on 02 Feb 2024 14:06
TLDR: It’s rendering single images from Doom on cell-based frame displays, not running the game itself.
on 02 Feb 2024 15:27
This always bugs me about the “it runs Doom” posts. 90% of the time it’s just a unique display hooked up to a regular computer where the computer is the thing running Doom or they made some simple raycast game with Doom assets (like all the calculator ones) or they just jammed a raspberry pi in something.
I’m sure this display will show Cyberpunk 2077 if they piped the display in properly. Doesn’t mean e.coli are running a 4080.
on 02 Feb 2024 14:10
Of course it does.:-D
on 02 Feb 2024 14:20
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TLDR: It’s rendering single images from Doom on cell-based frame displays, not running the game itself.
This always bugs me about the “it runs Doom” posts. 90% of the time it’s just a unique display hooked up to a regular computer where the computer is the thing running Doom or they made some simple raycast game with Doom assets (like all the calculator ones) or they just jammed a raspberry pi in something.
I’m sure this display will show Cyberpunk 2077 if they piped the display in properly. Doesn’t mean e.coli are running a 4080.
Of course it does.:-D
That was really cool!
Thanks for sharing.