Nuclear Won’t Meet Tech’s Energy Demands (
from to on 29 Nov 12:01


threaded - newest on 29 Nov 14:56 collapse

Non-Spotify link, for anyone not wanting to support that exploitative platform.…/252_nuclear_wont_meet_techs_ene…

The episode has a point, all this nuclear talk is a fig leaf for really excessive and probably pointless energy consumption. So-called AI feels like a Ponzi scheme in more ways than one. on 29 Nov 15:54 collapse

Tech companies will use the power no matter what. Might as well use nuclear, even if it’s only 50% of the demand.

And about AI, I’m sorry you can’t use it to anything. I’m using it daily at my work. Both Adobe’s and LLMs. Time saver. on 29 Nov 16:43 next collapse

How much time do you save and what type of work do you do? As a software engineer I don’t find it helpful at all. It’s just as easy to Google whatever I need. on 29 Nov 18:51 collapse

I use generative AI to remove objects in Photoshop, because it’s alot faster than doing it myself.

It might only take me 2-3 minutes, but the AI finishes in seconds. And when you do that often enough, it’s extremely helpful.

I also use it for translation and to proof read grammar. Time saver as well. on 29 Nov 17:28 collapse

It’s inevitable and it helps me personally so stop resisting.