A Marvelous Footnote in Tech History – the Mindset Computer and the Vyper Game (blisscast.wordpress.com)
from blisscast@lemmy.world to technology@lemmy.world on 17 Oct 2023 21:32

Even if it’s not anywhere as famous as Silicon Graphics machines, this workstation from the 80s has something that others don’t have; a game exclusive to it, that fully takes advantage of the so impressive graphics that it could display! Check it out at the link here!

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sramder@lemmy.world on 18 Oct 2023 16:47 collapse

Nice writeup. I remember seeing an odd looking computer that definitely came with a backpack in the window of a local computer store growing up… unfortunately my memory is a bit to hazy to recall the logo and I was definitely never able to play with it (I asked).

Hopefully you get to Vyper some day :-)