Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's former chief scientist, launches new AI company (
from to on 19 Jun 2024 19:15


threaded - newest on 19 Jun 2024 19:55 next collapse

Nvidia is loving this on 19 Jun 2024 20:34 collapse

Selling shovels y'all! on 19 Jun 2024 22:41 next collapse

That hair though.

C’mon man, it’s time to get a coverage appropriate cut or just shave it altogether.

He looks like a boiled sweet that’s been dropped on the carpet. on 20 Jun 2024 16:25 next collapse

He needs to start wearing a baseball cap on 20 Jun 2024 21:30 collapse

I don’t think coverage appropriate hairline is something that is on this guys mind.

To me he just scream massive (autistic) nerd. And i am all the more confident and supportive of him for it.

We need more smart people that dont care about appearance and charisma in leadership positions. I am not saying those are not useful in leaderships but theres to much of it in the tech industry . on 19 Jun 2024 22:56 next collapse

Boy that is a fucked-up hairline. on 19 Jun 2024 23:39 next collapse

His body has put all its resources toward growing neurons. There's simply not enough left for hair. Good trade off, imo. on 20 Jun 2024 02:28 collapse

Does it look purple to you too? on 19 Jun 2024 23:01 next collapse

The company is called “Safe Super Intelligence”. Not a fan of names like these, kind of like if a company called itself “safe airplanes”, there’s something about it that makes me think it won’t live up to the name.

Not sure how they plan on raising money when so many other AI companies are promising commercialization. A company prioritizing safety will be defeated by another prioritizing profit. A company like this could have flourished in the time before openAI, but right now there’s so much demand for gpus and talent that makes it very challenging to catch up, more so when less scrupulous companies offer more money for engineers. They’d have to hire from a smaller and more limited pool of applicants that believe in the mission. on 19 Jun 2024 23:53 next collapse

The company is called “Safe Super Intelligence”. Not a fan of names like these, kind of like if a company called itself “safe airplanes”, there’s something about it that makes me think it won’t live up to the name.

Or all those crypto scams that put the word “safe” in their token’s name to sucker people into thinking it wasn’t a Ponzi scheme on 20 Jun 2024 15:16 next collapse

It’s “safe” as in a vault where they’re gonna swim in investor money like scrooge mcduck. on 20 Jun 2024 18:27 collapse

A big part of the AI Hype cycle has been “AIs are potentially too omnipotent for us to control, but also too much of a national security threat to ignore”. So you get these media hacks insisting we need a super-intelligent artificial mind that is firmly within the grip of its creator.

As a consequence of the hype over-topping any kind of real utility from these machines, you’ve got some of the top board members of these firms spinning out their own boutique branches of the industry by insisting prior iterations are too dangerous or too constrained to fulfill their future their intended role as techno-utopian machine gods.

Not sure how they plan on raising money when so many other AI companies are promising commercialization.

The sensationalist bullshit is how they plan to make money. “Don’t trust Alice’s AI, its too dangerous! I’m the Safe AI” versus “Don’t trust Bob’s AI, its too limited. I’m the Ambitious AI”. Then Wall Street investment giants, who don’t know shit from shoelaces, throw gobs of money at both while believing they’ve hedged their bets. And a few years after that, when these firms don’t produce anything remotely as fantastical as they promised, we go into a giant speculative bubble collapse that takes out half the energy or agricultural sector as collateral damage.

In twenty years, we’ll be reading books titled “How AI Destroyed The Orange”, describing the convoluted chain of events that tied fertilizer prices to debt-swaps on machine learning centers and resulted in almost all of Florida’s biggest cash crop being lost to a hiccup in the NASDAQ between 2026 and 2029. on 20 Jun 2024 18:40 collapse

isn’t this the guy who first tried to oust Sam then signed a letter saying that was a mistake and Sam should be brought back and then again said OpenAI is no longer true to its principals and left. yea sure bro. on 20 Jun 2024 21:18 collapse

He’s the guy that tried to stay true to the mission, realized that Sam was becoming a problem. Had little business sense to calculate the drama that ensued.

Realized that openAI getting destroyed in a single week was worse then having Sam run it. (Micrososoft and google where just going to gobble up the void)

Then was forced into compliance by Sam who had conditions to return. Add in the fact there long time Personal friends, Sam is a super high level speaker while Ilya usually keeps to themselves. The super stressful days everyone was on during the times.

You may understand why he didn’t want to continue fighting and just eased into a slow leave to do better elsewhere. on 20 Jun 2024 22:46 collapse

Well the same letter he signed also more or less threatened the company with most of its employers quitting and going to Microsoft to join Sam. So saving their AI technology from clutches of other big tech story does not really add up. It looks more like a failed power grab and then switching back sides when things didn’t go well.