Google to purge low-quality apps from the Play Store with new policy starting next month (
from to on 23 Jul 2024 19:36


threaded - newest on 23 Jul 2024 19:56 next collapse

can’t they start with the motherfuckers who give fake email addresses for support? on 23 Jul 2024 21:30 next collapse

That would be great. Just a bit that sends an email from a different innocuous sounding Gmail every month with a generic problem like “app crashes on <random device>” to see if there is a response. If you miss 3 in a row, you’re out on 23 Jul 2024 21:51 collapse

Eh. I've been on the receiving end of one of those inboxes and the spam is absolutely, utterly unbearable. Coming up with a better system than a publicly listed email address is on Google at this point, because there is no reasonable way to provide support when you need a spam filter tuned up to such a level that all legitimate mail also ends up in spam. on 23 Jul 2024 21:54 collapse

then you put a feedback system inside your app that you actually respond to. on 24 Jul 2024 20:24 collapse

Inb4 apps like NewPipe and Signal are arbitrarily categorized as “low quality” without any sort of opportunity to challenge the ruling.