Meta updates RTO policy with stricter mandate, saying workers may lose their jobs if they don't show up 3 days a week (
from to on 18 Aug 2023 20:00

Meta updates RTO policy with stricter mandate, saying workers may lose their jobs if they don’t show up 3 days a week::Meta, formerly known as Facebook, told employees that its new RTO policy would be enforced by management.


threaded - newest on 19 Aug 2023 01:48 next collapse

Note for non-Americans: “RTO” here means “Return To Office”. (Not Rostered Day Off) on 19 Aug 2023 02:13 next collapse

Thank you! on 19 Aug 2023 04:44 next collapse

Non-American here: was there a chance that RTO stood for Rostered Day Off?

We don’t really use ‘roster’, and we can spell Day. on 19 Aug 2023 05:25 collapse

😂 on 19 Aug 2023 05:10 collapse

Wouldn’t that be RDO? on 19 Aug 2023 07:45 collapse

Meant “Rostered Time Off”. They’re used interchangeably here. on 19 Aug 2023 01:53 next collapse

I show up to my work chatrooms and video calls 5 times a day. My bosses treat me like a professional adult. I get my shit done, fight fires, and communicate to my team and co-workers just fine. My morning routine involves not driving to work, because it’s a goddamn waste of my time.

If you can’t handle remote work, your employees will find places that can. Adapt or die! on 19 Aug 2023 02:28 next collapse

Meta knows this is a dumb policy. This is just a way to lay off workers without actually firing people. on 19 Aug 2023 15:22 collapse

Only problem is that this way you probably lose the most valuable people, which can easily find an alternative on 19 Aug 2023 17:57 collapse

That’s built into the model. Stars carry the weight because they’ve shouldered the responsibility. Others will step up… The work will be subpar, but when companies do risk analysis on stuff like this, they know how much gas they can burn before needing to be competitive again. Just another reason why we need unions in the US. on 20 Aug 2023 09:48 next collapse

Is there an initiative in the tech sector to start a union? on 21 Aug 2023 09:09 collapse

I am not sure the model would work that well. The problem with loosing the stars is that you are also loosing the know how and the past memory of what you have and that are either irreplacable or hard (or at least long) to rebuild.

If the people that remain are not stars there is a reason, I would not bet on the fact that someone who has no other options would step up, not becauae he don’t want but probably because he is not a star to be in the first place.

Anyway, I agree, in the US you should begin to form worker unions or at least to lobby to eradicate the “at will” employment. on 19 Aug 2023 03:00 next collapse

My company has a 3-day/week hybrid policy. It’s lame. Since not everyone is there on the same day, I still sit in my cube on teams chat all day. Most of the time I don’t interact with anyone for work related reasons. And as an introvert, I don’t really go out of my way to engage with people otherwise. on 19 Aug 2023 03:22 next collapse

Hybrid is really the worst of both worlds, none of the benefits of having everyone in office, none of the benefits of never having to go into the office on 19 Aug 2023 03:25 collapse

It can be improved if you use ‘anchor days’ with your team in the office, otherwise it’s a complete waste of time. on 19 Aug 2023 05:09 collapse

My office is an absolute wasteland for this reason. Also because everyone who works there has teammates who are full remote, or in the central US office, the eastern US office, the Japan office, India, etc. There’s no such thing as being physically present with your coworkers ANYWAY, even if you come into the office.

Ironically, I find the office more pleasant now on rare occasions when I go in. It’s SO QUIET and clean. There are no dirty dishes in the sink. The bathrooms are always free and clean. I work in a cluttered home with small children most days and the office is like a luxury resort by comparison. on 19 Aug 2023 03:42 next collapse

A year ago they told people something different and people made decisions around that policy. Reversing course is evil and bad management. on 19 Aug 2023 05:06 collapse

Sounds like the kind of shit you pull when you actively want attrition. There are times when a company needs to cut people and then layoffs happen. There are also times when the company is willing to say “we’re imposing policy X and if you can’t get with that, we’re happy to lose you.” on 19 Aug 2023 16:56 collapse

Which is bad management because it stops you being in control of who leaves and who stays.

In fact, you’re more likely to lose the people you actually want to keep when playing that game because they are the ones with the more employable skills, hence why they can leave in the first place.

The people who stay are those that are stuck, and can’t get jobs somewhere else.

Edit : speeling and gramarr. on 19 Aug 2023 18:18 collapse

Yeah I think it’s a bad option for bad times. I’ve never been in the CEO chair through something like this so I wonder if there’s more to it somehow.

[deleted] on 19 Aug 2023 18:11 next collapse

. on 19 Aug 2023 18:16 collapse

The trouble for Meta employees is that there aren’t many jobs out there with similar compensation.

Even though I’m not in FAANG, I’m in a similar situation. Forced to go in every day, but changing companies would mean halving my pay check. So I go in every day. on 20 Aug 2023 05:15 collapse

Cool, a severance package from Facebook!