AI candidate running for Parliament in the U.K. says AI can humanize politics (
from to on 13 Jun 22:41


threaded - newest on 13 Jun 23:04 next collapse

wut on 13 Jun 23:19 collapse

Dude who it’s modeled after and is on the ballot doesn’t even own majority stake in the AI company… oligarchy with an ai mask on 13 Jun 23:29 next collapse

This is just a publicity stunt for the creators business on 13 Jun 23:42 next collapse

But will it do the tory Power Stance? on 13 Jun 23:45 next collapse

It’s a bullshit stunt but I would probably vote for Chatgpt over my city’s mayor. Hey at least it would only cost $20 a month. on 14 Jun 01:02 collapse

One thing that I would consider quite nice about an AI politician is that you can run them through simulations and find out what they would do under various scenarios. Put the AI in a scenario where it's offered a bribe, put it in a scenario where it has to cast a vote on a particular bill, and so forth, and you'll find out exactly what sort of AI it really is.

Of course, consistency will depend on its operators. So there'd need to be some careful oversight. on 13 Jun 23:52 next collapse

Hahahhhhaaha are you fucking kidding me? Come on. Black Mirror much?

Spoiler: far-right fuckstains with no jobs or life are the only ones interacting with this trash using Project2025 and white supremecist forums as source material to get fascist policies passed.

Fuck Sussex businessman Steve Endacott, and fuck this garbage. on 14 Jun 05:28 next collapse

“Haha, lol, know that cool sci-fi cautionary tale? We should do that, but irl!”
- Every tech company, for some reason. on 14 Jun 09:10 next collapse

Is this a Black Mirror episode or something? on 14 Jun 09:55 next collapse

This is par for the course in Britain. on 15 Jun 08:48 collapse

I hope this fad passes soon and we return to traditional candidates such as Lord Buckethead or the Monster Raving Loony Party on 15 Jun 00:54 collapse

Yeah, 25 seconds in to the video in the story they show Waldo! on 14 Jun 10:03 collapse

Meh what’s the difference, a digital nonsense machine or an IRL nonsense machine, both with 0 accountability