Apple, Microsoft Joining Google Using Gulf of America in Maps Programs (
from to on 12 Feb 2025 01:52


threaded - newest on 12 Feb 2025 02:04 next collapse

Someone please make it stop? on 12 Feb 2025 02:06 next collapse

Get your guillotine ready, because this is just starting. on 12 Feb 2025 02:24 next collapse

It hasn’t even been an entire month yet… on 12 Feb 2025 02:28 next collapse

I asked nicely? Please? on 12 Feb 2025 02:29 next collapse

Holy shit, I can’t believe this is true on 12 Feb 2025 02:54 next collapse

1438 days, 14 hours, 6 minutes remaining. on 12 Feb 04:51 next collapse

Well I can hear right now… on 12 Feb 05:18 collapse

Stahp! on 12 Feb 05:04 collapse

There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen. on 12 Feb 13:43 collapse

We have an asteroid incoming, so there’s hope… on 12 Feb 2025 02:11 next collapse

Gulf of Oil.

Alternately: Gulf of [Redacted] on 12 Feb 2025 02:28 collapse

gulf of helloooo, egg prices on 12 Feb 2025 02:24 next collapse

Et tu, Apple? on 12 Feb 2025 02:28 next collapse

Reported a missing massage parlor named Tim Cook’s Orange Lips on 12 Feb 2025 02:30 next collapse

Not sure why anyone is surprised…they’re all bootlicking corporations that don’t want the mob boss to fuck with their mergers and/or investigate them for their various crimes. on 12 Feb 2025 02:41 collapse

There have been a lot of sycophantic comments floating around here the past 24 hours about how Apple was better because they didn’t change it when Google did. Now the same folks are saying well Apple had no choice. So weird to lick the boots of trillion dollar companies. on 12 Feb 2025 03:18 next collapse

Because Apple people are in a cult. on 12 Feb 05:46 collapse

Are you confident those are the same users? on 12 Feb 11:49 collapse

Yes. on 12 Feb 2025 02:40 next collapse

The next Democrat should run with the goal to rename it to Gulf of Donald’s Defeat. I would vote for them. on 12 Feb 2025 03:06 collapse

Assuming we don’t just get 8 years of President Vance… on 12 Feb 2025 03:47 collapse

Assuming you ever get to vote again. I thinks it’s extremely naive to believe Pedonald will ever leave office. Americans choose fascism, it’s not just a figure of speech. on 12 Feb 2025 04:05 collapse

I’m not American, I just live here… for now on 12 Feb 2025 02:48 next collapse

Fuck the C-suite execs🤘
I’m still going to call it the Gulf of Mexico🇲🇽 on 12 Feb 2025 02:55 collapse

Golfo de México on 12 Feb 2025 02:59 next collapse

<img alt="" src=""> on 12 Feb 14:44 collapse

Look at every corporation bend the knee and enthusiastically embrace the fascist fusion of corporation and state.

I’ve been saying it for a decade but it keeps getting more obvious. The oligarchs and their corporations have been financing the fascists, and working towards the takeover, the entire goddamn time. I’m not talking about Elon and the tech bros. I’m talking about the global 0.0001%, the tens of thousands of oligarchs who own the lions share of every market. They’ve spent decades watching the CCP and Russian oligarchy with envy, yearning for the one party state capitalism and authoritarian control of the masses — just replacing communism™️ with freedom™️, religion™️ and nationalism™️ — free from the risk that democracy represents to their wealth and power.

[deleted] on 12 Feb 2025 03:03 next collapse

. on 12 Feb 2025 03:08 next collapse

From now on I will only refer to the USA as Estados Unidos de América. on 12 Feb 2025 04:14 next collapse

Northern Mexico sounds better. That will make President Elon annoyed and the First Lady Tramp throw a tantrum. on 12 Feb 16:24 collapse

In fact, Mexico could rename Texas to Nuevo Mexico just to show up in the parenthesis in the maps. on 12 Feb 05:07 next collapse

Estados Unidos de Norteamérica on 12 Feb 12:05 collapse

Be carefull with that kind of talk, you’re likely to get deported. /s on 13 Feb 01:41 collapse

Territorios Norteños de México. on 12 Feb 2025 03:14 next collapse

You know what… If anything should be named after this country, it’s the toxic brown bathtub that is The Gulf. on 12 Feb 2025 03:23 next collapse

You’re in a bubble if this surprises you. You thought when Kamala sent Mark Cuban out to tell everyone how much Kamala loves big business & corporate interests that it meant they would protest the government under Trump? You don’t like the name change then next election don’t advocate for a non-primaried genocidal Dick Cheney supporter. on 12 Feb 2025 03:48 next collapse

End stage capitalism.

Organic Maps is great btw. on 12 Feb 04:45 next collapse

Reported in Apple Maps as incorrect name. Won’t change anything, but it needed to be done. on 12 Feb 05:13 next collapse

Please everyone do your part to report the incorrect information on google maps.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app.
  2. Navigate to the gulf of Mexico
  3. Tap Menu (your profile pictude) “Send Feedback” (way at the bottom) or “Help & Feedback”. Send product feedback. on 12 Feb 08:51 collapse

I couldn’t find this “Send feedback” section on 12 Feb 17:40 collapse

Could be called help & feedback all the way at the bottom after selection of your profile picture/bubble in the top left. on 12 Feb 05:47 collapse

Yeah me too. And a snide comment about supporting this douchebag. Made me feel better at least. on 12 Feb 07:49 collapse

I wrote that “Gulf of America” is only used by an authoritarian regime and “not widely used.” on 12 Feb 05:17 next collapse

Regardless of your stance on the name change, doesn’t the executive order (and subsequent updating of the names register or whatever it’s called) make it official? In which case the maps are just being updated to reflect it.

Afaik they’re not changing it anywhere outside the US as (so far…) that’s the only place it’s been changed, so it’s not like they’re pushing that name in places where it’s not official.

It’s also not unheard of to have map details that vary depending on where you are, to align with the official stance of wherever the map is being viewed from. Ukraine, bits of the India/Pakistan border, IIRC some islands off Japan disputed by China, etc.

Not saying the name change isn’t stupid and not suggesting at all that the companies in question aren’t scum, but getting angry at the map maintainers for this change seems pointless. What did you expect them to do?

Am I missing something? on 12 Feb 05:53 next collapse

As absolutely stupid as this is, it’s no different than changing the maps to show Denali rather than Mount McKinley. I don’t think you’re missing anything. on 12 Feb 07:48 collapse

Is it no different, or is it different in a kind of huge obvious way? Denali is US property. The gulf ain’t. on 12 Feb 14:28 collapse

Anglophones call Deutschland “Germany”, and we don’t even share a border with them. on 13 Feb 01:20 collapse

Also meaningfully different, unless there is an executive order or it’s anglo-equivalent I’m unaware of. Many languages have a name for other countries that is different than the name those countries give themselves. Shall we use Germany itself as an example? How do you say South Africa in German? Südafrika, not Republic of South Africa, Republiek van Suid-Afrika, or any other the other 11 official languages from that country.

Okay, sure, but that’s just a translation of South and Africa and everyone knows Germans physically cannot resist compound words, so how about France?

It ain’t République française, or even Französische Republik. It’s Frankreich. This stuff generally happens organically and language develops slower than politics, as evidenced by Frankreich. That’s a lot different than this Executive Order. That’s an imperial move. on 12 Feb 10:26 next collapse

Google Maps shows the translation of Gulf of America in parentheses in all languages, everywhere. That’s like if Mexico renamed the gulf to La biblioteca and they changed it for everyone. That’s objectively wrong. on 12 Feb 18:19 collapse

Thank you for taking the time to post this. I didn’t have the energy to explain to all the teenagers here that these companies have two choices: comply with this completely legal name change, or go to war with the White House over it to make some kind of statement. Gee I’d love it if big companies were out there jousting windmills over principles but I’d never expect it in a million years, at any stage of capitalism or under any other economic system. The business of business is business. on 12 Feb 05:33 next collapse

They do that shit even in other languages, where it is clearly and simply wrong. on 12 Feb 05:41 next collapse

OsmAnd still holding out! I will never not call it the Gulf of Mexico.

<img alt="OsmAnd" src="">

I think the world should stop calling USians americans. America is a huge place spanning 2 continents encompassing so many different cultures uniquely American. I always thought it was weird calling Mexicans in the US, Mexican American. It’s like saying American American. Wouldn’t Mexicans in Mexico also be Mexican Americans? Just never felt right to me. on 12 Feb 14:38 next collapse

In Spanish you say “estadounidense” which is pretty much “unitedstatesian”. on 12 Feb 16:07 collapse

That’s just a quirk of the English language. In Brazil we also call them “North Americans” instead of Americans, because Americans refer to all countries and peoples in the Americas. on 12 Feb 17:45 collapse

That’s exactly how I think of it, Americans are the peoples of the America’s, North, Central and South. The people in the US should not hold a monopoly on that name as it somehow infers that the rest of the Americas are somehow less American and their just not. Maybe I’m looking at it wrong as i grew up in the US and we regularly refer to ourselves as american and the rest of the America’s just don’t do that because of our cultural and linguistic differences. Maybe more a remnant of imperialism than a quark of the english language. on 12 Feb 05:42 next collapse

You’re next, New Mexico! on 12 Feb 16:25 next collapse

Don’t let Trump find out this State exists. on 13 Feb 01:43 collapse

You mean Arizona 2?

[deleted] on 12 Feb 08:11 next collapse

. on 12 Feb 09:57 next collapse

It‘s the 9 dash line all over again. It‘s so petty and pathetic. on 12 Feb 12:13 next collapse

Am I the only one who thinks this, very specifically this, is good? I don’t want corporations deciding what to call things: they should use official maps. This is the only part of this fiasco working as it should.

I don’t know what the legal process is for changing a place name, but as far as I know should come through Congress, assuming they were doing their jobs. It should usually originate from locals like with Denali, but there’s no locals here. It’s only a weak impotent congress afraid to claim their Constitutional authority, afraid to stand up for themselves, afraid to stand up for their constituents. Afraid to “tell it like it is”, vote their conscience or even best interest, afraid to stand up for their country or constituents

I’m on the side of this being a distraction. It’s stupid and egotistical, and I’ll continue using the real name until it’s fixed. However it’s mostly noise for something that doesn’t ultimately matter much. Don’t let it distract you from much more important damage to our democracy, our society, our future.

But also Linux would be a great choice for many people on 12 Feb 14:01 next collapse

Are you the only one that thinks this is good? Probably on 12 Feb 16:43 collapse

I don’t think its good per se but I can see the value in your point. Especially in regards to it just being a distraction. Everyone is sure honed in a map rename when there’s other more legitimate issues to address.

But, gulf of America nonsense makes easier distraction headlines. on 13 Feb 00:44 collapse

And effing Trump just leapt out of his grave to cost me so much more money ….

Just did the FAFSA form for my kids college and it sure is ugly. Apparently the new rules were written by a republican on 2019, and shoehorned into the huge COViD relief bill at the end of trumps first term. Remember the one where it was produced just like a day or two before it had to be voted on, so physically impossible to read. I’m so pissed, my second kid may not be able to go to his college choice on 12 Feb 12:20 next collapse

Y’know, this wouldn’t be so bad if it were renamed, “Gulf of the Americas” - eg, North America and South America. Added bonus: It’s not what Trump wanted so he’ll be pissed. on 12 Feb 14:16 collapse

The reason why people are protesting the random changing of the name is the vast amount of work it generates. Websites, textbooks, maps, etc. will all have to be updated (and all this accumulates to a couple million dollars). By this logic, “Gulf of the Americas” is just as bad. on 12 Feb 14:44 next collapse

I see your point about generating work, but name changes happen - German shepherd dogs becoming “Alsatians” during WW2, Mt. McKinley, a bunch of things in the US. But if it’s going to be changed, let’s not make it what Trump wants. He probably can’t even find it on a map anyway. on 12 Feb 17:35 collapse

Only in the US, and for mapping companies that now have to treat the US as a “sensitive” country.

The rest of the world can continue to call it by its internationally recognised name. on 12 Feb 13:08 next collapse

Why they changed it, I can’t say.

(Donald just liked it better that way.) on 12 Feb 15:47 next collapse

Apple Maps in Canada still seems to be labelled The Gulf of Mexico for now on 12 Feb 16:16 next collapse

Get Organic Maps! It’s open source. on 12 Feb 20:55 collapse

OSM is the place to flock to:

<img alt="" src="">