How web bloat impacts users with slow devices (
from tedu to webdev on 17 Mar 2024 00:47

CPU performance for web apps hasn't scaled nearly as quickly as bandwidth so, while more of the web is becoming accessible to people with low-end connections, more of the web is becoming inaccessible to people with low-end devices even if they have high-end connections. For example, if I try browsing a "modern" Discourse-powered forum on a Tecno Spark 8C, it sometimes crashes the browser. Between crashes, on measuring the performance, the responsiveness is significantly worse than browsing a BBS with an 8 MHz 286 and a 1200 baud modem. On my 1Gbps home internet connection, the 2.6 MB compressed payload size "necessary" to load message titles is relatively light. The over-the-wire payload size has "only" increased by 1000x, which is dwarfed by the increase in internet speeds. But the opposite is true when it comes to CPU speeds — for web browsing and forum loading performance, the 8-core (2 1.6 GHz Cortex-A75 / 6 1.6 GHz Cortex-A55) CPU can't handle Discourse. The CPU is something like 100000x faster than our 286. Perhaps a 1000000x faster device would be sufficient.

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