Proton is taking its privacy-first apps to a nonprofit foundation model (
from to on 17 Jun 22:15

We believe that if we want to bring about large-scale change, Proton can’t be billionaire-subsidized (like Signal), Google-subsidized (like Mozilla), government-subsidized (like Tor), donation-subsidized (like Wikipedia), or even speculation-subsidized (like the plethora of crypto “foundations”)," Proton CEO Andy Yen wrote in a blog post announcing the transition. “Instead, Proton must have a profitable and healthy business at its core.”


threaded - newest on 17 Jun 22:25 next collapse

This is the best summary I could come up with:

“We believe that if we want to bring about large-scale change, Proton can’t be billionaire-subsidized (like Signal), Google-subsidized (like Mozilla), government-subsidized (like Tor), donation-subsidized (like Wikipedia), or even speculation-subsidized (like the plethora of crypto “foundations”),” Proton CEO Andy Yen wrote in a blog post announcing the transition.

The announcement comes exactly 10 years to the day after a crowdfunding campaign saw 10,000 people give more than $500,000 to launch Proton Mail.

To make it happen, Yen, along with co-founder Jason Stockman and first employee Dingchao Lu, endowed the Proton Foundation with some of their shares.

Among other members of the Foundation’s board is Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of HTML, HTTP, and almost everything else about the web.

As Yen noted, Swiss foundations do not have shareholders and are instead obligated to act “in accordance with the purpose for which they were established.”

But compared to most service providers, Proton offers a far clearer and easier-to-grasp privacy model: It can’t see your stuff, and it only makes money from subscriptions.

The original article contains 356 words, the summary contains 169 words. Saved 53%. I’m a bot and I’m open source! on 17 Jun 22:45 next collapse

Ecosia did something similar. on 17 Jun 22:48 next collapse

Ok. I will now seriously consider moving over to proton. I can’t trust a for-profit buisness to stay true to its mission. However, Open-AI has shown that I can’t blindly trust a non-profit to do so as well, but its ‘towards’ being able to trust. on 17 Jun 23:31 next collapse

That’s kind of what I’m thinking too.

Legitimately, the degree to which proton advertises, the sheer amount of blog spam and such, made me very, very resistant to it. I really don’t care how private it all is or how well it works, I have spent enough time on the internet and engaged with enough small tech company services to recognize a fierce push for growth, and experience has taught me to avoid a for-profit company that sells to you that hard. One day the growth will stop, and the cannibalizing begins.

But a move to a non-profit model is, at least theoretically, a move in the right direction. I’m more willing to engage.

I still don’t trust that they won’t change their mind down the road, but it’s a start.

And the point about OpenAI is moot because being non-profit doesn’t make the actual purpose of the company any less shitty. Especially when Microsoft was feeding it money for the purpose of harvesting what they would create. They still had shitty motives and created a tool that is very ethically “questionable” at best, and that was true from the very beginning.The fact their ethics team was gutted the moment they tried to exercise their purpose tells you everything.

The non-profit company created a tool that will be used primarily by for-profit companies and hurt individuals. The moniker barely applies. on 18 Jun 01:06 next collapse

The nice thing is proton has been slowly making more and more of its codebases open source, and has consistently done the right thing despite whatever winds of change come their way. I have had proton unlimited for about a year now and I am so glad. It was a great way to remove Google from my life but it didn’t require a particularly high level of technical knowledge. It’s a little clunky at times, but honestly it works very well. on 18 Jun 18:12 collapse

I’ve had it for about 8 years. Those years were a treat. “oh hi! We just created another product which would make your life easier and more safe. We just added it to your prescription for free. Have a nice day!” I started with free email, I started paying when they introduced vpn. They just keep on delivering, year after year, they never disappointed me with any decision they made. I just wish there were more companies like proton: creating the best product they can, for the good of the customer and for society. on 18 Jun 08:57 collapse

OpemAi had a for profit division though on 18 Jun 14:54 collapse

As does Proton? on 18 Jun 02:03 next collapse

I’ve not looked in a bit. Has their integration with Apple mail on MacOS improved? I remember it (or some other part of their service) requiring a separate app to try and get things working. on 18 Jun 03:03 next collapse

If you want anything encrypted you need the bridge still on 18 Jun 07:37 collapse

I use the bridge on macOS, which is just okay. I’d prefer native Mail on iOS, and since I’m always VPN’d into my private network on iPhone anyway I thought I’d use use but unfortunately couldn’t get through the captcha problem. on 18 Jun 02:43 next collapse

Well, I had to subscribe to Proton now. 🥹 on 18 Jun 03:10 collapse

great. thanks to you, the nonprofit is making a profit now on 18 Jun 08:49 next collapse

Nonprofits are allowed to make a profit. They just have to roll it back into the operation. (Can’t hand it out to shareholders, board members, etc.) on 18 Jun 22:08 collapse

Well they can pay compensation to people who do work for them: employee salaries, contractor work, etc. So the nonprofit structure might prevent them from paying dividends or stock buybacks or other ways of transferring directly to shareholders in their capacity as shareholders, but nonprofit structure alone isn’t a guarantee that the organization won’t steer excess cash into someone’s pocket.

No reason to believe this is true of this non-profit, but that’s the reason why it’s important to look at the books of nonprofits that you donate to. on 21 Jun 11:04 collapse

All good points. 👍 on 18 Jun 15:00 collapse

let’s just host all these services for free am I right? who needs to pay energy bills anyway

[deleted] on 18 Jun 07:27 collapse

. on 18 Jun 08:00 next collapse

Source on that? Genuinely asking. on 18 Jun 13:16 collapse

None, because it didn’t happen.

The police wanted information about an account, so Proton gave them everything they had, which was the recovery email address. That’s it.

[deleted] on 18 Jun 14:37 collapse

. on 18 Jun 08:15 next collapse

Wait, they give Europol access if and only if a swiss judge order it. They protect your privacy but neither you or them are above the law.

[deleted] on 18 Jun 14:36 collapse

. on 18 Jun 08:20 next collapse

Complete and unrestricted access, following a court order, to the data they have access to, this does not include the contents of your emails or the files in your drive, which are e2ee.

Last time I read about something like that was them giving away an email address iirc.

[deleted] on 18 Jun 14:37 collapse

. on 18 Jun 08:30 collapse

Only to the data they have access to, which isn’t much as pretty much everything is E2EE and logging is minimal or in many cases non-existent.

And “I won’t support any company that complies with the law” is certainly a take.