China uses AI to generate propaganda on YouTube: From ultra-thin chips to infrastructure, content gushes about Chinese accomplishments.
from to on 31 Dec 2023 18:00
from to on 31 Dec 2023 18:00
China uses AI to generate propaganda on YouTube: From ultra-thin chips to infrastructure, content gushes about Chinese accomplishments.::undefined
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I love China!
And much like everything else the chinese government pushes, it’s all lies. Big fucking surprise.
Only complete morons and paid shills believe anything coming out of the CCP or related news media these days. Hell, the most recent investigation into their economy by the university of chicago discovered that their economy is at least 60% smaller than they’ve reported, not to mention the widespread civil engineering and economic failures in their various social security and health care systems.
Brought to you by the Chicago Boys School of economics. Pure garbage
Just because you can’t understand it doesn’t mean the data is ‘garbage’.
Why do I doubt you know about the chicago boys
In other news, USA uses AI news bot L4s to push western propaganda on Lemmy
That’s all they ever do. 100% propaganda 100% of the tine
I mean if only they could use that AI to generate ultra thin chips.
they have shown they can, and are racing to get next-gen litography ahead of the US
i doubt they are gonna pull it of but they are closing in