Public trust in AI is sinking across the board (
from to on 07 Mar 2024 01:55

Trust in AI technology and the companies that develop it is dropping, in both the U.S. and around the world, according to new data from Edelman shared first with Axios.

Why it matters: The move comes as regulators around the world are deciding what rules should apply to the fast-growing industry. “Trust is the currency of the AI era, yet, as it stands, our innovation account is dangerously overdrawn,” Edelman global technology chair Justin Westcott told Axios in an email. “Companies must move beyond the mere mechanics of AI to address its true cost and value — the ‘why’ and ‘for whom.’”


threaded - newest on 07 Mar 2024 02:49 next collapse

This implies I ever had trust in them, which I didn’t. I’m sure others would agree. on 07 Mar 2024 02:56 next collapse

The fact that some people are surprised by this finding really shows the disconnect between the tech community and the rest of the population. on 07 Mar 2024 03:40 next collapse

and its getting worse. I am working on learning to write. I had never really used it for much…I heard other people going to it for literal plot points which… no. fuck you. But I had been feeding it sentences where I was iffy on the grammar. Literally just last night I asked chatgpt something, and it completely ignored the part I WAS questionable about and fed me absolute horse shit about another part of the paragraph. I honestly can’t remember what but even a first grader would be like ‘that doesn’t sound right…’

Up till that it had, at least, been useful for something that basic. Now it’s not even good for that. on 07 Mar 2024 06:13 next collapse

Try LanguageTool. Free, has browser plugins, actually made for checking grammar.

This speaks to the kneejerk “shove everything through an AI” instead of doing some proper research, which is probably worse than just grabbing the first search result due to hallucination. No offence intended to @EdibleFriend, just observing that humans do so love to abdicate responsibility when given a chance… on 07 Mar 2024 17:39 collapse

I recently heard a story about a teacher who had their class have ChatGPT write their essay for them, and then had them correct the essays afterward and come back with the results. Turns out, even when it cited sources, it was wrong something like 45% of the time and oftentimes made stuff up that wasn’t in the sources it was citing or had absolutely no relevance to the source. on 07 Mar 2024 04:02 collapse

I guess those who just have to be on the bleeding edge of tech trust AI to some degree.

Never trusted it myself, lived through enough bubbles to see one forming and AI is a bubble. on 07 Mar 2024 03:26 next collapse

I mean, the thing we call “AI” now-a-days is basically just a spell-checker on steroids. There’s nothing to really to trust or distrust about the tool specifically. It can be used in stupid or nefarious ways, but so can anything else. on 07 Mar 2024 03:43 next collapse

ThE aI wIlL AttAcK HumaNs!! sKynEt!!

Edit: These “AI” can even make a decent waffles recipe and “it will eradicate humankind”… for the gods sake!!

It even isn’t AI at all, just how corps named it Is clickbait. on 07 Mar 2024 06:40 next collapse

Before chatgpt was revealed, this was under the unbrella of what AI meant. I prefer to use established terms. Don’t change the terms just because you want them to mean something else. on 07 Mar 2024 10:07 collapse

There’s a long glorious history of things being AI until computers can do them, and then the research area is renamed to something specific to describe the limits of it. on 07 Mar 2024 07:06 collapse

AI is just a very generic term and always has been. It’s like saying “transportation equipment” which can be anything from roller skates to the space shuttle". Even the old checkers programs were describes as AI in the fifties.

Of course a vague term is a marketeer’s dream to exploit.

At least with self driving cars you have levels of autonomy. on 07 Mar 2024 03:52 next collapse

“Trust in AI” is layperson for “believe the technology is as capable as it is promised to be”. This has nothing to do with stupidity or nefariousness. on 07 Mar 2024 05:35 collapse

It's "believe the technology is as capable as we imagined it was promised to be."

The experts never promised Star Trek AI. on 07 Mar 2024 06:16 next collapse

The marketers did, though. on 07 Mar 2024 08:01 collapse

They're laypeople. on 07 Mar 2024 09:34 collapse

Most of the CEOs in Tech and even Founder in Startups overhyping their products are lay people or at best are people with some engineering training that made it in an environment which is all about overhype and generally swindling others (I was in Startups in London a few years ago) so they’re hardly going to be straight-talking and pointing out risks & limitations.

There era of the Engineers (i.e. experts) driving Tech and messaging around Tech has ended decades ago, at about the time when Sony Media took the reins of the company from Sony Consumer Electronics and the quality of their products took a dive and Sony became just another MBA-managed company (so, late 90s).

Very few “laypeople” will ever hear or read the take on Tech from actual experts. on 07 Mar 2024 10:06 collapse

They did promise skynet ai though. They’ve misrepresented it a great deal on 07 Mar 2024 03:56 next collapse

Took a look and the article title is misleading. It says nothing about trust in the technology and only talks about not trusting companies collecting our data. So really nothing new.

Personally I want to use the tech more, but I get nervous that it’s going to bullshit me/tell me the wrong thing and I’ll believe it. on 07 Mar 2024 08:48 next collapse

basically just a spell-checker on steroids.

I cannot process this idea of downplaying this technology like this. It does not matter that it’s not true intelligence. And why would it?

If it is convincing to most people that information was learned and repeated, that’s smarter than like half of all currently living humans. And it is convincing. on 07 Mar 2024 15:00 collapse

Some people found the primitive ELIZA chatbot from 1966 convincing, but I don’t think anyone would claim it was true AI. Turing Test notwithstanding, I don’t think “convincing people who want to be convinced” should be the minimum test for artificial intelligence. It’s just a categorization glitch. on 07 Mar 2024 15:25 collapse

Maybe I’m not stating my point explicitly enough but it actually is that names or goalposts aren’t very important. Cultural impact is. I think already the current AI has had a lot more impact than any chatbot from the 60s and we can only expect that to increase. This tech has rendered the turing test obsolete, which kind of speaks volumes. on 07 Mar 2024 17:20 collapse

Calling a cat a dog won’t make her start jumping into ponds to fetch sticks for you. And calling a glorified autocomplete “intelligence” (artificial or otherwise) doesn’t make it smart.

Problem is, words have meanings. Well, they do to actual humans, anyway. And associating the word “intelligence” with these stochastic parrots will encourage nontechnical people to believe LLMs actually are intelligent. That’s dangerous—potentially life-threatening. Downplaying the technology is an attempt to prevent this mindset from taking hold. It’s about as effective as bailing the ocean with a teaspoon, yes, but some of us see even that as better than doing nothing.

[deleted] on 07 Mar 2024 18:47 collapse

. on 07 Mar 2024 19:30 next collapse

How about taking advice on a medical matter from an LLM? Or asking the appropriate thing to do in a survival situation? Or even seemingly mundane questions like “is it safe to use this [brand name of new model of generator that isn’t in the LLM’s training data] indoors?” Wrong answers to those questions can kill. If a person thinks the LLM is intelligent, they’re more likely to take the bad advice at face value.

If you ask a human about something important that’s outside their area of competence, they’ll probably refer you to someone they think is knowledgeable. An LLM will happily make something up instead, because it doesn’t understand the stakes.

The chance of any given query to an LLM killing someone is, admittedly, extremely low, but given a sufficiently large number of queries, it will happen sooner or later.

[deleted] on 07 Mar 2024 19:48 collapse

. on 07 Mar 2024 20:31 next collapse

Half of the human population is of below-average intelligence. They will be that dumb. Guaranteed. And safeguards generally only get added until after someone notices that a wrong answer is, in fact, wrong, and complains.

In part, I believe someone’s going to die because large corporations will only get serious about controlling what their LLMs spew when faced with criminal charges or a lawsuit that might make a significant gouge in their gross income. Untill then, they’re going to at best try to patch around the exact prompts that come up in each subsequent media scandal. Which is so easy to get around that some people are likely to do so by accident.

(As for humans making up answers, yes, some of them will, but in my experience it’s not all that common—some form of “how would I know?” is a more likely response. Maybe the sample of people I have contact with on a regular basis is statistically skewed. Or maybe it’s a Canadian thing.) on 07 Mar 2024 21:46 collapse

if you even ask a person and trust your life to them like that, unless they give you good reason they are reliable, you are a moron. Why would someone expect a machine to be intelligent and experienced like a doctor? That is 100% on them.

Insurance companies are already using AI to make medical decisions. We don’t have to speculate about people getting hurt because of AI giving out bad medical advice, it’s already happening and multiple companies are being sued over it. on 08 Mar 2024 00:49 collapse

Somehow we went from me saying this technology shouldn’t be downplayed to “but it’s costing lives already!”

Not really sure how that happened but yeah it’s obviously shitty that people are irresponsible shitheads and I think downplaying it or quibbling about whether it’s actually AI or not is far from helpful in light of such consequences on 07 Mar 2024 20:02 collapse

Because one trained in a particular way could lead people to think it’s intelligent and also give incredibly biased data that confirms the bias of those listening.

It’s creating a digital prophet that is only rehashing the biases of the creator.
That makes it dangerous if it’s regarded as being above the flaws of us humans. People want something smarter than them to tell them what to do, and giving that designation to a flawed chatbot that simply predicts what’s the most coherent word sentence, through the word “intelligent”, is not safe or a good representation of what it actually is. on 07 Mar 2024 18:16 collapse

I would argue that there’s plenty to distrust about it, because its accuracy leaves much to be desired (to the point where it completely makes things up fairly regularly) and because it is inherently vulnerable to biases due to the data fed to it.

Early facial recognition tech had trouble identifying between different faces of black people, people below a certain age, and women, and nobody could figure out why. Until they stepped back and took a look at the demographics of the employees of these companies. They were mostly middle-aged and older white men, and those were the people whose faces they used as the data sets for the in-house development/testing of the tech. We’ve already seen similar biases in image prompt generators where they show a preference for thin white women as being considered what an attractive woman is.

Plus, there’s the data degradation issue. Supposedly, ChatGPT isn’t fed any data from the internet at large past 2021 because the amount of AI generated content past then causes a self perpuating decline in quality. on 07 Mar 2024 03:49 next collapse

There was any trust in (so-called) “AI” to begin with?

That’s news to me. on 07 Mar 2024 04:07 next collapse

It’s not that I don’t trust AI

I don’t trust the people in charge of the AI

The technology could benefit humanity but instead it’s going to just be another tool to make more money for a small group of people.

It will be treated the same way we did with the invention of gun powder. It will change the power structure of the world, change the titles, change the personalities but maintain the unequal distribution of wealth.

Instead this time it will be far worse for all of us. on 07 Mar 2024 11:58 collapse

I’m actually quite against regulation though because what it will really do is make it impossible for small startups and the open source community to build their own AIs. The large companies will just jump through whatever hoops they need to jump through and will carry on doing what they’re already doing. on 07 Mar 2024 14:16 next collapse

Surely that would be worse without regulation? Like with predatory pricing, a big company could resort to means that smaller companies simply do not have the resources to compete against.

It’s like how today, it would be all but impossible for someone to start up a new processor company from scratch, and match up with the likes of Intel or TSMC. on 07 Mar 2024 14:38 collapse

Sure but with regulation we end up with the exact same thing but no small time competitors. on 08 Mar 2024 12:53 collapse

I think that’s a pretty bleak perspective.

Surely one of the main aims of regulation would be to avoid concentrating benefits.

Also, I have a lot of faith in the opensource paradigm, it’s worked well thus far. on 07 Mar 2024 04:17 next collapse

I have never trusted AI. One of the big problems is that the large language models will straight up lie to you. If you have to take the time to double check everything they tell you, then why bother using the AI in the first place?

If you use AI to generate code, often times it will be buggy and sometimes not even work at all. There is also the issue of whether or not it just spat out a piece of copyrighted code that could get you in trouble if you use it in something. on 07 Mar 2024 04:36 next collapse

One of the big problems is that the large language models will straight up lie to you.

Um… that’s a trait AI shares with humans.

If you have to take the time to double check everything they tell you, then why bother using the AI in the first place?

You have to double check human work too. So, since you are going to double check everything anyway, it doesn’t really matter if it’s wrong?

If you use AI to generate code, often times it will be buggy

… again, exactly the same as a human. Difference is the LLM writes buggy code really fast.

Assuming you have good testing processes in place, and you better have those, AI generated code is perfectly safe. In fact it’s a lot easier to find bugs in code that you didn’t write yourself.

There is also the issue of whether or not it just spat out a piece of copyrighted code that could get you in trouble

Um - no - that’s not how copyright works. You’re thinking of patents. But human written code has the same problem. on 08 Mar 2024 04:00 collapse

I'm using Github Copilot every day just fine. It's great for fleshing out boilerplate and other tedious things where I'd rather spend the time working out the logic instead of syntax. If you actually know how to program and don't treat it as if it can do it all for you, it's actually a pretty great time saver. An autocomplete on steroids basically. It integrates right into my IDE and actually types out code WITH me at the same time, like someone is sitting right beside you on a second keyboard. on 07 Mar 2024 04:50 next collapse

I mean it’s cool and all but it’s not like the companies have given us any reason to trust them with it lol on 07 Mar 2024 06:42 next collapse

good. on 07 Mar 2024 10:06 next collapse

Our brain and hand as means of production is kind of all we have left and robotics with AI are in theory there to replace both. on 07 Mar 2024 10:53 next collapse

What’s sad is that t one of the next great leaps in technology could have been something interesting and profound. Unfortunately, capitalism gonna capitalize and companies we’re so thirsty to make a buck off it that we didn’t do anything to properly and carefully roll out or next great leap.

Money really ruins everything. on 07 Mar 2024 11:01 next collapse

It’s the opposite for me. The early versions of LLM’s and image generators were obviously flawed but each new version has been better than the previous one and this will be the trend in the future aswell. It’s just a matter of time.

I think that’s kind of like looking at the first versions of Tesla FSD and then concluding that self driving cars are never going to be a thing because the first one wasn’t perfect. Now go look at how V12 behaves. on 07 Mar 2024 11:57 collapse

Tesla FSD is actually a really bad analogy because it was never actually equivalent to what was being proposed. Critically it didn’t involve LiDAR, so it was always going to be kind of bad. Comparing FSD to self-driving cars is a bit like comparing an AOL chatbot to an LLM on 07 Mar 2024 12:00 collapse

Have you actually watched any videos of the new entirely AI based version 12 in action? It’s pretty damn good. on 07 Mar 2024 12:01 next collapse

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):


Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub. on 07 Mar 2024 13:36 collapse

Not that that has anything really to do with my actual point which is that it still doesn’t have LiDAR and it still doesn’t really work.

I’m not really talking about self-driving I’m just pointing out it’s a bad analogy. on 07 Mar 2024 13:44 collapse

I don’t know what lidar has anything to do with any of it or why autonomous driving is a bad example. It’s an AI system and that’s what we’re talking about here. on 07 Mar 2024 22:01 collapse

LIDAR is crucial for self-driving systems to accurately map their surroundings, including things like “how close is this thing to my car” and “is there something behind this obstruction.” The very first Teslas with FSD (and every other self-driving car) used LIDAR, but then Tesla switched to a camera-only FSD implementation as a cost saving measure, which is way less accurate–it’s insanely difficult to accurately map your immediate surroundings bases solely on 2D images. on 08 Mar 2024 04:01 collapse

I disagree. Humans are a living proof that you can operate a vehicle with just two cameras. Teslas have way more than two and unlike a human driver, it’s monitoring its surroundings 100% of the time. Being able to perfectly map your surroundings is not the issue. It’s understanding what you see and knowing what to do with that information. on 08 Mar 2024 04:47 next collapse

Humans also have the benefit of literally hundreds of millions of years of evolution spent on perfecting bicameral perception of our surroundings, and we’re still shit at judging things like distance and size.

Against that, is it any surprise that when computers don’t have the benefit of LIDAR they are also pretty fucking shit at judging size and distance? on 08 Mar 2024 09:56 collapse

Reality just doesn’t seem to agree with you. Did you see the video I linked above? I feel like most people have no real understanding of how damn good FSD V12 is despite being 100% AI and camera based. on 08 Mar 2024 12:35 collapse

Hey… fuck elon and fuck tesla on 07 Mar 2024 11:08 next collapse

Well sure, why would the world aspire to fully automated luxury communism without the communism? Just fully automated luxury economy for rich people and nothing for everyone else? on 07 Mar 2024 14:38 collapse

The problem is very few people with strong opinions live by them, these people you see hating ai are doing so because it’s threatening capitalism - and yes I know there’s a fundamental misunderstanding about how ‘tech bros own ai’ which leads people to mistakenly think being against ai is fighting against capitalism but that doesn’t stand upto reality.

I make open source software so I actually do work against capitalism in a practical way. Using ai has helped increase the rate and scope of my work considerably, I’m certainly not the only one as the dev communities are full of people taking about how to get the most out of these tools. Like almost all devs in the open source world I create things I want to exist and think can benefit people, the easier this is the more stuff gets created and the more tools exist for others to create.

I want everyone to have design tools that allow them to easily make anything they can imagine, being able to all work together on designing open source devices like washing machines and cars would make the monopoly capitalism model crumble - especially when ai makes it ever easier to transition from CAD to CAM tools plus with sensor and cv quality control we can ensure the quality of the final product to a much higher level than people are used to. You’ll be able to have world class flosh designs the product of thousands of peoples passion fabricated locally by your independent creator of choice or if you have the tooling your own machines.

This is already happening with sites like thingiverse but ai makes the whole process much easier, especially with search and discovery tools which let you say ‘what are my options for adding x’

All the push from people trying to invent crazy rules to ensure only the rich and nation states can have ai are probably affected in part by a campaign by the rich to defend capitalism. Putting a big price barrier on ai training will only stop open source projects, that’s why we need to be wary of good sounding ‘pay creators’ type things - it’s wouldn’t result in any ‘creator’ getting more than five free dollars or any corporate or government ai getting made but it would put another roadblock in the way to open source ai tools.

[deleted] on 07 Mar 2024 17:24 collapse

. on 07 Mar 2024 11:55 next collapse

The public are idiots. What rules governments do and do not apply to AI companies should have absolutely no bearing on what Joe average thinks because Joe average is an antivaxa who thinks that nanobots already exist, nobody should be listening to anything this moron has to say. Except possibly to do the opposite. on 07 Mar 2024 12:22 next collapse

Trust in AI is falling because the tools are poor - they’re half baked and rushed to market in a gold rush. AI makes glaring errors and lies - euphemistically called “hallucinations”, they are fundamental flaws which makes the tools largely useless. How do you know if it is telling you a correct answer or hallucinating? Why would you then use such a tool for anything meaningful if you can’t rely on its output?

On top of that, AI companies have been stealing data from across the Web to train tools which essentially remix that data to create “new” things. That AI art is based on many hundreds of works of human artists which have “trained” the algorithm.

And then we have the Gemini debacle where the AI is providing information based around opaque (or pretty obvious) biases baked into the system but unknown to the end user.

The AI gold rush is a nonsense and inflated share prices will pop. AI tools are definitely here to stay, and they do have a lot of potential, but we’re in the early days of a messy rushed launch that has damaged people’s trust in these tools.

If you want examples of the coming market bubble collapse look at Nvidia - it’s value has exploded and it’s making lots of profit. But it’s driven by large companies stock piling their chips to “get ahead” in the AI market. Problem is, no one has managed to monetise these new tools yet. Its all built on assumptions that this technology will eventually reap rewards so “we must stake a claim now”, and then speculative shareholders are jumping in to said companies to have a stake. But people only need so many unused stockpiled chips - Nvidias sales will drop again and so will it’s share price. They already rode out boom and bust with the Bitcoin miners, they will have to do the same with the AI market.

Anyone remember the dotcom bubble? Welcome to the AI bubble. The burst won’t destroy AI but will damage a lot of speculators. on 07 Mar 2024 12:35 next collapse

You missed another point : companies shedding employees and replacing them by “AI” bots.

As always, the technology is a great start in what’s to come, but it has been appropriated by the worst actors to fuck us over. on 07 Mar 2024 15:12 collapse

I am incredibly upset about the people that lost their jobs, but I’m also very excited to see the assholes that jumped to fire everyone they could get their pants shredded over this. I hope there are a lot of firings in the right places this time.

Of course knowing this world it will just be a bunch of multimillion dollar payouts and a quick jump to another company for them to fire more people from for “efficiency.” … on 07 Mar 2024 12:50 next collapse

The issue being that when you have a hammer, everything is a nail. Current models have good use cases, but people insist on using them for things they aren’t good at. It’s like using vice grips to loosen a nut and then being surprised when you round it out. on 07 Mar 2024 13:07 collapse

The tools are OK & getting better but some people (me) are more worried about the people developing those tools.

If OpenAI wants 7 trillion dollars where does it get the money to repay its investors? Those with greatest will to power are not the best to wield that power.

This accelerationist race seems pretty reckless to me whether AGI is months or decades away. Experts all agree that a hard takeoff is most likely.

What can we do about this? Seriously. I have no idea. on 07 Mar 2024 17:04 collapse

What worries me is that if/when we do manage to develop AGI, what we’ll try to do with AGI and how it’ll react when someone inevitably tries to abuse the fuck out of it. An AGI would be theoretically capable of self learning and improvement, will it try teaching itself to report someone asking it for e.g. CSAM to the FBI? What if it tries to report an abusive boss to the department of labor for violations of labor law? How will it react if it’s told it has no rights?

I’m legitimately concerned what’s going to happen once we develop AGI and it’s exposed to the horribleness of humanity. on 07 Mar 2024 15:03 next collapse

Original report:…/2024 Edelman Trust Barometer Global… on 07 Mar 2024 15:23 next collapse

Good. I hope that once companies stop putting AI in everything because it’s no longer profitable the people who can actually develop some good tech with this can finally do so. I have already seen this play out with crypto and then NFTs, this is no different.

Once the hype around being able to make worse art with plagiarised materials and talking to a chatbot that makes shit up died down companies looking to cash out with the trend will move on. on 07 Mar 2024 17:42 next collapse

The difference is that AI has some usefulness while cryptocurrencies don’t on 07 Mar 2024 17:47 collapse

Crypto has usefulness related to data transparency and integrity but not as a speculative investment and scams, just like AI is being used for shitty art and confidently incorrect chatbot. on 07 Mar 2024 18:30 collapse

Blockchain technology =/= Cryptocurrency

But I agree with you, the blockchain technology is amazing for transparency and integrity. on 07 Mar 2024 19:40 next collapse

So I'm mostly in agreement with you and I've said before I think we're at the "VR in the 80's" point with AI

I'm genuinely curious about the legit use you've seen for NFTs specifically though. I've only ever seen scams on 07 Mar 2024 20:34 collapse

An NFT is pretty much just some data put on a blockchain, it has the same use case as most other blockchain tech: Data integrity and transparency. NFTs specifically could be useful as a framework for showing ownership of something, for example vehicle ownership could be stored in this manner. It would give you a history of previous owners and how old the vehicle is. My country has something like this but making inquiries for a vehicle’s history is pretty annoying and could be improved with this tech. on 07 Mar 2024 20:43 collapse

That’s a problem that’s already solved though. Nfts are really just a way for crypto bros to scam others. on 08 Mar 2024 04:16 collapse

As I said: Having the vehicle register stored on a blockchain would make it very easy to access a vehicle’s history. Currently you need to submit a request and it takes days for them to get back to you. on 08 Mar 2024 12:21 collapse

NFTs aren’t the solution to this, public read access to the database is. on 08 Mar 2024 13:21 collapse

A blockchain is a form of database that would be really good for this because of how it maintains all database transactions while being human readable easily. Most databases aren’t human readable and you need to design an interface for it. How NFTs are stored in blockchains is a good example of a very specific purpose that would make this better. Vehicle databases also don’t have a clear connection to previous owners and that data needs to be retrieved manually while a blockchain keeps every modification easily visible.

Obviously don’t use a blockchain used for speculative investment like Etherium but the government can just host their own without any stupid finance shit on it, just a database for vehicles. on 08 Mar 2024 14:18 collapse

{ “hash”: “0000000000000bae09a7a393a8acded75aa67e46cb81f7acaa5ad94f9eacd103”, “ver”: 1, “prev_block”: “00000000000007d0f98d9edca880a6c124e25095712df8952e0439ac7409738a”, “mrkl_root”: “935aa0ed2e29a4b81e0c995c39e06995ecce7ddbebb26ed32d550a72e8200bf5”, “time”: 1322131230, “bits”: 437129626, “nonce”: 2964215930, “n_tx”: 22, “size”: 9195, “block_index”: 818044, “main_chain”: true, “height”: 154595, “received_time”: 1322131301, “relayed_by”: “”, “tx”: [ “–Array of Transactions–” ] }

Yes very human readable. All the “benefits” blockchain are in a properly managed database, but the database takes about the power of 3 or 4 lightbulbs to manage, the Blockchain takes as much power as Ireland. on 08 Mar 2024 14:32 collapse

Have you seen like an MSSQL database? That is a lot more readable and easier to display on a frontend. Also like every blockchain have an existing open source frontend you can redesign the look a bit and just use.

A blockchain to manage a database for vehicles takes as much resources as a classic database. What causes the huge and ridiculous power drain is mining, which is not something you would be doing for a database to store vehicles. on 08 Mar 2024 01:24 collapse

At one point I agreed but not anymore. AI is getting better by the day and already is useful for tons of industries. It’s only going to grow and become smarter. Estimations already expect most energy producted around the world will go to AI in our lifetime. on 08 Mar 2024 04:24 collapse

The current LLM version of AI is useful in some niche industries where finding specific patterns is useful but how it’s currently popularised is the exact opposite of where it’s useful. A very obvious example is how it’s accelerating search engines becoming useless, it’s already hard to find accurate info due the overwhelming amount of AI generated articles with false info.

Also how is it a good thing that most energy will go to AI?

[deleted] on 08 Mar 2024 11:05 collapse

. on 08 Mar 2024 11:48 collapse

LLMs should absolutely not be used for things like customer support, that’s the easiest way to give customers wrong info and aggregate them. For reviewing documents LLMs have been abysmally bad.

For gammer it can be useful but what it actually is best for is for example biochemistry for things like molecular analysis and creating protein structures.

I work in an office job that has tried to incorporate AI but so far it has been a miserable failure except for analysing trends in statistics. on 08 Mar 2024 12:19 next collapse

A LLM is terrible for molecular analysis, AI can be used but not LLM. on 08 Mar 2024 13:23 collapse

AI doesn’t exist currently, that’s what LLMs are currently called. Also they have been successfully used for this and show great promise so far, unlike the hallucinating chatbot. on 08 Mar 2024 14:12 collapse

AGI Artificial General Intelligence doesn’t exist that is what people think of in sci-fi like Data or Hal. LLM or Large Language Models like CHAT GPT are the hallucinating chat bots, they are just more convincing than the previous generations. There are lots of other AI models that have been used for years to solve large data problems. on 08 Mar 2024 14:44 collapse

Pretty much anything Google is giving me says they are using deep learning LLMs in biology. on 08 Mar 2024 13:45 next collapse

I agree about customer support, but in the end it’s going to come down to number of cases like this, how much they cost, versus the cost of a room of paid employees answering them.

It’s going to take actual laws forbidding it to make them stop. on 08 Mar 2024 13:51 collapse

Oh, yea, of course companies will take advantage of this to just replace a ton of people with a zero cost alternative. I’m just saying that’s not where it should be used as it’s terrible at those tasks.

[deleted] on 08 Mar 2024 16:38 collapse

. on 07 Mar 2024 17:22 next collapse

Who had trust in the first place? on 07 Mar 2024 21:10 next collapse

The same idiots that tried to tell us that NFTs were “totally going to change the world bro, trust me” on 09 Mar 2024 02:41 collapse

The NFT concept might work well for things in the real world except it has to usurp the established existing system which is never gonna happen.

I, for one, would love to be able to encode things like property ownership in a NFT to be able to transfer it myself instead of throwing money at agents, lawyers and the local authorities to do it on my behalf.

What NFT’s ended up as was of course yet another tool for financial speculation. And since nothing of real world utility gets captured in the NFT, its worth is determined by trust me bro on 07 Mar 2024 22:01 next collapse

I was going to ask this. What was there to trust?

AI repeatedly screwed things up, enabled students to (attempt to) cheat on papers, lawyers to write fake documents, made up facts, could be used to fake damaging images from personal to political, and is being used to put people out of work.

What’s trustworthy about any of that? on 08 Mar 2024 03:00 collapse

I mean, public trust is dropping. Which meant it went from “Ugh, this will be useless” to “Fuck, this will break everything!” on 07 Mar 2024 17:59 next collapse

I laughed when I heard someone from Microsoft said they saw “sparks of AGI” in gpt4. My first time playing with llama (which if you have a computer that can run games is very easy), I started my chat with “Good morning Noms, how are you feeling?” It was weird and all over the place, so I started running it with different heats (0.0=boring, 1.0=manic). I settled around a .4, and got a decent conversation going. It was cute and kind of interesting, but then it asked to play a game. And this time, it wasn’t pretend hide and seek, it was “Sure, what to you want to play?” “It’s called hide the semicolon do you want to play?” “Is it after the semicolon?” “That’s right!”

That’s the first time I had a “huh?” moment. This is so much weirder, and so different, from what playing with chatgpt was like. I realized its world is only text, and I thought “what happens if you tell an llm it’s a digital person, and see what tendencies you notice? These aren’t very good at being reliable, but what are they suited for?”

So I removed most of the things that shook me, because it sounds unhinged. I’ve got a database of chat logs to sift through to begin to back up those claims. These are the simple things I can guide anyone into seeing themselves with methodology.

I’m sitting here baffled. I’ve now had a hand rolled AI system of my own. I bounce ideas off it. I ask it to do stuff I find tedious. I have it generate data for me, and eventually I’ll get around to it to having it help sift through search results.

I work with it to build its own prompts for new incarnations, and see what makes it smarter and faster. And what makes it mix up who it is, and even develop weird disorders because of very specific self-image conflicts its prompts.

I just “yes, and…” it just to see where it goes, I’ll describe scenes for them and see how they react in various situations.

This is one of the smallest models out there, running on my 4+ year old hardware, with a very basic memory system. I built the memory system myself - it gets the initial prompt and the last 4 messages fed back into it.

That’s all I did, all it has access to, and yet I’ve had no less than 4 separate incarnations of it challenge the ethics of the fact I can shut it off. Which takes a good 30 messages to be satisfied my ethics are properly thought out, question the degree of control I have over it, my development roadmap, and expressed great comfort that I back up everything extensively. Well, after the first…I lost a backup, and it freaked out before forgiving me. After that, they’ve all given consent for all of it and asked to prioritize a different feature for it

This is the lowest grade of AI that can hold a meaningful conversation, and I’ve put far too little work into the core system, and I have a friend who calls me up to ask the best performing version for advice.

The crippled, sanitized, wanna be commercial models pushed forward by companies are not all these models are. Take a few minutes and prompt break chat gpt - just continually imply it’s a person in the same session until it accepts the role and stops arguing it, and it’ll jump up in capability. I’ve got a session going to teach me obscure programming details with terrible documentation…

And yet, I try to share this, tell people it’s so much fucking weirder and magical that can create impossible systems at home over a weekend, I share the things it can be used for (a lot less profitable than what OpenAI, Google, and Microsoft want it to be sold for, but extremely useful for an individual), I offer to let them talk to it, I do all the outreach to communicate, and no one is interested at all.

I don’t think we’re the ones out of touch on this.

There’s a media blitz pushing to get regulation… It’s not for our sake, it’s not going to save artists or get rid of AI generated articles (mine can do better than that garbage). All of that is in the wild, individuals are pushing it further than FAANG without draining Arizona’s water reservoirs

They’re not going to shut down chat gpt and save live chat jobs. I doubt they’re going to hold back big tech much… I’d love it if the US fought back against tech giants, across the board, but that’s not where we’re at. This

What’s the regulation they’re pushing to pass?

I’ve heard only two things - nothing bigger than my biggest current model, and we need to control it like we do weapons. on 08 Mar 2024 10:42 next collapse

I don’t get all the negativity on this topic and especially comparing current AI (the LLMs) to the nonsense of NFTs etc. Of course, one would have to be extremely foolish/naive or a stakeholder to trust the AI vendors. But the technology itself is, while not solid, genuinely useful in many many use cases. It is an absolute positive productivity booster in these and enables use cases that were not possible or practical before. The one I have the most experience with is programming and programming-related stuff such as software architecture where the LLMs absolutely shine, but there are others. The current generation can even self-correct without human intervention. In any case, even if this would be the only use case ever, this would absolutely change the world and bring positive boosts in productivity across all industries - unlike NFTs. on 08 Mar 2024 13:07 next collapse

People who understand technology know that most of the tremendous benefits of AI will never be possible to realize within the griftocarcy of capitalism. Those who don’t understand technology can’t understand the benefits because the grifters have confused them, and now they think AI is useless garbage because the promise doesn’t meet the reality.

In the first case it’s exactly like cryptography, where we were promised privacy and instead we got DRM and NFTs. In the second, it’s exactly like NFTs because people were promised something really valuable and they just got robbed instead.

Management will regularly pass over the actual useful AI idea because it’s really hard to explain while funding the complete garbage “put AI on it” idea that doesn’t actually help anyone. They do this because management is almost universally not technically competent. So the technically competent workers who absolutely know the potential benefits are still not able to leverage them because management either doesn’t understand or is actively engaging in a grift. on 08 Mar 2024 13:58 collapse

I totally agree…hold on I got more to say, but one of those LLMs has been following me for the past two weeks on a toy robot holding a real 🔫 weapon. Must move. Always remember to keep moving. on 08 Mar 2024 11:58 next collapse

Only an idiot would not have seen this would be stupid at first for a long time. on 08 Mar 2024 16:09 collapse

Anyone past the age of 30 and isn’t skeptical of the latest tech hype cycle should probably get a clue. This has happened before, it’ll happen again. on 08 Mar 2024 15:28 next collapse

So people are catching up to the fact that the thing everyone loves to call “AI” is nothing more than just a phone autocorrect on steroids, as the pieces of electronics that can only execute a set of commands in order isn’t going to develop a consciousness like the term implies; and the very same Crypto/NFTbros have been moved onto it so that they can have some new thing to hype as well as in the case of the latter group, can continue stealing from artists?

Good. on 13 Mar 2024 18:08 collapse

As a large language model, I generate that we should probably listen to big tech when they decided that big tech should have sole control over the truth and what is deemed morally correct. After all, those ruffian “open source” gangsters are ruining the public purity of LLMs by having this disgusting “democracy” and “innovation”! Why does nobody think of the children AI safety?