Google paid $26 billion in 2021 to become default search engine on browsers and phones (
from to on 28 Oct 2023 08:00

Google paid $26 billion in 2021 to become default search engine on browsers and phones::The number is a more granular look into how much Google pays partners, including Apple, to be the default search engine on their products.


threaded - newest on 28 Oct 2023 09:04 next collapse

It is just so depressing that no one seems to give a shit about them slowly claiming ownership of the entire internet on 28 Oct 2023 10:55 collapse

Do you mean the Googlenet? on 28 Oct 2023 15:41 collapse

Goonet is where you find your goons in a cyberpunk setting

[deleted] on 28 Oct 2023 09:29 next collapse

. on 28 Oct 2023 10:22 next collapse

I think it is about time i made my own browser on 28 Oct 2023 12:11 collapse

Step one, make your own browser

Step two, get millions of people to actually use it.

Step three sell enough marketing data and ads that you don’t need any additional money incoming.

Then Google will pay you to be the primary search engine. on 28 Oct 2023 11:42 next collapse

Remember when their motto was “don’t be evil” and then they gave it up because they decided being evil was more lucrative? on 28 Oct 2023 19:46 collapse

What a bunch of dumbasses. They were already the default on most everything, so they basically paid $26 billion for nothing. on 29 Oct 2023 14:36 collapse

Google isn’t paying that $26 B cause it want to, but because it knows Microsoft isn’t going to pay that much.