YouTube isn't happy you're using ad blockers — and it's doing something about it (
from to on 07 Oct 2023 06:00

YouTube isn’t happy you’re using ad blockers — and it’s doing something about it::undefined


threaded - newest on 07 Oct 2023 06:17 next collapse

Me, using Piped: what? on 07 Oct 2023 06:31 next collapse

Noob question: do I have to run my own piped server to use it? on 07 Oct 2023 06:39 next collapse

You can, but you can also use one of the many public instances like, and many more on 07 Oct 2023 07:43 collapse

No, you don’t have to. They have a list of public instances. on 07 Oct 2023 07:43 next collapse

Or Revanced, or SmartTube or NewPipe etc etc. Fortunately and thanks to some great devs out there, we’re still able to give Google the big middle finger. on 07 Oct 2023 14:11 next collapse

I don’t mind tasteful, well paced ads. That said, I use New pipe and Firefox with Ublock Origin because no one seems to remember what those are. on 07 Oct 2023 15:43 collapse

uBlock won’t block the new popups. You can remove them, but it will still pause the video at the moment. on 07 Oct 2023 21:43 collapse

That sucks. on 08 Oct 2023 05:39 collapse

I’ve found revanced to stop playing the video after a minute or two unless you frequently update it (which is a manual process)… I no longer listen to lectures while I run errands, because there’s now no convenient way to do it. Ads are out of the question, and finding a video I want to watch only to have it cut out as I get on the road has killed the experience for me

I’m on Android, and open to suggestions on 07 Oct 2023 11:54 collapse

Okay. Explain something to me. I’ve tried to use piped, but it’s just so dogshit slow. Unusably so.

What am I doing wrong? on 07 Oct 2023 12:10 next collapse

I am not sure… are you using a shared instance or self-hosting? I self-host my own instance and have no issue since my deployment on 08 Oct 2023 12:09 collapse

Nothing. It’s dogshit. on 07 Oct 2023 06:26 next collapse

! 2023-10-06

Oh no, anyway. on 07 Oct 2023 07:27 collapse

Is this a rule for an adblock extension? What does it pick out? on 07 Oct 2023 07:43 collapse

It gets rid of the nag screen so you can just watch the video. For uBlock Origin, it’s a bit crude, may affect other bits of interface, I also use the Enhancer for YouTube plug-in for Firefox which is really useful. on 07 Oct 2023 07:45 next collapse

Cool, thanks for the explanation! on 07 Oct 2023 13:19 next collapse

It’ll work until they get annoyed and do what Hulu and Twitch does and bake it into the player. Then we’re kinda fucked. on 07 Oct 2023 15:42 collapse

I quite easily removed it with uBlock using block element, but the video is still paused.

I guess this is a similar solution? on 07 Oct 2023 06:59 next collapse

I’m not happy about YouTube and I’m doing something about it too. on 07 Oct 2023 07:01 next collapse

Continues not using ad block anyway. on 07 Oct 2023 10:15 collapse

Good boy! Pichai is very proud of you (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ on 07 Oct 2023 07:05 next collapse

I’d give up YouTube before ad blockers. on 07 Oct 2023 07:28 next collapse

True, holy shit if they wouldn’t completely bomb you with ads everywhere it might change something, but I accidentally used the official app on my smartphone and I can’t even make out content between the ads in the UI.

Not to speak of the 50s ads for a 20s video, nah won’t ever go back to the official experience.

It reminds me back when ad blockers came around, nobody cared for the one banner or some pictures on the site, but they ripped your arm out and cried when there were finally solutions for solving that harassment. on 07 Oct 2023 09:16 next collapse

Revanced stonks on 09 Oct 2023 04:04 collapse

I used the official app up until we got two ads before every video and the first one is always unstoppable. Now it’s unbearable to use so I use an adblock. on 07 Oct 2023 16:16 collapse

I’m considering giving up Youtube right now with how many times it tries to fuck up my recommendations by sneaking far right BS into my watch history. Especially you, shorts. on 08 Oct 2023 17:18 collapse

Try using third party clients like newpipe or piped on 07 Oct 2023 07:08 next collapse

I really don’t give a fuck what Youtube is happy about on 07 Oct 2023 09:17 collapse



I heard about their plans maybe a month ago and i deleted all my stuff there and left youtube forever. I also already had deleted my gmail before that. I now use freetube on my pc and libretube on my phone.

It’s tiring to have to take measures to make sure you can use the internet as it used to be, though. I feel like i have a digital armor with ghostery, encrypted email, foss software, etc, etc… on 07 Oct 2023 07:26 next collapse

If people don’t want to engage with your business, maybe you need a better business on 07 Oct 2023 07:38 next collapse

I understand that hosting video and streaming it is an expensive business that has to be paid, even if we ignore all the income Google has racked up by profiling people and (ab)using that to show ads. That said, I wouldn’t mind if they had more taste which ads play, in what number and fucking when. Most annoying thing is when the play 3 minute ads on 6 minute video. Not even shittiest TV network does that. And also unskipable ads. These days I skip all, self-promotion and in-video sponsors included. on 07 Oct 2023 08:11 next collapse

Yeah, my experience with youtube ads

Buy a Chromebook


Right wing Youtubers

Don’t vote to make abortion a protected right by the state constitution

Buy a ford

Here’s a pornographic/semi pornographic anime game we are paid to show you


Hey, check out this person’s scam! They paid us to force this scam on you!

Look at these cable news channels’ youtube channels

Listen to this mom who is totally concerned about some bill that will kill or save all the children




buy a jeep

Listen to this prepper try to hock you “survival” gear and shelf stable food

Don’t you remember when families did things? wasn’t that fun? Families, doing things?


I am interested in none of these things on 07 Oct 2023 08:35 next collapse

This exactly! on 07 Oct 2023 11:16 next collapse

I mean, I just get ads for drain cleaner, dog dewormer and metamucil.

I must be boring. on 07 Oct 2023 11:33 next collapse

My 6yo gets a ton of ads for insurance, about the same amount as for toys. It’s weird. on 07 Oct 2023 13:11 next collapse

Liberty Liberty liiiberty…liiiberteeeee. on 08 Oct 2023 13:51 collapse

Looks like the ads worked on 07 Oct 2023 22:50 collapse

I used to get these all the time. Haven’t seen one in almost a year now. I wonder what happened for them to so strongly disassociate something with me? I wish I knew so that I could weaponize it. on 07 Oct 2023 12:59 collapse

You could always spice it up and see what you get.

I use VPNs and ad blockers where I can / when they work. I also have an extension that makes my Internet traffic useless by sending random data. When I need to go to the official YouTube app and get ads I get a smorgasbord. Right now they seem to think I’m either a recently divorced middle aged man with ED who just discovered they are actually a balding gay man or a teenaged girl with period problems and a desperate need for a social media following. Neither of these even come close but it’s always entertaining to see what I get. on 07 Oct 2023 16:44 collapse

That thing, you know that thing that you already buy? Here’s an ad for it! Now we get to lie and say we were the reason you bought it!

It’s so fucking weird how I got way more ads for runescape when I played runescape, and it’s not like I watch less runescape content today. They also seem to think I’m a girl because whenever I do get something unique it’s always for purses, make up, fashion and hygiene products; all of which I have a below-zero chance of ever buying. on 07 Oct 2023 22:49 collapse

I have never gotten an ad for a game I was currently playing. For me it’s always these mobile games, namely ones that use hentai art to sell the game, I have found out some of these are not actually porn games, or the most recent offering from the biggest studios.

Oh you reminded me, hygiene products, all sorts of hygiene products that have been branded to assure me I am not gay, or a woman, for wanting bathe and groom myself. There is also the one where some douche tells me I am not a dish.

I never get fashion ones, however my feed is periodically bombarded with videos to people who make subculture fashion for women. like lolita dresses. I have no idea why. The only thing I can think of is that I show an interest in music with associated subcultures and they just do not know how to get them right. Hey, this guy listened to Lingua Ignota, let’s send him 20 channels discussing pastel colored lolita clothes and kawaii culture. on 07 Oct 2023 09:50 next collapse

These days I skip all, self-promotion and in-video sponsors included.

Sounds like you probably use it but if not, get the SponsorBlock extension to do exactly this. on 07 Oct 2023 21:10 collapse

I am. Thanks for linking to it. on 07 Oct 2023 11:32 collapse

They show those 3 minute ads because they get paid a lot for them. My favorite are the 30 minute documentary ads. on 07 Oct 2023 09:26 next collapse

I don’t give a single fuck what they are Happy about. on 07 Oct 2023 10:40 next collapse

Ironically unreadable article, littered with ads. on 07 Oct 2023 10:54 next collapse

My pihole prevents me from knowing what you’re talking about. on 07 Oct 2023 11:28 collapse

I don’t know what you mean, I’m blocking all of them. on 07 Oct 2023 11:03 next collapse

I’m pretty happy paying for YouTube Premium; it seems like a fair deal given how much my family uses YouTube. But I’m worried that sooner or later YouTube Premium is gonna get Google Graveyarded, or they’re going to insert ads anyway. on 07 Oct 2023 11:18 next collapse

Youtube premium is a very short sighted band-aid solution. Because the more people sign up for it early, the more expensive and/or less convenient it will become later when the ‘market is saturated’ (meaning there’s no one left who wants to sign up for it). When they can’t grow their income through more users, they’ll ramp up prices and shave off services. It’s happening everywhere already and in the end you’ll wish everyone advocated for adblockers a little more because by the time you’re fed up with their pricing, it might already be too late to go back. on 07 Oct 2023 14:40 collapse

This is the real insidious thing about internet enshittification. It’s run by publicly traded corporations so it’s not enough just to squeeze every possible dollar out of your customers, you have to keep ramping up the squeeze. Even once you’re bringing in billions and billions of pure profit with a product that everyone loves, you have an actual legal duty to your shareholders to make it worse in an effort to try to grow the profit even more on 07 Oct 2023 16:33 collapse

Premium has already been enshittified. You used to get Youtube Music alongside it, now you have to buy it separate. The worst part is that a lot of people only bought premium for one or the other, so even among those who bothered to switch over, they cut their userbase in half. on 07 Oct 2023 11:26 next collapse

Just look at where Netflix and Amazon Prime are going.

The days of YouTube premium being ad free are numbered. I suspect 2-3 years before it’s announced, rolled back, and then a stealth rollout is done. on 07 Oct 2023 12:10 collapse

I consider it already not ad free considering how many video creators shove sponsored segments in all their videos. on 07 Oct 2023 12:39 next collapse

That’s largely because youtube native ads aren’t a reliable, predictable or consistant source of income. Plus youtube takes the largest cut of the money from those ads. on 07 Oct 2023 12:59 collapse

I mean I get it and i don’t blame them for doing it, but it just makes googles claim of youtube premium being “ad free” insulting. Why would I give them money when they can’t even pay their content creators consistently enough, forcing them into alternative revenue systems? I’d rather just block ads on youtube and pay my favorite creators directly. on 07 Oct 2023 15:29 collapse

There are plugins to automatically skip those segments too. They crowd source the begin and end times of the ads and automatically skip ahead. on 07 Oct 2023 11:43 next collapse

YT isn’t going to drop premium any time soon. Subscriptions are astronomically more revenue generating then ads, and given YT was always operating at a loss until they stopped reporting revenue altogether premium will probably be the only route to scrape by.

Not to say they can’t enshittify it by raising prices and adding restrictions, but I can’t see them doing anything but trying to force more people to it.

I paid for it for a bit a while back, and it was decent. Of course free tools give considerably better features (adblock, sponsor block, DRM free downloads, better privacy). That and personally not wanting to financially support YT for a variety of reasons has kept me away from it for a long time. on 07 Oct 2023 11:49 next collapse

Guaranteed they’d find a way to double dip. Price gouging, restricting content behind further paywalls, adding ads anyway… absolutely they’ve investigated all those and undoubtedly more.

Switch to Firefox, Chrome is their biggest lever to force this kind of stuff onto people. While Firefox exists and it remains uncool for them to block it they’ll have to compete against piracy and adblockers which will limit their ability to aggressively monetise.

Switch to firefox! on 07 Oct 2023 16:21 collapse

The main reason I never went for premium is that they basically do what the writers strike in Hollywood recently had to deal with: YT keeps pretty much all of the money from subscriptions and creators get almost nothing. Many saw huge drops in revenue after the program went live.

To show just how exploitative their system is: subscribing to a channel (supporting them directly) still has you seeing ads. Even white supremacist “cracker is a slur” Twitch realized the importance of not playing advertisements on the channels you sub to. on 07 Oct 2023 21:12 collapse

FYI, subscribing on YT is equivalent to following on Twitch, free and just for notifications. Twitch subscriptions are more like YT channel members, emotes and all. on 08 Oct 2023 01:49 collapse

I used subscribing as shorthand for channel membership because that shit’s hard to work into a sentence. on 08 Oct 2023 06:49 collapse

Fair enough, but subscribing is used two ways here, so it could be confusing to someone who doesn’t know both. on 07 Oct 2023 11:19 next collapse

*Laughs in nebula on 07 Oct 2023 12:28 collapse

You’re paying for Nebula. If you don’t want ads in YouTube, you can pay for Premium. on 07 Oct 2023 12:48 next collapse

I prefer to pay to the creators more than I want to fund a corporation on 07 Oct 2023 16:13 next collapse

I’m pretty sure nebula is a creator co-op, but I might be getting it mixed up with something else. on 07 Oct 2023 17:49 collapse

Right, which is why I don’t mind paying on 08 Oct 2023 17:14 collapse

I agree. My point is that paying for Nebula will not enable ad-free content on YouTube beyond the handful of creators that have content in some form on that platform. on 08 Oct 2023 19:48 collapse

Who said anything about using nebula for any benefit on youtube? on 08 Oct 2023 23:41 collapse

The article you commented on is about ads in YouTube. Without any context, “laughs in nebula” suggests that somehow this is a solution to that problem, so I’m providing some context into this thread. on 09 Oct 2023 00:17 collapse

Fair point on 07 Oct 2023 15:10 collapse

Nebula has much cheaper pricing than YouTube, and gives creators much more control over their content. I’d rather give my money to them than a company that spends every waking moment thinking about how to screw me and its creators over. on 08 Oct 2023 10:07 collapse

YouTube Premium includes YouTube Music, so the price comparison isn’t on equal footing. My only point is that if you don’t want the ads, you can remove them without an ad blocker. on 08 Oct 2023 15:40 collapse

But I don’t want YouTube Music. I want to watch quality videos without ads where my money benefits creators first, not a corporation first.

So by those metrics, Nebula is still a better bargain for me and a better place to spend my money. on 08 Oct 2023 16:43 collapse

Only one of my YouTube channel subscriptions is on Nebula, so it would be a bad deal for me. It’s almost like this analogy doesn’t hold water and we’re comparing apples and oranges.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s great that there’s a platform that currently puts creators first. Don’t forget that YouTube was that platform once, too, until enshittification brought it to where it is today. I’m hesitant to leap on to a new platform with an extremely limited content offering as I don’t anticipate it will be financially viable in its current form. on 07 Oct 2023 11:38 next collapse

YouTube is WHY I have adblockers to this day. I was Ok with the ads at the beginning and end. When they started cramming 2-3 ads in the middle of a 10 minute video, that’s when I started looking for a solution.

Their greed is why they make $0 from me many years later.

I think it’s rich they aren’t happy with people using them when they’re the ones that made the standard viewing experience awful in the first place. on 07 Oct 2023 13:32 next collapse

The only device I use for YouTube is my android phone, because it runs Firefox and ublock origin. For this exact reason.

Google’s clever though, they broke full screen video in Firefox in Android 13. Now I have to restart Firefox after putting the first video in full screen, after that the videos still play. on 07 Oct 2023 13:39 next collapse

Have you tried ReVanced? Works great for me. on 07 Oct 2023 13:41 next collapse

Revanced works flawlessly on android and gives you the native app feeling on 07 Oct 2023 18:05 collapse

I got this…. * * vanced is that the one?

Edit: vandalized the URL so search engines don’t pick it up on 07 Oct 2023 18:08 next collapse

I guess not, it’s just some ripoff on 08 Oct 2023 02:45 collapse

No, that’s a scam. ReVanced will never be in the Play Store, you have to patch it yourself. There’s instructions on the ReVanced subreddit and it’s easy. And don’t download premade versions either on 07 Oct 2023 14:03 next collapse on 07 Oct 2023 16:44 next collapse

Do you use an iOS device? I have an app that works very well and is on the app store, no side loading on 07 Oct 2023 17:39 next collapse

What’s stopping you from posting the name? I have an iPad that I used to use for YouTube in the kitchen but now it’s only Netflix and nebula. on 07 Oct 2023 18:27 next collapse

In general, posting publicly about these kinds of workarounds is a bad idea. It’d be great to share them with the world, but the sooner Youtube finds out about them, the sooner they break. Keeping the recommendations to in-person or at least in private channels helps to maintain the obscurity that allows them to exist. on 08 Oct 2023 05:52 collapse

There’s zero chance that Google / YouTube don’t already know about the Vinegar Safari extension for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. on 07 Oct 2023 19:27 next collapse

Would love to know the name if you could DM me on 07 Oct 2023 21:35 collapse

Could I ask more about it? My wife is an iOS user. on 07 Oct 2023 18:47 collapse

You can use:


This patches the official YouTube app with a lot of different options including removing those ads.


This scrapes the website, and is my preferred YouTube app. You cannot log into an account though, which isn’t an issue for me. You can also import/export your subscriptions. They are still working on getting comment replies into the app though.


This uses Piped API, and you can choose with instances you want to use. This has comment replies in the app. on 07 Oct 2023 13:40 next collapse

i remember when ads started rolling out when I was much younger and i was like this is odd but ok then they became longer than skippable then an ad played in the middle of my video and i was like must be a glitch haha.

i cannot even look at youtube without an ad blocker i feel like 13 viruses would be downloaded at a glance on 07 Oct 2023 14:07 next collapse

Standup comedy is the most painful on YouTube. Ads just get thrown in the middle of everything. on 07 Oct 2023 15:56 next collapse

What sucks is that my kitten sleeps on my desk and every single time one of their ear-blasting ads comes on he flicks his ears in discomfort. It’s not even that the ads themselves are loud (they are, very very loud) it’s that every syllable and sound effect has the Attack turned up to 11. Sometimes i’ll be in the other room it will sneak an ad on me and all i’ll hear is TKnn TKmm TKTKmm TKTKTKmm mm TKTK mm mm on 08 Oct 2023 08:29 collapse

I was Ok with the ads at the beginning and end. When they started cramming 2-3 ads in the middle of a 10 minute video, that’s when I started looking for a solution. on 08 Oct 2023 08:29 collapse

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I’m open-source; check me out at GitHub. on 07 Oct 2023 11:50 next collapse

Oh no!

Anyway. on 07 Oct 2023 11:51 next collapse

I do find it a bit funny that their adblock-block is to my knowledge just client side JavaScript. Ya’ know, the kinda stuff adblock is built to cutout.

Unless they’re going to be splicing up videos to put the ads into the same file (which would be astronomically resource intensive) or only allow YouTube in app and in seriously locked down Web-Environtment-Integrity browsers it’ll be impossible prevent a device from running or not running code as the user see’s fit. on 07 Oct 2023 13:15 next collapse

only allow YouTube in app and in seriously locked down Web-Environtment-Integrity browsers

This is exactly what they want. Remember their github with the OS integrity authentication service? They’re already there with phones and Chromebooks, now they have to control PCs. on 07 Oct 2023 15:59 collapse

This is correct, and uBlock Origin has already received an update that works around the popup.

This is a game of cat and mouse that Google simply can’t win. I’m fairly certain they’ll add native code in Chrome for detecting ad blockers within the next 12 months.

I can also see a world in which they eventually block third party browsers from accessing it too. Even then there will still always be ways of working around it like revanced, custom chromium builds and so on. on 08 Oct 2023 13:54 collapse

native code in Chrome for detecting ad blockers within the next 12 months.

Just a new header for whether the site allows extensions that are not Google Web Protect certified. on 07 Oct 2023 12:03 next collapse

Considering how prevalent scams and actively malicious content posing as ads are across ad services in general, having an ad blocker is just basic online safety at this point. on 07 Oct 2023 13:53 collapse

I still see fake download button ads distributed via Google’s own ad infrastructure to this day. I even reported a few that were taken down.

For all the AI prowess Google likes to brag about, why can’t they make a simple “does this look like a download button?” detector? The scams are not that clever, most of them follow one of a small number of specific patterns. on 07 Oct 2023 14:21 next collapse

Malicious ad money is ad money on 07 Oct 2023 16:08 next collapse

What’s worse is when corporations try to be funny put a fake download button and the entire ad is like “Wow can’t wait to click this skip button” and they don’t realize that sometimes youtube randomly makes those unskippable so it’s just awkward dead air for 30 seconds. on 07 Oct 2023 18:13 next collapse

It’s not that they can’t, its that they won’t. on 09 Oct 2023 05:52 collapse

Why would they? They would lose money if they did that on 07 Oct 2023 12:36 next collapse

I’ve been paying the €5 ad free subscription without other premium features for years until they announced that it will be discontinued from next month.

So then I am going to take a new look into ad blockers.

Good job, YouTube. on 07 Oct 2023 14:20 next collapse

COUGH vanced COUGH on 07 Oct 2023 15:00 collapse

Re* on 07 Oct 2023 23:51 collapse

Yes, correct! I have to keep bouncing between the two. This time its indeed revanced because the last working version of vanced went down again a couple months ago. And I’m sure in 6 months or so, they’ll start blocking revanced again and by that time github should have a working version of vanced again. I kinda lose track now.

[deleted] on 07 Oct 2023 23:08 collapse

. on 07 Oct 2023 13:41 next collapse

Can’t remember the last time I visited youtube. on 07 Oct 2023 14:01 next collapse

I watch YouTube from my TV, and my Pihole can’t block the ads. So I splurged for premium (which costs about $5/month where I’m at) and would do it again in a heartbeat. Way better experience. on 07 Oct 2023 14:06 next collapse

Is this account run by Google intern? Look at how it’s written.

“Also, I love listening to the newest tunes. And with YouTube music, I can get songs, subscribe to podcasts, and more!” on 07 Oct 2023 14:12 next collapse

Do you really think a google intern is going to bring up Pihole? Not everything is a conspiracy. on 07 Oct 2023 14:13 collapse

No, I hate YouTube music on 07 Oct 2023 14:29 collapse

That’s crazy, it’s like 16 euro a month where I am. on 07 Oct 2023 16:02 collapse

Oh man. I would think twice if my cost was that high.

I do believe good creators should be compensated so I think of this subscription as the alternative to letting the advertisers pay them to get in front of me. I think ad blockers result in the creator not getting the ad revenue, right? on 07 Oct 2023 14:23 next collapse

Between uYouPlus on my Apple devices and SmartTubeNext on my Android devices, I’ve almost never seen an ad on YouTube. I’d just stop using the service if I started to see them in any real number. on 07 Oct 2023 15:59 collapse

Speaking in general, and not about you specifically…

but I’ve seen so many people scream “if company does X, I’m not buying/using their product anymore!”

And company does X

And they scream about it for… a week, then go back to using it, and buying the next version, and singing its praises after the controversy passes.

So I have no faith that the general consumer has the willpower or the give a fuck to stop using these things.

and individuals like you and me, who do actually stop using them, are so rare as to not actually matter. on 07 Oct 2023 16:05 collapse

You’re absolutely not wrong. I have the luxury of just using YouTube to watch golf videos and some niche hobby stuff; I clock in at less than a few hours a week. So, I could easily use that time on the treadmill or riding in a car to read, watch scripted media, or write my DND modules. My consumption of YT is far below most, so I’m certainly an outlier. on 07 Oct 2023 16:09 collapse

My YT consumption has declined drastically.

but in honestly, thats mostly because of covid, and a lot of the intelligent, reasonable people I used to watch falling face first into the conspiracy pit and going absolutely fucking braindead. on 07 Oct 2023 14:37 next collapse

Too bad. If we can’t block these ads, everyone will go elsewhere on 07 Oct 2023 15:10 next collapse

I wish that were true. on 07 Oct 2023 16:31 collapse

Well you could download the videos instead of streaming, that would get rid of ads too. on 07 Oct 2023 15:53 next collapse

Oh? Totally explains why Vimeo is on track to control the space. Wait… on 08 Oct 2023 02:02 collapse

I read that as “Venmo” the first time and was so confused. on 07 Oct 2023 19:22 collapse

Go where exactly? on 07 Oct 2023 14:45 next collapse

Greedy companies like youtube thinking tracking people is fine don’t need my money. I won’t end using adblockers. on 07 Oct 2023 14:54 next collapse

Twitch ads are worse on 07 Oct 2023 16:04 collapse

Twitch is worse, in general.

At least youtube tends to crack down on the pornography on their site, while twitch features it on the front page and actively advertises it

Literally some almost completely naked OnlyFans reject on the front page, right now, doing jumping jacks to make her tits flop about. on 09 Oct 2023 03:24 collapse

True that but I was talking about how youtube allows you to skip ad after 10-20 seconds while twitch has 5 mins unskipable ads. Youtube streaming is better (you can skip and rewind any time) and pays streamers more too. Their ads are both repeatitive cancer though on 07 Oct 2023 15:06 next collapse

What is it with the number of people “happy” to pay for Youtube Premium? Like “why yes, I’m glad I can give a company that spies on me day and night for the privilege!” on 07 Oct 2023 15:27 next collapse

Because their “spying” doesn’t really seem to have any down sides for me, and I get better, more useful, products from it. I don’t really care if they know what woodworking videos my boring ass watches. on 07 Oct 2023 15:38 collapse

They don’t just keep track of what videos you watch, they also keep track of what parts of those videos, as well as everything you search for and everything you begin to search for but never actually do. They also keep track of where you are when you watch the video and what device you are watching it on. on 07 Oct 2023 15:39 next collapse

And? on 07 Oct 2023 15:57 next collapse

Its weird that you are okay with some company doing this.

When if it was some stalker you’d be freeking out and going to the police and begging for help. on 07 Oct 2023 16:41 next collapse

Its weird that you are okay with some company doing this. When if it was some stalker you’d be freeking out and going to the police and begging for help.

This morning I watched a video of a guy making a 5 drawer cabinet out of plywood on my Pixel 6 XL from my home. I skipped the last 30 seconds of the video because I got bored. on 07 Oct 2023 17:00 next collapse

I get it that marketing doesn’t bother you, but several tech companies have been found to give direct access to users’ data to their employees, who used it in all sorts of creepy ways. on 07 Oct 2023 18:39 next collapse

GPS location please.

Obviously I don’t want to know it but be sure there’s hundreds of Google employees that can freely access it. on 07 Oct 2023 20:16 collapse

on my Pixel 6 XL

Congrats, you’ve already made hacking your phone 10x easier by telling a potential attacker what model you use. on 07 Oct 2023 23:37 collapse

lol on 08 Oct 2023 00:18 collapse

Because a stalker might actually cause you physical harm, while Google/YouTube just wants money, and not necessarily your money. I have no love for the ad supported business model, I’m definitely not defending it, but you’re not going to convince someone who doesn’t value privacy to care about it. on 08 Oct 2023 00:47 collapse

People who don’t value privacy, are always the ones that cry the loudest and say such iconic phrases like “WHO LET THIS HAPPEN” when their privacy inevitably gets violated. on 07 Oct 2023 16:37 collapse

And if you are ever in a spot of trouble, they can and will hand that over to the cops to burn you with. Trouble you dont even need to be guilty of, mind you, so long as the data implies you could be.

Like how facebook had records of a girl searching for abortion treatments, and slipped those into uncle sams pockets to put her in jail for daring to want the right of bodily autonomy.

What thing do you do today that will incriminate you tomorrow? on 07 Oct 2023 16:34 collapse

They don’t just keep track of what videos you watch, they also keep track of what parts of those videos, as well as everything you search for and everything you begin to search for but never actually do. They also keep track of where you are when you watch the video and what device you are watching it on.

OMG, the horror… on 07 Oct 2023 16:37 next collapse

It is for those of us who care about our privacy. I for one don’t want nebulous corporations with questionable ethics and data security policies knowing and tracking my every movement. And while yes, I recognize that to a certain extent that is unavoidable in this day and age, I don’t condone it nor do I want it to be easy for them. on 07 Oct 2023 16:56 collapse

People today are just too comfortable with the death of privacy and corporations spying what you do day in and day out.

Everything about us is up for grabs but god forbid anyone watches a meme without monetization. on 07 Oct 2023 20:12 collapse

Give me your current location, list of immediate interests and last 100 searched queries, if you’re so okay with that.

Of course, I don’t expect an obvious corporate shill to have any intellectual honesty. on 08 Oct 2023 01:20 collapse

What are you offering in return? Google gives me what I consider to be valuable services in exchange for that information. on 08 Oct 2023 01:24 collapse

I.e. you do care, so your position is bullshit. on 08 Oct 2023 01:31 collapse

My reply is consistent with every other comment I’ve made in this thread. Google offers me useful services in exchange for my information. You offer nothing. on 07 Oct 2023 16:22 collapse

What kinda bothers me is that I recognize that something like YouTube is expensive to run and just switching to an alternative isn’t super feasible. I would be more than happy to pay for a service like YouTube that I use everyday. HOWEVER, not with their bullshit double dipping. If I am paying a company like Google to use their services, I don’t think it’s unreasonable that their should be an expectation or mechanism where that means I am not just no longer served ads, but that all tracking and data collection about my account(s) are stopped.

That’s never going to happen though :/ on 07 Oct 2023 19:00 next collapse

You mean like cable that we paid for and got ads or like your cell phone/ISP provider charging you while selling your data simultaneously? on 09 Oct 2023 22:07 collapse

Yeah, I never said I thought it was tennable or that any system like I described has ever actually existed. Wishes and dreams, ya know? on 07 Oct 2023 19:17 collapse

That’s a fair criticism. I personally don’t care about it because I gave up on the idea of having any privacy ages ago but I get that people may not be happy with that.

If I were to play devil’s advocate, I can say that the data they collect is important for serving you the right videos but let’s be real here, Google definitely uses it to serve you ads everywhere else on 07 Oct 2023 15:13 next collapse

I don’t think third party apps and services are effected as if now.

We need an alternative on 07 Oct 2023 15:14 next collapse

I read that 2% uses adblocks… on 07 Oct 2023 15:37 next collapse

Advertising is just legal targeted harassment

[deleted] on 07 Oct 2023 16:04 collapse

. on 07 Oct 2023 19:48 next collapse


[deleted] on 07 Oct 2023 20:22 next collapse

. on 08 Oct 2023 07:20 collapse

There are four candles. on 08 Oct 2023 13:44 collapse

I think it’s it’s own thing.

The danger of advertising is not that it is able to brainwash you into changing your opinions. The danger is that repeated exposure to inauthentic stories changes your expectations, and plants paying advertisers in your memory.

This in turn allows your behavior to be controlled, especially in aggregate. You will remember company X sells a thing you want and go buy it, or you will think other people think company Y is environmentally friendly so you will pick them for your vegan barbecue party, or you will have heard of company Z and not automatically skip over their offering in a store. But since it all operates by tampering with your heuristics instead of trying to bowl over your adopted, explicit opinions, it doesn’t trigger any of your protective responses.

And that’s why you should never view an advertisement. on 07 Oct 2023 16:01 next collapse


YouTube is going to kill your grandma on Christmas Eve unless you disable as blockers AND send all the money you have to them in an unmarked envelope. No cops… on 08 Oct 2023 13:47 collapse

s/grandma/Google account/ on 07 Oct 2023 16:52 next collapse

Don’t worry, I did something about youtube. That being uninstalled and only go there if I absolutely have to. on 07 Oct 2023 16:55 next collapse

Fuck you YouTube/Google I’m gonna use an Firefox + ublock origin till death do us apart. If there’s no adblocker I’ll just quit the internet.

[deleted] on 07 Oct 2023 16:58 next collapse

. on 07 Oct 2023 17:56 next collapse

The day I can’t get around youtube ads is the day I stop using youtube. I already refuse to use it on my mobile device or my TV, due to the ads. on 07 Oct 2023 18:22 next collapse

NewPipe is a YouTube app alternative that blocks ads on 07 Oct 2023 18:58 next collapse

Smarttube is even more gooder. on 07 Oct 2023 19:27 collapse

SmartTubeNext for TV, ReVanced for mobile. on 07 Oct 2023 19:27 collapse

It doesn’t block it, it doesn’t even download them or even request them. There is no concept of ad in NewPipe. on 07 Oct 2023 21:23 collapse

Which one? There are 3 newpipe apps in the app store all by different developers, and all “contain ads” on 07 Oct 2023 21:35 next collapse on 07 Oct 2023 23:59 collapse

Thanks! on 07 Oct 2023 22:55 next collapse

The official newpipe isn’t on the play store because it breaks their terms of service, which makes sense considering 2 of the 3 “newpipes” on there are just completely different apps using the name and logo of newpipe. The third is actually newpipe but with loads of ads added, not sure how long it’ll last before Google nukes it.

But yeah for newpipe just get the offical ad free and open source version from TeamNewPipe on GitHub or on F-Droid in the main repo. Or if you want newpipe with no ads and also with sponsorblock, you want to get it from polymorphicshade on GitHub or through F-Droid with the Izzyondroid repo. on 07 Oct 2023 23:29 collapse

On the subject of newpipe, if you also view a lot of videos on NicoNico, Japanese yt, I recommend the pipepipe fork since it allows you to play both yt videos along with videos from NicoNico without ads. Also works with BiliBili in case you like listening to Chinese vocaloid songs or other Chinese content without ads. on 08 Oct 2023 04:45 collapse

The real version is on F-Droid on 07 Oct 2023 18:32 next collapse

YouTube ReVanced gets you completely adfree, configurably de-shittified Youtube with sponsorblock on your phone. (And Youtube Music ReVanced is premium YT music, for free, of course also without ads.)

And Smarttube Next does the same thing on Android TVs, FireTV, and probably some others I haven’t used. on 07 Oct 2023 18:59 next collapse

Smart tube is fucking amazing on 07 Oct 2023 21:57 collapse

I thought newpipe was dead now? on 07 Oct 2023 22:04 next collapse

Still works for me without any issues on 09 Oct 2023 04:05 collapse

Newpipe’s last git commit was two days ago on 08 Oct 2023 03:24 next collapse

My guy there are like 34 different ways to get around YT ads on mobile and TV. on 08 Oct 2023 03:53 collapse

On Android the Firefox app allows the use of extensions including all the adblock options you would find on PC. Works great and for YouTube as well.

[deleted] on 07 Oct 2023 18:35 next collapse

. on 07 Oct 2023 19:14 next collapse

This may be a hot take but I think it’s quite important for YouTube to be profitable because of how difficult running a video platform is already causing there to be no competition. Yeah, I would 100% prefer YouTube without ads (I pay for Premium) and I would love for there to be competition but considering the state of video streaming and how expensive it gets, I’m all for YouTube getting money. on 07 Oct 2023 19:36 collapse

I think if it’s not possible to run anymore without ads, then it’s time to shutter YT and let the competition fill in the gaps. on 07 Oct 2023 20:30 collapse

The problem is that running a video streaming platform is too expensive for there to be competition and YouTube is the only platform with the user base to be able to do it while being profitable. If you want no ads because ads are annoying but you also don’t want to pay for premium, you’re advocating for piracy (which I’m not against either), but if you expect them to keep the servers running even after that, you’re not living in reality

Just to add one more thing, if your criticism of premium is that they still collect your data after that, fair enough (get newpipe), but if you simply want to use YouTube for free and aren’t that bothered about your privacy (like when you use adblock on a browser) then that’s not consistent with that argument either. on 08 Oct 2023 02:13 next collapse

Which is why peertube exists. Dont run a video streaming platform. Run 10 million streaming platforms all tied together. on 08 Oct 2023 03:08 collapse

Yeah, but where’s the user base and content? That’s why YouTube is successful.

As much as I love to shit on Elon Musk and twitter X, the fact that he’s paying users that generate traffic to his website means that he realizes the importance of user generated content. That’s one good thing I commend him for. on 08 Oct 2023 14:07 collapse

too expensive for there to be competition

How does that work, exactly? For something like a railroad or a power grid, you get a natural monopoly because you need a system to connect everyone to everyone else for it to really work, and you need to pay to build out the connection to each person.

For video streaming, you need to pay for servers to transcode, store, and serve the video. Which is expensive, sure. But then each user comes in over the Internet; you aren’t paying to connect directly to their house, and you aren’t putting a CDN node in every town when the town has 5 users who can just talk to the central deployment.

If you want to run ads, you find some network that places video ads, and you get the ads from them and you run them. Maybe they don’t pay enough and the service is not profitable, but what would make that change if the service were bigger?

Where are the huge, unassailable costs? Where is the revenue you can’t get unless you are the absolute biggest? on 08 Oct 2023 17:02 collapse

The issue is content. Sites like daily motion didn’t have the content to bring in the user base. No users means less incentive to make content means less incentive to make content for it, means less users and so on… that’s the real reason no one’s got competition on 07 Oct 2023 19:15 next collapse

we are not happy to endure 4minutes of ads for product we don’t care about, each time we play a video. on 07 Oct 2023 19:21 next collapse

The thing is YouTube just can’t be nice about it. It just cannot. In times that it was adblocker resistant, they’d add more and longer and worse ads until they pissed off enough engineers who collectively declared it a crisis and built the many anti-YouTube-ad solutions we have, from alternative YouTube mirrors to the Firefox packages.

We’ve seen this play out in the tech industry multiple times, and always the public wins thanks, largely to programmers who just get ticked off and spend a weekend on pizza to create a bypass.

The executives at Alphabet know all they have to do is allow concessions to be only mildly annoying and leave them. Five minutes of commercials for fifty minutes of content? That might be fair so long as it’s pizza ads and not Jesus ministries telling us how sinful the LGBT+ are or Matt Walsh suggesting we make it illegal for some folk to vote.

But they can’t do that. Shareholder Primacy means Alphabet must push for record profits, even if it means enshittifying all their services, including YouTube, and that means a 1/4 ad to content ratio and increasing that until it’s intolerable and ad-based profit numbers go down due to failing viewership. on 07 Oct 2023 21:04 next collapse

Five minutes of commercials for fifty minutes of content?

Yeah, and besides, that shit barely functions on TV/streaming because someone paid to have quality content created. When you’re clicking around yt and you don’t know if a video is decent or dogshit, why should you have to sit through long ads just so you can watch a minute before you decide the content sucks? on 09 Oct 2023 04:10 collapse

This is frequently brought up as a problem for twitch as well. On the rare times someone decides to check out a new streamer without many viewers they get ads before the stream and most people aren’t going to sit through that for a streamer of unknown quality so it makes it even harder for new streamers to get discovered. on 07 Oct 2023 21:12 collapse

How do you guarantee pizza ads if the jesus ministries are pushing that sweet money around, too?

Hell, no! The world is happier without the ad industry. The Internet was run basically on pure voluntary effort, and it was great. The ads didn’t make it viable, it always was. on 07 Oct 2023 19:28 next collapse

Nerevar, dont scare me like that. What is it Nerevar? it’s 4 am! i am not due for my daily skibidi toilet until 10 am.
Nerevar, you fool. What an intoxicating and grand irrelevancy. I pay the guild of google 12 bucks a month so they leave me alone with ads. Why would I Dagoth Ur(the god), care for such an issue. I am a god, Nerevar. I can pay whatever i want. No i will not buy girlscout cookies for you. Go back to bed. You’re waking up the gnomes. I do not care for their nuisance. on 07 Oct 2023 20:25 next collapse

Too fuckin bad for YouTube. I won’t change my behavior, I’ll just not use YouTube.

Fuck em on 07 Oct 2023 22:40 collapse

Many literally fucked them. This hack was working for a day on 08 Oct 2023 01:01 next collapse

That’s amazing but I wouldn’t be at all surprised to here that anyone who did got it reversed if not just outright banned from Google. I certainly wouldn’t have tried in on my main Google account. on 08 Oct 2023 01:44 collapse

Its still working but who knows for how long. I doubt if google will ban it. on 08 Oct 2023 02:43 collapse

What happens when google decides to fix this? What happens to the data beyond the free tier? My guess is that it’ll be deleted, and you’d be screwed if you used this as your backup solution.

E: still a really cool hack! on 08 Oct 2023 03:52 collapse

Bruh anyone with half a brain cell won’t use google account to store personal data. All that 30tb goes to storing 4k movies and porn lol. on 08 Oct 2023 04:09 collapse

You… make a really good point, actually hahahahahaha on 07 Oct 2023 20:32 next collapse

uBlock Origin for the win. on 07 Oct 2023 22:04 collapse

Yeah I blocked the little message with the dropper tool and the stupid clear background thing it makes too. on 08 Oct 2023 02:40 next collapse

Make sure you clear all caches and update the filters in uBO, that’s the recommended way to prevent the message from popping up on 08 Oct 2023 08:50 collapse

stupid clear background thing

In web design that’s called a modal. on 07 Oct 2023 22:41 next collapse

FUCK GOOGLE/YOUTUBE on 08 Oct 2023 02:22 collapse

You’re really sticking it to them. Keep up the good work solider. on 07 Oct 2023 23:38 next collapse

I already only use FOSS front ends to access YouTube. If content existed elsewhere like Peertube or Odysee I wouldn’t be using YouTube at all. on 08 Oct 2023 00:55 collapse

Revanced also appears to be awesome, I’ve just started using it.

Better than from what I can tell. on 08 Oct 2023 01:31 next collapse

Ok. So why aren’t we all using peertube? on 08 Oct 2023 01:47 next collapse

If more content creators moved to it, more viewers would switch to it to follow the content. The fact it’s barely got anything on it is why most people, who only view the videos and not make them or post them, do not use it. Which the creators will turn around and say is the reason they don’t use it as well; the viewers aren’t there. Stupid perpetuating cycles of fuckery. 😩 on 08 Oct 2023 02:21 next collapse

Am I out of touch?

No. It’s other peoples fault. on 08 Oct 2023 02:26 collapse

In highschool, my friend group of maybe a dozen had an sms group chat. I spent months suggesting that we switch to signal, but to no avail. Eventually, I convinced one person to join, which made it a bit more convincing for another, and then a few more, and so on. Signal is now the primary means of communication for this friend group, showing that change is indeed possible. Keep fighting the good fight until the rise of these alternative platforms becomes inevitable. on 08 Oct 2023 04:39 collapse

Because it currently sucks? on 08 Oct 2023 05:59 next collapse

What sucks about it for you? on 08 Oct 2023 09:00 collapse

It’s a little confusing for the average user, just like other fedi sites like lemmy and mastodon. First search result on google doesn’t even link to a peertube site where you can actually watch videos. DDG does show as the first result, so thats good. on 08 Oct 2023 18:39 collapse

I like the idea, but for some reason on both my laptops its usage can shut down the internet connection until I reboot. It happens sometimes with regular torrents, but with Peertube it is a consistent issue.

[deleted] on 08 Oct 2023 02:23 next collapse

. on 08 Oct 2023 02:56 collapse

I would consider turning my ad blocker down or off if:

  1. Ads got less annoying. Many ads are profoundly obnoxious.
  2. Ads got shorter. I really don’t need your bizarre little comedy skit; some of my favorite ads are just "Hey Burger King is selling a burger with onion rings and barbecue sauce on it. You should be able to sell me a cheeseburger in ten seconds.
  3. Ads got less repetitive. I have blacklisted so many products and companies because of overly repeated ads. I will not forgive Dr. Squatch for reminding me every minute that I’m not a dish, I’m a maaan.
  4. Youtubers form a union and begin collective bargaining with Alphabet the way the record labels do.
  5. Political and pharmaceutical ads are outright banned from all forms of broadcast. I absolutely will not ask my doctor about maximum strength shitabrick, and if I wanted to be lied to I’d ask my mother how I look. on 08 Oct 2023 03:23 next collapse

Your mother’s pretty honest about how I look on 08 Oct 2023 03:29 collapse

Yeah she’s pretty brutal with the folks she doesn’t give a shit about. on 08 Oct 2023 04:38 collapse

Agreed. Granted I’ve had premium since like 2015 so I guess this is a non issue for me.

None the less, you’re correct. Midroll ads on a ten minute video is absolute bull shit. on 08 Oct 2023 03:02 next collapse

I’m torn because fuck ads, but also YouTube is probably the most expensive website on earth to run (just the website itself, obviously a shipping company with a website will cost more.) Video is just obscenely expensive to store and they let free accounts upload 4k and keep it private.

I honestly don’t know the solution here because YouTube being free is amazing, but they’ve literally never made money. I think a business model like nebula is more sustainable, but it sucks for those that can’t afford it.

(To head off any arguments, I’m pro piracy, I just can’t blame YouTube to trying to stop people) on 08 Oct 2023 04:28 next collapse

If the ads weren’t so intrusive I wouldn’t mind nearly as much. As it is, if you don’t block them, you’re watching ads as much as you’re watching content. In-line ads would be better I think, but forcing an ad before the video is annoying as hell. on 08 Oct 2023 04:36 collapse

True. Back in 2011 they didn’t bother me at all. I think the issue is once everyone started using ad blockers they had to start squeezing the schmucks that weren’t.

That and they started allowing unrestricted 4k uploads. That imo is their main issue with money. on 08 Oct 2023 06:03 collapse

I understand where the “everyone using adblockers, makes it worse for those who don’t” argument comes from, and it generally makes sense. But I also have my suspicions that the expectations of infinite growth in publicly traded companies would probably have made it happen, even if nobody used adblockers. That being said, as someone who is giving YouTube money every month to not have ads, there’s a reasonable argument that I’m enabling their bad behavior.

Fully agree on the 4k uploads thing though, and it also seems to be hurting the bitrate of lower resolutions. Up until around 2021 I primarily watched and preferred 480p when watching on tablets and sometimes even lower on my phone, for me it was a good balance of lower data usage and acceptable image quality. They’ve cut the bitrate so much at the low end though now, that sometimes even on a small phone screen I have to watch at 720p just to keep things from looking like they were recorded off a video conference from the early 2010s. Maybe 720p just is the new 480p and it’s using a similar amount of bandwidth, but it feels like they’re chasing the “bigger number better” crowd, rather than just defaulting to a reasonable resolution, with a high enough bitrate that most people won’t feel the need to adjust it. on 08 Oct 2023 04:44 next collapse

It feels like we should have solved this issue a decade ago with bittorrent.

A website is just a frontend for a fileserver, so why are we not distributing these files across the globe, where we all volunteer a bit of storage and bandwidth to services we want to use.

Websites really need be nothing more than indexes and trackers which serve up a list of peers who are hosting the files we want. on 08 Oct 2023 07:35 next collapse

It’s harder to profit from that, so obviously that’s not the direction things went. on 08 Oct 2023 07:51 collapse

To be fair, they aren’t exactly profiting from the current strategy. on 08 Oct 2023 20:21 collapse

Youtube itself might not be making a profit, but I double Google as a whole isn’t by having YouTube. They keep you in their ecosystem longer, and that’s good for them regardless of if you’re watching ads. on 08 Oct 2023 08:03 next collapse

How would the content creators get rewarded in that system? Some of the YouTube ad money goes to the channel the ad is shown on. on 08 Oct 2023 08:52 next collapse

I doubt a p2p network would be able to match YouTube:s current performance. on 08 Oct 2023 18:37 collapse

Because have you ever stumbled upon dead torrents? I see this more as a backup method to relieve the load rather than the only one.

(Wish I had a perma-online SBC to seed my torrents btw) on 08 Oct 2023 07:59 next collapse

Another sane take. Seriously, a breath of fresh air after seeing people on both Reddit and Lemmy talking about this with the entitlement of the average r/ChoosingBeggars post on 08 Oct 2023 08:54 collapse

Meh, YouTube has been profitable for years now despite all the people using adblockers. They aren’t hurting for money anymore. I pay for it but I wish they’d separate out YouTube music from the sub because YTM sucks ass. on 08 Oct 2023 16:22 collapse

So if they stop people from skipping ads and the people then stop watching altogether, what’s the difference? They’d save on some bandwidth but look less inviting to advertisers since they have less viewers.

We need a new internet, one free from corporations. on 08 Oct 2023 03:08 next collapse

I’d be down to pay YouTube to watch 2k - 4k videos, I’m shocked they allow people to upload videos on that resolution to begin with.

Now, if they start intentionally blocking adblockers, or have a way to force around them (like Twitch) I’d immediately stop using it (like Twitch) on 08 Oct 2023 03:20 next collapse

YouTube, I’ve been using ad-blockers since the advent of pop-up ads in the late 90s. You’ve never been able to stop this, and you aren’t going to now.

I don’t use the YouTube app or watch your videos on my browser. I use FreeTube on desktop, LibreTube and GrayJay on mobile and FCast on TV so 🖕 on 08 Oct 2023 06:00 next collapse

Thanks for mentioning LibreTube! I’ve installed it. on 08 Oct 2023 13:46 collapse

You’re welcome. I recommend disabling the Piped API as it will cause constant connectivity issues, and you don’t need it if you have a VPN. on 09 Oct 2023 00:56 collapse

Can you tell me more about fcast? I’m looking to get away from ads and app limitations on Chromecast but I need the same phone-based UX on 08 Oct 2023 05:08 next collapse

Maybe I’ll disable AdBlock if you get rid of unskippable ads. What’s that, you’re not gonna? Then I’m not gonna. on 08 Oct 2023 13:21 next collapse

Skippable ads don’t bring in enough revenue to cover infrastructure costs on 08 Oct 2023 16:18 collapse

Then they should have less ads and charge more for them. on 08 Oct 2023 17:01 collapse

I assume neither of us are in the ad business so we can’t say for sure but, if they could charge more for skippable ads, I’d bet they would have already on 08 Oct 2023 19:09 collapse

I was in the ad business for a about 5 years. They’ll pay more. The better the data, the more the pay. If you’re offering exclusive ads that your demographic will see, you’ll pay. on 09 Oct 2023 01:21 collapse

Okay but would that not require more user and data tracking that Google is already being criticized for? on 08 Oct 2023 14:17 collapse

The worst thing is ads every two or three minutes in some videos. Not even TV is like this. No thanks. on 08 Oct 2023 05:32 next collapse

What is even more infuriating, I’m from one of the countries that had YouTube Premium Lite available. €6,99 for adfree YouTube with none of the ‘offline’ or YouTube Music nonsense that I wouldn’t be using anyway.

My wife and myself have been subscribed for about 6 months now, totally seeing the value of it. Literally one month after signing my mum also onto it, she gets an email telling her that her subscription will end in a month from now.

Fuck that shit.

YouTube Premium Lite was perfect, affordable and removed exactly the main issue with YouTube: ads. Endless stupid amounts of ads.

I’ll go back to Firefox with any amount of extensions that block ads and block the ad-block blockers. Google would have to burn the browser market to the ground before I’ll consider subscribing again. on 08 Oct 2023 06:33 next collapse

Google would have to burn the browser market to the ground before I’ll consider subscribing again.

They’re sure as fuck trying. on 08 Oct 2023 07:57 next collapse

To be fair, this is the most sane take I’ve seen about this from the pro adblock side. That’s actually fucked up if they killed it out of nowhere but also sounds like Google. on 08 Oct 2023 08:04 next collapse

The irony in this? They have just announced this very subscription plan in Germany. Not even a week after axing the plan in some neighbouring countries. on 08 Oct 2023 08:40 next collapse

I recommend going to India (VPN) in order to buy premium Together with the family option, you can get to about 1$ a month on 08 Oct 2023 16:14 next collapse

I won’t ever sub. I’ll find a different hobby/time sink. I won’t ever have to worry about it though, the high seas are always more inventive so there will always be content to watch. on 08 Oct 2023 19:35 collapse

with you all the way, brother. on 08 Oct 2023 06:14 next collapse

YouTube can get bent with its biased algorithm pushing alt-right conservative crap to the masses. on 08 Oct 2023 08:15 next collapse

Well, we got to the point where it’s too much so… on 08 Oct 2023 08:29 next collapse

A wild Peertube appears on 08 Oct 2023 09:13 next collapse

Users are not happy with the amount of ads on YouTube and are doing something about it. What YouTube does not seem to recognize is that if you take their ads, plus the sponsored videos on the platform, it is all WAY too much. Like way way way too much and thus they are fighting a loosing battle here.

The core issue here is that there are many players involved in a video that all need to get paid. You have the YouTuber, YouTube, and most of all, shareholders who legally demand a return on their investment and will squeeze every last cent they can, even if it kills the company which seems to be the path we are on.

There are decentralized alternatives for video like Lemmy is for discourse, but like Lemmy, most rather use a big, “safe”, corporate service so here we are. How far will we have by to fall before we recognize that centralized services with shareholders are a dead end? Based on the stagnant price of Bitcoin for the past year or so, it seems we prefer falling and being exploited. Not the smart people here though as we are not seeing any ads on Lemmy. Decentralization is the solution, but far too many are spending time installing and maintaining ad blockers versus just leaving for less exploitative decentralized alternatives.

Oh well. Human gonna human and YouTube is gonna be a corporation to ensure shareholders get their return as they have no choice. Like literally they have no choice as directors legally need to do everything they can to drive shareholder value, not customer value.

That felt good to write. Rant complete I guess. on 08 Oct 2023 12:28 next collapse

Yeah I agree. Although decentralized servers also cost money so I make sure to pay the admins. I don’t mind paying for things that I use, but I just don’t think Youtube premium is a good deal :( on 08 Oct 2023 16:43 next collapse

YouTube Premium should be tiered. First tier as it is now, but cheaper because it’s not good enough (I would pay maybe $8). And a higher tier with the current price that has actual offline capability, etc. on 08 Oct 2023 16:44 collapse

YouTube premium is the worst streaming deal I’ve found. Yesterday I cleaned up all my streaming services and my wife was interested in adding YouTube premium. It’s $23/mth for absolutely no features that are worth it. I pay less for the D+/hulu bundle. I have no idea why anyone pays for it. It’s cheaper to buy a media PC every year to use ublock in a browser than pay for YouTube premium. on 08 Oct 2023 16:56 collapse

Like literally they have no choice as directors legally need to do everything they can to drive shareholder value, not customer value.

This is not accurate. While there are laws protecting shareholders from malfeasance like deliberately reducing share value, it is not meant to mean (nor have there ever been cases brought) by shareholders for companies not doing enough to drive shares. on 08 Oct 2023 09:56 next collapse

Somewhat related, how has people’s experience been with Viewtube?

[deleted] on 08 Oct 2023 12:19 next collapse

. on 08 Oct 2023 13:01 next collapse

tech savvy purple is my favorite color

edit: the typo was funny, man. why did you have to fix it on 08 Oct 2023 14:10 collapse

I’m partial for advanced knowledge blue. on 08 Oct 2023 19:33 collapse

Wisdom Cyan is where it’s at. on 08 Oct 2023 15:50 collapse

Are you implying the people behind YouTube aren’t tech savvy? on 08 Oct 2023 16:28 collapse

I think they’re just implying that even if YouTube figures out how to block adblock, someone will just find a way to block the adblock block and so on ad infinitum. It will just be the same game of cat and mouse we’ve been playing for years with the intrusive ad business. on 08 Oct 2023 22:03 collapse

Victory to the adblock block blockers! on 08 Oct 2023 14:31 next collapse

I keep seeing these headlines, but my ad blockers all still work just fine. So, good job Google and YouTube lol on 08 Oct 2023 16:28 next collapse

It’s an arms race. They block adblockers, adblockers block the anti-adblocks. It breaks for maybe like a few hours before it’s circumvented. on 08 Oct 2023 16:41 next collapse

I think that just means you weren’t part of the test group.

I was part of it. It’s not that ad blockers don’t work - they still work fine. YouTube just doesn’t load the content; it’s a full screen modal telling you to disable it.

When it happened to me, I was able to just open the link in a private window and it loaded fine - ive_never_seen_this_man_before_in_my_life.jpg - but that may have just been because it was a test; if they roll this out to everyone everywhere I’m guessing that wouldn’t work.

The other thing that worked was yt-dlp … Hopefully that won’t be impacted by the adblock prohibition… That also gets around workplace filters (at my work anyway). on 08 Oct 2023 17:17 collapse

This is a naive take TMHO.

Youtube has been rolling this out, phased, slowly, for the last few months. Judging peoples reactions and engagement levels.

They are only mildly foolish and know that ad block users are some of their most engaged and tech savvy. Just like ad block users generally know that youtube can’t exist without ad, and if everyone used them, we might all be worse off.

Roll it out quickly, and you create awareness and ignite the fuckery out of the arms race, do it slowly, watch the engagement, and try to find the best messaging to bring “us” “back on side”, and maybe they stand a chance to shift the needle.

(Firefox nightly + ublock origin for the record, had ad block messages on/off from Youtube for about a week) on 08 Oct 2023 17:26 next collapse

Add SponsorBlock and some extension that allows you to download videos and your gtg. on 08 Oct 2023 17:52 collapse

Again, im not naive enough to think that everyone can block all ads without consequence.

So I don’t use sponsorblock.

If I’m that offended by a sponsor spot, I can always skip it (an option usually unavailable with typical ads) or just close the video. If you’re pushing crytoscams, I’m pushing close. on 09 Oct 2023 03:42 collapse

Then you should support an opt in system for ads I assume. Opt in. Heart’s content. Bob’s your Uncle. on 09 Oct 2023 05:30 collapse


I acknowledge I’m a selfish asshole with ads, but also that some ads and ad platforms are abusive and virus ridden.

I know that platforms like Facebook and YouTube couldn’t exist without Ads, but I choose to block them anyway. on 08 Oct 2023 19:31 next collapse

I feel like their A/B testing also takes into account an individual user’s propensity to leave their service permanently. on 08 Oct 2023 22:15 next collapse

Before long, Google will kick Origin out of their stores for malware like behaviour. 😂 on 09 Oct 2023 01:38 collapse on 09 Oct 2023 08:40 collapse

Roll it out quickly, and you create awareness and ignite the fuckery out of the arms race, do it slowly, watch the engagement, and try to find the best messaging to bring “us” “back on side”, and maybe they stand a chance to shift the needle.

I think they are too naive then… I mean, how do they plan to win back people that use adblocker blocking the adblocker ? Forcing them to disable the adblockers ? It is clear that this action will start an armed race (not that it was never an armed race in this situation). on 08 Oct 2023 14:53 next collapse

I had a good YouTube binge last night, and my ublocker worked fine. Google didn’t do anything on 09 Oct 2023 01:51 collapse

They are only rolling this out to a subset of people. on 08 Oct 2023 18:17 next collapse

What about android apps like “revanced” which allow you to have all the premium features and ad blocking without having to pay premium. It is legal as well.

All a person has to do is google search for it and download a proper version YouTube apk and then patch it and they are off to the races!

I used to pay for YouTube family for years, but they got greedy and raised prices. Now after about 30 mins of getting it set up once I never have to pay again. on 08 Oct 2023 21:28 next collapse

I could never figure it out. I did it once with vanced then could never figure out revanved. on 08 Oct 2023 21:59 next collapse

Make sure you’re patching the correct version of the YouTube app, revanced manager will tell you what the current best one is. on 09 Oct 2023 03:28 collapse

Download the Revanced Manager. Tap on the ‘Patcher’ tab at the bottom. Tap on ‘Select an Application’. Look for YouTube. If it’s not there at the top then search for it. That box that showed YouTube will also show what version of the YouTube app you have installed and what version they recommend you install so you can patch it. This is where it gets complicated.

Go to your web browser and search for ‘YouTube apk’. I usually use apkmirror for my downloads but if anyone has another suggestion that’s better, go for it. Tap on the link to go to the YouTube apk page on apkmirror and scroll down the page until you find the version number that matches the one listed in Revanced Manager. Tap on the downward-facing arrow icon and it will take you to the page for that version of YouTube. Scroll down and it will show you the different variants available for that version. Tap the download icon next to the variant that says ‘no-dpi’ and it will take you to that variant’s download page. Scroll down and tap on the download button; this button will also display the size of the apk which should be around the 120-ish MB range. When the download is finished a little window should popup asking if you would like to open the file. DO NOT open the app yet. At this point you are going to switch back to Revanced Manager.

Hopefully you’re still on the Select an application screen. If not then follow the instructions in the first paragraph until you are. At this point the installed and recommended version of YouTube should match. If it doesn’t, that’s okay. Tap on YouTube and a window might pop up asking to select the apk file. Find the file you downloaded if you need to. Then tap the ‘Patch’ button and let it run. It will take a few minutes and it will look like it’s stalled out at times but it’s not. Just let it go until it’s done. Tap ‘Install’. If it asks if you want to upgrade YouTube then tap ‘Upgrade’.

Once that’s done you’re good to go. on 09 Oct 2023 00:21 collapse

i run the mobile firefox app with virtually the same add-ons as i do on pc. it’s not quite as snappy as a native app on a mobile device, but it works well. you can even turn the screen off and the videos continue to play (music/podcasts/etc) as they did in the vanced app. on 08 Oct 2023 22:08 next collapse

anyone have a good chrome extension that blocks youtube ads? The one I was using was just flagged for malware on 08 Oct 2023 22:11 next collapse

UBlock Origin on 09 Oct 2023 00:23 next collapse

why even use chrome? firefox with add-ons is the way to go. eventually google will break any plugin preventing ads and privacy on 09 Oct 2023 02:00 next collapse

I’ve been using this one and its been working well so far on 09 Oct 2023 02:16 next collapse

Yeah. Don’t use chrome and use Firefox. Then install the Adblock extension on Firefox.

Stop supporting google by using their browser. on 09 Oct 2023 04:49 next collapse

Firefox and ublock origin on 09 Oct 2023 06:34 collapse

The problem here is Chrome - guess what, the company that brought you YT also makes the Browser that prevents ad blocking by simply calling ad blocking software “rogue”. on 09 Oct 2023 04:04 next collapse

Good thing I avoid YouTube as much as possible. on 09 Oct 2023 04:13 next collapse

laughs in DNS ad blocker

chortles in SponsorBlock

guffaws in AdNauseam on 10 Oct 2023 19:01 collapse

In this case DNS blocking is useless tho on 09 Oct 2023 04:20 collapse

Youtube can go fuck itself. I was one of the few people who was committed to not using an adblocker - corporate assholes or not, I recognized that advertising was why Youtube exists for free.

3 unskippable ads on every fucking video broke me. Youtube can burn, I’m just burning bandwidth until it does.