[meta] c/technologys banner and 'profile?' images are broken.
from Darkassassin07@lemmy.ca to technology@lemmy.world on 12 Feb 18:20
from Darkassassin07@lemmy.ca to technology@lemmy.world on 12 Feb 18:20
The banner image is completely broken:
And the server hosting the communities profile image has an expired ssl cert;
threaded - newest
Please upload the icon/baner to LW instead of from a 3rd party instance. This is the second recent time these have broken.
I don’t understand why they’d host them anywhere else… Just asking for problems.
I think fry.gs is the main mod’s own instance.
Though best practice, as much as it exists in the Fediverse, would be to host the community assets from the home instance of the community.
On another note; how did the cert expire? That’s so easy to automate; I haven’t looked at mine in years…
Hi @L3s@lemmy.world,
… is someone looking into this ?
best regards 😌
Whoops! We’ll get those back shortly, thank you!
The image was meant to be a metaphor for current state of technology.