Amazon could soon be on the hook for safety of third-party products it sells and ships — Government order could classify it as a distributor, potentially exposing it to more legal claims (
from to on 02 Feb 2024 02:00

Amazon could soon be on the hook for safety of third-party products it sells and ships — Government order could classify it as a distributor, potentially exposing it to more legal claims::undefined


threaded - newest on 02 Feb 2024 02:07 next collapse

Maybe then they’ll stop selling male to male extension cords on 02 Feb 2024 03:18 next collapse

What‽ Why would such a thing exist ??? 🤔

Testing your electrical panel? and how fast the firefighters are to get to your house? on 02 Feb 2024 03:32 next collapse

Ob it’s far stupider and more deadly: hooking up your personal little generator so you can backfeed electricity to your house during a power outage.

It’s even more stupid and deadly than it sounds. on 02 Feb 2024 03:50 next collapse

Don’t you need one of those to use your tesla as a house generator on 02 Feb 2024 04:16 next collapse

There’s a specific process and kind of panel you need to back feed power into your home

Basically your panel needs to have it setup so that it can either be powered by the generator or the grid. 1 or the other but never both at the same time. on 02 Feb 2024 06:17 next collapse

Um, no. Normally you would use a regular male to female extension cable for that. Your electrical panel would have a male plug on the wall which is specifically wired up to safely provide power to your home. on 02 Feb 2024 07:15 collapse

teslas specifically don’t generate electricity

what is going on in this thread? on 02 Feb 2024 11:36 collapse

“As a” implies knowledge that it is not a generator but can effectively be used as one. on 02 Feb 2024 06:26 next collapse

RIP power company linemen who’ve checked the power’s cut off, ‘til somebody pulls that stunt on 02 Feb 2024 23:49 collapse

this is sadly actually one of the largest use cases, it’s called a dead-mans cable (for good reason) but it’s how many northern residents run generators in the winter during power outages. Cheaper then running a bypass switch (which can easily be 300-500$ to buy plus install cost) by a huge margin. They just throw the main breaker prior to running the generator. It shouldn’t be done but it happens more frequently then you would expect especially in the antiqued houses that may not even be up to code in the first place on 02 Feb 2024 20:22 collapse

“I ran my Christmas lights without paying attention, and now the plug is on the wrong end. Can I just have a male to male so I can feed them the wrong way?” on 02 Feb 2024 05:54 next collapse

Saw a YouTube video about it. It’s not a big deal. You can plug them into an outlet and it’s fine. on 02 Feb 2024 14:10 collapse

Fun fact: when you plug in one side of a male to male connector the other becomes hot, if you somehow manage to plug it in you WILL fuck up your electrical system on 02 Feb 2024 20:33 collapse on 02 Feb 2024 20:34 collapse

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub. on 02 Feb 2024 07:01 next collapse

Or adapters to plug a 30A device into a 15A receptacle on 02 Feb 2024 11:26 collapse

I’ve seen these used in low income homes where the basement electricity is paid by the landlord for coin operated washers. Then someone gets their electricity cut (lack of payment) so they use these cables to jump the outlets and steal electricity from the landlord.

The dude just went to a hardware store and bought an extension cable and a replacement plug head. Snipped the female end and added the male in like 5 minutes.

The only practical usage of those things is jumping a generator to a house during a blackout.

Edit: yes please bring on the down votes for me sharing a story about how the poor use these scary cables. Real nice. on 02 Feb 2024 11:37 collapse

And that “practical use” kills linemen. on 02 Feb 2024 16:41 next collapse

I keep hearing this as the “Reason” but never backed by anything that makes sense. I’ve never needed to jump my generator to my house, and don’t particularly care to even in the event of “disaster” so don’t attack me like I’m doing this…

If you successfully suicide jumper your generator to the grid. Wouldn’t the collective load of all your neighbors stuff kill the generator? (eg bog it down to the point that it turns off? [if it has no breaker]) Also wouldn’t the load of literally your whole neighborhood trip off the breaker in the generator(or in the panel)? Doesn’t this leave it as the only “risk” is if you happen to turn on the generator as the lineman themselves are specifically holding a live wire with an active connection to a ground/neutral before the previous stuff can happen? Or only if they happen to isolate you and then you turn on the genny after? Wouldn’t you agree that this last thing would be an incredibly rare?

And I can never find an article where a cable was determined to be the cause of an electrocution…

Now because the internet is the internet… I’m not advocating for using suicide cables… There’s much easier reasons why this is a terrible idea (exposed live contacts being literally the primary one). But I just never understood the “lineman” argument with all the stuff that would have to go specifically “right” in order to do that kind of harm to a lineman.

[deleted] on 02 Feb 2024 17:10 next collapse


[deleted] on 02 Feb 2024 18:17 collapse

. on 02 Feb 2024 22:42 collapse

Puerto Rico is a US territory. The US is by definition not a third world country. on 02 Feb 2024 23:16 collapse…/electrical

And doesn’t adhere to US electrical code.

Virtually all latin american countries are third world. Puerto Rico is latin american.

Their own people say it’s third world.…/only-on-puerto-rican-businessman-says…

The US is by definition not a third world country.

Depends on the definition. Originally used to simply describe the participants of WW2 and the cold war… Since the cold war, it’s definition has more aligned with economics and industrialization rather than simply what side a country was on during a war. It’s clear by my use of the term that I meant the modern definition, especially since we’re talking in 2024… and not in 1989.…/third-world-countries

The modern definition of Third World

However, the meaning of Third World changed after the fall of the Soviet Union (and the end of the Cold War) in the early 1990s. “Third World” lost its political root and came to refer to economically poor and non-industrialized countries, as well as newly industrialized countries. Under this modernized definition, Third World countries are those that display economic, social, political, and environmental issues such as high poverty rates, economic instability, and lack of essential human resources compared to the rest of the world.

This shifting definition has led to significant confusion as to which countries could correctly be called Third World today. For example, going by the historical definition, nations such as Finland, Sweden, Ireland, and Switzerland were not aligned with either NATO or the Communist Bloc, and so were Third World countries. However, all four countries are economically prosperous today, and as such would not be considered Third World under the current modern definition of the term.

Adding insult to inaccuracy, when used in its modern context, Third World is considered to be a derogatory term that degrades countries which are developing and/or poor. This combination of confusion and disrespect has made Third World a largely obsolete term.

Under the “new” definition many parts of the USA could be considered third world, but I’m not going to argue that.

But fine, I’ll modify my statement here…

Puerto Rico is a third world commonwealth.

Nobody… and I mean NOBODY has yet to address the actual electrical engineering part of my question. Instead we’ve gone off the political bullshit bandwagon. So I’m just going to take it that I’m correct, and that the original premise is bullshit. on 02 Feb 2024 23:42 collapse

Nobody… and I mean NOBODY has yet to address the actual electrical engineering part of my question. Instead we’ve gone off the political bullshit bandwagon. So I’m just going to take it that I’m correct, and that the original premise is bullshit.

Reads like:

Nobody… and I mean NOBODY (i.e. the fifteen people that have seen my posts on Lemmy) has yet to falsify my claim that I’m the second coming of Jesus. So I’m just going to take it that I’m correct, and you can kiss my holy, demi-god ass. on 02 Feb 2024 23:48 collapse

And the fact that you still keep addressing items not on topic simply shows that you’re a dickwad. What’s your point? I’ve made a reasoned argument. You’ve addressed nothing yourself except make really dumb platitudes. on 03 Feb 2024 03:09 collapse

I’m not interested in the question you posed, and I doubt you’re sincerely interested in it either as you’ve spent all of your time worrying about Lemmy replies rather than taking a single step outside of whining to get it answered.

Edit: You’re sitting there with basically all of humanity’s knowledge at your disposal and you’re like, nah, if the randos in this completely unrelated thread don’t address my concerns about electrical code it means that my hunches are correct. This is you —> 🤡 on 03 Feb 2024 03:16 collapse

You realize that reasoned argument do take steps to come to right? I’ve provided sources for things like definitions I’ve used, and evidence of my understanding of Puerto Rican electrical code. I’ve literally been the only person in this thread to provide anything. on 03 Feb 2024 03:22 collapse

You realize that reasoned argument do take steps to come to right?

Why do online “debate me” bros even exist? You’re not Socrates debating philosophy in the heart of modern civilization with other scholars here, you’re a clown looking for random strangers to answer your questions about technical topics when with a few keystrokes and some sense you could do it yourself.

Do yourself a favor and touch grass. on 03 Feb 2024 03:33 collapse

you’re a clown looking for random strangers to answer your questions about technical topics.

I’m a “clown” for asking for any shred of evidence that what was stated is true. Because basic knowledge of electrical systems shows that it really shouldn’t be the case except in exceptionally rare cases.

Do yourself a favor and touch grass.

You’re the one out here defending random people on the internet as if they’re your best friend and you’re taking offense that I asked them to explain how what they claimed could be true. on 03 Feb 2024 03:44 collapse

Dude, get a life.

I’m not defending anyone. I don’t care much at all about the electrical code, and if I did I’d just look up the information instead of having a stupid hissy fit in the comments of an article about Amazon being declared a distributor.

[deleted] on 03 Feb 2024 03:45 collapse

. on 05 Feb 2024 08:35 collapse

Look into it more. It’s incredibly common, and the voltage from a small generator in your yard, yes in theory, could leak to neighbors. However electricity follows the shortest path to ground. So if your home is drawing it, you will basically prevent that leakage. If you do fire it up, but use nothing, you may partially leak current to your neighbors (and potentially be liable for damages if your little backyard Honda or generac has a power spike at some point)

And the danger to to the linemen doing repair isn’t the voltage necessarily (house current of 120v is not remotely high enough amperage to cause instant death. You can stick a fork in an outlet and try it) it is that you may suddenly electrify lines they are working on while suspended. If you charge the line, maybe you shock them and they have an accident. Or worse, your charged line creates enough of a charge differential that during the repair the much higher voltage electricity they have not isolated yet may bridge the air gap because you’ve energized the “dead” side prematurely.

In reality, most electricians and linemen are careful of this because of this exact reason. But it did harm a few people before moron’s use of these things became common knowledge. Prior to these kinds of cables being commonly marketed for this, a lineman could hop up and reconnect you faster because there was an assumption they had full control of the current pathways. Now that’s a toss up. This isn’t a recent thing either, but it’s becoming more common. on 02 Feb 2024 22:23 collapse

I think the correct way to jump is to flip your main so you’re disconnected. I’m probably talking out of my ass tho.

I don’t own a generator nor have the need. Just basing this on what I’ve seen in the wild. on 03 Feb 2024 03:09 next collapse

The more correct way is to install a switch that does that, so you can be connected to the grid or to the generator, not both. It’s basically what you said, but it doesn’t trust users to remember to do it correctly on 03 Feb 2024 15:02 collapse

Does such a switch exist? on 04 Feb 2024 07:16 collapse

It does, there’s even automatic ones so you can have the generator kick in after a second or two without power and shut off when the grid comes back up

I watched a video on it a week or two ago, I think the general term would be an interlock on 03 Feb 2024 06:49 collapse

Yes, in theory that would work. But they actually make main disconnect switches for this in the event that the main breaker fails. It’s a mandatory install in all grid tie electrical generator systems (including solar). on 02 Feb 2024 02:21 next collapse

I mean, how is it not a distributor? Honest question, all those trucks sure do look like they are distributing products. on 02 Feb 2024 02:30 collapse

Typically a distributor deals to stores that deal to end users.

Amazon call themselves a store, but at their scale and volume they’re pretty much a distributor. on 02 Feb 2024 04:14 next collapse

Not even pretty much, they really are a distributor

They have many different businesses all selling on their shelves and then Amazon ships you the product on 02 Feb 2024 05:00 next collapse

Amazon is the American Aliexpress. on 02 Feb 2024 06:48 collapse

Nooo the businesses are truly totally independent!

Amazon just handles:

  • marketing (choosing who gets the “buy box”)
  • warehousing
  • fulfillment in their own trucks
  • some customer service
  • transaction processing / disbursement

Am I forgetting anything? Besides the disclaimer that sellers don’t have to use Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) and could ship themselves.

I could be more sympathetic if they just changed the user interface to put seller names front and center. Even keeping FBA. Even if eBay handled warehousing and fulfillment, we’d still think of it as more of a platform than Amazon - right?

<img alt="" src="">

Hidden too deep.

(Interesting, eBay announced “Managed Delivery in 2019, but pulled the plug before launch. They do still help you ship internationally.) on 02 Feb 2024 08:19 collapse

So section 802(?) but for e-commerce not social media. on 02 Feb 2024 02:46 next collapse

Louis Rossmann will be happy to hear this. on 02 Feb 2024 05:10 next collapse

Rossman would be pleased. on 02 Feb 2024 07:06 next collapse

About fucking time. They’ve known about the massive problems for years and haven’t acted. on 02 Feb 2024 08:24 next collapse

Finally. They sell ship loads of dangerous and faulty wares on 02 Feb 2024 15:30 next collapse

How in the name of God are they not a distributor? on 02 Feb 2024 22:42 next collapse

I think distributor normally sends to other business rather than gen pop. I might be wrong though. on 02 Feb 2024 22:50 collapse

They do VAT receipts in my country, that’s B2B on 02 Feb 2024 22:43 collapse

Well all they do is take in bulk shipments of, categorize, store, individually package, ship, and deliver products. I just really don’t see how you could call that “distributing” goods. /s on 02 Feb 2024 17:07 next collapse

Hahaha good, fuck bezos and fuck amazon.

When they first started, Amazon really did have great products, but now it’s just overpriced reverse engineered low QA crap. on 02 Feb 2024 23:53 collapse

Hey, low QA crap isn’t a fair assessment. I recently bought something that had absolutely NO QA behind it. on 02 Feb 2024 17:23 next collapse


If you’re taking a whacking great percentage of everything you sell, you need to be held accountable for the fraudulent, fake and outright dangerous shit that you can buy from it. It’s literally just AliExpress with better delivery times.

Like, I know that 2TB USB stick for £21 is fake, but the poor grandma backing up all her photos to it doesn’t until it goes over the amount of storage that’s actually in it and the whole thing corrupts. on 02 Feb 2024 23:43 next collapse

Wait Amazon isn’t classified as a distributor? wtf that’s litterally it’s entire buisness model on 03 Feb 2024 01:17 collapse

Relevant; Louis Rossman on Amazon product quality/safety:


(pt2) on 03 Feb 2024 01:17 collapse

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