Bodycam Maker Axon has acquired AI surveillance company Fusus amid a push into retail and healthcare settings (
from to on 06 Feb 2024 13:31

Archived at…/axon-acquires-fusus-ai-surveill…


threaded - newest on 06 Feb 2024 15:36 next collapse

If this is the way humanity is headed, maybe it’s a good thing we’re about to go extinct. on 06 Feb 2024 16:21 next collapse

AI surveillance company

I already don't like those words by themselves... on 06 Feb 2024 16:27 collapse

This the guy testing cameras in the OR?

Fuck that guy, and fuck his invasions of privacy. on 06 Feb 2024 20:27 collapse

Only mention was:

“With Fusus, hospitals, schools, retail stores, houses of worship, event venues and residential communities—whole cities and towns—are better protected and, importantly, can contribute to greater safety for everyone,” an Axon blog on the Fusus acquisition states.

Previous articles have mentioned Fusus with plenty of fear mongering which is warranted, but tends to gloss over how their system works.

They offer corporation/municipalities/churches/etc. an “opportunity” to contribute to the security of their blah, blah, by “donating” their security footages… their presentation’s seem to be “this can work with your existing equipment, but if it doesn’t just buy ours!”

They then turn around and sell access back to these same entities… or at least to police/government.

So fuck those guys ;-)