on 08 Feb 2025 16:00
Pro-tip: Watch youtube on firefox/etc with a bunch of ad blockers. No ads.
on 08 Feb 2025 17:09
uBlock origin is enough :p
on 08 Feb 2025 17:50
Sponsor block is a nice extra though
on 08 Feb 2025 18:13
I just avoid channels with annoying sponsor segments, that has been a pretty good filter which also largely avoids clickbaity titles, since they seem to go hand in hand.
on 08 Feb 2025 16:07
EDIT: Not reading any of the replies, so enjoy your circle jerk.
Use the Brave browser and you won’t get any ads. Glorious.
on 08 Feb 2025 16:27
Never use a browser that aggressively advertise itself.
on 08 Feb 2025 16:40
Then you only have to endure the ignominy of using a browser from a homophobic anti-vaxxer
on 08 Feb 2025 16:45
Whilst enduring YouTube
on 08 Feb 2025 16:45
It’s far more bearable without ads. Which can be blocked with most ad blockers in pretty much any other browser.
on 08 Feb 2025 17:31
I keep brave around pretty much just for this, because it’s the easiest and most effective way on MacOS and iOS. And yet they still seem to be getting through sometimes lately.
on 08 Feb 2025 17:33
The easiest and most effective way on macOS and iOS is to use the AdGuard extension for Safari. Or the U block origin extension in Firefox.
Neither come with the shame of using a browser developed by a homophobic anti-vaxxer.
on 08 Feb 2025 19:21
Are you speaking from experience? Because I am. And those don’t work. This is right now, on iOS 18.3 on my iPhone 16 Pro.
on 08 Feb 2025 20:48
It’s lower down in the list.
on 08 Feb 2025 20:36
They worked fine for me, but I don’t have all of those other extensions. AdGuard blocks all the ads on my device, including ads in YouTube videos.
Perhaps you should tweak your settings?
on 08 Feb 2025 17:19
A bad person can create a good product. It’s that simple.
Also, I love that you’re self-righteously typing this out on a computer produced by slave labor, likely involving kids.
You’re better than me for sure.
on 08 Feb 2025 17:29
A bad person can create a good product sure, doesn’t mean we need to support it.
on 08 Feb 2025 17:34
There’s no slave labor (nor children) involved in producing an iPhone. Unless you completely twist the meaning of the word “slave“ to mean something completely different than what it really means. Of course, unless you have proof that child slaves built my iPhone. I’m pretty sure you don’t.
As for criticizing self-righteousness, what the hell do you call your entire comment but self-righteous whataboutim?
A bad person can create a good product. It’s that simple.
It’s really not, though. Using their “good product“ ends up supporting the bad person. Most people aren’t OK with that.
on 08 Feb 2025 22:13
Not OP, but your smart phone may not have been assembled with child labor, but some of the components/minerals used in its construction have been tied to child labor in the past.
Most people aren’t OK with that.
What evidence can you provide to support this, or is this simply your opinion?
on 08 Feb 2025 22:29
What evidence can you provide to support this, or is this simply your opinion?
You first
on 08 Feb 2025 22:34
Yeah that’s not how this works.
It’s really not, though. Using their “good product“ ends up supporting the bad person. Most people aren’t OK with that.
You made a statement, not I. Either you have evidence that most aren’t OK with that, or you don’t.
on 08 Feb 2025 22:36
Do you have amnesia? Because you definitely made a claim without providing evidence.
Not OP, but your smart phone may not have been assembled with child labor, but some of the components/minerals used in its construction have been tied to child labor in the past.
So go on then. Provide that evidence.
Of course, we’re not discussing iPhones of the past. The matter under discussion is specifically the phone I have now. Nice try with that strawman.
So go on. Provide evidence for your claim. And try to do it without any more logical fallacies. Other than the whataboutism that you wrote in here on, by the way.
Edit: trolls get blocked. I’m sure you’ll find some way to blame me for that too.
on 08 Feb 2025 22:45
Jesus Christ.
on 08 Feb 2025 22:59
For the record, you are obviously a very negative and angry person. Which Lemmy seems to be a somewhat breeding ground for. I would encourage to spend more time offline.
It’s important to note that while several large tech companies were found not guilty of knowingly benefiting from child labor, their supply chain still benefitted from child labor; it simply couldn’t be proven they had knowledge of what was happening.
Unfortunately, based on your previous response, I do not expect you to respond in a reasonable and mature manner, and have no desire to spend anymore time with someone like yourself. This is where we sort ways. Cheers mate.
on 08 Feb 2025 18:30
I don’t even think he’s that bad. The worst thing he did was create JavaScript, which is largely fixed now, and the second worst is donate to an anti-LGBT group with his own money. As CEO of Mozilla, he led a very diverse group, diverse enough to kick him out once they found out about his donation.
I personally wish he was back at Mozilla instead of the nonsense leaders they’ve had since he left. I certainly don’t agree with his political views, but he built a great organization and I think Mozilla would be in a better place with him at the helm.
I don’t use Brave as my main browser because I think Firefox is still worth supporting as an independent browser engine, but Brave is my backup if I need a chromium browser.
on 08 Feb 2025 17:15
Ublock Origin + Firefox fork :3
on 08 Feb 2025 17:18
Also a good option, but I like that Brave’s native adblocker works better without addons.
on 08 Feb 2025 18:32
Yup, it’s my backup if I need a chromium browser for something. I just don’t engage with the BAT nonsense and it’s about as good as a chromium browser can get IMO.
Firefox w/ uBlock Origin is my main though, mostly because I want to support independent browser engines.
EDIT: Not reading any of the replies, so enjoy your circle jerk.
That’s what I do as well when mozillatards begin questioning my browser choice, thinking they’re much better person than I am. Hope they enjoy their dying browser.
on 08 Feb 2025 16:08
What youtube ads, I haven’t seen one in years, fortunately.
on 08 Feb 2025 16:10
I have to see them at school all the time, because our teacher’s teachers don’t bother installing adblockers.
on 08 Feb 2025 16:31
Use Firefox Mobile and ublock origin it will block ads on mobile
on 08 Feb 2025 16:35
You’re not speaking to the teacher
on 08 Feb 2025 16:50
Now I’m doubly disappointed in your teachers.
on 08 Feb 2025 17:22
Woopsie! That’s what 7 years of Dutch grammar does to you.
on 08 Feb 2025 17:37
Mine is capitalising everything because of German.
on 08 Feb 2025 17:47
At least German is consistent, unlike English where every so-called “rule” nearly has more exceptions than places it applies. As a native speaker I’m always amazed that anyone manages to learn our train wreck of a language.
on 08 Feb 2025 18:11
Same. We should all collectively abandon ship and just learn Esperanto or something.
on 09 Feb 2025 09:25
Dutch is way worse than English regarding inconsistencies it’s not even funny.
Sadly Dutch is adapting to make some thing “proper” Dutch which where never proper Dutch and sound wrong to every native Dutch speaker. Like “groter als jij” instead of “groter dan jij”.
on 10 Feb 2025 00:07
I’m not sure what you mean here. As far as spelling goes, Dutch is far more consistent than English.
You’re mentioning some none-standard Dutch which is often perceived as incorrect (and it is indeed according to the rules of the standard language norm). Yet, if you were correct in your claim that ‘groter als jij’ was ‘never proper Dutch and sound[s] wrong to every native Dutch speaker’, no native Dutch speaker would ever use ‘groter als jij’. Native Dutch speakers do this often, though, and have been doing it at least since the seventeenth century (eg. this quote from 1670: ‘Zy [de vrucht ”Peci”] is niet veel groter als een kastanie …, vol sap en aengenaem van smaek: herder dan een gemeine appel, en een weinig zuurachtig,’ - ‘It [the fruit “Peci”] is not much bigger than a chestnut …, full of juice and pleasantly tasting: harder than a common apple, and a bit sourish,’).
There’s the Germanic old English which gives most of the base language. This is mixed with Norse from the viking invasions. Then aristocratic French came in around 1,000 years ago. Underneath it all, some regions have Celtic influences.
on 08 Feb 2025 20:42
EDIT: Woops, got confused myself
The plural -s in Dutch only gets an apostrophe if the stem word ends on an open vowel. So it’s cavia-cavia’s on the one hand, but kikker-kikkers on the other (and la[de]-lades). So even in Dutch this’d be incorrect ;)
When I watch YouTube on the Roku in my bedroom I see ads and it’s terrible. If I see a 30 second ad I go back and hit play again, usually I have to do that two or three times and then I get a 5-second skippable ad. Even then I’m often only two or three minutes into the video before it plays another ad.
You need an android TV or an android box similar to a Roku to use that? Not super familiar. Any recommendations to be compatible with my current non-smart TV?
on 08 Feb 2025 18:17
Android streaming boxes are the most flexible. Replace the stock launcher with projectivy once set up.
Inexpensive/basic: Onn
Best for multi-speaker theaters and video upscaling: Nvidia Shield Pro
on 08 Feb 2025 17:34
PiHole can mostly block ads on propetiary software
on 08 Feb 2025 17:40
Not YouTube because the ads come from the same “source”, so blocking that DNS would mean blocking the actual video, too. That’s my week understanding of it, at least.
on 08 Feb 2025 16:46
Fortunately LibreTube and NewPipe exist 👍
on 08 Feb 2025 18:05
Yeah. What ads?
on 08 Feb 2025 18:12
on 08 Feb 2025 18:32
Did u mean “tax for the poor and stupid”?
on 08 Feb 2025 19:16
Yeah, what the fuck is the article talking about? I haven’t seen an ad on YouTube in years.
on 08 Feb 2025 18:21
I don't hate them. I think 80% should go back to the creators though.
on 09 Feb 2025 02:15
When they’re every few minutes, screw that. I do.
on 08 Feb 2025 18:24
Ads didn’t make 10 billion, Google charged advertisers 10 billion. IMO ads have gone so pervasive they’ve hit a point of diminishing returns. They’re everywhere, we hate them, and those 10 billion spent would have to bring many more billions in sales to be an attractive service.
I can’t wait for the ad bubble to burst, as advertisers understand they’re just giving money away to megaadvertisers for paltry conversions.
on 08 Feb 2025 20:51
I’m an admin in Google Ad Manager for a few hundred sites. Saying that to say I’ve read a lot of their documentation. They have a great graph showing this very concept. Less ads, less money, happy users. More ads, more money, unhappy users. They’re aware. They aren’t pouring the poison. They’re designing the pitcher and selling different size cups.
on 09 Feb 2025 01:59
Can I dm you a question about google ad spending?
Edit: ok jesus no ad questions 🤣, how do y’all think people promote their small businesses. I don’t advertise much but we’re all forced to live in this capitalist bullshit and while word of mouth helps if you have a tucked away location you need to pop up on google maps.
on 09 Feb 2025 05:54
So they are aware of how terrible ads are and they intentionally want to keep it this way, so that they can sell advertisers “better ads” for higher premium as a form of product and price diversification, with those “better” products they offer eventually end up being terrible and make the ads situation as a whole worse, so they can keep introducing new kinds of “better ads” product to have a “justified” way of asking even more money from advertisers?
Influencer sponsorships, especially for beauty influencers, have already been declining. Companies realize that these influencers are just posting ads now and people don’t believe their “honest opinion” anymore. So it’s a mystery to me why companies still pay so much money for regular online ads.
Control over the finalized product. You can easily shape an ad to have your exact message reach the right people, and have that ad be more attractive. With an influencer sponsorship you do not have as much control over the final product or the audience.
on 09 Feb 2025 09:28
Sadly I still see that ads benefit a lot of my clients. The more advertising they do the more revenue they get, but this is only for small to medium sized companies. However if every company in the world spends 100k on adverts on platforms like Google we would easily surpass the 10b.
Dropshippers are the best example of this. No ads means no revenue.
on 09 Feb 2025 11:34
Competition. It’s all about competition between companies. In highly saturated markets ads serve to build brand recognition and are seen as long term investment to gain market share. Good example is TikTok. The social media market is very much saturated and competition very high, so TikTok’s strategy was to buy every ad they could to create brand recognition, which in turn helped gaining market share.
So I don’t think the ad business is a bubble at all, it’s just that the usefulness and function depends on the market a company competes within.
Companies wouldn’t buy the ads if they didn’t work.
on 09 Feb 2025 20:52
There was a true golden age where the technology for ads was so shitty and the companies didn’t even know what they were worth somewhere between 2006-2010. I remember those days where no one was selling me shit besides my dealer.
on 08 Feb 2025 19:25
I use Firefox with uBlock Origin and SponsorBlock. I never see any ads on youtube.
on 08 Feb 2025 21:01
Reminder that Firefox on mobile also has ublock origin and other add ons that improve the experience.
on 08 Feb 2025 23:12
Yeah extensions on Firefox mobile is fucking awesome
on 09 Feb 2025 00:15
This is the way. Just make sure to disable the YouTube app on your phone so links people send you don’t open in the app.
on 09 Feb 2025 00:37
Does Firefox on iOS have extensions? I have to use Orion by Kagi to get extensions on iOS.
on 09 Feb 2025 04:45
Look into Sideloadly and uYouPlus by qnblackcat . I’ve been using it for years now, and while a hassle to sign the apps every week, it’s the best we have unfortunately.
on 09 Feb 2025 10:34
It does not. If you don’t want to sideload, consider AdGuard and/or Vinegar. Only works with Safari, though.
on 09 Feb 2025 09:30
Safari in itself also blocks a lot of ads, but if that is not enough IOS users can also install Firefox. There is no reason to watch ads anymore
on 09 Feb 2025 10:29
As far as I know, Firefox doesn’t have ad blocking or extensions on iOS.
Safari with AdGuard does pretty well though, and there’s Vinegar for YouTube specifically.
on 09 Feb 2025 11:50
I find using it in a browser clunky. Much prefer a dedicated app (now I use Tubular), which gives some extra functions like downloads, history and playlists.
on 08 Feb 2025 20:37
thats why i block them all.
they aint making money off of annoying me.
on 08 Feb 2025 22:31
I have no issue in paying creators with my YouTube Premium subscription. What annoys me is seeing creators feed the algorithm with “regular posts” or create filler videos for sponsors when they have nothing to say.
That and seeing explainer videos from someone who learned something five minutes before recording… the number of copycats and regurgitating the same news content is depressing.
The same goes for the epidemic of faceless AI videos narrating generic content… horrible. The “don’t recommend channel” must be worn off by now, from me alone. :-)
Fantastic exceptions from talented creators make it worth it, so I am happy.
on 08 Feb 2025 22:38
Those poor suckers. I don’t think I’ve seen an advertisement on YouTube in something like five years.
Edit: And I sure as hell ain’t paying Google either.
For anyone out of the loop, look into Freetube and Grayjay. There are other apps that do the same thing too, but those are good to start with.
on 09 Feb 2025 09:35
Or you can setup RSSFeeds direcrly and also include news articles and other stuff
on 08 Feb 2025 23:31
If you see 0 ads and don’t pay anyone, I’m not sure how the service could be sustainable. I’m also against ads but only if you’re actually paying. That’s why I do pay for a yt family plan but also use adblock+sponsorblock.
on 08 Feb 2025 23:47
It’s not. Why do you want it to be? It’s one of the most enduring social media monopolies, and it should be brought down. The more they lose revenue, the more they are forced to squeeze, the more they enshittify, the more people are pushed to make and use alternatives, and the stronger those alternatives get.
Honestly once youtube’s network can be usurped by something like peertube, I think that might be the ballgame for centralised social media. It is the hardest one to topple because of bandwidth costs, which means once it goes the case for needing a corporation to fund our networks kind of collapses with it.
on 09 Feb 2025 01:03
Google has plenty of money. That’s the way I see it.
on 09 Feb 2025 01:50
Afaik, business units are individual. Their products don’t finance each other.
on 09 Feb 2025 03:13
And the user experience I should expect depends on their stupid hierarchy for reasons I should care about, I’m sure, but still I find myself not. Choosing to enshittify is a choice. Choosing a business model that depends on coercion into an ecosystem that will become enshittified after accumulating a critical mass is another, even more evil choice. Doing it while those cheering loudest are the ones being fucked hardest (I mean, there’s still a “certain line” between how badly “certain groups” are discriminated against, but let’s keep things broad here because we all know the in-group is going to shrink… you know the poem, those that don’t speak up and all that) is yet another choice and one that I’m not willing to join. Doing it while playing monopolistic games arguably even more strongly than Microsoft did when it got hit with a Nynex-level antitrust suit is a step even further down the fuck-me-brick road. The list goes on. Have you met Android??? Google’s motto used to be Don’t Be Evil. Yeah, I’m at least that old. Fight me.
Edit: please don’t fight me. I’m in some back pain right now from some light physical engagement the other day. I’m also, at a minimum, that old…
on 09 Feb 2025 04:25
Dude, if you dislike it that much you could just like… not use it?
on 09 Feb 2025 04:46
Stringing more non-sequitors into this probably won’t make it make more sense
on 09 Feb 2025 15:00
K. Keep using a service you hate then, I guess.
on 09 Feb 2025 16:13
Or, we could use it for free! Get two birds stoned at once!
on 09 Feb 2025 09:36
Yeah they are and they need to act like seperate businesses to each other.
But Google is just going to loan YouTube money when it needs to. Google is basically playing the game with infinite money.
on 09 Feb 2025 01:06
I’m not sure how the service could be sustainable.
Bold of you to assume any of us give a shit about keeping Alphabet’s operations sustainable for them.
Sure but realistically services need money to run sites.
on 09 Feb 2025 21:43
Yes, and for all I care, they can run out (though they won’t) and their sites can shut down.
on 08 Feb 2025 22:54
Google’s ad-pocalypse is a self-licking ice cream cone. Boasting about $10.4 billion squeezed from advertisers while users rage-install adblockers? That’s platform decay in action. The “diminishing returns” of shoving 15 unskippable ads into a 3-minute tutorial is laughable.
Creators churning out AI slop just to feed the algorithm? Tragic. Why innovate when you can monetize desperation? The ad bubble will burst soon, and we’ll all laugh at brands paying billions to reach bots and ad-blind zombies.
Keep stacking those trackers, Sundar. We’ll keep finding ways to mute this digital servitude.
on 08 Feb 2025 23:11
Ads? What ads?
on 08 Feb 2025 23:25
I say this every time the topic comes up, and I’m always downvoted for it but here goes again:
YouTube is going to do this suit because YouTube CAN do this shit. It’s their company. They can enshitify it as much as they’d like. And they WILL enshitify it as much as they like as long as people continue to use it.
How long have they been in existence now? 18-19 years? And with every year they gets worse and worse, while growing bigger and bigger. Why do you think that is?
Could it be because they know that although everyone will bitch about them, complain about them, and write scathing tech articles about them- people will still gobble their shit up regardless.
Don’t like what YouTube is doing? Maybe think about not using it. Because as long as you’re participating- either by creating content or viewing it- you are a big part of the reason they’re getting away with doing this shit.
Downvote away.
on 08 Feb 2025 23:47
I’m very surprised you got downvoted for saying that
Me too. I never try to come off as pushy on the topic. Just suggesting an option, but man… people haven’t responded well to it in the past.
on 09 Feb 2025 00:33
Let’s just say, unless YouTube crosses people’s bottom lines and there’s an alternative being actively advertised, people won’t move.
Otherwise, they push that bottom line further.
on 09 Feb 2025 02:10
Agreed. Seems there no floor to what people will put up with from them. I can’t understand it. I’ve tried products and services I found that I absolutely hated. I don’t have those products or services anymore.
It’s pretty easy to not do something.
on 09 Feb 2025 04:08
The lack of alternatives where creators actually get paid for people watching their videos is the biggest problem.
on 09 Feb 2025 08:42
I have nebula, but still pay also for YT subscriptions
on 09 Feb 2025 08:44
Even youtube doesn’t pay the creators that much. Lois Rossman in a recent video showed some of his video in YT that had over 200k views and generated ~100 USD of income.
on 09 Feb 2025 10:09
On a related note. Why would creators add sponsored segments/other sponsoring/patreon etc if YT pays them enough?
YT doesn’t pay them enough. Unless your some kind of super star.
on 09 Feb 2025 13:55
And that’s probably what will kill them as payouts get worse and worse making other platforms more attractive as you’re not losing as much. A lot of YouTubers I follow seem to becoming more and more reliant on Patreon as ad revenue goes down.
on 09 Feb 2025 06:05
They get away with it because they don’t have serious competition and the reason for that is that allowing anyone to upload videos for free, to be viewed by anyone else for free, is by itself not a viable business model.
It’s the size really. As with most social media platforms, often they are fairly easy to create (YouTube definitely isn’t, but many could). Problem is that it’s impossible to compete with, because people expect the activity you get from hundreds of millions of users.
Same goes for Twitter, Reddit and whatnot. Since capitalism took over the internet completely, basically none of the large plattforms have been outcompeted really.
To big to fail isn’t the banks nowadays, well then to, but it’s IT as well.
on 09 Feb 2025 09:34
Youtube started when hosting video’s was way easier. The files where smaller, the bandwidth of most people wasn’t that great either. Storage was more expensive though.
These days everybody wants 4K footage and everybody was 100-1000+ mbps internet and we have 4K screens so we can also watch it.
The competitors who host it are either paid up front or porn sites. Because there is no real way to start up a competitor to YouTube. I decided to accept that and I have RSSfeeds of all the creators I like to watch so I bypass the algorithm
on 09 Feb 2025 09:57
does it count as viewing if every time I just download the videos with yt-dlp, and watch in a good media player?
People well not pay for anything. I mean you can get YouTube premium without ads. But the vast majority don’t want it.
And since no one well pay for anything how does a computer to YouTube make money?
on 10 Feb 2025 05:42
The day I’m forced to watch YouTube ads is the day I never use it again
on 10 Feb 2025 05:52
@aeternum@technology Adguard blocks all advertisements on there. I’ve installed that, and I’ve never received a single one. As much as I wish I could simply mix YouTube for my life, I can’t, because too many of the folks who produce content up there use it as their only means of sharing that content with the world, so I’ve sort of struck a balancing act between watching the things I want to watch, Will still remaining conscientious of what the companies behind it are doing.
At the end of the day, we’d all be better off if everyone just never used it again, because as long as people put up with what they do- the more they’ll do it.
on 09 Feb 2025 00:18
Revanced, ublock origin solved the ads issues on android and on the browser.
Anyone have a (free) solution for Google tv?
on 09 Feb 2025 00:46
Vpn to albania.
on 09 Feb 2025 02:14
Why not just switch it to English? I’m from non English country as well, most my apps are in English
on 09 Feb 2025 09:49
Because most websites are not English and every single time I want to translate a site, I have to use a drop down list to select English as the language to translate to.
on 09 Feb 2025 09:54
oh not the menu translation, but the local website translation. well I’m happy if that’s your worst problem
btw, translation to english will almost always work the best, with any kind of service
on 09 Feb 2025 14:18
Why don’t you use the TWP extension? It includes even a DeepL option besides Google Translate and Yandex.
on 10 Feb 2025 00:19
He probably means the website translation function. Very useful for translating local websites, that aren’t available in english, if you don’t speak the language or not fluent enough
on 09 Feb 2025 04:34
Swedish is fine
on 09 Feb 2025 09:50
on 10 Feb 2025 08:16
För Sverige i tiden din nedrans niding
on 09 Feb 2025 09:55
There are some translation extensions that are much better than the built-in one. Still not as good as Chrome tho
on 09 Feb 2025 16:09
I use the Firefox extension Immersive Translate exactly for this reason. Hasn’t failed me yet.
on 10 Feb 2025 00:17
Thank you, I’ll give it a try.
on 09 Feb 2025 20:42
Just get another translate extension.
on 10 Feb 2025 00:16
on 11 Feb 2025 09:26
on 09 Feb 2025 02:33
I pay for a YouTube premium family plan. It’s probably a rip off but my kids enjoy content on YouTube more than any other platform but YouTube is not safe for children with ads enabled (and YouTube kids is a joke)
Soggy cereal made a video about how YouTube ads are unsafe a few weeks ago and that was exactly my experience before I started paying for yt premium, look that up if you are curious
on 09 Feb 2025 03:23
Tinfoil hat time:
YouTube allows/endorses/pushes ads not suitable for kids because they know parents, of all people, have no time to curate their kids’ ad experience and will just fork over the cash.
on 09 Feb 2025 03:51
And youtube. Kids sucks so much because they don’t really want anyone to use it…
Sadly though, they don’t have to plan to do these things. They just don’t invest in making them kid safe.
on 09 Feb 2025 05:00
I think your theory is plausible. On the YT smart TV app, the ads seem to be increasingly about unpleasant things like dick pills, period pads, and constipation treatments. I think they literally serve up unsavory ad content as a way of punishing you into shelling out for a subscription. Jokes on them, I just switched to SmartTube.
Can confirm. As soon as I turn off personalized ads, I get nothing but “find hot ladies in your area” and “play this hentai game” ads across all Google products. It’s ridiculous.
on 09 Feb 2025 04:41
It’s not just ads on Youtube. It’s also all the sponsor crap and filler content to get to 10 minute videos.
I use it with an adblocker and sponsorblock but it’s still shit.
on 09 Feb 2025 15:49
For sure. YouTube creators shilling for honey while Honey stole their affiliation money shows how little time they spend vetting their sponsors. The stuff they peddle is usually a few ticks away from scam, pretty much always overpriced. The day sponsorblock stops working, is the day I stop paying for YouTube premium and using youtube. It’s a pity, because there is a lot of good content on there.
on 10 Feb 2025 05:32
Why ten mins? Do they only paid if they make it ten mins or longer?
on 09 Feb 2025 15:28
There’s literally porn ads on yt. Recently an acquaintance of mine got one of those “Look what she said when she saw the size of his dick. You can have a bigger dick if you just buy our product”, with plenty of suggestive imagery. And scam ads. My mother got scammed because of a youtube ad pretending to sell products in the name of a famous brand of supermarkets in my region.
on 09 Feb 2025 21:06
I’ll just share with you my experience:
I was also paying for a YouTube Premium family plan, but still got ads. What made me cancel was the fact that they’re still using trackers, so they were making money off me three times (subscription, ads, and selling my data)!
Coupled with the fact that “content creators” don’t really make content for the love of making it. It’s all created “for the algorithm”, especially the “watch to the end”, clickbait titles and thumbnails, “like and subscribe” begging, “only 15% of you are subscribers”, sponsored content disguised as education, etc… Videos today are nothing like they were 15 years ago, because it became solely about making money.
Google is one of the pioneers of the enshittification movement!
on 09 Feb 2025 04:01
And replace it with what?
on 09 Feb 2025 04:09
For watching YT videos:
NewPipe or Tubular for phone app.
FreeTube on Pc.
Invidious in browser.
Just a few examples, there is loads more alternatives.
Including different platforms all together.
Too much to choose from.
on 09 Feb 2025 04:19
Literally any other form of entertainment.
Though the statement was to stop using it, not replace it.
on 09 Feb 2025 10:27
Youtube is not just entertainment tho - the catch is that Google has way too much actually useful info hostage, like lectures, guides or documentaries.
on 09 Feb 2025 10:30
@EngineerGaming@Senal tbf a lot of the creators I watch on YouTube are now on nebula and/or patreon. I ought to explore alternatives.
on 09 Feb 2025 10:33
True. But I am not even talking about dedicated content creators (for whom it is indeed an option!). I am talking about, say, an old laptop disassembly guide that a random master uploaded and just forgot about it. People not actively managing their content are not going to bother.
on 09 Feb 2025 10:48
It’s somewhat of a catch, that’s generally how monopolistic moats work but you really shouldn’t be relying on google as a backup service for obscure videos you wish to keep.
I’ve no idea of the amount of lectures, guides, documentaries and other non-entertainment media that is available exclusively on youtube, but again it isn’t an archiving service.
They can, will and have deleted whole channels for various reasons, most of which were bullshit, if you find something you absolutely have to keep, download it.
That being said, the process of downloading, archiving and curating content on anything more than a trivial scale can be much more involved than it seems, especially if you want backups/redundancy.
I’ve never been a big youtube user so my opinion on this is coloured by the fact that i don’t have that much invested in the platform.
on 09 Feb 2025 11:47
I am now downloading everything I personally need or like. Wish there was, say, a torrent index of Youtube videos)
on 09 Feb 2025 14:10
Not sure how versed/willing you are to selfhost but I’ve heard good things about tube archivist.
There are also a bunch of ui’s for yt-dlp, though i can’t vouch for quality.
on 09 Feb 2025 14:31
Neat finds) That was not my point though. I just use yt-dlp and don’t feel the need to have a server for my multiple files. I just was wondering if I could help share the preserved content somewhere. I could just link to the torrents on my website, but that wouldn’t be of much use because no one ever would think of searching there…
on 09 Feb 2025 05:43
Butt stuff
on 09 Feb 2025 05:59
on 09 Feb 2025 06:13
Eh, I would argue you’re only using the servers to access the content creators data. Youtube is the interface, algorithm, advertisement, comments, etc. If it’s just the creators data being accessed with no additional contribution from youtube then I would just treat it as any ol’ host server.
on 09 Feb 2025 06:57
I use an alternative frontend for actually watching stuff, just google and find one with a public instance, no ads, can do pip on your phone for free
on 09 Feb 2025 06:57
also easy to host for yourself
on 09 Feb 2025 09:16
At least use an adblocker
on 09 Feb 2025 09:35
You have a point it’s a monopoly but most YouTube videos I watch now the creators are always suggesting viewing on patreon because of all the YouTube copyright stuff.
I’ve noticed quite a few have vanished from YouTube so maybe there’s some signs YouTube is starting to get to annoying for creators.
I’ve never used Patreon, but are the videos not hosted there from YouTube?
on 09 Feb 2025 11:20
I think they can pretty much post whatever they want but I’ve never used it myself as it’s all pay walled. But yeah I think reactors are all jumping over to it as it gets harder to post anything on YouTube without someone else trying to claim the ad money.
on 09 Feb 2025 13:55
Patreon has it’s own internal hosting, yes. But is it still leaning on Azure/AWS? shrug Probably.
on 09 Feb 2025 11:43
Yes. A rude joke.
on 09 Feb 2025 13:48
It’s not that deep
on 09 Feb 2025 09:45
havent seen them. are they any different? i am sure it is the same scam google does with Ads. only boomers see it, but are not the target group and the advertisers are just wasting money.
instead of using piped/smarttube i advise to not use US based services at all.I mean fuck you for supporting the ultragreedy.
on 09 Feb 2025 10:18
And since they made so much while people are effectively using adblocker, there’s no need to fight them back, right?
on 09 Feb 2025 20:47
Sadly I have Roku TVs
on 10 Feb 2025 00:00
Yeah, if anybody figures out a solution for Roku… please tell me. I’m set everywhere except one Roku stick in my basement, hooked up to my projector. The best place to watch movies in the house, the only place with ads.
on 10 Feb 2025 00:44
I stuck with Roku because it works if I block their ads on my pihole, and I can pay or steal everything else
on 09 Feb 2025 20:33
on 09 Feb 2025 21:37
Honestly, the service is worth it for me. I need the easiest process possible for my luddite wife and kindergartener’s Amazon fire tablet. I put my mom on the account too.
But for everything else, yarrrrr.
on 10 Feb 2025 00:34
A kindergarteners amazon fire tablet is a sentence i hope i never have to hear again
on 10 Feb 2025 07:37
RVX Music requires manual compilation, right? Also, does it properly play album version of songs? (YT Music ReVanced plays the video version of songs instead).
I don’t remember having to compile it and there’s a setting to prefer the album version of songs
on 12 Feb 2025 04:11
I guess I will give it a try someday. I originally had a Google Play Music subscription back in the day when it had a cleaner UI(and then Google killed it). I recently switched back to YT Music since ReVanced would usually play video variants.
I don’t have much love for YT Premium since the official YouTube app is worse than NewPipe, say. Even after paying, you are shown adverts for purchasing say, merchandise from creators (that counts as an ad in my book).
I will probably give RVX a try once my current subscription ends.
on 09 Feb 2025 20:41
I know all the tools but I’d rather support Youtube which has ben an incredible service for me and I think it’s a net good for the society so it should remain sustainable.
on 10 Feb 2025 08:28
“Support YouTube” lol… You mean give money to Google. I think they’ll be fine.
Let me explain my point of view - it’s not about giving money to Google but showing the business that there’s a viable monetization strategy that isn’t locking down content or fighting ad blockers.
Let’s say there is no Youtube premium and everyone has an adblocker then google has no choice but to fight ad blocking harder or lock down the content because Youtube starts to bleed money. Now some lazy people pay for Premium and we have this little golden mean where everyone can kinda use the platform kinda freely which is a pretty good compromise if you ask me.
Alphabet (the parent company of Google) made over 100 billion dollars in NET income. For those that don’t know, net income = total revenue - total expenses.
ALL expenses are already accounted for.
I don’t think we need to care about a billion dollar company making record breaking amounts of money. Sure, YouTube is great & has brought lots of great content but the company behind it is not struggling whatsoever. Your average American is struggling to make ends meet. I’d rather use any tool the community creates to make it as difficult as possible for them to take my data & give me ads. Their whole ad industry is a multi billion dollar business model. I don’t even make a six figure salary. I can’t even imagine a couple hundred thousand dollars let alone several hundred thousand, 1 million, or beyond.
on 09 Feb 2025 21:09
Only on Lemmy you get downvoted for saying you pay for a service you like…
on 09 Feb 2025 22:07
The problem is yt premium is not able to sustain google’s platform. Only google’s synergic monopolies make youtube possible and alternative financially unviable. Youtube, very literally, must die. As long as youtube exists it will maintain critical mass and kill everything else judt by existing. To fund youtube is to reinfotce this entrenchment. Both paying or watching ads and arguably just watching it, empowers google momooly position and its capture of the zeitgeist.
on 09 Feb 2025 21:45
What rock have you been hiding under?
on 09 Feb 2025 22:01
I think he means native sponsored segment when you’re the first person to watch with sponsor blocks. But that’s mostly only videos realeased under 5 minutes ago.
on 10 Feb 2025 03:50
Duck player bro
on 10 Feb 2025 08:27
The ones labeled “NewPipe” and “SponsorBlock”
on 09 Feb 2025 19:55
Firefox + Ublock Origin
on 09 Feb 2025 21:06
What if you only use the apps?
on 09 Feb 2025 21:12
RVX, a fork of ReVanced, works well on Android. You’ll have to side load it yourself, but it’s got very good ad blocking and sponsor block if you don’t want to hear shilling during a video.
on 09 Feb 2025 21:17
Use a third party app like New Pipe, if your on a fruit phone… you unfortunatly cant side load apps, I dont have an answer…
on 09 Feb 2025 21:59
I’m using newpipe but the anybility to find content with youtubr’s content discovery algorithm or a locally running one makes for a lot yif very annoying tab switching and scrolling to the bottom of newpipe thousand item playlist.
I’m going to try this rvx!
on 10 Feb 2025 02:25
Lookup Grayjay
on 09 Feb 2025 22:05
Yep, this works! No ads.
on 10 Feb 2025 07:53
also works on android
on 09 Feb 2025 20:58
… And has made video content for billions of people unbearable to watch or enjoy.
on 09 Feb 2025 22:14
“But we can’t pay our content creators! We’re a starving tech company! Niche stuff no one uses or has heard of! We needed to cut the money so they had to push scams!”
on 09 Feb 2025 22:31
threaded - newest
Pro-tip: Watch youtube on firefox/etc with a bunch of ad blockers. No ads.
uBlock origin is enough :p
Sponsor block is a nice extra though
I just avoid channels with annoying sponsor segments, that has been a pretty good filter which also largely avoids clickbaity titles, since they seem to go hand in hand.
EDIT: Not reading any of the replies, so enjoy your circle jerk.
Use the Brave browser and you won’t get any ads. Glorious.
Never use a browser that aggressively advertise itself.
Then you only have to endure the ignominy of using a browser from a homophobic anti-vaxxer
Whilst enduring YouTube
It’s far more bearable without ads. Which can be blocked with most ad blockers in pretty much any other browser.
I keep brave around pretty much just for this, because it’s the easiest and most effective way on MacOS and iOS. And yet they still seem to be getting through sometimes lately.
The easiest and most effective way on macOS and iOS is to use the AdGuard extension for Safari. Or the U block origin extension in Firefox.
Neither come with the shame of using a browser developed by a homophobic anti-vaxxer.
Are you speaking from experience? Because I am. And those don’t work. This is right now, on iOS 18.3 on my iPhone 16 Pro.
<img alt="" src=""><img alt="" src="">
You need Vinegar as well.
It’s lower down in the list.
They worked fine for me, but I don’t have all of those other extensions. AdGuard blocks all the ads on my device, including ads in YouTube videos.
Perhaps you should tweak your settings?
A bad person can create a good product. It’s that simple.
Also, I love that you’re self-righteously typing this out on a computer produced by slave labor, likely involving kids.
You’re better than me for sure.
A bad person can create a good product sure, doesn’t mean we need to support it.
There’s no slave labor (nor children) involved in producing an iPhone. Unless you completely twist the meaning of the word “slave“ to mean something completely different than what it really means. Of course, unless you have proof that child slaves built my iPhone. I’m pretty sure you don’t.
As for criticizing self-righteousness, what the hell do you call your entire comment but self-righteous whataboutim?
It’s really not, though. Using their “good product“ ends up supporting the bad person. Most people aren’t OK with that.
Not OP, but your smart phone may not have been assembled with child labor, but some of the components/minerals used in its construction have been tied to child labor in the past.
What evidence can you provide to support this, or is this simply your opinion?
You first
Yeah that’s not how this works.
You made a statement, not I. Either you have evidence that most aren’t OK with that, or you don’t.
Do you have amnesia? Because you definitely made a claim without providing evidence.
So go on then. Provide that evidence.
Of course, we’re not discussing iPhones of the past. The matter under discussion is specifically the phone I have now. Nice try with that strawman.
So go on. Provide evidence for your claim. And try to do it without any more logical fallacies. Other than the whataboutism that you wrote in here on, by the way.
Edit: trolls get blocked. I’m sure you’ll find some way to blame me for that too.
Jesus Christ.
For the record, you are obviously a very negative and angry person. Which Lemmy seems to be a somewhat breeding ground for. I would encourage to spend more time offline.…/smartphone-child-labor-cobalt/
And then…/apple-and-google-named-in-us-la…
And then…/story?id=10783…
It’s important to note that while several large tech companies were found not guilty of knowingly benefiting from child labor, their supply chain still benefitted from child labor; it simply couldn’t be proven they had knowledge of what was happening.
Unfortunately, based on your previous response, I do not expect you to respond in a reasonable and mature manner, and have no desire to spend anymore time with someone like yourself. This is where we sort ways. Cheers mate.
I don’t even think he’s that bad. The worst thing he did was create JavaScript, which is largely fixed now, and the second worst is donate to an anti-LGBT group with his own money. As CEO of Mozilla, he led a very diverse group, diverse enough to kick him out once they found out about his donation.
I personally wish he was back at Mozilla instead of the nonsense leaders they’ve had since he left. I certainly don’t agree with his political views, but he built a great organization and I think Mozilla would be in a better place with him at the helm.
I don’t use Brave as my main browser because I think Firefox is still worth supporting as an independent browser engine, but Brave is my backup if I need a chromium browser.
Ublock Origin + Firefox fork :3
Also a good option, but I like that Brave’s native adblocker works better without addons.
Yup, it’s my backup if I need a chromium browser for something. I just don’t engage with the BAT nonsense and it’s about as good as a chromium browser can get IMO.
Firefox w/ uBlock Origin is my main though, mostly because I want to support independent browser engines.
That’s what I do as well when mozillatards begin questioning my browser choice, thinking they’re much better person than I am. Hope they enjoy their dying browser.
What youtube ads, I haven’t seen one in years, fortunately.
I have to see them at school all the time, because our
teacher’steachers don’t bother installing adblockers.Use Firefox Mobile and ublock origin it will block ads on mobile
You’re not speaking to the teacher
Now I’m doubly disappointed in your teachers.
Woopsie! That’s what 7 years of Dutch grammar does to you.
Mine is capitalising everything because of German.
At least German is consistent, unlike English where every so-called “rule” nearly has more exceptions than places it applies. As a native speaker I’m always amazed that anyone manages to learn our train wreck of a language.
Same. We should all collectively abandon ship and just learn Esperanto or something.
Dutch is way worse than English regarding inconsistencies it’s not even funny.
Sadly Dutch is adapting to make some thing “proper” Dutch which where never proper Dutch and sound wrong to every native Dutch speaker. Like “groter als jij” instead of “groter dan jij”.
I’m not sure what you mean here. As far as spelling goes, Dutch is far more consistent than English.
You’re mentioning some none-standard Dutch which is often perceived as incorrect (and it is indeed according to the rules of the standard language norm). Yet, if you were correct in your claim that ‘groter als jij’ was ‘never proper Dutch and sound[s] wrong to every native Dutch speaker’, no native Dutch speaker would ever use ‘groter als jij’. Native Dutch speakers do this often, though, and have been doing it at least since the seventeenth century (eg. this quote from 1670: ‘Zy [de vrucht ”Peci”] is niet veel groter als een kastanie …, vol sap en aengenaem van smaek: herder dan een gemeine appel, en een weinig zuurachtig,’ - ‘It [the fruit “Peci”] is not much bigger than a chestnut …, full of juice and pleasantly tasting: harder than a common apple, and a bit sourish,’).
Sorry to have gone so off-topic here, though.
English has its pitfalls, but is in many ways incredibly simple.
Plus it’s everywhere, and the best way to learn a language is to use it.
English is 3 or 4 languages melded into one.
There’s the Germanic old English which gives most of the base language. This is mixed with Norse from the viking invasions. Then aristocratic French came in around 1,000 years ago. Underneath it all, some regions have Celtic influences.
Of course there aren’t consistent rules.
Not Everything, just Nouns.
EDIT: Woops, got confused myself
The plural -s in Dutch only gets an apostrophe if the stem word ends on an open vowel. So it’s cavia-cavia’s on the one hand, but kikker-kikkers on the other (and la[de]-lades). So even in Dutch this’d be incorrect ;)
Teacher here. My school uses everything Chrome OS and locks the ability to install extensions or other browsers. It’s not always us.
You should teach your teachers.
Are you blocked from installing browser extensions?
Me neither, as I don’t use YouTube at all.
When I watch YouTube on the Roku in my bedroom I see ads and it’s terrible. If I see a 30 second ad I go back and hit play again, usually I have to do that two or three times and then I get a 5-second skippable ad. Even then I’m often only two or three minutes into the video before it plays another ad.
One reason I switched to android TV.
And yet they aggressively demonitize channels.
Line go up
I mean they don’t want to pay the creators thats abundantly clear.
I’d love to know their cost of storing all the YT videos and serving them.
YouTube runs at a loss, as far as I am aware. The other businesses prop it up. They run it, even at a loss, because they harvest data from it.
Still need a good strategy for blocking ads on my TV. Mostly watching YouTube through a Chromecast so I can control it from my phone
Same but I don’t use YouTube I tend to use it for TV. Cast and forget cable TV for free.
I hate edge but edge also let’s you stream from your PC to TV with no ads.
You need an android TV or an android box similar to a Roku to use that? Not super familiar. Any recommendations to be compatible with my current non-smart TV?
Android streaming boxes are the most flexible. Replace the stock launcher with projectivy once set up.
Inexpensive/basic: Onn
Best for multi-speaker theaters and video upscaling: Nvidia Shield Pro
PiHole can mostly block ads on propetiary software
Not YouTube because the ads come from the same “source”, so blocking that DNS would mean blocking the actual video, too. That’s my week understanding of it, at least.
Subbed to find out what your month understanding will be
My true fans will hang around for my year understanding.
Can’t weight!
GrayJay seems to work for that.
Android TV
On desktop: uBlock origin (Vivaldi or Firefox). On mobile: Newpipe and AdAway (VPN mode, or rooted phone).
On your phone (and other devices) you can also use a DNS adblocker. Less effective, but good for most people.
Control D.
ETA: This usually doesn’t work on YouTube. Sorry for any confusion. Works decently enough for other ads at least.
DNS filering alone doesn’t work for YouTube in my experience.
You’re absolutely right and I forgot that for a moment there.
Firefox + Ublock also work on mobile.
On Android.
Yeah, I kinda assumed the people who cared about these sorts of things wouldn’t be using an iPhone.
On the TV, smarttube
Tv: smarttube Android: revanced iOS/ipad: youtube++
Fortunately LibreTube and NewPipe exist 👍
Yeah. What ads?
Did u mean “tax for the poor and stupid”?
Yeah, what the fuck is the article talking about? I haven’t seen an ad on YouTube in years.
I don't hate them. I think 80% should go back to the creators though.
When they’re every few minutes, screw that. I do.
Ads didn’t make 10 billion, Google charged advertisers 10 billion. IMO ads have gone so pervasive they’ve hit a point of diminishing returns. They’re everywhere, we hate them, and those 10 billion spent would have to bring many more billions in sales to be an attractive service.
I can’t wait for the ad bubble to burst, as advertisers understand they’re just giving money away to megaadvertisers for paltry conversions.
I’m an admin in Google Ad Manager for a few hundred sites. Saying that to say I’ve read a lot of their documentation. They have a great graph showing this very concept. Less ads, less money, happy users. More ads, more money, unhappy users. They’re aware. They aren’t pouring the poison. They’re designing the pitcher and selling different size cups.
Can I dm you a question about google ad spending?
Edit: ok jesus no ad questions 🤣, how do y’all think people promote their small businesses. I don’t advertise much but we’re all forced to live in this capitalist bullshit and while word of mouth helps if you have a tucked away location you need to pop up on google maps.
So they are aware of how terrible ads are and they intentionally want to keep it this way, so that they can sell advertisers “better ads” for higher premium as a form of product and price diversification, with those “better” products they offer eventually end up being terrible and make the ads situation as a whole worse, so they can keep introducing new kinds of “better ads” product to have a “justified” way of asking even more money from advertisers?
How does it feel to work in that kind of field? Sounds soul crushing
I feel like the can opener in the Flintstones.
Influencer sponsorships, especially for beauty influencers, have already been declining. Companies realize that these influencers are just posting ads now and people don’t believe their “honest opinion” anymore. So it’s a mystery to me why companies still pay so much money for regular online ads.
Control over the finalized product. You can easily shape an ad to have your exact message reach the right people, and have that ad be more attractive. With an influencer sponsorship you do not have as much control over the final product or the audience.
Sadly I still see that ads benefit a lot of my clients. The more advertising they do the more revenue they get, but this is only for small to medium sized companies. However if every company in the world spends 100k on adverts on platforms like Google we would easily surpass the 10b.
Dropshippers are the best example of this. No ads means no revenue.
Competition. It’s all about competition between companies. In highly saturated markets ads serve to build brand recognition and are seen as long term investment to gain market share. Good example is TikTok. The social media market is very much saturated and competition very high, so TikTok’s strategy was to buy every ad they could to create brand recognition, which in turn helped gaining market share.
So I don’t think the ad business is a bubble at all, it’s just that the usefulness and function depends on the market a company competes within.
Companies wouldn’t buy the ads if they didn’t work.
There was a true golden age where the technology for ads was so shitty and the companies didn’t even know what they were worth somewhere between 2006-2010. I remember those days where no one was selling me shit besides my dealer.
I use Firefox with uBlock Origin and SponsorBlock. I never see any ads on youtube.
Reminder that Firefox on mobile also has ublock origin and other add ons that improve the experience.
Yeah extensions on Firefox mobile is fucking awesome
This is the way. Just make sure to disable the YouTube app on your phone so links people send you don’t open in the app.
Does Firefox on iOS have extensions? I have to use Orion by Kagi to get extensions on iOS.
Look into Sideloadly and uYouPlus by qnblackcat . I’ve been using it for years now, and while a hassle to sign the apps every week, it’s the best we have unfortunately.
It does not. If you don’t want to sideload, consider AdGuard and/or Vinegar. Only works with Safari, though.
Safari in itself also blocks a lot of ads, but if that is not enough IOS users can also install Firefox. There is no reason to watch ads anymore
As far as I know, Firefox doesn’t have ad blocking or extensions on iOS. Safari with AdGuard does pretty well though, and there’s Vinegar for YouTube specifically.
I find using it in a browser clunky. Much prefer a dedicated app (now I use Tubular), which gives some extra functions like downloads, history and playlists.
thats why i block them all.
they aint making money off of annoying me.
I have no issue in paying creators with my YouTube Premium subscription. What annoys me is seeing creators feed the algorithm with “regular posts” or create filler videos for sponsors when they have nothing to say.
That and seeing explainer videos from someone who learned something five minutes before recording… the number of copycats and regurgitating the same news content is depressing.
The same goes for the epidemic of faceless AI videos narrating generic content… horrible. The “don’t recommend channel” must be worn off by now, from me alone. :-)
Fantastic exceptions from talented creators make it worth it, so I am happy.
Those poor suckers. I don’t think I’ve seen an advertisement on YouTube in something like five years.
Edit: And I sure as hell ain’t paying Google either.
Fuck yeah.
For anyone out of the loop, look into Freetube and Grayjay. There are other apps that do the same thing too, but those are good to start with.
Or you can setup RSSFeeds direcrly and also include news articles and other stuff
If you see 0 ads and don’t pay anyone, I’m not sure how the service could be sustainable. I’m also against ads but only if you’re actually paying. That’s why I do pay for a yt family plan but also use adblock+sponsorblock.
It’s not. Why do you want it to be? It’s one of the most enduring social media monopolies, and it should be brought down. The more they lose revenue, the more they are forced to squeeze, the more they enshittify, the more people are pushed to make and use alternatives, and the stronger those alternatives get.
Honestly once youtube’s network can be usurped by something like peertube, I think that might be the ballgame for centralised social media. It is the hardest one to topple because of bandwidth costs, which means once it goes the case for needing a corporation to fund our networks kind of collapses with it.
Google has plenty of money. That’s the way I see it.
Afaik, business units are individual. Their products don’t finance each other.
And the user experience I should expect depends on their stupid hierarchy for reasons I should care about, I’m sure, but still I find myself not. Choosing to enshittify is a choice. Choosing a business model that depends on coercion into an ecosystem that will become enshittified after accumulating a critical mass is another, even more evil choice. Doing it while those cheering loudest are the ones being fucked hardest (I mean, there’s still a “certain line” between how badly “certain groups” are discriminated against, but let’s keep things broad here because we all know the in-group is going to shrink… you know the poem, those that don’t speak up and all that) is yet another choice and one that I’m not willing to join. Doing it while playing monopolistic games arguably even more strongly than Microsoft did when it got hit with a Nynex-level antitrust suit is a step even further down the fuck-me-brick road. The list goes on. Have you met Android??? Google’s motto used to be Don’t Be Evil. Yeah, I’m at least that old. Fight me.
Edit: please don’t fight me. I’m in some back pain right now from some light physical engagement the other day. I’m also, at a minimum, that old…
Dude, if you dislike it that much you could just like… not use it?
Stringing more non-sequitors into this probably won’t make it make more sense
K. Keep using a service you hate then, I guess.
Or, we could use it for free! Get two birds stoned at once!
Yeah they are and they need to act like seperate businesses to each other. But Google is just going to loan YouTube money when it needs to. Google is basically playing the game with infinite money.
Bold of you to assume any of us give a shit about keeping Alphabet’s operations sustainable for them.
Sure but realistically services need money to run sites.
Yes, and for all I care, they can run out (though they won’t) and their sites can shut down.
Google’s ad-pocalypse is a self-licking ice cream cone. Boasting about $10.4 billion squeezed from advertisers while users rage-install adblockers? That’s platform decay in action. The “diminishing returns” of shoving 15 unskippable ads into a 3-minute tutorial is laughable.
Creators churning out AI slop just to feed the algorithm? Tragic. Why innovate when you can monetize desperation? The ad bubble will burst soon, and we’ll all laugh at brands paying billions to reach bots and ad-blind zombies.
Keep stacking those trackers, Sundar. We’ll keep finding ways to mute this digital servitude.
edit: toned down bold and italic
not gonna comment on your statements but you emphasize too many things.
Appreciate the feedback! I’ve edited the original comment
<3 looks and reads much better
Ads? What ads?
I say this every time the topic comes up, and I’m always downvoted for it but here goes again:
YouTube is going to do this suit because YouTube CAN do this shit. It’s their company. They can enshitify it as much as they’d like. And they WILL enshitify it as much as they like as long as people continue to use it.
How long have they been in existence now? 18-19 years? And with every year they gets worse and worse, while growing bigger and bigger. Why do you think that is?
Could it be because they know that although everyone will bitch about them, complain about them, and write scathing tech articles about them- people will still gobble their shit up regardless.
Don’t like what YouTube is doing? Maybe think about not using it. Because as long as you’re participating- either by creating content or viewing it- you are a big part of the reason they’re getting away with doing this shit.
Downvote away.
I’m very surprised you got downvoted for saying that
Me too. I never try to come off as pushy on the topic. Just suggesting an option, but man… people haven’t responded well to it in the past.
Let’s just say, unless YouTube crosses people’s bottom lines and there’s an alternative being actively advertised, people won’t move.
Otherwise, they push that bottom line further.
Agreed. Seems there no floor to what people will put up with from them. I can’t understand it. I’ve tried products and services I found that I absolutely hated. I don’t have those products or services anymore.
It’s pretty easy to not do something.
The lack of alternatives where creators actually get paid for people watching their videos is the biggest problem.
Nebula pays creators, and you pay to Nebula.
I have nebula, but still pay also for YT subscriptions
Even youtube doesn’t pay the creators that much. Lois Rossman in a recent video showed some of his video in YT that had over 200k views and generated ~100 USD of income.
On a related note. Why would creators add sponsored segments/other sponsoring/patreon etc if YT pays them enough?
YT doesn’t pay them enough. Unless your some kind of super star.
And that’s probably what will kill them as payouts get worse and worse making other platforms more attractive as you’re not losing as much. A lot of YouTubers I follow seem to becoming more and more reliant on Patreon as ad revenue goes down.
They get away with it because they don’t have serious competition and the reason for that is that allowing anyone to upload videos for free, to be viewed by anyone else for free, is by itself not a viable business model.
It’s the size really. As with most social media platforms, often they are fairly easy to create (YouTube definitely isn’t, but many could). Problem is that it’s impossible to compete with, because people expect the activity you get from hundreds of millions of users.
Same goes for Twitter, Reddit and whatnot. Since capitalism took over the internet completely, basically none of the large plattforms have been outcompeted really.
To big to fail isn’t the banks nowadays, well then to, but it’s IT as well.
Youtube started when hosting video’s was way easier. The files where smaller, the bandwidth of most people wasn’t that great either. Storage was more expensive though.
These days everybody wants 4K footage and everybody was 100-1000+ mbps internet and we have 4K screens so we can also watch it.
The competitors who host it are either paid up front or porn sites. Because there is no real way to start up a competitor to YouTube. I decided to accept that and I have RSSfeeds of all the creators I like to watch so I bypass the algorithm
does it count as viewing if every time I just download the videos with yt-dlp, and watch in a good media player?
People well not pay for anything. I mean you can get YouTube premium without ads. But the vast majority don’t want it. And since no one well pay for anything how does a computer to YouTube make money?
Shit tons of people are paying for it. And the ones that aren’t, are viewing ads- both of these things are a profit for YouTube.
The only option you have is to not use the services at all. This is how you hurt them.
Nope. I don’t pay for it, and I don’t get ads.
For now.
The day I’m forced to watch YouTube ads is the day I never use it again
@aeternum @technology Adguard blocks all advertisements on there. I’ve installed that, and I’ve never received a single one. As much as I wish I could simply mix YouTube for my life, I can’t, because too many of the folks who produce content up there use it as their only means of sharing that content with the world, so I’ve sort of struck a balancing act between watching the things I want to watch, Will still remaining conscientious of what the companies behind it are doing.
At the end of the day, we’d all be better off if everyone just never used it again, because as long as people put up with what they do- the more they’ll do it.
Revanced, ublock origin solved the ads issues on android and on the browser.
Anyone have a (free) solution for Google tv?
Vpn to albania.
SmartTube Beta:
Legend. Actually, I saw a comment further up the thread after writing mine. I installed the beta straight away, works great!
Yup. Even comes by default with sponsor block and some other things, which is customisable
Thus guy is an absolute legend, the project has been alive for like ten years at this point and still gets updates and fixes regularly.
what ads? taps ublock and firefox android
I can’t cope with the shitty translate on Firefox mobile, I live in a non English country and it’s driving me insane
Why not just switch it to English? I’m from non English country as well, most my apps are in English
Because most websites are not English and every single time I want to translate a site, I have to use a drop down list to select English as the language to translate to.
oh not the menu translation, but the local website translation. well I’m happy if that’s your worst problem
btw, translation to english will almost always work the best, with any kind of service
Why don’t you use the TWP extension? It includes even a DeepL option besides Google Translate and Yandex.
Thank you! I’ll check it out
Well over 50% of the sites on the internet are English so it is the most prominent language on the net.
He probably means the website translation function. Very useful for translating local websites, that aren’t available in english, if you don’t speak the language or not fluent enough
Swedish is fine
För Sverige i tiden din nedrans niding
There are some translation extensions that are much better than the built-in one. Still not as good as Chrome tho
I use the Firefox extension Immersive Translate exactly for this reason. Hasn’t failed me yet.
Thank you, I’ll give it a try.
Just get another translate extension.
I pay for a YouTube premium family plan. It’s probably a rip off but my kids enjoy content on YouTube more than any other platform but YouTube is not safe for children with ads enabled (and YouTube kids is a joke)
Soggy cereal made a video about how YouTube ads are unsafe a few weeks ago and that was exactly my experience before I started paying for yt premium, look that up if you are curious
Tinfoil hat time:
YouTube allows/endorses/pushes ads not suitable for kids because they know parents, of all people, have no time to curate their kids’ ad experience and will just fork over the cash.
And youtube. Kids sucks so much because they don’t really want anyone to use it… Sadly though, they don’t have to plan to do these things. They just don’t invest in making them kid safe.
I think your theory is plausible. On the YT smart TV app, the ads seem to be increasingly about unpleasant things like dick pills, period pads, and constipation treatments. I think they literally serve up unsavory ad content as a way of punishing you into shelling out for a subscription. Jokes on them, I just switched to SmartTube.
Can confirm. As soon as I turn off personalized ads, I get nothing but “find hot ladies in your area” and “play this hentai game” ads across all Google products. It’s ridiculous.
It’s not just ads on Youtube. It’s also all the sponsor crap and filler content to get to 10 minute videos.
I use it with an adblocker and sponsorblock but it’s still shit.
For sure. YouTube creators shilling for honey while Honey stole their affiliation money shows how little time they spend vetting their sponsors. The stuff they peddle is usually a few ticks away from scam, pretty much always overpriced. The day sponsorblock stops working, is the day I stop paying for YouTube premium and using youtube. It’s a pity, because there is a lot of good content on there.
Why ten mins? Do they only paid if they make it ten mins or longer?
There’s literally porn ads on yt. Recently an acquaintance of mine got one of those “Look what she said when she saw the size of his dick. You can have a bigger dick if you just buy our product”, with plenty of suggestive imagery. And scam ads. My mother got scammed because of a youtube ad pretending to sell products in the name of a famous brand of supermarkets in my region.
I’ll just share with you my experience:
I was also paying for a YouTube Premium family plan, but still got ads. What made me cancel was the fact that they’re still using trackers, so they were making money off me three times (subscription, ads, and selling my data)!
Coupled with the fact that “content creators” don’t really make content for the love of making it. It’s all created “for the algorithm”, especially the “watch to the end”, clickbait titles and thumbnails, “like and subscribe” begging, “only 15% of you are subscribers”, sponsored content disguised as education, etc… Videos today are nothing like they were 15 years ago, because it became solely about making money.
Google is one of the pioneers of the enshittification movement!
Stop. Using. Youtube.
And replace it with what?
For watching YT videos: NewPipe or Tubular for phone app. FreeTube on Pc. Invidious in browser.
Just a few examples, there is loads more alternatives.
Including different platforms all together. Too much to choose from.
Literally any other form of entertainment.
Though the statement was to stop using it, not replace it.
Youtube is not just entertainment tho - the catch is that Google has way too much actually useful info hostage, like lectures, guides or documentaries.
@EngineerGaming @Senal tbf a lot of the creators I watch on YouTube are now on nebula and/or patreon. I ought to explore alternatives.
True. But I am not even talking about dedicated content creators (for whom it is indeed an option!). I am talking about, say, an old laptop disassembly guide that a random master uploaded and just forgot about it. People not actively managing their content are not going to bother.
It’s somewhat of a catch, that’s generally how monopolistic moats work but you really shouldn’t be relying on google as a backup service for obscure videos you wish to keep.
I’ve no idea of the amount of lectures, guides, documentaries and other non-entertainment media that is available exclusively on youtube, but again it isn’t an archiving service.
They can, will and have deleted whole channels for various reasons, most of which were bullshit, if you find something you absolutely have to keep, download it.
That being said, the process of downloading, archiving and curating content on anything more than a trivial scale can be much more involved than it seems, especially if you want backups/redundancy.
I’ve never been a big youtube user so my opinion on this is coloured by the fact that i don’t have that much invested in the platform.
I am now downloading everything I personally need or like. Wish there was, say, a torrent index of Youtube videos)
Not sure how versed/willing you are to selfhost but I’ve heard good things about tube archivist.
There are also a bunch of ui’s for yt-dlp, though i can’t vouch for quality.
Neat finds) That was not my point though. I just use yt-dlp and don’t feel the need to have a server for my multiple files. I just was wondering if I could help share the preserved content somewhere. I could just link to the torrents on my website, but that wouldn’t be of much use because no one ever would think of searching there…
Butt stuff
Deez nutz
Freetube, and what I use, Newpipe. There are better experiences out there. All one needs to do is search for them. Happy hunting.
Isn’t that still using YouTube? Just a different interface.
Eh, I would argue you’re only using the servers to access the content creators data. Youtube is the interface, algorithm, advertisement, comments, etc. If it’s just the creators data being accessed with no additional contribution from youtube then I would just treat it as any ol’ host server.
I use an alternative frontend for actually watching stuff, just google and find one with a public instance, no ads, can do pip on your phone for free
also easy to host for yourself
At least use an adblocker
You have a point it’s a monopoly but most YouTube videos I watch now the creators are always suggesting viewing on patreon because of all the YouTube copyright stuff.
I’ve noticed quite a few have vanished from YouTube so maybe there’s some signs YouTube is starting to get to annoying for creators.
I’ve never used Patreon, but are the videos not hosted there from YouTube?
I think they can pretty much post whatever they want but I’ve never used it myself as it’s all pay walled. But yeah I think reactors are all jumping over to it as it gets harder to post anything on YouTube without someone else trying to claim the ad money.
Patreon has it’s own internal hosting, yes. But is it still leaning on Azure/AWS? shrug Probably.
Touching grass
Many people responded with helpful advice. You decided to add rudeness to that. Why?
It was supposed to be a joke
Yes. A rude joke.
It’s not that deep
havent seen them. are they any different? i am sure it is the same scam google does with Ads. only boomers see it, but are not the target group and the advertisers are just wasting money.
instead of using piped/smarttube i advise to not use US based services at all.I mean fuck you for supporting the ultragreedy.
And since they made so much while people are effectively using adblocker, there’s no need to fight them back, right?
It’s not about making money, it’s about making all the money. Stock holders will pressure to fire the guy that does that.
It’s probably also about sending a message.
YouTube ReVanced all the way
Do you think a GrayJay will stand o a NewPipe for this?
I’ve been getting NewPiped down, myself.
But it’s nice to see alternatives floating.
PipePipe worked for me when stock NewPipe didn’t. YMMV
Tbh YT premium is well worth the asking price though I wish it subsidized the free experience as that’s much more important for the platform.
There are tools that let you do what YT Premium provides for free unless you’re hooked on the music.
Sadly I haven’t found a tool that works on smart TVs, so I just pay for it
Sadly I have Roku TVs
Yeah, if anybody figures out a solution for Roku… please tell me. I’m set everywhere except one Roku stick in my basement, hooked up to my projector. The best place to watch movies in the house, the only place with ads.
I stuck with Roku because it works if I block their ads on my pihole, and I can pay or steal everything else
I am hooked on the music.
There are tools for the music side as well
RVX Music works quite well for me on Android
Honestly, the service is worth it for me. I need the easiest process possible for my luddite wife and kindergartener’s Amazon fire tablet. I put my mom on the account too.
But for everything else, yarrrrr.
A kindergarteners amazon fire tablet is a sentence i hope i never have to hear again
RVX Music requires manual compilation, right? Also, does it properly play album version of songs? (YT Music ReVanced plays the video version of songs instead).
I don’t remember having to compile it and there’s a setting to prefer the album version of songs
I guess I will give it a try someday. I originally had a Google Play Music subscription back in the day when it had a cleaner UI(and then Google killed it). I recently switched back to YT Music since ReVanced would usually play video variants.
I don’t have much love for YT Premium since the official YouTube app is worse than NewPipe, say. Even after paying, you are shown adverts for purchasing say, merchandise from creators (that counts as an ad in my book).
I will probably give RVX a try once my current subscription ends.
Musify exists.
I know all the tools but I’d rather support Youtube which has ben an incredible service for me and I think it’s a net good for the society so it should remain sustainable.
“Support YouTube” lol… You mean give money to Google. I think they’ll be fine.
Let me explain my point of view - it’s not about giving money to Google but showing the business that there’s a viable monetization strategy that isn’t locking down content or fighting ad blockers.
Let’s say there is no Youtube premium and everyone has an adblocker then google has no choice but to fight ad blocking harder or lock down the content because Youtube starts to bleed money. Now some lazy people pay for Premium and we have this little golden mean where everyone can kinda use the platform kinda freely which is a pretty good compromise if you ask me.
Alphabet (the parent company of Google) made over 100 billion dollars in NET income. For those that don’t know, net income = total revenue - total expenses.
ALL expenses are already accounted for.
I don’t think we need to care about a billion dollar company making record breaking amounts of money. Sure, YouTube is great & has brought lots of great content but the company behind it is not struggling whatsoever. Your average American is struggling to make ends meet. I’d rather use any tool the community creates to make it as difficult as possible for them to take my data & give me ads. Their whole ad industry is a multi billion dollar business model. I don’t even make a six figure salary. I can’t even imagine a couple hundred thousand dollars let alone several hundred thousand, 1 million, or beyond.
Only on Lemmy you get downvoted for saying you pay for a service you like…
The problem is yt premium is not able to sustain google’s platform. Only google’s synergic monopolies make youtube possible and alternative financially unviable. Youtube, very literally, must die. As long as youtube exists it will maintain critical mass and kill everything else judt by existing. To fund youtube is to reinfotce this entrenchment. Both paying or watching ads and arguably just watching it, empowers google momooly position and its capture of the zeitgeist.
Nope. I was well into negative on Reddit for the same.
Youtube has ads? Since when.
What rock have you been hiding under?
I think he means native sponsored segment when you’re the first person to watch with sponsor blocks. But that’s mostly only videos realeased under 5 minutes ago.
Duck player bro
The ones labeled “NewPipe” and “SponsorBlock”
Firefox + Ublock Origin
What if you only use the apps?
RVX, a fork of ReVanced, works well on Android. You’ll have to side load it yourself, but it’s got very good ad blocking and sponsor block if you don’t want to hear shilling during a video.
No idea for iPhone.
Why not just use the original ReVanced?
It had stopped working for me
Use a third party app like New Pipe, if your on a fruit phone… you unfortunatly cant side load apps, I dont have an answer…
I’m using newpipe but the anybility to find content with youtubr’s content discovery algorithm or a locally running one makes for a lot yif very annoying tab switching and scrolling to the bottom of newpipe thousand item playlist. I’m going to try this rvx!
Lookup Grayjay
Yep, this works! No ads.
also works on android
… And has made video content for billions of people unbearable to watch or enjoy.
“But we can’t pay our content creators! We’re a starving tech company! Niche stuff no one uses or has heard of! We needed to cut the money so they had to push scams!”
I dont see ads a since 2 years, for FREE. Android Android TV For others Brave browser, or Firefox based with uBlock extension.
Can’t say I’ve seen them.
What ads? My adblocker still works.