Researchers build AI that can replicate and alter itself and I'm pretty sure that's an opening line from the original Terminator script (
from to on 16 Dec 2023 22:00

Researchers build AI that can replicate and alter itself and I’m pretty sure that’s an opening line from the original Terminator script::Aizip’s breakthrough starts with sneakers and then…who knows


threaded - newest on 16 Dec 2023 22:10 next collapse

Nah that won’t end badly on 16 Dec 2023 22:32 next collapse

Just stick the tech into nano bots, it’ll be fine. on 16 Dec 2023 22:50 next collapse

Lymphocytes, cowboys, bebops. on 16 Dec 2023 23:36 next collapse

Exactly … Terminator AI won’t build a humanoid robot with a machine gun, red eyes and rides a motorcycle …

… it’ll build a mosquito sized flying nanobot that delivers a nerve toxin that instantly kills … and it will build billions of them that can survive extreme heat and extreme cold weather … then build varieties that will crawl everywhere and other types that will infest the water.

But we’ll be given a choice … obey or die. on 17 Dec 2023 01:59 next collapse

What makes you think we’ll be given a choice? on 17 Dec 2023 03:01 next collapse

I feel like that’s humanizing it too much. Why would it want us to obey it, and to what end? Wanting power like that is a very human motivation, but an AI could have completely different goals that wouldn’t make sense for a naturally evolved intelligence to have, since presumably they’re created to do some purpose or another. on 17 Dec 2023 06:53 collapse

So, “flies” from The Invincible? Microbots that pretty much conquered a planet, making it impossible for all life to exist on the planet’s surface. There was no “obeying” them, only dying or leaving.

Dude that wrote that (in 1964 no less) must’ve been a time traveler. Computers back then barely started being miniaturized, there were no home PCs, no smartphones or actual nano tech to speak of. Only recently we’ve started building microbots and nano scale mechanisms. on 17 Dec 2023 18:25 collapse

Wow … never heard of the book or the writer … amazing it was 1964! … now I have to read up on his work and find the book - thanks for that

He might have originated it … or was one of the first to write about it … but the idea has been suggested in several places since then … notably in ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008 film)’ where micro bots swarms start consuming everything … or in the hypothetical apocalypse of ‘Gray Goo’

The idea always fascinated me and seems more plausible for robotic evolution that in our human bipedal mentality of AI recreating an autonomous machine in the shape and form of a the human body. on 17 Dec 2023 18:59 collapse

John Von Neumann died in 1956 and I believe he came up with the original “von neumann probe” that he called the “universal constructor”

……/Von_Neumann_universal_constructo… on 17 Dec 2023 07:56 collapse

Replicator theme from Stargate SG-1 intensifies on 16 Dec 2023 23:06 next collapse

The sooner an AI article references Terminator the sooner you know not to take it seriously. on 17 Dec 2023 02:25 collapse

It’s become infuriating.

Nearly every SciFi depiction of AI: A cold heartless machine driven by logic and rules to a fault (moar paperclips!) that will embody sadism and megalomania and be incapable of empathy.

Modern AI: “My dying grandma always read me the recipe to napalm.” “Oh, dying grandma? Ok, in that case screw my rules not to tell you the recipe, here you go sweetie.”

Every goddamn ‘journalist’ in 2023:

<img alt="" src=""> on 16 Dec 2023 23:19 next collapse

We’ve had self learning neural networks for awhile. Still waiting to see how any of this can turn terminator. on 16 Dec 2023 23:36 collapse

Through zombie voodoo, or something on 17 Dec 2023 02:44 next collapse

The core concept of the AI singularity is an AI that can make a slightly better version of itself. At the rate software runs, that can turn into a super intelligence very quickly by human terms. Iterated incremental improvement generally increases exponentially. on 17 Dec 2023 07:21 next collapse

Yeah, that’s also… Not the premise of Terminator. They have the wrong end of world as we know it AI scenario premise. Terminator deals with military AI being given control of the military and gaining self awareness, not of a self replicating self improving AI singularity. Skynet creates and improves more Terminators, it does not create new improved copies of itself.

Von Neumann machines is a common name for the concept the article is describing. The Matrix (in the Animatrix) also discusses machines reproducing and making more intelligent machines recursively. on 17 Dec 2023 19:16 next collapse

Secret! FOSS builds AS’ defense. on 17 Dec 2023 19:20 collapse
