China Claims World’s Fastest Internet With 1.2 Terabit-Per-Second Network (
from to on 16 Nov 2023 08:00

China Claims World’s Fastest Internet With 1.2 Terabit-Per-Second Network::Huawei Technologies Co. and China Mobile Ltd. have built a 3,000 kilometer (1,860-mile) internet network linking Beijing to the south, which the country is touting as its latest technological breakthrough.


threaded - newest on 16 Nov 2023 09:00 next collapse

The fastest propaganda propagation ever! on 16 Nov 2023 10:07 next collapse

I’m pretty sure there are internet backbones with more than 1 terabit of bandwidth. You can buy off-the shelf ethernet modules that will do 800gbit.

Maybe they mean they installed a 1.2tbit fiber line in production? Fiber technology has reached 1 petabit, so 1.2 terabits isn’t a world record, either.

I think this news story is just some Chinese superiority propaganda, and the non-technical press is just eating it up. on 16 Nov 2023 15:22 collapse

Yeah my first thought was “eh grab 4 400gbit links and aggregate them and you’ve got 1.2tbit” granted there’s probably some overhead or other bottlenecks that show up when trying to do link aggregation at such a high bandwidth that have to be worked out but this does not seem at all outside of current technological capabilities.

Heck I’ve seen the bundles of fiber that get buried along 2 lane county highways in rural Wisconsin, and this just does not sound impressive at all on 16 Nov 2023 12:08 next collapse

When I see these pro-China pieces, I remember that Chinese citizens can’t speak freely, exercise political will, or breathe clean air. As well as China’s actions towards the annexation/militarization of surrounding waters, erasure of Tibetan and Uyghuar cultures, and propagation of destabilizing online propaganda.

Also, how many times is L4s going to repost this? These repost bots make for spammy, “spectator” forums instead of community-driven content. on 16 Nov 2023 14:23 collapse

“China Claims…” Sure bud.