EU to hit Apple with €500m fine over antitrust music streaming complaint from Spotify (
from to on 18 Feb 2024 14:02


threaded - newest on 18 Feb 2024 14:46 next collapse

Good on 18 Feb 2024 14:46 next collapse

I fucking love the EU. I wish we were still in it. 😞 on 18 Feb 2024 14:56 next collapse

You’re welcome back if you like. on 18 Feb 2024 14:58 collapse

Actually I’m unsure the EU would allow the UK to rejoin without hefty consequences. It would set a bad precedent. on 18 Feb 2024 15:04 next collapse

I’m sure they would be allowed back in, why not? But I doubt they’d get all their special treatements back. on 18 Feb 2024 15:46 collapse

Any of the EU nations I believe have veto authority on adding new members. And there’s a lot of hate for the UK. on 18 Feb 2024 16:29 collapse

Really? Here in Germany I only ever heard that its stupid the UK left, but that’s basically it. Didn’t notice any hate. on 18 Feb 2024 17:29 next collapse

From the outside (the US in my case) it looks like there’s a lot of hate, but maybe it’s just some well deserved schadenfreude. Everyone loves to laugh at Brexit voters. on 18 Feb 2024 17:58 next collapse

I wouldn’t call it hate by any means. We more feel sorry for them. Even though over 50% did it to themselves. on 18 Feb 2024 22:22 collapse

65.24% of the eligible voters to be exact, if you add the eligible voters who did not vote in the referendum to the leave voters [1]. on 18 Feb 2024 19:42 collapse

It’s more like we’re having fun on them for being dumb ass bitches, but we still don’t want bad to happen to them.

Imagine your dumbass cousin you grew up with, who constantly does stupid shit like fucks a toaster on 18 Feb 2024 21:39 collapse

That is oddly specific. on 18 Feb 2024 21:41 collapse

Ever met a Brit? on 19 Feb 2024 11:03 collapse

Never one who was that into toasters. on 19 Feb 2024 14:03 collapse on 19 Feb 2024 15:18 collapse

Weren’t the French pretty salty about the UK? I recall seeing some articles on punishing the UK for leaving on 19 Feb 2024 17:09 collapse

Maybe, but why would you punish someone thats hitting themselves? on 18 Feb 2024 18:10 next collapse

I’m not so sure. The UK was a big contributor to the EU, not just monetarily, but it also gave the EU more soft power.

It was only Germany that contributed more, and in fairness, Germany also benefits more from the EU as well, although much of that is purely that Germany already had a healthy industrial sector, a central Europe location, and better transport links to other EU nations.

The UK and EU both lost out due to Brexit. And to think it all happened because of a stupid political gamble by Cameron. Infuriating.

And besides, I think it’d set a good precedent for the EU - look, even a country as wealthy and well-connected as the UK left then decided it was a terrible idea. Clearly it must be good to be in the EU! That’s one hell of a boast.

That said, geopolitics is geopolitics. Various countries would be trying to carve out any little advantage they can get. on 18 Feb 2024 20:01 collapse

You absolutely would, but not on the same terms as before. Those special privileges Thatcher negotiated are gone forever. on 18 Feb 2024 18:07 collapse

The same EU that wanted to force backdoors and spyware on all devices by LAW. Luckily it didnt go true. on 18 Feb 2024 22:57 collapse

You’re right and it is a real problem. But consider that the EU is a huge contributor to the stability of Europe, and the world as a whole. War between EU member states is unthinkable, that wasn’t the case 80 years ago. on 18 Feb 2024 14:56 next collapse

tl;dr/highlight (to the titled fine):

While the verdict isn’t public until its announcement “early next month”, the report suggests Apple unfairly prevented apps from suggesting payment methods outside of the App Store.

Spotify submitted their (first) complaint in 2019.

Took quite a few years… on 18 Feb 2024 19:29 collapse

As it always does in politics. However if sth happens it’s still worth it on 18 Feb 2024 16:54 next collapse

Not enough, this is toll tax for them. on 18 Feb 2024 17:27 collapse

Is Apple making over €500m in profit in the EU specifically as a result of anticompetitive practices involving music?

I’m all for punishing white collar crime severely, but the goal for the EU seems to be to set the fines so they’re not especially punitive, but still high enough that the offender would have saved money by just playing by the rules. That’s a damn sight better than what we usually get in the US. on 18 Feb 2024 20:44 next collapse

fines will get bigger if Apple doesn’t correct its “anticompetitive practices” on 18 Feb 2024 21:14 collapse

I am also wondering where that amount comes from. Though I do not think it should be based on profit. A company can also be unprofitable on purpose in a region in order to destroy the competition an gain market share. Then after conquering the market they increase the prices again.

In this case I suppose it also be difficult to quantify the fine. Of course the duration of the anti-competitive behaviour should also be taken into consideration and apples low willingness to better itself. Is there any article explaining the 500m euro? on 18 Feb 2024 17:20 next collapse

Ah, yes, the mushroom eating the fungus. on 18 Feb 2024 18:55 next collapse

How much would that be for a middle class person in relation? $10? on 19 Feb 2024 00:22 collapse

This isn’t the only fine though. It’s one of several they’ve been hit by in recent years and more might be coming. They are also getting bigger over time. on 19 Feb 2024 11:49 next collapse

It’s not like the EU will just give up after one fine.

As an economic union they have a lot of power in cases like this.

They could ban them entirely if they wanted. on 19 Feb 2024 14:33 next collapse

In the meantime, Apple rakes in exponentially more and more money. on 19 Feb 2024 15:04 collapse

Well, I can afford to be fined 10$ several times in a few years on 18 Feb 2024 19:35 collapse

Pffft. Loose change for apple.