accidentally deleted wrong community - no way to resubscribe?
from to azorius on 06 Mar 19:34
from to azorius on 06 Mar 19:34
I accidentally clicked 'delete' and 'save group changes' for the wrong community (to get it off the public /groups), and now I can't seem to be able to subscribe to it again. searching for the community only gives "it's dead; it's gone; it may never exist again", so I suspect that it's on a banned list somewhere now. i can't see any ui to un-ban a community? am i supposed to remove it from the database?
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Yeah, for now you have to delete the tombstone from the database by hand.
thanks, did a
delete from tombstones where what = '';
and was back in business :)Unfortunately, I don't think there will be a review screen anytime soon. I have 35000 tombstones. Well, maybe we can make it just the more recent entries. That could be useful.
Okay! On the admin/peers tab, there's now a list of recent tombstones that can be undeleted.