WSJ: China Bans iPhone Use for Government Officials at Work (
from to on 06 Sep 2023 15:55


threaded - newest on 06 Sep 2023 16:21 next collapse

Probably too much privacy. on 06 Sep 2023 16:24 collapse

Apple and privacy can’t be in the same sentence. It does not make sense.

This is just retaliation to the Huawei ban, and to America’s efforts to hurt China’s chip industry.

[deleted] on 06 Sep 2023 17:07 next collapse

. on 07 Sep 2023 02:27 collapse

While Apple may not be perfect when it comes to privacy, they are objectively better for privacy than just about every other manufacturer as it’s profitable to their business model on 07 Sep 2023 06:30 collapse

Based on what? Apple sells a closed source device. Neither you nor me know how much data they retain or share with the government. on 07 Sep 2023 07:01 collapse

I know what their privacy policy states and that they can’t (legally) lie in it (to my knowledge). I also know that they are not an advertising company primarily and that the competition is. That gives other companies far more reason to collect data. Apple on the other hand benefits from being more privacy focused as a selling point. Overall, Apple is far more trustworthy imo when it comes to privacy than others on 07 Sep 2023 07:44 next collapse

Those privacy policies aren’t worth the paper they are written on.

It takes just one FISA letter to compromise Apple. In fact, there is legislation like the Cloud Act that forces US tech companies to betray our trust. on 07 Sep 2023 09:57 collapse

Regardless of that, Apple has at the very least put effort into adding privacy features. Google on the other hand is literally the company that does the advertising. Google’s main business is advertising. I said very clearly that Apple may not be perfect, but they’re objectively more privacy focused than others whether that’s for your gain or theirs on 07 Sep 2023 10:21 next collapse

Android is open source. Apple’s stuff is not. Privacy and closed source can not be in the same sentence.

You can at least customize Android to get rid of offending stuff. You can’t even pick your web browser on Apple. on 07 Sep 2023 11:42 collapse

You can pick your web browser on apple devices, nice uninformed claim. on 07 Sep 2023 12:32 next collapse

Apple does not allow for any real difference in browsers:…/mozilla_google_apple_webkit/ You have to use apple’s WebKit engine. It’s essentially Safari with a slightly modfied skin.

Stop spreading misinformation. on 07 Sep 2023 12:40 collapse

As I agree about the fact that the engine is WebKit for any browser, that was not the point you made, I did not spread misinformation. My claim is still true, you can choose your default browser, however you cannot choose a browser with an engine other than WebKit

FYI, WebKit is open source. on 07 Sep 2023 18:52 collapse

You also can’t have plugins. It’s very limited and a shit policy. Apple should get broken up just for this. on 07 Sep 2023 19:13 collapse

I’ve just looked up to this and found safari web extension so there is definitely plugin for safari on iOS and MacOS You can even convert manifest v2 extension to safari extension so I guess the scope of extensions should be similar.

However it look like a pain in the ass to make as it look like each extension need a dedicated app installed. You can look up tampermonkey website and see that plugins do exist.

Moreover you can do quite cool thing with the shortcut app like enable PIP (and keep video playing when the phone is locked) on YouTube without YouTube premium by executing JavaScript directly on YT

Extension for safari seem to exist since 2010 with safari 5 on 07 Sep 2023 12:54 collapse

Not really though you have to use their rendering engine. on 07 Sep 2023 12:50 collapse

Apple sells ads and it’s ad business is expected to grow. They have literally kicked everyone out and are now the sole source of information on iPhone users.

Another thing I’dime to know does Apple buy data? on 07 Sep 2023 07:57 collapse

You don’t know if they really do what they say they do. This also doesn’t go for stock android with GMS. The best privacy OS is AOSP. I also don’t know how Apple is more trustworthy, they don’t open source anything and you can’t sideload apps unless you go through some jailbreaking process which has its own risks. Android at least does allow you to sideload apks. on 07 Sep 2023 09:55 next collapse

Side loading has absolutely nothing to do with privacy. My main point is that Apple is more privacy friendly than others on 07 Sep 2023 18:23 collapse

Fun fact it has something to do with privacy. And list the others. on 08 Sep 2023 02:06 collapse

Primarily Google as Google is the only other major operating system developer in the mobile market and is also the biggest advertising company in the world on 07 Sep 2023 11:55 collapse

You can sideload on iOS without jailbreak. Check out sideloadly

[deleted] on 06 Sep 2023 23:39 next collapse

. on 07 Sep 2023 03:23 next collapse

Joke’s on them; we hid the surveillance devices in the capitalism. on 07 Sep 2023 13:00 collapse

Thats completely fair and I understand.