Apple says it will fix software problems blamed for making iPhone 15 models too hot to handle (
from to on 01 Oct 2023 12:00

Apple says it will fix software problems blamed for making iPhone 15 models too hot to handle::Apple is blaming a software bug and other issues tied to popular apps such as Instagram and Uber for causing its recently released iPhone 15 models to heat up and spark complaints about becoming too hot to handle


threaded - newest on 01 Oct 2023 12:31 next collapse

Too Hot To Handle: Silicon Valley on 01 Oct 2023 12:41 next collapse

It was always going to be mainly a software issue, wasn’t it?

I had the 15 Pro for a few days now and aside from initial setup, stress tests and fast charging, it doesn’t get noticeably warm. I don’t use Instagram or the other apps mentioned though, so of course these might be problematic. I feel like previous iPhones warmed up to similar temperatures when under these “stress” conditions.

I feel like this was one of these cases where some outlet reports about these “overheating” (a term widely misused) issues, then people reading that article start getting hypersensitive about it on their phones, so more articles get written and it goes on and on. In reality, things like fast charging (and MagSafe charging) always heated iPhones up a bit, and that only makes sense.

I’m not saying this is a non-issue entirely, but articles blaming the SoC (A17), the titanium frame or whatever without anything to back their claims up (because it’s just an article copied from some other “journalist”, who copied it themselves from somewhere else) instead of trying to figure out what the issue is need to stop. There should be articles written about how the quality control of big iOS releases has declined over the years instead. on 01 Oct 2023 14:05 next collapse

It seems most journalists these days have lost the art of the Root Cause Analysis. First to print wins, and after that, whatever makes people click on your stuff so it pushes ad views.

ML journalism will only exacerbate this problem, because I can guarantee some places will try to “save money” by replacing their editorial staff with an intern that just types “how should I edit the following article for final release” into ChatGPT on 01 Oct 2023 14:42 collapse

This community was also VERY quick to jump to really weird conclusions.

It looks like this was all just stupid patchable point zero release OS bugs and apps that have not updated to be compatible with the new OS.

We see that crap with almost every new major OS release. Windows, Android, Mac, etc. Been happening since the dawn of the personal computer. on 01 Oct 2023 14:36 next collapse

The more people look into this, the more it appears that the big culprit is iOS 17 and apps that did not do proper comparability testing with iOS 17 over the past 6 months.

Instagram heats up the logic board like a motherfucker, and it does this does for all iOS / iPad OS 17 devices, not just the 15 pro.

Also, people were reporting this Instagram bug months ago. <img alt="" src=""> on 02 Oct 2023 04:55 collapse

I’ve got the 15 Pro Max, do use instagram, and haven’t had these overheating problems. So I def don’t think it’s a uniform issue. on 01 Oct 2023 12:59 next collapse

And people want to run Resident Evil on this? on 01 Oct 2023 13:11 next collapse

What exactly are you getting at with this comment? on 01 Oct 2023 13:33 collapse

I just have a hard time believing fanless device wont throttle under that load. on 01 Oct 2023 13:18 next collapse

I mean with something like razer chroma cooler, you could probably do it. But at this point, you’d be better off just playing on your pc on 01 Oct 2023 14:50 collapse

It’s just a stupid bug with the new major OS update and a handful of popular apps that were not patched for the new OS.

The phones are fine. People need to calm down. on 01 Oct 2023 17:07 collapse

Yeah, leave Apple alone, you bullies! They’re trying their best, and all they have to work with is the most money out of any company ever. on 01 Oct 2023 17:44 collapse

Apple is a big shitty company that does big shitty things. No debate from me there.

I’m just saying that we should be complaining about what the actual problem was, and not what we wish it was.

The problem doesn’t appear to be the hardware. It’s impacting too many different hardware configurations. The problem is bugs. And Apple’s software quality control has very much gone downhill during the Tim Cook era. That’s the real problem. on 01 Oct 2023 15:08 next collapse

« Hey little thing, let me light your candle, 'Cause, mama, I’m sure hard to handle now, gets around » on 01 Oct 2023 16:53 next collapse

Too cold to hold, they’re called the ghost busters and they’re in control on 01 Oct 2023 17:05 next collapse

Apple apologists in these threads are ridiculous. When Samsung or Google has even the smallest issue everyone (including those of us with Samsung or Google phones) piles on and we have a good laugh at the fuck up made by a hugely successful company.

Apple makes a mistake, and it’s just waves of defensive people downplaying the issue. on 01 Oct 2023 17:49 next collapse

It’s just fanboys being fanboys. Doesn’t really matter what brand it is. I just think there happens to be many many more apple fanboys than there are for other brands. on 02 Oct 2023 07:31 collapse

It wOrKs fInE On mY DeViCe on 01 Oct 2023 17:49 next collapse

I think people are annoyed because of all the threads where people really wish that this was a hardware problem. It doesn’t look like that’s the case. It’s bugs.

We should be shitting on Apple for releasing yet another major release with a critical issue. Apple’s software quality has very much gone downhill during the Cook years. Every major release seems to have some court of critical bug that fucks over a lot of people. Example, iOS 16 decimated everyone’s HomeKit setups. on 01 Oct 2023 17:56 collapse

people really wish that this was a hardware problem. It doesn’t look like that’s the case

Uhhhh well let’s wait and see what actually happens before we say anything confidently, Apple is TELLING us it’s a software issue but that doesn’t mean it’s not hardware. Their “solution” might just be throttling the shit out of their processor. Which, to be fair, might not even be that noticeable as iPhones have processing power to spare.

Remember “antenna-gate”? Apple told us they could fix it with software there too, and it ended up being bullshit. That was a pure hardware problem, but their PR people are trained to say “we’ll fix it with an update” before they actually have any real info. on 01 Oct 2023 18:46 collapse

The reason I say it’s a software issue is because the broader community has been trying to reproduce this over the past week, and folks can reproduce it on a broad array of iOS 17 and iPad OS 17 devices. It’s not just the 15 Pros. on 01 Oct 2023 19:00 collapse

Fair enough, but I still say we wait and see before we say anything confidently. Apple has lied to us in the past. on 01 Oct 2023 20:11 collapse

Given that it’s reproducible on old iPhones and iPads, and there are reports of iOS 17 compatibility issues with apps that go back to Beta 1, it seems like hardware is probably not the big culprit.

The big giveaway should’ve been when people were reporting issues with the Pros and the base 15. The base phone is basically year old hardware.

People should be shitting on Apple’s software QA. on 02 Oct 2023 02:49 next collapse

You are hilarious. There’s like 3 of you responding to each other multiple times in multiple threads. on 02 Oct 2023 09:31 collapse

Can we please stop posting and upvoting these comments that simply seek to offend other (groups of) people for their choice of product/brand? It’s disgraceful and adds absolutely nothing of relevance to the discussion. on 01 Oct 2023 17:55 next collapse

It’s probably not the hardware. Too many people have reproduced this stuff on varying legacy hardware configurations.

That said, people should still be pissed at Apple for their growing trend of buggy software.

Software quality has gone downhill at Apple. Their QA used to be some of the best in the business, but too many major releases ship with something nasty these days. on 01 Oct 2023 18:16 collapse

I remember ios13 was so buggy on release. I was genuinely remorseful for upgrading to it, and it taught me to never upgrade a major version from Apple until months have passed. on 02 Oct 2023 04:53 collapse

This is true for all software releases like this. Wait a couple of patches and update at like .2 or .3 on 01 Oct 2023 20:48 next collapse

I’m really curious to know what it is that causes this. I can’t get mine to do it. Even with something like 3dmark, or heavy games at 120 FPS. It gets no warmer than any other iPhone I’ve had. Which is to say, it gets warm, yeah, but not to the point I can’t hold it. on 01 Oct 2023 22:52 next collapse

Too hot to handle? Blame Lana. on 02 Oct 2023 06:32 next collapse

Pesky Uber!!! I knew they’d be to blame somehow. on 02 Oct 2023 09:53 collapse

Too hot to handle,

Too cold to hold.

It’s called the 15 and it’s in control.