Delta says some aircraft flew with uncertified engine parts (
from to on 07 Oct 2023 10:00

Delta says some aircraft flew with uncertified engine parts::The disclosure indicates the extent to which uncertified components linked to a British distributor have been sold globally.


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[deleted] on 07 Oct 2023 10:28 next collapse

. on 07 Oct 2023 14:02 next collapse

“up to 1% of 2100 planes could be affected” followed by “based on our calculations, as many as 21 planes could be affected” made me chuckle. on 07 Oct 2023 14:20 collapse

I’ve been seeing this over the past few weeks and feel like the story changes a bit each time. First it was AOG had vanished and nobody could find any trace of them now they are in front of a London judge. Last time Southwest had found the issue and raised the alarm after making routine checks on inventory, not FAA and EU counterparts notified airlines to check their records. More and more airlines are finding mystery parts on their planes and not disclosing details.

Just a weird story that seems to be getting murkier with every re-telling. I hope some larger investigation clears all of it up.