly. on 13 Mar 04:17 collapse

Narrator: “It spread. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. Really you wouldn’t believe how much it spread. It spread like Domino’s™ all new creamy red sauce on only the freshest of dough seasoned wi—”

*car crashes* on 12 Mar 22:37 next collapse

Also known as how to ensure a robust used car market until they pull their head out of their ass. on 12 Mar 22:43 next collapse

Welp. That sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen. Of the class action variety. on 12 Mar 23:44 next collapse

Oh, I thought you meant a lawsuit from me. When I, a pedestrian am crossing the street with my walk signal, when suddenly, the guy at the opposite side of the intersection just starts driving at a red light because he was distracted by McDonalds. Didn’t even realize his foot was on the pedal, and now I got run over. on 13 Mar 00:14 collapse

I’m pretty sure the point of showing the ads only at intersections is, that the car needs to be in a standstill

So they kinda give you “entertainment”, while you’re waiting

Obviously a completely shit move, but I’m afraid, we can’t hit them for safety issues here

Maybe more relevant would be, that people will miss the green light or produce more traffic jams, because that they’re clear to move on

(Or did I miss something how/when they show their stupid ads?) on 13 Mar 00:23 collapse

Don’t worry, on the mountain of paperwork you sign when you buy a car there’s probably an arbitration clause somewhere. on 12 Mar 22:49 next collapse

They really don’t make them like they used to.

adds Dodge to the no buy list on 13 Mar 04:15 collapse

Which one is NOT on that list? on 13 Mar 12:30 next collapse

For me right now? Mazda. They have always been enjoyable to drive, and if you look at their interiors in everything from the MX-5 and Mazda3 up to their big family SUVs, you see physical controls in the foreground and a moderately sized infotainment screen up and back. Good location for glancing at it, and not for using a touch screen for everything in the car.

I’ve been commuting in a 2012 mazda3 for several years and it’s been fun to drive and mechanically reliable. Also very fuel efficient with one of the early Skyactiv branded drivetrains. on 13 Mar 13:56 collapse

Public transportation subscription. on 12 Mar 22:53 next collapse

You do realize this is based on a almost half-a-year old reddit post? What has happens in the meantime?

Note to self, never buy a Stelantis car. Not that I have ever considered that anyway! on 12 Mar 22:59 collapse

4 months is "almost" half a year, I guess.

Point of the post is that this popup ad thing has expanded from Jeep (small brand) into Dodge (large brand) from the parent company (Stellantis). What has happened in the meantime is that a bunch of other Dodge drivers has confirmed the issue is widespread and difficult to disable.

(Ope: I got fact-checked, turns out Jeep sells more vehicles per year than Dodge. I'm old, and apparently Dodge has lost a ton of market share since last I checked!

If y'all are concerned about recency, I updated the article to include more images of the popup ads, including one from as recently as 3 days ago.) on 12 Mar 23:21 next collapse

Jeep sells more than twice as many vehicles per year as Dodge. They are not the “small brand.” on 12 Mar 23:35 collapse

Makes sense. I was surprised that Jeep was referred to as the “small brand”. on 12 Mar 23:41 collapse

Yeah, maybe 50 years ago but with the popularity of SUVs Jeep is dominant at Stellantis. They sell almost as many Wranglers as Dodge sells vehicles in total. on 13 Mar 11:42 collapse

seems like 80% of people are off road cosplayers these days. on 13 Mar 12:39 collapse

So I drive a Bronco that’s 99% stock. I have a roof rack that I added. I do go offroading, but we also have it to tow behind our motorhome since the bronco is flat towable.

I ran into this guy who’s in a new (last 5 years), heavily modded Wrangler. He has the fenders cut away, huge winch on the front, etc… I ask him if he has any favorite spots around here and he says “nah I don’t really get out and do that anymore.” on 12 Mar 23:24 next collapse

I’m glad people are made aware of it!

My point was, if the ads are still pushed to cars, I’m surprised FuelArc used a 4 month old reddit post as reference. Someone most have contacted Dogde, Jeep, or Stelantis for a comment on this. on 13 Mar 07:36 collapse

Someone most have contacted Dogde, Jeep, or Stelantis for a comment on this.

A Stellantis spokesperson told Fortune in a statement that “a temporary software glitch affected the ability to instantly opt out in a few isolated cases, though instant opt-out is the standard for all our in-vehicle messages. Our team had already identified and corrected the error, and we are following up directly with the customer to ensure the matter is fully resolved.”

Source on 13 Mar 00:18 next collapse

Thanks for the extremely helpful analogy on 13 Mar 01:33 next collapse

Where are others confirming this? Not in the article.

Im in a challenger every week and have never seen an ad on the screen ever. on 13 Mar 07:55 collapse

Is your Challenger using the dealer installed SiriusXM? That would be for new and CPO vehicles. That seems to be what it is linked to.

Y'all are... surprisingly hard to persuade! I thought sharing a literal image of popup ads in the car would be the proof y'all needed to believe it was happening.

I mean, there are... more images of it happening...? Like, damn. Here's an instance of it happening in a Challenger. on 13 Mar 11:52 collapse

Y’all are… surprisingly hard to persuade! I thought sharing a literal image of popup ads in the car would be the proof y’all needed to believe it was happening.

people are being rightfully skeptical of an auto news site using old reddit posts to promote themselves on lemmy. a single instance does not show how widespread the issue is. if you want to be a journalist do better. on 13 Mar 18:28 collapse

... Thanks for the downvote, boss XD

Have a great day. on 13 Mar 09:59 collapse

That is even worse. So it has been ongoing for at least 4 months now. on 13 Mar 18:31 collapse

Yeah, that's how I read it :) on 12 Mar 23:09 next collapse

Excited to see what they’ll do with Revanced for cars. on 12 Mar 23:15 next collapse

If you disconnect the car’s cellular network, do the ads go away? on 12 Mar 23:45 next collapse

Yes, but now the car can’t pull data to operate the gas tank. on 13 Mar 00:35 collapse

Operate the gas tank? What new feature did they add that requires a container of liquid to be networked? on 13 Mar 01:15 next collapse

I can feel the sarcasm but it would be remiss to ignore the fact that a lot of manufacturers are trying out subscription models. I would like to think of HP here and there ink service they offer with their printers but for cars. on 13 Mar 01:17 collapse

gas-as-a-subscription service. For $300 a month you can get gas at select service stations at no cost to you. Terms and conditions apply. on 13 Mar 05:25 collapse

The terms and conditions: no stations within 500 miles of you participate, so pay up on top of the no revocable subscription. on 13 Mar 01:16 collapse

If you can find an antenna it can be blocked or disabled. Basic instructions for a faraday cage can be found very easy. on 12 Mar 23:31 next collapse

Weren’t they going to discontinue both the charger and challenger? on 12 Mar 23:47 collapse

I thought they discontinued the challenger in 1986. The whole brand kinda blew up. on 13 Mar 01:12 collapse

Theres a core memory! Those 80s challengers were real pieces of shit. Ignoring that, challenger space craft have about the same longevity. Too soon? on 12 Mar 23:31 next collapse

Took my Dodge vehicle in for service. They wanted my email address “so they can get in touch with me if I don’t answer the phone.” I gave it to them.

It took less than half a day for the first spam mail to hit my inbox. on 12 Mar 23:46 next collapse

…do you not have a fake email you can log into?

I bet someone has “” on 13 Mar 14:29 collapse

Actually tried it, seems like gmail doesnt like swear words on 14 Mar 10:30 collapse

Sounds like a problem for addresses related to Scunthorpe or Penistone on 13 Mar 00:00 next collapse

DuckDuckGo offers a nice relay service; you get a email address that mails through to your regular email, but it strips out all the trackers and other bullshit. It’s good for situations like that. on 13 Mar 00:33 collapse

Mozilla has one too. And Fastmail. You can invent a different email address for every site, then block the ones that get spammed. on 13 Mar 01:04 next collapse

Pro-tip: Fastmail integrates with 1Password to generate random emails and save them.…/masked-email-from-fastmail-and-1pa… on 13 Mar 08:46 collapse

Also with bitwarden! on 14 Mar 05:13 collapse

Nice! I didn’t know that. on 13 Mar 01:33 collapse

Use and support an open source dev! on 14 Mar 00:26 collapse

They wanted my email address “so they can get in touch with me if I don’t answer the phone.”

“Lol no”

Then walk out. on 12 Mar 23:50 next collapse

I thought GM foregoing CarPlay in favor of their own proprietary UI was a great way to kill sales, this is absolutely genius. Way to ensure I would never purchase your products! on 12 Mar 23:58 next collapse

Welp, my days of not buying Dodge cars seem to be coming to a middle. on 13 Mar 00:39 next collapse

Fuck this made me giggle on 13 Mar 01:32 collapse

For that rhyme you deserve a nickel! on 13 Mar 04:17 collapse

Better than a twisted nipple. on 13 Mar 09:42 collapse

You sure? Sounds like a nice tickle. on 13 Mar 05:19 collapse

Be careful, it might be illegal to not buy one. on 13 Mar 00:06 next collapse

I get that this is the point of the article, but wow seeing an ad in your car makes it look cheap as fuck.

There’s a chance I might tolerate it on a rental, but not on something I own. Absolutely not. on 13 Mar 00:19 next collapse

If this ever happens to any car I buy, it’d be going right back to the dealer. on 13 Mar 01:24 next collapse

I bet you might have a court case if you could prove that the dealer had disabled this advertising “feature” during your test drive. on 13 Mar 07:07 collapse

I would drive it straight back into the dealership through their display room window. on 13 Mar 07:32 collapse

No you wouldn’t. on 13 Mar 10:16 next collapse

Of course he would. If he stopped outside he’d have to watch another fucking ad. on 13 Mar 13:29 collapse

Is this your first time on the Internet? Welcome! on 13 Mar 00:20 next collapse

Next update: play Ozempic commercials every time you stop at a light. on 13 Mar 00:31 next collapse

Speed run to bankruptcy. on 13 Mar 00:36 next collapse

They’ll see the sales of the Charger tank and will conclude that people just don’t want muscle cars, which is sad because in the next few years I was thinking about getting one.

Oh well, what can you do. on 13 Mar 18:14 collapse

This is the company that saw their North American sales dipping and responded, "let's discontinue the Challenger and Charger, our 2 recognizable nameplates that give the rest of our lineup a halo effect with our largest buying segment, that'll fix it!"

Then they brought back the Charger as an EV, which is exactly what that particular fanbase did not want to buy, at a starting price that'll make your eyes water. Now they've announced that they're doubling back and releasing a gasoline Charger, but by surprise and with no specs available in advance, as though they're panic-releasing it. It's a perfect shit show. Corporate idiocy on parade. on 14 Mar 05:36 collapse

An EV with a fake exhaust sound, no less.

My god how lame. on 14 Mar 10:22 collapse

As a muscle car driver in the past, oddly, the sound is a big deal. The sound scratches some primal itch. A muscle car sounds like mechanical power. It's hard to explain, it vibrates through the pedal, so I guess it's sort of a human-machine interface feature. But also emotional. A lot going on there, I actually find that dimension of the design real interesting, most potential buyers hate what they attempted.

I can see how the corporate suits and engineers wouldn't get it. But surely at least some of their engineers are gearheads? They tried to replicate it, and just widely missed the mark to most folks. It sounds really shitty in the videos I've seen.

You're right, tho, the simple answer... it's fake. It's much more expensive than it used to be, and it's clearly imitation. Nobody likes being a sucker, and a bad deal like that makes the buyer a sucker. on 13 Mar 00:47 next collapse

This is like shooting a hole in the bottom of the boat so the leaking water has somewhere to go out. on 13 Mar 01:23 next collapse

I’ve been debating getting a new car after paying a ton to fix up my old one but now I think I’ll keep her forever.

Anybody got a lead on a rebuilt turbo for a 2.0L TSI? on 13 Mar 03:30 collapse

Same boat, big bill this time though. Weighing my options. Not really liking the price, quality, or connectivity of newer vehicles… on 13 Mar 02:21 next collapse

This is old and they’ve already said it’s a bug. Stellantis sucks for sure though. on 13 Mar 03:21 next collapse

“It’s just a bug, trust me bro”

Yeah OK huge corporation. The followup question is why this mechanism exists at all if it was never intended to be used in this fashion. on 13 Mar 07:30 collapse

The ad was most likely supposed to be shown once. Not literally every single time the car stops at traffic lights. Car companies may be stupid, but not this stupid. on 13 Mar 14:52 collapse

As if that is any better. My dashboard is not their fucking ad space on 13 Mar 11:58 collapse

Be less gullible on 13 Mar 02:55 next collapse

You know, I always expected Tesla to be the first to do this kind of shit, but never underestimate Stellantis’s commitment to be at the bottom. on 13 Mar 04:12 next collapse

Been doing this with Jeeps already. They claimed it was a mistake.…/jeep-in-car-ads-popup-stellantis-so… on 13 Mar 05:23 collapse

“Oops! We accidentally incorporates ads into our software! It was an honest mistake…”

I’ve never wanted to go smashing car windows in a lot until now on 13 Mar 06:12 next collapse on 13 Mar 14:17 collapse

Yeah, happened to me last week. I wanted to do a simple bugfix and next thing I knew I had implemented, configured and released an ad solution to our software… on 13 Mar 19:47 collapse

Whether it is a feature or a bug depends on how their sales numbers look for Q1 2025.

Call it Schroedinger's bug. on 13 Mar 04:31 next collapse

Two weeks ago it was Jeep. Now it’s Dodge. This is how it creeps. Are both those companies owned by Crystler? on 13 Mar 04:33 next collapse

Yes, along with Ram pickup trucks and IIRC Fiat, somehow. on 13 Mar 14:34 next collapse

Plus Peugeot, Citroën and Opel. on 14 Mar 00:15 collapse

Chrysler Corporation (Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram) was owned by Daimler (which also owned Mercedes-Benz) from 1998-2007, then operated on their own again (and spun off Ram from Dodge) until 2014 when they were acquired by Fiat, forming Fiat Chrysler Automotive (aka FCA). FCA and PSA (Peugeot) merged in 2021 to form Stellantis.

There you go. on 14 Mar 00:32 collapse

…to the loud apathy of us GM owners. on 14 Mar 01:58 collapse

Indeed. on 13 Mar 04:35 next collapse

It’s called Stellantis now. on 13 Mar 14:37 next collapse

Oh yeah I did hear that name recently on 14 Mar 00:06 collapse

Ask your doctor if Stellantis is right for you… on 14 Mar 00:59 collapse

…may cause watery eyes, small penis, or death by fire. on 14 Mar 01:42 collapse

Batteries not included. on 13 Mar 12:20 collapse

Yeah, zero surprise seeing this happen to Chrysler/Stellantis cars first.

[deleted] on 13 Mar 04:40 next collapse

. on 13 Mar 05:03 next collapse

I’d get rid of that car so fast it would make your head spin. There is no car I’d put up having this garbage to keep on 13 Mar 06:57 collapse

Well I’d put up with an ad-driven free version of a Nissan GTR or so. Easily. But not if I paid for it properly. on 14 Mar 00:29 collapse

Absolutely not. The “I’d deal with it if I get [nice thing] for less” mindset is the entire reason we’re in this situation to begin with. Companies see that people will put up with it, realize data collection from that is where the real money is made, then it leaches into everything else.

Fuck ads entirely. on 14 Mar 17:57 collapse

What if you cannot afford the [nice thing] normally otherwise? on 14 Mar 18:42 collapse

Then don’t get it.

If you must have it, find something equivalent, maybe a bit cheaper and older, that isn’t ad-supported. on 13 Mar 05:14 next collapse


[deleted] on 13 Mar 05:21 next collapse

. on 13 Mar 07:14 next collapse

Next thing you know they’ll find a way to advertise in our dreams on 13 Mar 07:17 next collapse

DON'T GIVE THEM IDEAS! on 13 Mar 07:19 next collapse

Now I want Lightspeed® Briefs. on 13 Mar 10:56 collapse on 13 Mar 10:20 next collapse

Having a bad dream? Why don’t you dream about RAID SHADOW LEGENDS instead! DIVE INTO A DARK FANTASY… on 13 Mar 13:38 collapse

This is part of the plot of the movie Dream Scenario on 13 Mar 07:29 next collapse

There was an article about this few months ago and the exact same reddit post was used there as evidence of this being true. This was most likely a bug and it probably has been fixed since. If what the headline claims here was true there would be tons of videos of it happening to different people on YouTube. on 13 Mar 07:39 next collapse

Reported by drivers as recently as Tuesday.

One of dozens of such reports, confirming make, model, and frequency of the ads (at every stop):

I'm the world's worst journalist, but I do try! When possible, I confirm facts with multiple sources. The "news" aspect here is that they were previously on a different Stellantis brand (Jeep), and now they have expanded to another Stellantis brand (Dodge).

If you have evidence that contradicts, feel free to share. on 13 Mar 10:20 collapse

From your link:

this crap started popping up every time I stoped,

This should absolutely be illegal, as it blocks the use of the panel until the message is closed. This is an unnecessary traffic distraction, that is bound to statistically cause issues and even accidents. on 13 Mar 11:09 collapse

Yea, but ReGuLaTiOn bAd, of course on 13 Mar 11:17 collapse

Of course, Capitalism will regulate itself. Once we all get a Darwin award for thinking so. on 13 Mar 10:16 next collapse

2nd paragraph of the article:

Update: the above image is older, which has some folks on social media wondering

Stelantis was reported doing this with Jeep, and now they are doing it with Dodge too. You are confusing the issue because you are misremembering the facts.

3rd paragraph:

This isn’t the first time Stellantis has pulled this sort of stunt with popup ads, either. They already tried adding pop-up ads to Jeeps

This is just another example of the shitshow Stellantis has become! It’s an unnecessary distraction that blocks the use of the screen until you close the message. This is bound to cause issues and probably even accidents. on 13 Mar 15:02 collapse

This was most likely a bug and it probably has been fixed since

You have a source for any of your assumptions? on 13 Mar 15:10 collapse

The source of my assumptions is my mind, but sure, here you go.

A Stellantis spokesperson told Fortune in a statement that “a temporary software glitch affected the ability to instantly opt out in a few isolated cases, though instant opt-out is the standard for all our in-vehicle messages. Our team had already identified and corrected the error, and we are following up directly with the customer to ensure the matter is fully resolved.”

Source on 13 Mar 15:48 next collapse

Ok even if that is the case. Why is it even possible for them to deliver ads to a car? The very fact it could happen “accidently” is more than enough for me to be angry. on 13 Mar 15:54 collapse

Explanation is not excuse. Personally I wouldn’t buy a car that has access to the internet in the first place. on 13 Mar 16:21 next collapse

The spokesperson did not answer questions about the frequency of ads or what cars were covered by the SiriusXM contract.

A spokesperson saying “we are looking into this” doesn’t actually mean it was never intended or that it has stopped. on 14 Mar 00:25 collapse

Where have I seen that before… Oh yes:

<img alt="" src=""> on 13 Mar 07:36 next collapse

Forget about just the web. Modern tech is about to become unusable due to ads. on 13 Mar 10:04 next collapse

You’d may as well run the red light on 13 Mar 10:14 collapse

That was my idea as well. You are providing a negative feedback for following the rules. on 13 Mar 11:07 next collapse

I am so happy that my car doesn’t update itself automatically on 13 Mar 14:08 collapse

You know, I was annoyed by that when I had to pay for an out-of-warranty update but now I’m pretty happy that my car is one year too old for automatic updates. on 13 Mar 18:01 collapse

How is a software update a warranty claim? They should be free, like a recall. Maybe a DIY option with a USB or SD card. Either that or whatever they’re adding probably isn’t worth the update to me. on 14 Mar 00:04 collapse

Often it’s controller remapping to resolve transmission or engine issues. Those are typically recalls. The software updates you’re thinking of are typically for the infotainment system, which gets data from the rest of the vehicle and controls any wireless connectivity (if equipped). on 14 Mar 01:01 next collapse

😄my infotainment is only a "dumb” touchscreen radio with android auto / carPlay support anyway on 14 Mar 01:57 collapse

That’s how my minivan is. It’s a 2008 Toyota Sienna with an Alpine ILX-407 and iDataLink Maestro RR for vehicle integration (i.e. steering wheel controls and OBD-II). Works great. on 14 Mar 03:06 collapse

Well I think in the case of controller remapping, that’s a recall. But an infotainment update should also be free and possible to do yourself. If it isn’t, that’s terrible. on 14 Mar 03:50 collapse

Toyota hasn’t offered an update for our 2015 Highlander’s Entune system since 2017. I snag the map updates for cheap from eBay, but that’s about it. The system sucks so bad… My parents’ 2015 Camry has the same system and they don’t use the navigation at all, choosing Google Maps or whatever instead. I mean there is absolutely no reason why entering one address needs to be divided into multiple ambiguous fields over multiple screens, completely dependent on what region you select on the first screen, which may or may not be correct since it looks for exact matches and not a “general” area; and stopping the navigation should be “stop navigation”, not “delete destination” ffs. Garmin, TomTom, Magellan, etc. had this figured out 20 fucking years ago.

I get why Toyota likes to stick with “old but proven” tech, but that Entune system…jesus fucking christ what a dumpster fire. on 13 Mar 12:51 next collapse

We need root on our car computers. on 13 Mar 23:36 next collapse

And smart TVs, doorbell cameras, robo-vacuums, etc etc. on 14 Mar 03:24 collapse

We need more dead ceos on 13 Mar 14:09 next collapse

It seems like displaying an ad at a stop light would be a safety issue since it makes it so you can onky look at the screen while moving. on 13 Mar 16:36 collapse

Not to mention it has the potential to completely distract the driver when the light turns green and other traffic starts moving again. on 13 Mar 15:24 next collapse

If you just do a standing burnout at every light will it not pop up? on 13 Mar 18:08 next collapse

The folk with the random alphanumeric username, asking the real questions on 14 Mar 02:37 collapse

They’ll start using the traction control sensors to circumvent this life hack on 13 Mar 15:33 next collapse

This is just asking to get rickroll’d. on 13 Mar 15:38 next collapse

I mean like I need another reason to NOT buy a Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep/Ram on 13 Mar 16:08 next collapse

Blows my mind that this kind of stuff isn’t a safety issue… I guess as long as it’s “touch-free” it’s not considered distracted driving lol on 13 Mar 17:34 collapse

it literally is a safety issue. people are going to die over this. it’s just not illegal. on 13 Mar 19:44 collapse

The Muse's cleavage knows what's up. on 13 Mar 21:13 collapse

no other parts though. the tits themselves for example are not special. only in the aggregate, and more so in some outfits than others. on 14 Mar 00:14 collapse

Greater than the sum of their parts, love it. on 13 Mar 17:15 next collapse

If we had actual regulation here this would be illegal for distracting driving.

Illegal to look at phone (I know everyone does it and isn’t enforced, but still illegal on paper) but not illegal to watch this short message from our sponsors?

I hate living through a bad joke. Much rather read about this shit and laugh then wondering what the next stupid thing is. on 13 Mar 17:33 collapse

cringe cyberpunk. worst genre to live in. at least in the grim darkness of the future you can admit how bad it is. on 13 Mar 17:50 next collapse


More like

“Let’s see how people react” on 14 Mar 03:49 collapse

Didn't another car manufacturer have a similar "glitch" with in-car ads fairly recently? This story feels so familiar. on 14 Mar 03:54 collapse

Yes, Jeep, owned by Stellantis who also owns Dodge. on 14 Mar 01:50 next collapse

“Please subscribe to continue operating your vehicle” on 14 Mar 03:55 next collapse

I’m surprised Dodge is trying this considering the thousands of memes of BMW implementing pay to use features on their vehicle ever since they added subscription heated seats. on 14 Mar 05:40 next collapse

Memes don’t matter if revenue climbed on 14 Mar 05:40 collapse

Memes only matter if they effect revenue. If profit climbed then the stupid stays. on 14 Mar 03:59 next collapse

Whenever I upgrade my car, if it has this “feature “ I will immediately change out the system. on 14 Mar 05:29 next collapse

time for a new sound system then, lmao on 14 Mar 06:44 collapse

It’s so insane how seemingly every company wants to fuck over all their customers these days. Their obsession with fucking infinite growth.