Google CEO Sundar Pichai Warns Android Users Not to Sideload Apps (
from to on 19 Nov 2023 10:14


threaded - newest on 19 Nov 2023 10:21 next collapse

No definitely don’t sideload a YouTube client that doesn’t play ads! on 19 Nov 2023 16:11 collapse

What color do you like? I like Gray. on 20 Nov 2023 06:05 collapse

I like the red one with a pipe on 19 Nov 2023 10:21 next collapse

If neither Google nor Apple took such a massive rake on the payments, fewer people would take issue with the main app distribution implementations. They have valid reasons for trying to keep you in their ecosystem, but those are severely undercut by taking such a huge percentage. on 20 Nov 2023 05:30 collapse

What is it, 30%? That’s pretty standard. on 20 Nov 2023 07:09 collapse

Standard? They’re the only two players, if they both took 99% it would be standard on 19 Nov 2023 10:39 next collapse

Basically everything outside fdroid is riddled with trackers and ads so no, thanks on 20 Nov 2023 05:28 collapse

Funny how search engine giant Google doesn’t implement a filter for “no ads, no in-app purchases.”

People might actually be able to find what they’re looking for instead of what google wants them to find. on 19 Nov 2023 10:50 next collapse

Honestly been steadily becoming less happy with the way Google/Android has been going even since Pichai took over. on 19 Nov 2023 11:09 collapse

Enshittification. on 19 Nov 2023 11:13 collapse

What makes you say that, specifically? on 19 Nov 2023 11:33 collapse

It’s a term coined by Cory Doctorow, Sci-Fi writer and ex-EFF, who has been writing about (tech) monopolies, and in particular monopsonies, and how those types of two sided markets originally grow by given users something they need, often for an artificial low price or even free, until they dominate that side of the market, after which they focus mostly on the other side of the market, in this case advertisers, and step by step, slowly dismantling the reason users originally liked their product… Enshittification.

Doctorow has lots to say, so here’s a link. on 19 Nov 2023 12:38 collapse

Now that the concept has caught on so widely, I’ve often wished @pluralistic had gone with a less scatological term. But maybe that is part of the reason it caught on 🤷🏻‍♀️

@technology on 19 Nov 2023 14:46 next collapse

“Ensuckification?” on 20 Nov 2023 05:42 collapse

That’s 100% the reason it caught on.

People around here seem to really really like saying it. on 19 Nov 2023 11:10 next collapse

I’ve tried downloading some of the games that are on the Play Store for my kids, and by God those apps are cancerous. An ad every 30 seconds and the games are made purely with getting the players to become addicted in mind. Get off your fucking high horse Pichai. on 19 Nov 2023 15:13 next collapse

There are some games that are genuinely aimed at being educational and fun, such as the Duck Duck Goose games. Or Starfall (from the website of the same name). on 19 Nov 2023 17:53 collapse

Oh yeah sure! The games from Baby Bus are alright, and there are some dino games which teach you programming. All very good, but as soon as an ad appears, 9 times out of 10 it’s one of those crappy, slapped together in a day, Unity games filled to the brim with ads itself. Showing characters from popular franchises (like Marvel, and most likely not paid for), and my kid goes “dad, I want that one”. Now I have Family Link installed so I have to allow everything he wants to download or pay for, but geez there’s so much junk on there.

I’d be sort of OK with the CEOs statement, if they did any sort of moderation on those predatory games aimed at kids. But alas. on 20 Nov 2023 05:27 collapse

Fun fact: You can sideload an adblocker that will legit block any ads in apps.

It’s called Blokada 5, and you have to download it from their website and sideload it because Google banned apps that use its functionality from the Play store.

So satisfying never seeing ads in apps. on 20 Nov 2023 13:45 collapse

Thanks for the tip! on 19 Nov 2023 11:53 next collapse

You know what I think I’m going to side load even harder

<img alt="" src=""> on 19 Nov 2023 11:58 next collapse

sundar shut the fuck up on 19 Nov 2023 12:02 next collapse

AOSP is open source. Better STFU, Sundar. on 19 Nov 2023 12:04 next collapse

That article is... very confusingly written. Anybody got another source with a direct, full quote? on 19 Nov 2023 12:13 next collapse

Yes, don’t sideload apps. It takes opportunity from us to spy on your usage patterns and enforce ads.

Edit: Oooh, also ignore this other report that we take 70% of your money on 19 Nov 2023 12:25 collapse

That doesn’t say they take 70% of our money. It means that Google spends only 30% of what they take in on the store on operating it, which is very different. on 19 Nov 2023 13:46 collapse

That guy’s got Liz-Truss-level understanding of economics on 19 Nov 2023 12:28 next collapse

That's rich when the Google Play store is full of malware while F-Droid is full of gems.

@technology on 19 Nov 2023 13:45 next collapse

This is the real truth. Man, the gall of that guy.

Hi, we are a spyware company. Be aware. Don’t load apps that don’t meet our surveillance metrics. Only download our spyware. Thank you.

Screw that guy. How about only sideload. There’s another world out there, and it doesn’t equate to surveillance capitalism. on 19 Nov 2023 14:01 next collapse

Is there a good guide on f-droid and sideloading you recommend?

If it is something that Google doesn’t recommend then I should probably be doing it. on 19 Nov 2023 14:33 next collapse

All you have to do is download the APK from the F-Droid website and enable installing from third-party/unknown sources in the Settings app (some versions of Android ask automatically when you try to open the APK). I also recommend disabling unknown sources for your browser once you're done as a security measure. on 19 Nov 2023 22:14 next collapse

For F-Droid in specific, you’ll need an F-Droid client. I use Droid-ify (GitHub) (F-Droid) (IzzyOnDroid), but you can use whichever you prefer. F-Droid is a good source for open source apps.

If you’re sideloading from different sources, Obtanium (GitHub) (IzzyOnDroid) is useful to download apps, and keep them updated. You can even kinda use it as an F-Droid client.

Google is pretty lax on what it allows on Google play, so unless you’re trying to avoid using Google services or you want to install apps that aren’t on the play store, you don’t need to do it.

If you want adbocking and extra features in some apps (especially YouTube), check out ReVanced.

Google isn’t lying - there are risks to sideloading if you don’t know what you’re doing. Make sure what you’re downloading is coming from legitimate sources you trust. For example, if you look up ReVanced, some unofficial websites show up which may have malware. Triple check everything is coming from an official source. on 19 Nov 2023 23:00 next collapse

Here is a link to detailed descriptions of the recommended apps from fdroid.

Use whichever you like, but this is a good starting area:…/the-ultimate-f-droid-setup/ on 20 Nov 2023 16:39 next collapse

I’m gonna suggest droidify . It’s basically a good looking f-droid client. on 20 Nov 2023 16:40 collapse

I’m gonna suggest droidify . It’s basically a good looking f-droid client.

Just download the apk and install it. on 19 Nov 2023 17:06 next collapse

Google’s ADS as a whole are malicious. Try Google drivers or TeamViewer and the first sponsored links are malicious/adware. It’s absolutely shocking.

I added ublock origin into my clients GPO to protect myself from viruses. Msoft just as bad if not worse since we are all using their products to be protected from. on 20 Nov 2023 05:56 collapse

F-Droid changed my life on 20 Nov 2023 06:52 collapse

It's awesome! on 19 Nov 2023 13:22 next collapse

stfu pichai on 19 Nov 2023 13:29 next collapse

Fuck up Pichai

[deleted] on 19 Nov 2023 13:55 next collapse

. on 19 Nov 2023 14:19 next collapse

yup,just even the word “sideloading” seems like its been custom created to sound shifty and sidewise when all it means is installing something. People would look at you weirdly if told them “sideloading” Photoshop on to your PC was dangerous, but somehow its accepted for phones.

[deleted] on 20 Nov 2023 01:16 collapse

. on 20 Nov 2023 05:24 next collapse

Same shitbags who successfully convinced a generation that it’s okay to download programs with ads built-in.

No wonder they think they can get away with anything. It’s like herding sheep at this point. on 20 Nov 2023 17:31 collapse

There may be a little bit of vendor lock in here, but it definitely is also about security. A lot of people are completely oblivious when it comes to tech. Sideloading is easy and there are tons of guides for it, so if someone is tech illiterate they can just follow the guide and install malware ridden apps easily.

[deleted] on 20 Nov 2023 19:54 next collapse

. on 21 Nov 2023 20:33 collapse

At least they can remotely uninstall malware ridden apps installed from the Play Store, you may not like that feature, but at least it’s better than sideloading a malware ridden app and not knowing about it.

[deleted] on 22 Nov 2023 11:10 collapse

. on 20 Nov 2023 20:22 collapse

Sounds like a good opportunity for a learning experience then. on 19 Nov 2023 14:40 next collapse

I would say " well now I will", but I already do this on 19 Nov 2023 14:42 collapse

Now I’m going to do it even harder! on 19 Nov 2023 14:42 next collapse

Recently Android added another scary "malicious" warning to the already numerous scary dialogs if one tries to install F-Droid. The "Install anyways" button also became hidden in the "More details" menu. on 19 Nov 2023 14:53 next collapse

It’s not just F-Droid, it’s any app. on 19 Nov 2023 19:10 collapse

This has been the final straw for me to fully de-google my life.

F you Google, Play, etc.

Currently setting up my next phone with no googlage. on 19 Nov 2023 14:59 next collapse

I've became used to enabling the play store only when I want to update or install certain specific app. I just leave the play store disable, so I don't get updates for each an every app that I might not even use.
I just wish there was a way to do this without having to browse the apps menu and find the play store each time. on 19 Nov 2023 15:39 next collapse

Try something like 3C Toolbox or QuickShortcut Maker.

3C can do this for sure, though you may have to pay for pro to create custom shortcuts on 19 Nov 2023 15:55 collapse

Aurora Store? on 19 Nov 2023 22:13 collapse

This is great, thank you! on 19 Nov 2023 15:40 next collapse

Everyday User Bearofatime warns Prickchai he should lick ma balls. on 19 Nov 2023 17:17 next collapse

In court: “Google isn’t a monopoly because we allow sideloading!”

Outside of court: “Don’t sideload. It’s dangerous and terrible!” on 20 Nov 2023 16:19 collapse

They are still allowing it tho on 21 Nov 2023 05:52 collapse

Because the courts made them lol on 19 Nov 2023 19:20 next collapse

I don’t have the Play Store on my phone. F-Droid (Droidify), Aurora Store, Obtanium, and Accrescent. on 19 Nov 2023 22:03 next collapse

I do what I want. I’m eating Mac and cheese and nobody can stop me! on 20 Nov 2023 05:23 collapse

Hope it has bacon. on 20 Nov 2023 05:31 next collapse

Dude, just today I made 10 lbs of spicy bacon mac and cheese. This shit is so lit it gives the sun a run for it’s money. on 20 Nov 2023 05:34 next collapse

😍 on 20 Nov 2023 16:38 collapse

I’m in awe. on 20 Nov 2023 18:13 collapse

Only my baked Mac n cheese has bacon. The stove top stuff doesn’t but it does have panko. on 20 Nov 2023 04:21 next collapse

aka “Please only ever buy things off the Google Play store” on 20 Nov 2023 05:22 next collapse

Sideloading is one of the greatest things we have.

I’m so glad we have it. It almost feels like power and control from a bygone age.

Of course this guy whose net worth is >$100m will be telling us not to use it.

Fuck him.

[deleted] on 20 Nov 2023 14:07 next collapse

. on 20 Nov 2023 15:11 next collapse

Ironically, I see articles every month telling android users to uninstall a slew of shit malware apps that were on the play store. Thanks Pichai, but I’ll take my chances with more reputable sources. on 21 Nov 2023 11:00 collapse

Scan them with play protect, it’s an amazing piece of development that makes me feel truly safe in what I install on Google’s device they have lended me. on 20 Nov 2023 15:15 next collapse

I really can’t wait until we have a Linux-Mobile OS which supports android apps rather than having an entire fucking operating system running on java.

Running your OS on java is like building your house on quicksand. on 20 Nov 2023 16:18 next collapse

I don’t think Android apps will be necessary on Linux mobile, at least GNOME is working on making their apps mobile-compatible on 20 Nov 2023 16:21 collapse

To transition from Android to Linux Mobile, It absolutely will be. Some apps are only on Android/iOS and some desktop linux desktop apps do not support a mobile layout even on mobile linux. on 20 Nov 2023 16:27 collapse

Right now, sure. Waydroid should enable that on 20 Nov 2023 17:01 next collapse

Both GNOME & KDE already have builds you can do this with. E.g. Mobian, which uses a lot of the work Purism has done with PureOS, is working to make even default Debian work. You can install Android apps with Waydroid, and install it on Android devices like Pixel, OnePlus, in addition to Linux native devices. on 20 Nov 2023 18:29 collapse

It’s really not consumer ready though, I’ve tried desperately to use OnePlus and like devices as daily drivers but it’s just not there yet sadly. The more people that try tho the better off we will be on 20 Nov 2023 20:13 collapse

Java is only the languages some apps are programmed in. There is no JVM in android. And no, the OS does not run on Java. on 20 Nov 2023 17:18 next collapse

So they argue that they want to protect users… from epic games? Like they are going to make a virus filled app? I kinda agree people need to be protected from fortnite, but its kind if a silly disingenuous argument. on 20 Nov 2023 18:20 collapse

protected from fortnite

We got a number one Victory Royale

Yeah, Fortnite, we 'bout to get down (get down) on 21 Nov 2023 03:18 collapse

Yeah, this is what I’m talking about. on 21 Nov 2023 03:41 collapse

So does the OS. It’s done that from the beginning, but it doesn’t prevent it outright. Who gives a shit?