on 05 Mar 2024 18:19
The dude visited an air show where you can be sure the place will be crawling with spies. Then he called in to a video call from an unsecured line. What a fucking clown show.
on 05 Mar 2024 18:40
Best part was that doofus video calling using his own personal mobile device! 😲🤣
on 05 Mar 2024 18:47
Thug Shaker Mobile
on 05 Mar 2024 19:33
The internet is uncharted land for all of us.
Our previous chancellor in 2013. Still is today it seems.
on 05 Mar 2024 21:22
Motherfucking Neuland.
on 05 Mar 2024 20:09
Blame him, sure.
But if they actually had a secure system, he wouldn’t just be able to join in an insecure way (obviously excluding bugs at his physical location).
on 05 Mar 2024 21:24
That dude is certainly to blame but it’s also a massive institutional failure.
It’s not a clown show. It’s intentional. And it’s working. I’m 99% this was an intentional leak by the West. The first sign is that it was released by TASS, not the Russian government. They were supposedly fed information by a Russian group of hackers. But it smells a lot like these hackers may have been an EU/US intelligence agency.
Why? Because this pops the cherry around the West having soldiers in Ukraine. Unless Russia fires its nukes or attacks a NATO country, this now makes it a fact that the west has soldiers on the ground in Ukraine. This achieves two things.
Now, gently, the West can expand the envelope, and Russia’s boiling frog situation prevents it from having an explosive reaction.
Secondly it derisks Western soldiers dying in Ukraine. Think about it: What’s a better, less risky news story; Russia has killed western soldiers in Ukraine by accident or WE HAVE FUCKING TROOPS IN UKRAINE?!?! AND RUSSIA HAS KILLED THEM?!?!
on 06 Mar 2024 08:20
I’m not quite sure why you thought this was worth typing out. Feel free to disagree with the position I took, I’m happy to debate it. There’s probably something I’ve missed and I’d be happy to be enlightened.
Not sure what there is to bite. I’m just trying to understand more clearly. I’m reading the article, it seems to be talking about how a German officer accidentally leaked some news about missiles. Is the boots on the ground part implied or something?
on 06 Mar 2024 17:51
Mr Pistorius did not name the officer, but said he dialled into the Webex call using either his mobile phone or the hotel’s Wi-Fi network, and not a secure line as would be expected for such calls.
Why would a secure line matter? Are webex calls not encrypted? Even whatsapp calls are e2e encrypted.
threaded - newest
The dude visited an air show where you can be sure the place will be crawling with spies. Then he called in to a video call from an unsecured line. What a fucking clown show.
Best part was that doofus video calling using his own personal mobile device! 😲🤣
Thug Shaker Mobile
Our previous chancellor in 2013. Still is today it seems.
Motherfucking Neuland.
Blame him, sure.
But if they actually had a secure system, he wouldn’t just be able to join in an insecure way (obviously excluding bugs at his physical location).
That dude is certainly to blame but it’s also a massive institutional failure.
It’s not a clown show. It’s intentional. And it’s working. I’m 99% this was an intentional leak by the West. The first sign is that it was released by TASS, not the Russian government. They were supposedly fed information by a Russian group of hackers. But it smells a lot like these hackers may have been an EU/US intelligence agency.
Why? Because this pops the cherry around the West having soldiers in Ukraine. Unless Russia fires its nukes or attacks a NATO country, this now makes it a fact that the west has soldiers on the ground in Ukraine. This achieves two things.
Now, gently, the West can expand the envelope, and Russia’s boiling frog situation prevents it from having an explosive reaction.
Secondly it derisks Western soldiers dying in Ukraine. Think about it: What’s a better, less risky news story; Russia has killed western soldiers in Ukraine by accident or WE HAVE FUCKING TROOPS IN UKRAINE?!?! AND RUSSIA HAS KILLED THEM?!?!
If you say so it must be true.
I’m not quite sure why you thought this was worth typing out. Feel free to disagree with the position I took, I’m happy to debate it. There’s probably something I’ve missed and I’d be happy to be enlightened.
Not very up to date on the topic. Isn’t the article about delivering missiles to Ukraine? Don’t see anything about boots on the ground.
I’ll bite.
The article is about how the news was leaked that the west has a limited set of boots on the ground in Ukraine.
I’ll bite.
The article is about how the news was leaked that the west has a limited set of boots on the ground in Ukraine.
Not sure what there is to bite. I’m just trying to understand more clearly. I’m reading the article, it seems to be talking about how a German officer accidentally leaked some news about missiles. Is the boots on the ground part implied or something?
Why would a secure line matter? Are webex calls not encrypted? Even whatsapp calls are e2e encrypted.