on 15 Dec 2023 15:25
Yes Altman is definitely someone we need to keep an eye on to make sure he doesn’t try to get a copyright assigned to OpenAI for everything their AIs create.
on 15 Dec 2023 00:00
The US Supreme Court has been blocking fair use and ]ublic domain additions for a century now and is still going strong disregarding the public good.
We need to assure robust, legally untouchable, piracy assets that will assure culture will go on through the public no matter how much the state tries to lock it down. Not only for the sake of bypassing enshittification the flourishing of our public culture but the archival and preservation of historical content, since the market gives zero fucks about posterity.
on 15 Dec 2023 02:20
Does copyright pay artists? As it seems to me it pays copyright holders collecting them like trading cards and Artists getting paid is more a side effect.
Copyright concerns redistribution but if one gets paid a satisfied amount in a patron model (before production) you don’t “need” copyright. For work that is copyrighted many consider a Creative Common license that permits redistribution.
If royalties are paid, in most cases the artist will get some. How much depends on the contract he signed. I agree it’s not a great system. I’d like to see some direct licensing with the artist rather than what we have today, but something is still better than nothing.
on 15 Dec 2023 02:24
If copyright blocks it, simply use Generative AI to find a loophole. 😏
on 15 Dec 2023 03:45
The headline gives a bad first impression but I think the text itself has an interesting point. As it stands right now (in the US) the AI gatekeepers can’t copyright any of their output. So each and every piece of generated media is one more piece added to the public domain pile. Most of it is worthless but if there’s anything worth building on someone or someones can do that.
on 15 Dec 2023 03:47
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I have never been worried about the advancement of technology. I am worried about the people that control the technology.
Was reading that and all I could think about was the silver orbs from Phantasm.
Yes Altman is definitely someone we need to keep an eye on to make sure he doesn’t try to get a copyright assigned to OpenAI for everything their AIs create.
The US Supreme Court has been blocking fair use and ]ublic domain additions for a century now and is still going strong disregarding the public good.
We need to assure robust, legally untouchable, piracy assets that will assure culture will go on through the public no matter how much the state tries to lock it down. Not only for the sake of
bypassing enshittificationthe flourishing of our public culture but the archival and preservation of historical content, since the market gives zero fucks about posterity.I’d rather artists get paid personally.
Does copyright pay artists? As it seems to me it pays copyright holders collecting them like trading cards and Artists getting paid is more a side effect.
Copyright concerns redistribution but if one gets paid a satisfied amount in a patron model (before production) you don’t “need” copyright. For work that is copyrighted many consider a Creative Common license that permits redistribution.
If royalties are paid, in most cases the artist will get some. How much depends on the contract he signed. I agree it’s not a great system. I’d like to see some direct licensing with the artist rather than what we have today, but something is still better than nothing.
If copyright blocks it, simply use Generative AI to find a loophole. 😏
The headline gives a bad first impression but I think the text itself has an interesting point. As it stands right now (in the US) the AI gatekeepers can’t copyright any of their output. So each and every piece of generated media is one more piece added to the public domain pile. Most of it is worthless but if there’s anything worth building on someone or someones can do that.
This reminds me a bit of a Charles Stross novel.